Dr. Ivo Spiegel | Brain Sciences Field Molecular Systems Neuroscience Research Focus Genomic & state-dependent regulation of neural circuit plasticity Dr. Ivo Spiegel Brain Sciences
Prof. Oren Schuldiner | Molecular Cell Biology Field Developmental Neuroscience Research Focus Mechanisms of axon growth, destruction and refinement during developmental neuronal remodeling Prof. Oren Schuldiner Molecular Cell Biology
Prof. Yaniv Ziv | Brain Sciences Field Neural coding of long-term memory Research Focus We study the mechanisms and neural coding dynamics underlying long-term memory Prof. Yaniv Ziv Brain Sciences
Prof. Eitan Reuveny | Biomolecular Sciences Field How neurons and cells regulate their electrical activities and calcium levels, from molecular insights to behavior Research Focus We are interested in deciphering questions spanning from molecular to behavioral levels Prof. Eitan Reuveny Biomolecular Sciences
Dr. Takashi Kawashima | Brain Sciences Field Neuroscience Research Focus Serotonergic control of learning, Development of learning abilities Dr. Takashi Kawashima Brain Sciences
Dr. Meital Oren-Suissa | Brain Sciences Field Molecular Neurobiology Research Focus The synaptic basis for sexual dimorphism in the nervous system Dr. Meital Oren-Suissa Brain Sciences
Dr. Yarden Cohen | Brain Sciences Field Systems Neuroscience, Neuroethology, Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience Research Focus Our lab studies how the brain learns, controls, and perceives the syntax of flexible behavior. Dr. Yarden Cohen Brain Sciences