

Role of natural transformation in the evolution of small cryptic plasmids in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

Nies F., Wein T., Hanke D. M., Springstein B. L., Alcorta J., Taubenheim C. & Dagan T. (2023) Environmental Microbiology Reports. 15, 6, p. 656-668

Clustering predicted structures at the scale of the known protein universe

Barrio-Hernandez I., Yeo J., Jänes J., Mirdita M., Gilchrist C. L., Wein T., Varadi M., Velankar S., Beltrao P. & Steinegger M. (2023) Nature. 622, 7983, p. 637-645

CARD-like domains mediate anti-phage defense in bacterial gasdermin systems

Wein T., Johnson A. G., Millman A., Lange K., Yirmiya E., Hadary R., Garb J., Steinruecke F., Hill A. B., Kranzusch P. J. & Sorek R. (2023) BioRxiv.


Bacterial origins of human cell-autonomous innate immune mechanisms

Wein T. & Sorek R. (2022) Nature reviews. Immunology. 22, p. 629-638

Phage anti-CBASS and anti-Pycsar nucleases subvert bacterial immunity

Hobbs S. J., Wein T., Lu A., Morehouse B. R., Schnabel J., Leavitt A., Yirmiya E., Sorek R. & Kranzusch P. J. (2022) Nature. 605, 7910, p. 522-526

Protozoa populations are ecosystem engineers that shape prokaryotic community structure and function of the rumen microbial ecosystem

Solomon R., Wein T., Levy B., Eshed S., Dror R., Reiss V., Zehavi T., Furman O., Mizrahi I. & Jami E. (2022) ISME Journal. 16, 4, p. 1187-1197

Bacterial gasdermins reveal an ancient mechanism of cell death

Johnson A. G., Wein T., Mayer M. L., Duncan-Lowey B., Yirmiya E., Oppenheimer-Shaanan Y., Amitai G., Sorek R. & Kranzusch P. J. (2022) Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science). 375, 6577, p. 221-225


Essential gene acquisition destabilizes plasmid inheritance

Wein T., Wang Y., Barz M., Stücker, F. T., Hammerschmt K. & Dagan T. (2021) PLoS Genetics. 17, 7, e1009656.


A hidden sedimentary phosphate pool inside benthic foraminifera from the Peruvian upwelling region might nucleate phosphogenesis

Glock N., Romero D., Roy A. S., Woehle C., Dale A. W., Schönfeld J., Wein T., Weissenbach J. & Dagan T. (2020) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 289, p. 14-32

Plasmid evolution

Wein T. & Dagan T. (2020) Current Biology. 30, 19, p. R1158-R1163

Antibiotics Interfere with the Evolution of Plasmid Stability

Wein T., Wang Y., Hülter N. F., Hammerschmidt K. & Dagan T. (2020) Current Biology. 30, 19, p. 3841-3847.e4

Intracellular Competitions Reveal Determinants of Plasmid Evolutionary Success

Hülter N. F., Wein T., Effe J., Garoña A. & Dagan T. (2020) Frontiers in Microbiology. 11, 2062.

Plasmidevolution ermöglicht das überdauern von Antibiotikaresistenzgenen

Wein T. (2020) BioSpektrum. 26, 4, p. 448


Quantification of plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistance in an experimental evolution approach

Wein T., Stücker F. T., Hülter N. F. & Dagan T. (2019) Journal of Visualized Experiments. 154, e60749.

The Effect of Population Bottleneck Size and Selective Regime on Genetic Diversity and Evolvability in Bacteria

Wein T. & Dagan T. (2019) Genome Biology and Evolution. 11, 11, p. 3283-3290

Currency, Exchange, and Inheritance in the Evolution of Symbiosis

Wein T., Romero Picazo D., Blow F., Woehle C., Jami E., Reusch T. B., Martin W. F. & Dagan T. (2019) Trends in Microbiology. 27, 10, p. 836-849

Emergence of plasmid stability under non-selective conditions maintains antibiotic resistance

Wein T., Hülter N. F., Mizrahi I. & Dagan T. (2019) Nature Communications. 10, 2595.

Segregational Drift and the Interplay between Plasmid Copy Number and Evolvability

Ilhan J., Kupczok A., Woehle C., Wein T., Hülter N. F., Rosenstiel P., Landan G., Mizrahi I. & Dagan T. (2019) Molecular Biology and Evolution. 36, 3, p. 472-486

Evolthon: A community endeavor to evolve lab evolution

Kaminski Strauss S., Schirman D., Jona G., Brooks A. N., Kunjapur A. M., Ba A. N. N., Flint A., Solt A., Mershin A., Dixit A., Yona A. H., Csorgo B., Busby B. P., Hennig B. P., Pal C., Schraivogel D., Schultz D., Wernick D. G., Agashe D., Levi D., Zabezhinsky D., Russ D., Sass E., Tamar E., Herz E., Levy E. D., Church G. M., Yelin I., Nachman I., Gerst J. E., Georgeson J. M., Adamala K. P., Steinmetz L. M., Ruebsam M., Ralser M., Klutstein M., Desai M. M., Walunjkar N., Yin N., Hefetz N. A., Jakimo N., Snitser O., Adini O., Kumar P., Smith R. S. H., Zeidan R., Hazan R., Rak R., Kishony R., Johnson S., Nouriel S., Vonesch S. C., Foster S., Dagan T., Wein T., Karydis T., Wannier T. M., Stiles T., Olin-Sandoval V., Mueller W. F., Bar-On Y. M., Dahan O. & Pilpel Y. (2019) PLoS Biology. 17, 3, e3000182.

Metabolic preference of nitrate over oxygen as an electron acceptor in foraminifera from the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone

Glock N., Roy A. S., Romero D., Wein T., Weissenbach J., Revsbech N. P., Høgslund S., Clemens D., Sommer S. & Dagan T. (2019) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116, 8, p. 2860-2865


A Novel Eukaryotic Denitrification Pathway in Foraminifera

Woehle C., Roy A. S., Glock N., Wein T., Weissenbach J., Rosenstiel P., Hiebenthal C., Michels J., Schönfeld J. & Dagan T. (2018) Current Biology. 28, 16, p. 2536-2543.e5

Carrying capacity and colonization dynamics of Curvibacter in the hydra host habitat

Wein T., Dagan T., Fraune S., Bosch T. C., Reusch T. B. & Hülter N. F. (2018) Frontiers in Microbiology. 9, 443.


An evolutionary perspective on plasmid lifestyle modes

Hülter N., Ilhan J., Wein T., Kadibalban A. S., Hammerschmidt K. & Dagan T. (2017) Current Opinion in Microbiology. 38, p. 74-80