Conference Proceedings


  1.  D. Peleg, Concurrent Dynamic Logic, STOC232-239, 1985.

  2. C. Dwork, D. Peleg, N. Pippenger and E. Upfal, Fault Tolerance in Networks of Bounded Degree, STOC 370- 379, 1986.
  3. D. Peleg and B. Simons, On Fault Tolerant Routings in General Networks, PODC 98-107, 1986.
  4. D. Peleg and E. Upfal, The Token Distribution Problem, FOCS 418- 427, 1986.
  5. D. Peleg and E. Upfal, Constructing Disjoint Paths on Expander Graphs, STOC 264-273, 1987.
  6. D. Peleg and J.D. Ullman, An Optimal Synchronizer for the Hypercube, PODC 77-85, 1987
  7. H. Attiya, A. Bar-Noy, D. Dolev, D. Koller, D. Peleg and R. Reischuk, Achievable Cases in an Asynchronous Environment, FOCS 337-346, 1987.
  8. D. Peleg and E. Upfal, A Tradeo Between Space and Eciency for Routing Tables, STOC 43-52, 1988.
  9. D. Krizanc, D. Peleg and E. Upfal, A Time-Randomness Tradeo for Oblivious Routing, STOC93-102, 1988.
  10. B. Awerbuch, O. Goldreich, D. Peleg and R. Vainish, A Tradeo Between Information and Communication in Broadcast Protocols, AWOC 1988, 369-379.
  11. B. Awerbuch, A. Bar-Noy, N. Linial and D. Peleg, Compact Distributed Data Structures for Adaptive Routing, STOC 1989, 479-489.
  12. N. Alon, A. Bar-Noy, N. Linial and D. Peleg, On the Complexity of Radio Communication, STOC 1989, 274-285
  13. A. Bar-Noy and D. Peleg, Square Meshes are Not Always Optimal, SPAA 1989, 138-147.
  14. A. Bar-Noy, D. Dolev, D. Koller and D. Peleg, Fault-Tolerant Critical Section Management in Asynchronous Environments, WDAG 1989.
  15. U. Feige, D. Peleg, P. Raghavan and E. Upfal, Computing with Unreliable Information, STOC 1990, 128-137.
  16. U. Feige, D. Peleg, P. Raghavan and E. Upfal, The Complexity of Randomized Broadcast, SIGAL 1990, 128-137.
  17. B. Awerbuch, A. Baratz and D. Peleg, Cost-sensitive analysis of communication protocols, PODC 1990, 177-187.
  18. D. Peleg, Distributed Data Structures: A Complexity Oriented View, WDAGBari, Italy, 1990, 71-89.
  19. I. Cidon, S. Kutten, Y. Mansour and D. Peleg, Greedy Packet Scheduling, WDAG 1990, 169-184.
  20. B. Awerbuch and D. Peleg, Sparse Partitions, FOCS 1990, 503-513.
  21. B. Awerbuch and D. Peleg, Network Synchronization with Polylogarithmic Overhead, FOCS 1990, 514-522.
  22. B. Awerbuch, S. Kutten and D. Peleg, On Buer-Economical Store-and-Forward Deadlock Prevention, INFOCOM 1991, 410-414.
  23. Y. Ben-Asher, D. Peleg, R. Ramaswami and A. Schuster, The Power of Reconguration, ICALP 1991.
  24. B. Awerbuch, S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Ecient Deadlock-Free Routing, PODC 1991, 177-188.
  25. B. Awerbuch, I. Cidon, S. Kutten, Y. Mansour and D. Peleg, Broadcast with Partial Knowledge, PODC 1991, 153-163.
  26. K. Gilon and D. Peleg, Compact Deterministic Distributed Dictionaries, PODC 1991, 81-94.
  27. J. Bar-Ilan and D. Peleg, Approximation Algorithms for Selecting Network Centers, WADS 1991, 343-354.
  28. B. Awerbuch and D. Peleg, Concurrent Online Tracking of Mobile Users, SIGCOMM 1991, 221-233.
  29. N. Alon, R.M. Karp, D. Peleg and D. West, A Graph-Theoretic Game and its Application to the k-Server Problem, DIMACS Workshop on Online Algo. 1991, 1-9.
  30. B. Awerbuch, B. Patt-Shamir, D. Peleg and M. Saks, Adapting to Asynchronous Dynamic Networks, STOC 1992, 557-570.
  31. B. Awerbuch, S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Competitive Distributed Job Load Balancing, STOC 1992, 571-580.
  32. G. Kortsarz and D. Peleg, Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Time Broadcast, ISTCS1992, 67-78.
  33. Y. Ben-Asher, D. Peleg and A. Schuster, The Complexity of Reconguring Network Models, ISTCS1992, 79-90.
  34. G. Kortsarz and D. Peleg, Generating Sparse 2-Spanners, SWAT 1992, 73-82.
  35. B. Awerbuch, B. Berger, L. Cowen and D. Peleg, Low Diameter Graph Decomposition is in NC, SWAT 1992, 83-93.
  36. B. Awerbuch, B. Berger, L. Cowen and D. Peleg, Fast Network Decomposition, PODC 1992, 169-177.
  37. G. Kortsarz and D. Peleg, Trac-Light Scheduling on the Grid, WDAG 1992, 238-252.
  38. J. Bar-Ilan and D. Peleg, Distributed Resource Allocation Algorithms, WDAG 1992, 277-291.
  39. D. Peleg, G. Schechtman and A. Wool, Approximating Bounded 0-1 Integer Linear Programs, ISTCS 1993, 69-77.
  40. N. Linial, D. Peleg, Y. Rabinovich and M. Saks, Sphere Packing and Local Majorities in Graphs, ISTCS 1993, 141-149.
  41. B. Awerbuch, B. Berger, L. Cowen and D. Peleg, Near-Linear Cost Sequential and Distributed Constructions of Sparse Neighborhood Covers, FOCS 1993, 638-647..
  42. G. Kortsarz and D. Peleg, On Choosing a Dense Subgraph, FOCS 1993, 692-701.
  43. J. Garay, S. Kutten and D. Peleg, A Sub-Linear Time Distributed Algorithm for Minimum-Weight Spanning Trees, FOCS 1993, 659-668.
  44. G. Kortsarz and D. Peleg, Generating Low-Degree 2-Spanners, SODA 1994, 556-563.
  45. S. Dolev, E. Kranakis, D. Krizanc and D. Peleg, Bubbles: Adaptive Routing Scheme for High-Speed Dynamic Networks, STOC 1995.
  46. J.-C. Bermond and D. Peleg, The Power of Small Coalitions in Graphs, SIROCCO 1995, 173-184.
  47. D. Peleg and A. Wool, Crumbling walls: a class of practical and ecient quorum systems, PODC 1995, 120-129.
  48. S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Fast distributed construction of k-dominating sets and applications, PODC 1995, 238-249.
  49. S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Fault-Local Distributed Mending, PODC 1995, 20-27.
  50. R. Holzman, Y. Marcus and D. Peleg, Load Balancing in Quorum Systems, WADS 1995, 38-49.
  51. B. Awerbuch, S. Kutten, Y. Mansour and D. Peleg, Optimal Broadcast with Partial Knowledge, WDAG 1995.
  52. S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Tight fault locality, FOCS 1995.
  53. D. Peleg and A. Wool, How to be an Ecient Snoop, or the Probe Complexity of Quorum Systems, PODC 1996, 290-299.
  54. J. Bar-Ilan, G. Kortsarz and D. Peleg, Generalized Submodular Cover Problems and Applications, ISTCS 1996.
  55. J.-C. Bermond, J. Bond, D. Peleg and S. Perennes, Tight Bounds on the Size of 2-Monopolies, SIROCCO 1996, 152-169.
  56. D. Peleg, Local Majority Voting, Small Coalitions and Controlling Monopolies in Graphs: A Review, SIROCCO 1996, 170-179.
  57. E. Kranakis, D. Krizanc, A. Pelc and D. Peleg, Approximate Maxima Finding of Continuous Functions under Restricted Budget, WG 1996.
  58. G. Kortsarz and D. Peleg, Approximating Shallow-Light Trees, SODA 1997, 103-110.
  59. D. Peleg, Size Bounds for Dynamic Monopolies, SIROCCO 1997, 151-161.
  60. D. Peleg, Approximating Minimum Communication Spanning Trees, SIROCCO 1997. (See also Technical Report CS97-10, the Weizmann Institute of Science, 1997.)
  61. T. Eilam, C. Gavoille and D. Peleg, Compact Routing Schemes with Low Average Stretch Factor, PODC 1998, 11- 20.
  62. D. Peleg, Algorithmic aspects of dynamic coalitions and monopolies in graphs, Fun with Algorithms, 1998.
  63. D. Peleg, Distributed Matroid Basis Completion via Elimination Upcast and Distributed Correction of Minimum- Weight Spanning Trees, ICALP 1998, 164-175.
  64.  Peleg and E. Reshef, Deterministic Polylog Approximation for Minimum Communication Spanning Trees, ICALP 1998, 670-681.
  65. P. de la Torre, L. Narayanan and D. Peleg, Thy Neighbor's Interval is Greener: A Proposal for Exploiting Interval Routing Schemes (Position paper), SIROCCO 1998.
  66. C. Gavoille and D. Peleg, The Compactness of Interval Routing for Almost All Graphs, DISC 1998, 161-174.
  67. J.-C. Bermond, N. Marlin, D. Peleg and S. Perennes, Directed Virtual Path Layouts in ATM networks, DISC 1998, 75-88.
  68. J.-C. Bermond, N. Marlin, D. Peleg and S. Perennes, Virtual Path Layouts in Simple ATM networks, IFIP Workshop on Perform. Model. & Evaluat. ATM Networks 1998.
  69. Y. Mansour and D. Peleg, An Approximation Algorithm for Minimum-Cost Network Design, DIMACS Workshop on Robust Commun. Networks: Interconn. & Surviv. 1998, 97-106.
  70. D. Peleg, Proximity-Preserving Labeling Schemes and Their Applications, WG 1999, 30-41.
  71. Y. Hassin and D. Peleg, Distributed Probabilistic Polling and Applications to Proportionate Agreement, ICALP 1999, 402-411.
  72. D. Peleg and E. Reshef, A Variant of the Arrow Distributed Directory with Low Average Complexity, ICALP 1999, 615-624.
  73. L. Drori and D. Peleg, Faster Exact Solutions for Some NP-Hard Problems, ESA 1999.
  74. D. Peleg and V. Rubinovich, A near-tight lower bound on the time complexity of distributed MST construction, FOCS 1999, 253-261.
  75. P. Bose, C. Kaklamanis, L.M. Kirousis, E. Kranakis, D. Krizanc and D. Peleg, Station Layouts in the Presence of Location Constraints, ISAAC1999.
  76. M. Elkin and D. Peleg, The Hardness of Approximating Spanner Problems, STACS 2000, 370-381.
  77. M. Katz, N. Katz and D. Peleg, Distance Labeling Schemes for Well-Separated Graph Classes, STACS 2000, 516-528.
  78. Y. Hassin and D. Peleg, Extremal Bounds for Probabilistic Polling in Graphs, SIROCCO 2000, 167-180.
  79. D. Peleg, Approximation algorithms for the Label-CoverMAX and Red-Blue Set Cover Problems, SWAT 2000.
  80. M. Elkin and D. Peleg, Strong Inapproximability of the Basic k-Spanner Problem, ICALP 2000, 636-647.
  81. P. Fraigniaud, A. Pelc, D. Peleg and S. Perennes, Assigning Labels in Unknown Anonymous Networks, PODC 2000.
  82. L. Gasieniec, A. Pelc and D. Peleg, The wakeup problem in synchronous broadcast systems, PODC 2000.
  83. Y. Hassin and D. Peleg, Sparse Communication Networks and Ecient Routing in the Plane, PODC 2000, 41-50.
  84. D. Peleg, Informative Labeling Schemes for Graphs, MFCS 2000, 579-588.
  85. Y. Atzmony and D. Peleg, Distributed Algorithms for English Auctions, DISC 2000.
  86. C. Gavoille, D. Peleg, S. Perennes and R. Raz, Distance Labeling in Graphs, SODA 2001, 210-219.
  87. M. Elkin and D. Peleg, Approximating k-Spanner Problems for k > 2, IPCO 2001.
  88. M. Elkin and D. Peleg, (1 + ; )-Spanner Constructions for General Graphs, STOC 2001.
  89. S. Kutten, D. Peleg and U. Vishkin, Deterministic Resource Discovery in Distributed Networks, SPAA 2001, 77-83.
  90. Y. Hassin and D. Peleg, Average Probe Complexity in Quorum Systems, PODC 2001, 180-189.
  91. Z. Lotker, B. Patt-Shamir and D. Peleg, Distributed MST for Constant Diameter Graphs, PODC 2001.
  92. C. Gavoille, D. Peleg, A. Raspaud and E. Sopena, Small k-Dominating Sets in Planar Graphs with Applications, WG 2001.
  93. M. Elkin and D. Peleg, The Client-Server 2-Spanner Problem and Applications to Network Design, SIROCCO 2001, 117-132.
  94. C. Gavoille, M. Katz, N.A. Katz, C. Paul and D. Peleg, Approximate Distance Labeling Schemes, ESA 2001, 476-488.
  95. D. Peleg and U. Pincas, The Average Hop Count Measure for Virtual Path Layouts, DISC 2001, 255-269.
  96. M. Katz, N.A. Katz, A. Korman and D. Peleg, Labeling Schemes for Flow and Connectivity, SODA 2002, 927-936.
  97. A. Korman, D. Peleg and Y. Rodeh, Labeling Schemes for Dynamic Tree Networks, STACS 2002, 76-87.
  98. N. Lev-Tov and D. Peleg, Exact Algorithms and Approximation Schemes for Base Station Placement Problems, SWAT 2002, 90-99.
  99. D. Peleg, Low stretch spanning trees, MFCS 2002, 68-80.
  100. S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Asynchronous Resource Discovery in Peer to Peer Networks, SRDS 2002.
  101. Z. Lotker, B. Patt-Shamir, E. Pavlov and D. Peleg, MST Construction in O(loglog n) Communication Rounds, SPAA 2003, 94-100.
  102. A. Korman and D. Peleg, Labeling Schemes for Weighted Dynamic Trees, ICALP 2003, 369-383.
  103. R. Matichin and D. Peleg, Approximation Algorithm for Hotlink Assignments in Web Directories, WADS 2003, 271-280.
  104. O. Gerstel, S. Kutten, R. Matichin and D. Peleg, Hotlink Enhancement Algorithms for Web Directories, ISAAC2003, 68-77.
  105. N. Agmon and D. Peleg, Fault-Tolerant Gathering Algorithms for Autonomous Mobile Robots, SODA 2004, 1063-1071.
  106. Y. Emek and D. Peleg, Approximating Minimum Max-Stretch Spanning Trees on Unweighted Graphs, SODA 2004, 254-263.
  107. C. Ambuhl, A.E.F. Clementi, M. Di Ianni, N. Lev-Tov, A. Monti, D. Peleg, G. Rossi and R. Silvestri, Ecient Algorithms for Low-Energy Bounded-Hop Broadcast in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks, STACS 2004, 418-427.
  108. B. Awerbuch, B. Patt-Shamir, D. Peleg and M. Tuttle, Collaboration of Untrusting Peers with Changing Interests, EC 2004, 112-119.
  109. R. Cohen and D. Peleg, Robot Convergence via Center-of-Gravity Algorithms, SIROCCO 2004, 79-88.
  110. R. Matichin and D. Peleg, Approximation Algorithm for Hotlink Assignment in the Greedy Model, SIROCCO 2004, 233-244.
  111. P. Fraigniaud, D. Ilcinkas, G. Peer, A. Pelc and D. Peleg, Graph Exploration by a Finite Automaton, MFCS 2004, 451- 462.
  112. R. Cohen and D. Peleg, Convergence Properties of the Gravitational Algorithm in Asynchronous Robot Systems, ESA 2004, 228-239.
  113. B. Awerbuch, B. Patt-Shamir, D. Peleg and M. Tuttle, Improved Recommendation Systems, SODA 2005, 1174-1183.
  114. S. Kutten, H. Ono, D. Peleg, K. Sadakane and M. Yamashita Energy-Optimal Online Algorithms for Broadcasting in Wireless Networks, WONS 2005, 125-130.
  115. B. Awerbuch, B. Patt-Shamir, D. Peleg and M. Tuttle, Adaptive Collaboration in Peer-to-Peer Systems, ICDCS 2005, 71-80.
  116. R. Cohen, P. Fraigniaud, D. Ilcinkas, A. Korman and D. Peleg, Label-Guided Graph Exploration by a Finite Automaton, ICALP 2005, 335-346.
  117. A. Pelc and D. Peleg, Feasibility and Complexity of Broadcasting with Random Transmission Failures, PODC 2005, 334-341.
  118. L. Gasieniec, D. Peleg and Q. Xin, Faster Communication in Known Topology Radio Networks, PODC 2005, 129-137.
  119. A. Korman, S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Proof Labeling Schemes, PODC 2005, 9-18.
  120. D. Peleg, Distributed Coordination Algorithms for Mobile Robot Swarms: New Directions and Challenges, IWDC 2005, 1-12.
  121. R. Cohen, P. Fraigniaud, D. Ilcinkas, A. Korman and D. Peleg, Labeling Schemes for Tree Representation, IWDC 2005, 13-24.
  122. Y. Emek and D. Peleg, A tight Upper Bound on the Probabilistic Embedding of Series-Parallel Graphs, SODA 2006, 1045-1053.
  123. R. Cohen and D. Peleg, Convergence of Autonomous Mobile Robots With Inaccurate Sensors and Movements, STACS 2006, 549-560.
  124. E. Kantor and D. Peleg, Approximate Hierarchical Facility Location and Applications to the Shallow Steiner Tree and Range Assignment Problems, CIAC 2006, 211-222.
  125. R. Cohen and D. Peleg, Local Algorithms for Autonomous Robot Systems, SIROCCO 2006, 29-43.
  126. A. Korman and D. Peleg, Dynamic Routing Schemes for General Graphs, ICALP 2006, 619-930.
  127. D. Peleg, Recent Advances on Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Energy Range Assignment Problems in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks, CAAN 2006, 1-4.
  128. A. Korman, D. Peleg and Y. Rodeh, Constructing Labeling Schemes Through Universal Matrices, ISAAC 2006, 409-418.
  129. A. Efrima and D. Peleg, Distributed Models and Algorithms for Mobile Robot Systems, SOFSEM 2007, 70-87.
  130. A. Efrima and D. Peleg, Distributed Algorithms for Partitioning A Swarm of Autonomous Mobile Robots, SIROCCO 2007, 270-284.
  131. Y. Emek, L. Gasieniec, E. Kantor, A. Pelc, D. Peleg and C. Su, Broadcasting in UDG Radio Networks with Unknown Topology, PODC 2007, 195-204.
  132. B. Derbel, C. Gavoille and D. Peleg, Deterministic Distributed Construction of Linear Stretch Spanners in Polylogarithmic Time, DISC 2007, 179-192.
  133. A. Korman and D. Peleg, Compact Separator Decompositions in Dynamic Trees and Applications to Labeling Schemes, DISC 2007, 313-327.
  134. L. Gasieniec, E. Kantor, D.R. Kowalski, D. Peleg and C. Su, Energy and Time Ecient Broadcasting in Known Topology Radio Networks, DISC 2007, 253-267.
  135. D. Peleg, Time Ecient Broadcasting in Radio Networks: a review, ICDCIT 2007, 1-18.
  136. Y. Emek, D. Peleg and L. Roditty, A Near-Linear Time Algorithm for Computing Replacement Paths in Planar Directed Graphs, SODA 2008, 428-435.
  137. D. Adjiashvili and D. Peleg, Equal-Area Locus-Based Convex Polygon Decomposition, SIROCCO 2008, 141-155.
  138. B. Derbel, C. Gavoille, D. Peleg and L. Viennot, On the Locality of Distributed Sparse Spanner Construction, PODC 2008, 273-282.
  139. Y. Emek, E. Kantor and D. Peleg, On the Eect of the Deployment Setting on Broadcasting in Euclidean Radio Networks, PODC 2008, 223-232.
  140. D. Peleg and L. Roditty, Localized spanner construction for Ad Hoc Networks with Variable Transmission Range, AdHoc-NOW 2008, 135-147.
  141. O. Amini, D. Peleg, S. Perennes, I. Sau and S. Saurabh, Degree-Constrained Subgraph Problems: Hardness and Approximation Results, WAOA 2008, 29-42.
  142. S. Chechik, M. Langberg, D. Peleg and L. Roditty, Fault-Tolerant Spanners for General Graphs, STOC 2009, 435-444.
  143. S. Chechik and D. Peleg, Low-Port Tree Representations, WG 2009, 66-76.
  144. C. Avin, Y. Emek, E. Kantor, Z. Lotker, D. Peleg and L. Roditty, SINR Diagrams: Towards Algorithmically Usable SINR Models of Wireless Networks, PODC 2009, 200-209.
  145. E. Kantor and D. Peleg, Ecient k-shot Broadcasting in Radio Networks, DISC 2009, 481-495.
  146. B. Derbel, C. Gavoille, D. Peleg and L. Viennot, Local Computation of Additive Spanners, DISC 2009, 176-190.
  147. R. Bar-Yanai, M. Langberg, D. Peleg and L. Roditty, Realtime Classication for Encrypted trac, SEA 2010, 373-385.
  148. S. Chechik, Y. Emek, B. Patt-Shamir and D. Peleg, Sparse Reliable Graph Backbones, ICALP 2010, 261-272.
  149. I. Abraham, S. Chechik, C. Gavoille and D. Peleg, Forbidden-Set Distance Labels for Graphs of Bounded Doubling Dimension, PODC 2010, 192-200.
  150. S. Chechik, M. Langberg, D. Peleg and L. Roditty, f-Sensitivity Distance Oracles and Routing Schemes, ESA 2010, 84-96.
  151. D. Peleg, I. Sau and M. Shalom, On Approximating the d-Girth of a Graph, SOFSEM 2011, 467-481.
  152. L. Kor, A. Korman and D. Peleg, Tight Bounds For Distributed MST Verication, STACS 2011, 69{80.
  153. Z. Lotker, M. Parter and D. Peleg and Y.-A. Pignolet, Distributed Power Control in the SINR Model, INFOCOM 2011, 2525-2533.
  154. A. Das Sarma, S. Holzer, L. Kor, A. Korman, D. Nanongkai, G. Pandurangan, D. Peleg and R. Wattenhofer, Distributed Verication and Hardness of Distributed Approximation, STOC 2011, 363-372.
  155. E. Kantor, Z. Lotker, M. Parter and D. Peleg, The Topology of Wireless Communication, STOC 2011, 383-392.
  156. P. Fraigniaud, A. Korman and D. Peleg, Local Distributed Decision, FOCS 2011, 708-717.
  157. Y. Dieudonne, A. Pelc and D. Peleg, Gathering despite mischief, SODA 2012, 527-540.
  158. C. Avin, A. Cohen, Y. Haddad, E. Kantor, Z. Lotker, M. Parter and D. Peleg, SINR Diagram with Interference Cancellation, SODA 2012, 502-515.
  159. S. Chechik and D. Peleg, The Fault Tolerant Capacitated k-Center Problem, SIROCCO 2012.
  160. Y. Emek, P. Fraigniaud, A. Korman, S. Kutten and D. Peleg, Notions of Connectivity in Overlay Networks, SIROCCO 2012.
  161. 161. B. Haeupler, G. Pandurangan, D. Peleg, R. Rajaraman and Z. Sun, Discovery through Gossip, SPAA 2012.
  162. D. Peleg, L. Roditty and E. Tal, Distributed Algorithms for Network Diameter and Girth, ICALP 2012.
  163. G. Braunschvig, S. Chechik and D. Peleg, Fault Tolerant Additive Spanners, WG 2012.
  164. P. Fraigniaud, A. Korman, M. Parter and D. Peleg, Randomized Distributed Decision, DISC 2012, 375-389.
  165. S. Chechik, Q. Godfroy and D. Peleg, Multipath Spanners via Fault-Tolerant Spanners, MedAlg 2012, 108-119.
  166. C. Avin, M. Borokhovich, Y. Haddad, E. Kantor, Z. Lotker, M. Parter and D. Peleg, Generalized Perron{Frobenius Theorem for Multiple Choice Matrices, and Applications, SODA 2013, 478-497.
  167.  S. Kutten, G. Pandurangan, D. Peleg, P. Robinson and A. Trehan, Sublinear Bounds for Randomized Leader Election, ICDCN 2013, 348-362.
  168. S. Kutten, G. Pandurangan, D. Peleg, P. Robinson and A. Trehan, On the Complexity of Universal Leader Election, PODC 2013.
  169. C. Lenzen and D. Peleg, Ecient Distributed Source Detection with Limited Bandwidth, PODC 2013.
  170. M. Parter and D. Peleg, Sparse Fault-Tolerant BFS Trees, ESA 2013.
  171. S. Chechik, M. Johnson, M. Parter and D. Peleg, Secluded Connectivity Problems, ESA 2013.
  172. M. Parter and D. Peleg, Fault Tolerant Approximate BFS Trees, SODA 2014.
  173. B. Keller, D. Peleg and R. Wattenhofer, How Even Tiny In uence Can Have a Big Impact! Fun with Algorithms, 2014, 252-263.
  174. C. Avin, M. Borokhovich, Z. Lotker and D. Peleg, Distributed Computing on Core-Periphery Networks: Axiom-based Design, ICALP 2014. 
  175. C. Avin, B. Keller, Z. Lotker, C. Mathieu, D. Peleg and Y.-A. Pignolet, Homophily and the Glass Ceiling Eect in Social Networks, ITCS 2015.
  176. M. Parter and D. Peleg, Fault Tolerant BFS Structures: A Reinforcement-Backup Tradeo, SPAA 2015.
  177. M. Parter and D. Peleg, On The Relations between SINR Diagrams and Voronoi Diagrams, AdHoc-NOW 2015.
  178. C. Avin, Z. Lotker, Y. Nahum and D. Peleg, Core Size and Densication in Preferential Attachment Networks, ICALP 2015.L. Barenboim and D. Peleg, Nearly Optimal Local Broadcasting in the SINR Model with Feedback, SIROCCO 2015,
  179. A. Bar-Noy, D. Peleg, G. Rabanca and I. Vigan, Improved Approximation Algorithms forWeighted 2-path Partitions, ESA 2015.
  180. C. Avin, Z. Lotker, D. Peleg and I. Turkel, Social Network Analysis of Program Committees and Paper Acceptance Fairness, ASONAM 2015. 
  181. E. Kantor, Z. Lotker, M. Parter and D. Peleg, The Minimum Principle of SINR: A Useful Discretization Tool for Wireless Communication, FOCS 2015.
  182. E. Kantor, Z. Lotker, M. Parter and D. Peleg, Nonuniform SINR+Voronoi Diagrams are Eectively Uniform, DISC 2015.
  183. M. Parter, D. Peleg and S. Solomon, Local-on-Average Distributed Tasks, SODA 2016, 220-239.
  184. D. Peleg and S. Solomon, Dynamic (1 + )-Approximate Matchings: A Density-Sensitive Approach, SODA 2016, 712-729.
  185. G. Pandurangan, D. Peleg and M. Scquizzato, Message Lower Bounds via Efficient Network Synchronization, SIROCCO 2016,
  186. C. Avin, A. Cohen, Z, Lotker and D. Peleg, Fault-Tolerant Hotelling Games, manuscript, Jan. 2018.