Lecture Time & Place: Thursday 10:00-12:00, Ziskind 155
TA: Avi Cohen
Prerequisite: Sufficient comfort with both algorithm design & analysis, and basic knowledge in distributed algorithms (e.g., taking the Distributed Network Algorithms course of Prof. David Peleg).
New: Final assignment instructions
Course Schedule (tentative):
- (28/03) Lecture 01: Introduction (models, local and global graph problems), network decomposition and applications. Lecture-01
- Network decomposition and locality in distributed computation (Awerbuch, Luby, Goldberg and Plotkin, 1989)
- On the complexity of distributed network decomposition (Panconesi and Srinivasan, 1996).
- Lecture 04 of Mohsen Ghaffari (Distributed Graph Algorithms 6.S899, MIT)
- Chapter 9 in the Distributed Graph Coloring book of Barenboim and Elkin, 2001.
- (04/04) Lecture 02: Sequential and randomized network decomposition.
Exercise-1 (due May 2nd), Lecture-02- Low Diameter Graph Decomposition (Linial and Saks, 1993)
- Section 1.5.2 of Mohsen Ghaffari's notes (Principles of Distributed Computing S19, ETH)
- (18/04) Lecture 03: Randomized and sublogarithmic coloring algorithms Lecture-03
- Chapter 10 in Distributed Graph Coloring by Barenboim and Elkin, 2001
- The Locality of Distributed Symmetry Breaking by Barenboim, Elkin, Pettie, and Schneider, 2012.
- Notes by Mohsen Ghaffari, Section 1.7
- (25/04) No Class Due to Passover
- (02/05) Lecture 04: An Improved Distributed Algorithm for Maximal Independent Set by Ghaffari, 2016. Lecture-04, Exercise-2 (Due Monday 20/5)
- A more detailed description of the algorithm appears in Ghaffari's thesis (Section 3).
- A more detailed description of the algorithm appears in Ghaffari's thesis (Section 3).
- (09/05) No Class Due to Yom-Ha'atzmaut
- (16/05) Lecture 05: An Exponential Separation between Randomized and Deterministic Complexity in the LOCAL Model (Chang, Kopelowitz, and Pettie, 2017) New: Lecture-05
- (23/05): No Class Due to Lag B'aomer.
- (30/05) Lecture 06: Lovasz Local Lemma (LLL) and Distributed LLL New: Lecture-06
A constructive proof of the general Lovasz Local Lemma (Moser and Tardos, 2009)
Lectures 04 and 05 by Bernhard Haeupler (Algorithmic Superpower Randomization, CMU, Fall 2019)
For additional recommanded lectures notes, see here and here
- (06/06) Lecture 07: Improved distributed LLL and applications New: Lecture-07 Exercise-03 (Due June 30)
- Distributed Algorithms for the Lovász Local Lemma and Graph Coloring (Chung, Pettie and Su, 2014)
- Sublogarithmic Distributed Algorithms for Lovász Local lemma, and the Complexity Hierarchy (Fischer and Ghaffari, 2017)
- (13/06) Lecture 08: Intro to global problems in the CONGEST model. Minimum Spanning Tree and low-congestion shortcuts New: Exercise-04
- Lecture 10 of Principles of Distributed Computing 2019, ETH
- Lecture 6 and Lecture 7 of Theory of Distributed Systems, 2016, MPI
- MST Lower Bound, Chapter 24 in Peleg's Book
- (20/06) Lecture 9: Distributed minimum cut and connectivity decomposition
- Distributed Minimum Cut Approximation (Ghaffari and Kuhn, 2013)
- Lecture 11 of Principles of Distributed Computing 2019, ETH
- (27/06) Class Cancelled
- (04/07) Lecture 10: Communication complexity based lower bounds, guest class by Seri Khoury (UC Berkeley)
- Deterministic lower bound for set disjointness in the 2-party communication complexity model (Communication Complexity book by Kushilevitz and Nisan)
- Lower bounds in the CONGEST model via reductions to communication complexity
- Distributed Verification and Hardness of Distributed Approximation by Das-Sarma et al., 2011
- Lower bound for exact diameter computation based on Networks Cannot Compute Their Diameter in Sublinear Time by Frischknecht, Holzer and Wattenhofer, 2012
- Lower bound for 4-cycle detection based on On the Power of the Congested Clique Model by Drucker, Kuhn and Oshman, 2014
- (11/07) Lecture 11: Distributed Single Source Shortest Paths (SSSP)
Useful Material:
- Probabilities Inequalities: Handout by Avrim Blum and Anupam Gupta (15-859 Randomized Algorithms, CMU, Spring'11).
- Distributed Computing -- A Locality-Sensitive Approach, David Peleg, SIAM.
- Distributed Graph Coloring by Barenboim and Elkin, 2001