Prof. Ilan Lampl | Brain Sciences Field Sensory systems Research Focus Studying cellular correlates of tactile perception of rodents Prof. Ilan Lampl Brain Sciences
Dr. Meital Oren-Suissa | Brain Sciences Field Molecular Neurobiology Research Focus The synaptic basis for sexual dimorphism in the nervous system Dr. Meital Oren-Suissa Brain Sciences
Prof. Gil Levkowitz | Molecular Cell Biology Field Development and function of the hypothalamus Research Focus We study morphogenesis, cell biology and function of hypothalamic neurons, which regulate appetite, stress and social behavior Prof. Gil Levkowitz Molecular Cell Biology
Dr. Takashi Kawashima | Brain Sciences Field Neuroscience Research Focus Serotonergic control of learning, Development of learning abilities Dr. Takashi Kawashima Brain Sciences
Prof. Ofer Yizhar | Brain Sciences Field Neuroscience, neurotechnology Research Focus Prefrontal cortical circuits, social behavior, learning, decision making, optogenetic tool development Prof. Ofer Yizhar Brain Sciences
Prof. Tali Kimchi | Brain Sciences Field Behavioral Neuroscience Research Focus Neurobiology of sexual dimorphism in social and reproductive behavior Prof. Tali Kimchi Brain Sciences