D. Peleg, Concurrent Dynamic Logic, STOC232-239, 1985.
- C. Dwork, D. Peleg, N. Pippenger and E. Upfal, Fault Tolerance in Networks of Bounded Degree, STOC 370- 379, 1986.
- D. Peleg and B. Simons, On Fault Tolerant Routings in General Networks, PODC 98-107, 1986.
- D. Peleg and E. Upfal, The Token Distribution Problem, FOCS 418- 427, 1986.
- D. Peleg and E. Upfal, Constructing Disjoint Paths on Expander Graphs, STOC 264-273, 1987.
- D. Peleg and J.D. Ullman, An Optimal Synchronizer for the Hypercube, PODC 77-85, 1987
- H. Attiya, A. Bar-Noy, D. Dolev, D. Koller, D. Peleg and R. Reischuk, Achievable Cases in an Asynchronous Environment, FOCS 337-346, 1987.
- D. Peleg and E. Upfal, A Tradeo Between Space and Eciency for Routing Tables, STOC 43-52, 1988.
- D. Krizanc, D. Peleg and E. Upfal, A Time-Randomness Tradeo for Oblivious Routing, STOC93-102, 1988.
- B. Awerbuch, O. Goldreich, D. Peleg and R. Vainish, A Tradeo Between Information and Communication in Broadcast Protocols, AWOC 1988, 369-379.
- B. Awerbuch, A. Bar-Noy, N. Linial and D. Peleg, Compact Distributed Data Structures for Adaptive Routing, STOC 1989, 479-489.
- N. Alon, A. Bar-Noy, N. Linial and D. Peleg, On the Complexity of Radio Communication, STOC 1989, 274-285
- A. Bar-Noy and D. Peleg, Square Meshes are Not Always Optimal, SPAA 1989, 138-147.
- A. Bar-Noy, D. Dolev, D. Koller and D. Peleg, Fault-Tolerant Critical Section Management in Asynchronous Environments, WDAG 1989.
- U. Feige, D. Peleg, P. Raghavan and E. Upfal, Computing with Unreliable Information, STOC 1990, 128-137.
- U. Feige, D. Peleg, P. Raghavan and E. Upfal, The Complexity of Randomized Broadcast, SIGAL 1990, 128-137.
- B. Awerbuch, A. Baratz and D. Peleg, Cost-sensitive analysis of communication protocols, PODC 1990, 177-187.
- D. Peleg, Distributed Data Structures: A Complexity Oriented View, WDAGBari, Italy, 1990, 71-89.
- I. Cidon, S. Kutten, Y. Mansour and D. Peleg, Greedy Packet Scheduling, WDAG 1990, 169-184.
- B. Awerbuch and D. Peleg, Sparse Partitions, FOCS 1990, 503-513.
- B. Awerbuch and D. Peleg, Network Synchronization with Polylogarithmic Overhead, FOCS 1990, 514-522.
- B. Awerbuch, S. Kutten and D. Peleg, On Buer-Economical Store-and-Forward Deadlock Prevention, INFOCOM 1991, 410-414.
- Y. Ben-Asher, D. Peleg, R. Ramaswami and A. Schuster, The Power of Reconguration, ICALP 1991.
- B. Awerbuch, S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Ecient Deadlock-Free Routing, PODC 1991, 177-188.
- B. Awerbuch, I. Cidon, S. Kutten, Y. Mansour and D. Peleg, Broadcast with Partial Knowledge, PODC 1991, 153-163.
- K. Gilon and D. Peleg, Compact Deterministic Distributed Dictionaries, PODC 1991, 81-94.
- J. Bar-Ilan and D. Peleg, Approximation Algorithms for Selecting Network Centers, WADS 1991, 343-354.
- B. Awerbuch and D. Peleg, Concurrent Online Tracking of Mobile Users, SIGCOMM 1991, 221-233.
- N. Alon, R.M. Karp, D. Peleg and D. West, A Graph-Theoretic Game and its Application to the k-Server Problem, DIMACS Workshop on Online Algo. 1991, 1-9.
- B. Awerbuch, B. Patt-Shamir, D. Peleg and M. Saks, Adapting to Asynchronous Dynamic Networks, STOC 1992, 557-570.
- B. Awerbuch, S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Competitive Distributed Job Load Balancing, STOC 1992, 571-580.
- G. Kortsarz and D. Peleg, Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Time Broadcast, ISTCS1992, 67-78.
- Y. Ben-Asher, D. Peleg and A. Schuster, The Complexity of Reconguring Network Models, ISTCS1992, 79-90.
- G. Kortsarz and D. Peleg, Generating Sparse 2-Spanners, SWAT 1992, 73-82.
- B. Awerbuch, B. Berger, L. Cowen and D. Peleg, Low Diameter Graph Decomposition is in NC, SWAT 1992, 83-93.
- B. Awerbuch, B. Berger, L. Cowen and D. Peleg, Fast Network Decomposition, PODC 1992, 169-177.
- G. Kortsarz and D. Peleg, Trac-Light Scheduling on the Grid, WDAG 1992, 238-252.
- J. Bar-Ilan and D. Peleg, Distributed Resource Allocation Algorithms, WDAG 1992, 277-291.
- D. Peleg, G. Schechtman and A. Wool, Approximating Bounded 0-1 Integer Linear Programs, ISTCS 1993, 69-77.
- N. Linial, D. Peleg, Y. Rabinovich and M. Saks, Sphere Packing and Local Majorities in Graphs, ISTCS 1993, 141-149.
- B. Awerbuch, B. Berger, L. Cowen and D. Peleg, Near-Linear Cost Sequential and Distributed Constructions of Sparse Neighborhood Covers, FOCS 1993, 638-647..
- G. Kortsarz and D. Peleg, On Choosing a Dense Subgraph, FOCS 1993, 692-701.
- J. Garay, S. Kutten and D. Peleg, A Sub-Linear Time Distributed Algorithm for Minimum-Weight Spanning Trees, FOCS 1993, 659-668.
- G. Kortsarz and D. Peleg, Generating Low-Degree 2-Spanners, SODA 1994, 556-563.
- S. Dolev, E. Kranakis, D. Krizanc and D. Peleg, Bubbles: Adaptive Routing Scheme for High-Speed Dynamic Networks, STOC 1995.
- J.-C. Bermond and D. Peleg, The Power of Small Coalitions in Graphs, SIROCCO 1995, 173-184.
- D. Peleg and A. Wool, Crumbling walls: a class of practical and ecient quorum systems, PODC 1995, 120-129.
- S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Fast distributed construction of k-dominating sets and applications, PODC 1995, 238-249.
- S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Fault-Local Distributed Mending, PODC 1995, 20-27.
- R. Holzman, Y. Marcus and D. Peleg, Load Balancing in Quorum Systems, WADS 1995, 38-49.
- B. Awerbuch, S. Kutten, Y. Mansour and D. Peleg, Optimal Broadcast with Partial Knowledge, WDAG 1995.
- S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Tight fault locality, FOCS 1995.
- D. Peleg and A. Wool, How to be an Ecient Snoop, or the Probe Complexity of Quorum Systems, PODC 1996, 290-299.
- J. Bar-Ilan, G. Kortsarz and D. Peleg, Generalized Submodular Cover Problems and Applications, ISTCS 1996.
- J.-C. Bermond, J. Bond, D. Peleg and S. Perennes, Tight Bounds on the Size of 2-Monopolies, SIROCCO 1996, 152-169.
- D. Peleg, Local Majority Voting, Small Coalitions and Controlling Monopolies in Graphs: A Review, SIROCCO 1996, 170-179.
- E. Kranakis, D. Krizanc, A. Pelc and D. Peleg, Approximate Maxima Finding of Continuous Functions under Restricted Budget, WG 1996.
- G. Kortsarz and D. Peleg, Approximating Shallow-Light Trees, SODA 1997, 103-110.
- D. Peleg, Size Bounds for Dynamic Monopolies, SIROCCO 1997, 151-161.
- D. Peleg, Approximating Minimum Communication Spanning Trees, SIROCCO 1997. (See also Technical Report CS97-10, the Weizmann Institute of Science, 1997.)
- T. Eilam, C. Gavoille and D. Peleg, Compact Routing Schemes with Low Average Stretch Factor, PODC 1998, 11- 20.
- D. Peleg, Algorithmic aspects of dynamic coalitions and monopolies in graphs, Fun with Algorithms, 1998.
- D. Peleg, Distributed Matroid Basis Completion via Elimination Upcast and Distributed Correction of Minimum- Weight Spanning Trees, ICALP 1998, 164-175.
- Peleg and E. Reshef, Deterministic Polylog Approximation for Minimum Communication Spanning Trees, ICALP 1998, 670-681.
- P. de la Torre, L. Narayanan and D. Peleg, Thy Neighbor's Interval is Greener: A Proposal for Exploiting Interval Routing Schemes (Position paper), SIROCCO 1998.
- C. Gavoille and D. Peleg, The Compactness of Interval Routing for Almost All Graphs, DISC 1998, 161-174.
- J.-C. Bermond, N. Marlin, D. Peleg and S. Perennes, Directed Virtual Path Layouts in ATM networks, DISC 1998, 75-88.
- J.-C. Bermond, N. Marlin, D. Peleg and S. Perennes, Virtual Path Layouts in Simple ATM networks, IFIP Workshop on Perform. Model. & Evaluat. ATM Networks 1998.
- Y. Mansour and D. Peleg, An Approximation Algorithm for Minimum-Cost Network Design, DIMACS Workshop on Robust Commun. Networks: Interconn. & Surviv. 1998, 97-106.
- D. Peleg, Proximity-Preserving Labeling Schemes and Their Applications, WG 1999, 30-41.
- Y. Hassin and D. Peleg, Distributed Probabilistic Polling and Applications to Proportionate Agreement, ICALP 1999, 402-411.
- D. Peleg and E. Reshef, A Variant of the Arrow Distributed Directory with Low Average Complexity, ICALP 1999, 615-624.
- L. Drori and D. Peleg, Faster Exact Solutions for Some NP-Hard Problems, ESA 1999.
- D. Peleg and V. Rubinovich, A near-tight lower bound on the time complexity of distributed MST construction, FOCS 1999, 253-261.
- P. Bose, C. Kaklamanis, L.M. Kirousis, E. Kranakis, D. Krizanc and D. Peleg, Station Layouts in the Presence of Location Constraints, ISAAC1999.
- M. Elkin and D. Peleg, The Hardness of Approximating Spanner Problems, STACS 2000, 370-381.
- M. Katz, N. Katz and D. Peleg, Distance Labeling Schemes for Well-Separated Graph Classes, STACS 2000, 516-528.
- Y. Hassin and D. Peleg, Extremal Bounds for Probabilistic Polling in Graphs, SIROCCO 2000, 167-180.
- D. Peleg, Approximation algorithms for the Label-CoverMAX and Red-Blue Set Cover Problems, SWAT 2000.
- M. Elkin and D. Peleg, Strong Inapproximability of the Basic k-Spanner Problem, ICALP 2000, 636-647.
- P. Fraigniaud, A. Pelc, D. Peleg and S. Perennes, Assigning Labels in Unknown Anonymous Networks, PODC 2000.
- L. Gasieniec, A. Pelc and D. Peleg, The wakeup problem in synchronous broadcast systems, PODC 2000.
- Y. Hassin and D. Peleg, Sparse Communication Networks and Ecient Routing in the Plane, PODC 2000, 41-50.
- D. Peleg, Informative Labeling Schemes for Graphs, MFCS 2000, 579-588.
- Y. Atzmony and D. Peleg, Distributed Algorithms for English Auctions, DISC 2000.
- C. Gavoille, D. Peleg, S. Perennes and R. Raz, Distance Labeling in Graphs, SODA 2001, 210-219.
- M. Elkin and D. Peleg, Approximating k-Spanner Problems for k > 2, IPCO 2001.
- M. Elkin and D. Peleg, (1 + ; )-Spanner Constructions for General Graphs, STOC 2001.
- S. Kutten, D. Peleg and U. Vishkin, Deterministic Resource Discovery in Distributed Networks, SPAA 2001, 77-83.
- Y. Hassin and D. Peleg, Average Probe Complexity in Quorum Systems, PODC 2001, 180-189.
- Z. Lotker, B. Patt-Shamir and D. Peleg, Distributed MST for Constant Diameter Graphs, PODC 2001.
- C. Gavoille, D. Peleg, A. Raspaud and E. Sopena, Small k-Dominating Sets in Planar Graphs with Applications, WG 2001.
- M. Elkin and D. Peleg, The Client-Server 2-Spanner Problem and Applications to Network Design, SIROCCO 2001, 117-132.
- C. Gavoille, M. Katz, N.A. Katz, C. Paul and D. Peleg, Approximate Distance Labeling Schemes, ESA 2001, 476-488.
- D. Peleg and U. Pincas, The Average Hop Count Measure for Virtual Path Layouts, DISC 2001, 255-269.
- M. Katz, N.A. Katz, A. Korman and D. Peleg, Labeling Schemes for Flow and Connectivity, SODA 2002, 927-936.
- A. Korman, D. Peleg and Y. Rodeh, Labeling Schemes for Dynamic Tree Networks, STACS 2002, 76-87.
- N. Lev-Tov and D. Peleg, Exact Algorithms and Approximation Schemes for Base Station Placement Problems, SWAT 2002, 90-99.
- D. Peleg, Low stretch spanning trees, MFCS 2002, 68-80.
- S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Asynchronous Resource Discovery in Peer to Peer Networks, SRDS 2002.
- Z. Lotker, B. Patt-Shamir, E. Pavlov and D. Peleg, MST Construction in O(loglog n) Communication Rounds, SPAA 2003, 94-100.
- A. Korman and D. Peleg, Labeling Schemes for Weighted Dynamic Trees, ICALP 2003, 369-383.
- R. Matichin and D. Peleg, Approximation Algorithm for Hotlink Assignments in Web Directories, WADS 2003, 271-280.
- O. Gerstel, S. Kutten, R. Matichin and D. Peleg, Hotlink Enhancement Algorithms for Web Directories, ISAAC2003, 68-77.
- N. Agmon and D. Peleg, Fault-Tolerant Gathering Algorithms for Autonomous Mobile Robots, SODA 2004, 1063-1071.
- Y. Emek and D. Peleg, Approximating Minimum Max-Stretch Spanning Trees on Unweighted Graphs, SODA 2004, 254-263.
- C. Ambuhl, A.E.F. Clementi, M. Di Ianni, N. Lev-Tov, A. Monti, D. Peleg, G. Rossi and R. Silvestri, Ecient Algorithms for Low-Energy Bounded-Hop Broadcast in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks, STACS 2004, 418-427.
- B. Awerbuch, B. Patt-Shamir, D. Peleg and M. Tuttle, Collaboration of Untrusting Peers with Changing Interests, EC 2004, 112-119.
- R. Cohen and D. Peleg, Robot Convergence via Center-of-Gravity Algorithms, SIROCCO 2004, 79-88.
- R. Matichin and D. Peleg, Approximation Algorithm for Hotlink Assignment in the Greedy Model, SIROCCO 2004, 233-244.
- P. Fraigniaud, D. Ilcinkas, G. Peer, A. Pelc and D. Peleg, Graph Exploration by a Finite Automaton, MFCS 2004, 451- 462.
- R. Cohen and D. Peleg, Convergence Properties of the Gravitational Algorithm in Asynchronous Robot Systems, ESA 2004, 228-239.
- B. Awerbuch, B. Patt-Shamir, D. Peleg and M. Tuttle, Improved Recommendation Systems, SODA 2005, 1174-1183.
- S. Kutten, H. Ono, D. Peleg, K. Sadakane and M. Yamashita Energy-Optimal Online Algorithms for Broadcasting in Wireless Networks, WONS 2005, 125-130.
- B. Awerbuch, B. Patt-Shamir, D. Peleg and M. Tuttle, Adaptive Collaboration in Peer-to-Peer Systems, ICDCS 2005, 71-80.
- R. Cohen, P. Fraigniaud, D. Ilcinkas, A. Korman and D. Peleg, Label-Guided Graph Exploration by a Finite Automaton, ICALP 2005, 335-346.
- A. Pelc and D. Peleg, Feasibility and Complexity of Broadcasting with Random Transmission Failures, PODC 2005, 334-341.
- L. Gasieniec, D. Peleg and Q. Xin, Faster Communication in Known Topology Radio Networks, PODC 2005, 129-137.
- A. Korman, S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Proof Labeling Schemes, PODC 2005, 9-18.
- D. Peleg, Distributed Coordination Algorithms for Mobile Robot Swarms: New Directions and Challenges, IWDC 2005, 1-12.
- R. Cohen, P. Fraigniaud, D. Ilcinkas, A. Korman and D. Peleg, Labeling Schemes for Tree Representation, IWDC 2005, 13-24.
- Y. Emek and D. Peleg, A tight Upper Bound on the Probabilistic Embedding of Series-Parallel Graphs, SODA 2006, 1045-1053.
- R. Cohen and D. Peleg, Convergence of Autonomous Mobile Robots With Inaccurate Sensors and Movements, STACS 2006, 549-560.
- E. Kantor and D. Peleg, Approximate Hierarchical Facility Location and Applications to the Shallow Steiner Tree and Range Assignment Problems, CIAC 2006, 211-222.
- R. Cohen and D. Peleg, Local Algorithms for Autonomous Robot Systems, SIROCCO 2006, 29-43.
- A. Korman and D. Peleg, Dynamic Routing Schemes for General Graphs, ICALP 2006, 619-930.
- D. Peleg, Recent Advances on Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Energy Range Assignment Problems in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks, CAAN 2006, 1-4.
- A. Korman, D. Peleg and Y. Rodeh, Constructing Labeling Schemes Through Universal Matrices, ISAAC 2006, 409-418.
- A. Efrima and D. Peleg, Distributed Models and Algorithms for Mobile Robot Systems, SOFSEM 2007, 70-87.
- A. Efrima and D. Peleg, Distributed Algorithms for Partitioning A Swarm of Autonomous Mobile Robots, SIROCCO 2007, 270-284.
- Y. Emek, L. Gasieniec, E. Kantor, A. Pelc, D. Peleg and C. Su, Broadcasting in UDG Radio Networks with Unknown Topology, PODC 2007, 195-204.
- B. Derbel, C. Gavoille and D. Peleg, Deterministic Distributed Construction of Linear Stretch Spanners in Polylogarithmic Time, DISC 2007, 179-192.
- A. Korman and D. Peleg, Compact Separator Decompositions in Dynamic Trees and Applications to Labeling Schemes, DISC 2007, 313-327.
- L. Gasieniec, E. Kantor, D.R. Kowalski, D. Peleg and C. Su, Energy and Time Ecient Broadcasting in Known Topology Radio Networks, DISC 2007, 253-267.
- D. Peleg, Time Ecient Broadcasting in Radio Networks: a review, ICDCIT 2007, 1-18.
- Y. Emek, D. Peleg and L. Roditty, A Near-Linear Time Algorithm for Computing Replacement Paths in Planar Directed Graphs, SODA 2008, 428-435.
- D. Adjiashvili and D. Peleg, Equal-Area Locus-Based Convex Polygon Decomposition, SIROCCO 2008, 141-155.
- B. Derbel, C. Gavoille, D. Peleg and L. Viennot, On the Locality of Distributed Sparse Spanner Construction, PODC 2008, 273-282.
- Y. Emek, E. Kantor and D. Peleg, On the Eect of the Deployment Setting on Broadcasting in Euclidean Radio Networks, PODC 2008, 223-232.
- D. Peleg and L. Roditty, Localized spanner construction for Ad Hoc Networks with Variable Transmission Range, AdHoc-NOW 2008, 135-147.
- O. Amini, D. Peleg, S. Perennes, I. Sau and S. Saurabh, Degree-Constrained Subgraph Problems: Hardness and Approximation Results, WAOA 2008, 29-42.
- S. Chechik, M. Langberg, D. Peleg and L. Roditty, Fault-Tolerant Spanners for General Graphs, STOC 2009, 435-444.
- S. Chechik and D. Peleg, Low-Port Tree Representations, WG 2009, 66-76.
- C. Avin, Y. Emek, E. Kantor, Z. Lotker, D. Peleg and L. Roditty, SINR Diagrams: Towards Algorithmically Usable SINR Models of Wireless Networks, PODC 2009, 200-209.
- E. Kantor and D. Peleg, Ecient k-shot Broadcasting in Radio Networks, DISC 2009, 481-495.
- B. Derbel, C. Gavoille, D. Peleg and L. Viennot, Local Computation of Additive Spanners, DISC 2009, 176-190.
- R. Bar-Yanai, M. Langberg, D. Peleg and L. Roditty, Realtime Classication for Encrypted trac, SEA 2010, 373-385.
- S. Chechik, Y. Emek, B. Patt-Shamir and D. Peleg, Sparse Reliable Graph Backbones, ICALP 2010, 261-272.
- I. Abraham, S. Chechik, C. Gavoille and D. Peleg, Forbidden-Set Distance Labels for Graphs of Bounded Doubling Dimension, PODC 2010, 192-200.
- S. Chechik, M. Langberg, D. Peleg and L. Roditty, f-Sensitivity Distance Oracles and Routing Schemes, ESA 2010, 84-96.
- D. Peleg, I. Sau and M. Shalom, On Approximating the d-Girth of a Graph, SOFSEM 2011, 467-481.
- L. Kor, A. Korman and D. Peleg, Tight Bounds For Distributed MST Verication, STACS 2011, 69{80.
- Z. Lotker, M. Parter and D. Peleg and Y.-A. Pignolet, Distributed Power Control in the SINR Model, INFOCOM 2011, 2525-2533.
- A. Das Sarma, S. Holzer, L. Kor, A. Korman, D. Nanongkai, G. Pandurangan, D. Peleg and R. Wattenhofer, Distributed Verication and Hardness of Distributed Approximation, STOC 2011, 363-372.
- E. Kantor, Z. Lotker, M. Parter and D. Peleg, The Topology of Wireless Communication, STOC 2011, 383-392.
- P. Fraigniaud, A. Korman and D. Peleg, Local Distributed Decision, FOCS 2011, 708-717.
- Y. Dieudonne, A. Pelc and D. Peleg, Gathering despite mischief, SODA 2012, 527-540.
- C. Avin, A. Cohen, Y. Haddad, E. Kantor, Z. Lotker, M. Parter and D. Peleg, SINR Diagram with Interference Cancellation, SODA 2012, 502-515.
- S. Chechik and D. Peleg, The Fault Tolerant Capacitated k-Center Problem, SIROCCO 2012.
- Y. Emek, P. Fraigniaud, A. Korman, S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Notions of Connectivity in Overlay Networks, SIROCCO 2012.
- 161. B. Haeupler, G. Pandurangan, D. Peleg, R. Rajaraman and Z. Sun, Discovery through Gossip, SPAA 2012.
- D. Peleg, L. Roditty and E. Tal, Distributed Algorithms for Network Diameter and Girth, ICALP 2012.
- G. Braunschvig, S. Chechik and D. Peleg, Fault Tolerant Additive Spanners, WG 2012.
- P. Fraigniaud, A. Korman, M. Parter and D. Peleg, Randomized Distributed Decision, DISC 2012, 375-389.
- S. Chechik, Q. Godfroy and D. Peleg, Multipath Spanners via Fault-Tolerant Spanners, MedAlg 2012, 108-119.
- C. Avin, M. Borokhovich, Y. Haddad, E. Kantor, Z. Lotker, M. Parter and D. Peleg, Generalized Perron{Frobenius Theorem for Multiple Choice Matrices, and Applications, SODA 2013, 478-497.
- S. Kutten, G. Pandurangan, D. Peleg, P. Robinson and A. Trehan, Sublinear Bounds for Randomized Leader Election, ICDCN 2013, 348-362.
- S. Kutten, G. Pandurangan, D. Peleg, P. Robinson and A. Trehan, On the Complexity of Universal Leader Election, PODC 2013.
- C. Lenzen and D. Peleg, Ecient Distributed Source Detection with Limited Bandwidth, PODC 2013.
- M. Parter and D. Peleg, Sparse Fault-Tolerant BFS Trees, ESA 2013.
- S. Chechik, M. Johnson, M. Parter and D. Peleg, Secluded Connectivity Problems, ESA 2013.
- M. Parter and D. Peleg, Fault Tolerant Approximate BFS Trees, SODA 2014.
- B. Keller, D. Peleg and R. Wattenhofer, How Even Tiny In uence Can Have a Big Impact! Fun with Algorithms, 2014, 252-263.
- C. Avin, M. Borokhovich, Z. Lotker and D. Peleg, Distributed Computing on Core-Periphery Networks: Axiom-based Design, ICALP 2014.
- C. Avin, B. Keller, Z. Lotker, C. Mathieu, D. Peleg and Y.-A. Pignolet, Homophily and the Glass Ceiling Eect in Social Networks, ITCS 2015.
- M. Parter and D. Peleg, Fault Tolerant BFS Structures: A Reinforcement-Backup Tradeo, SPAA 2015.
- M. Parter and D. Peleg, On The Relations between SINR Diagrams and Voronoi Diagrams, AdHoc-NOW 2015.
- C. Avin, Z. Lotker, Y. Nahum and D. Peleg, Core Size and Densication in Preferential Attachment Networks, ICALP 2015.L. Barenboim and D. Peleg, Nearly Optimal Local Broadcasting in the SINR Model with Feedback, SIROCCO 2015,
- A. Bar-Noy, D. Peleg, G. Rabanca and I. Vigan, Improved Approximation Algorithms forWeighted 2-path Partitions, ESA 2015.
- C. Avin, Z. Lotker, D. Peleg and I. Turkel, Social Network Analysis of Program Committees and Paper Acceptance Fairness, ASONAM 2015.
- E. Kantor, Z. Lotker, M. Parter and D. Peleg, The Minimum Principle of SINR: A Useful Discretization Tool for Wireless Communication, FOCS 2015.
- E. Kantor, Z. Lotker, M. Parter and D. Peleg, Nonuniform SINR+Voronoi Diagrams are Eectively Uniform, DISC 2015.
- M. Parter, D. Peleg and S. Solomon, Local-on-Average Distributed Tasks, SODA 2016, 220-239.
- D. Peleg and S. Solomon, Dynamic (1 + )-Approximate Matchings: A Density-Sensitive Approach, SODA 2016, 712-729.
- G. Pandurangan, D. Peleg and M. Scquizzato, Message Lower Bounds via Efficient Network Synchronization, SIROCCO 2016,
- C. Avin, A. Cohen, Z, Lotker and D. Peleg, Fault-Tolerant Hotelling Games, manuscript, Jan. 2018.