

  1. Arias D. H., Cohen G., Damrauer N. H., Refaely-Abramson S. & Johnson J. C. (2024) Journal of Chemical Physics. 161, 9, 091101.  Abstract
  2. Kleiner A., Hernangómez-Pérez D. & Refaely-Abramson S. (2024) npj 2D Materials and Applications. 8, 50.  Abstract
  3. Cohen G., Haber J. B., Neaton J. B., Qiu D. Y. & Refaely-Abramson S. (2024) Physical review letters. 132, 12, 126902.  Abstract
  4. Kleiner A., Hernangómez-Pérez D. & Refaely-Abramson S. (2024)  Abstract


  1. Hötger A., Männer W., Amit T. et_al. (2023) Nano Letters. 23, 24, p. 11655-11661  Abstract
  2. Amit T. & Refaely-Abramson S. (2023) Physical Review B. 108, 22, L220305.  Abstract
  3. Kundu S., Amit T., Krishnamurthy H. R., Jain M. & Refaely-Abramson S. (2023) npj Computational Materials. 9, 1, 186.  Abstract
  4. Hernangómez-Pérez D., Kleiner A. & Refaely-Abramson S. (2023) Nano Letters. 23, 13, p. 5995-6001  Abstract
  5. Hötger A., Amit T., Klein J. et_al. (2023) npj 2D Materials and Applications. 7, 30.  Abstract
  6. Hernangómez-Pérez D., Donarini A. & Refaely-Abramson S. (2023) Physical Review B. 107, 7, 075419.  Abstract


  1. Glazov M. M., Iakovlev Z. A. & Refaely-Abramson S. (2022) Applied Physics Letters. 121, 19, 192106.  Abstract
  2. Amit T., Hernangómez-Pérez D., Cohen G., Qiu D. & Refaely-Abramson S. (2022) Physical review. B. 106, 16, L161407.  Abstract
  3. Steinitz-Eliyahu R., Hernangómez-Pérez D., Hegner F., Nikačević P., López N. & Refaely-Abramson S. (2022) Physical Review Materials. 6, 6, 065402.  Abstract
  4. Evers F., Aharony A., Bar-Gill N. et_al. (2022) Advanced Materials. 34, 13, 2106629.  Abstract
  5. Barré E., Karni O., Liu E. et_al. (2022) Science. 376, 6591, abm8511.  Abstract
  6. Katznelson S., Cohn B., Sufrin S. et_al. (2022) Materials Horizons. 9, 3, p. 1089-1098  Abstract
  7. Altman A. R., Refaely-Abramson S. & da Jornada F. H. (2022) The journal of physical chemistry letters. 13, 3, p. 747-753  Abstract


  1. Micevic A., Hernangómez-Pérez D., Barthelmi K. et_al. (2021) Nature Communications. 12, 1, 3822.  Abstract
  2. Shunak L., Adeniran O., Voscoboynik G., Liu Z. & Refaely-Abramson S. (2021) Frontiers in Chemistry. 9, 743391.  Abstract
  3. Qiu D. Y., Cohen G., Novichkova D. & Refaely-Abramson S. (2021) Nano Letters. 21, 18, p. 7644-7650  Abstract
  4. Bretscher H., Li Z., Xiao J. et_al. (2021) ACS Nano. 15, 5, p. 8780-8789  Abstract
  5. Refaely-Abramson S. (2021) Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXV.  Abstract
  6. Maserati L., Refaely-Abramson S., Kastl C. et_al. (2021) Materials Horizons. 8, 1, p. 197-208  Abstract


  1. Slobodkin Y., Mazuz-Harpaz Y., Refaely-Abramson S., Gazit S., Steinberg H. & Rapaport R. (2020) Physical Review Letters. 125, 25, 255301.  Abstract
  2. Refaely-Abramson S. (2020) Physical Chemistry of Semiconductor Materials and Interfaces XIX.  Abstract
  3. Adeniran O., Refaely-Abramson S. & Liu Z. (2020) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124, 25, p. 13592-13601  Abstract
  4. The bright side of defects in MoS2 and WS2 and a generalizable chemical treatment protocol for defect passivation
    Bretscher H., Li Z., Refaely-Abramson S. et_al. (2020) arXiv. 2002.03956.  Abstract


  1. Schuler B., Lee J., Kastl C. et_al. (2019) ACS Nano. 13, 9, p. 10520-10534  Abstract
  2. Schuler B., Qiu D. Y., Refaely-Abramson S. et_al. (2019) Physical Review Letters. 123, 7, 076801.  Abstract
  3. Barja S., Refaely-Abramson S., Schuler B. et_al. (2019) Nature Communications. 10, 1, 3382.  Abstract
  4. Refaely-Abramson S., Liu Z., Bruneval F. & Neaton J. B. (2019) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123, 11, p. 6379-6387  Abstract


  1. Refaely-Abramson S., Qiu D. Y., Louie S. G. & Neaton J. B. (2018) Physical Review Letters. 121, 16, 167402.  Abstract
  2. Manna A. K., Refaely-Abramson S., Reilly A. M., Tkatchenko A., Neato J. B. & Kronik L. (2018) Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 14, 6, p. 2919-2929  Abstract
  3. Guo C., Sarkar S., Refaely-Abramson S. et_al. (2018) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 20, 10, p. 6860-6867  Abstract
  4. Brisendine J. M., Refaely-Abramson S., Liu Z., Cui J., Ng F., Neaton J. B., Koder R. L. & Venkataraman L. (2018) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 9, 4, p. 763-767  Abstract
  5. Folie B. D., Haber J. B., Refaely-Abramson S., Neaton J. B. & Ginsberg N. S. (2018) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 140, 6, p. 2326-2335  Abstract


  1. Refaely-Abramson S., da Jornada F. H., Louie S. G. & Neaton J. B. (2017) Physical Review Letters. 119, 26, 267401.  Abstract
  2. Liu Z., Egger D. A., Refaely-Abramson S., Kronik L. & Neaton J. B. (2017) Journal of Chemical Physics. 146, 9, 092326.  Abstract


  1. Guo C., Yu X., Refaely-Abramson S. et_al. (2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 39, p. 10785-10790  Abstract
  2. Eckshtain-Levi M., Capua E., Refaely-Abramson S. et_al. (2016) Nature Communications. 7, 10744.  Abstract


  1. Sepunaru L., Refaely-Abramson S., Lovrincic R. et_al. (2015) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137, 30, p. 9617-9626  Abstract
  2. Refaely-Abramson S., Jain M., Sharifzadeh S., Neaton J. B. & Kronik L. (2015) Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics). 92, 8, 081204(R).  Abstract


  1. Tamblyn I., Refaely-Abramson S., Neaton J. B. & Kronik L. (2014) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 5, 15, p. 2734-2741  Abstract
  2. Lueftner D., Refaely-Abramson S., Pachler M., Resel R., Ramsey M. G., Kronik L. & Puschnig P. (2014) Physical Review B. 90, 7, 075204.  Abstract
  3. Egger D. A., Weissman S., Refaely-Abramson S. et_al. (2014) Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 10, 5, p. 1934-1952  Abstract


  1. Refaely-Abramson S., Sharifzadeh S., Jain M., Baer R., Neaton J. B. & Kronik L. (2013) Physical Review B. 88, 8, 081204.  Abstract


  1. Refaely-Abramson S., Sharifzadeh S., Govind N., Autschbach J., Neaton J. B., Baer R. & Kronik L. (2012) Physical review letters. 109, 22, 226405.  Abstract
  2. Kronik L., Stein T., Refaely-Abramson S. & Baer R. (2012) Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 8, 5, p. 1515-1531  Abstract


  1. Refaely-Abramson S., Baer R. & Kronik L. (2011) Physical Review B. 84, 7, 075144.  Abstract