Faculty Members

Avraham Rami Aizenbud
Representation Theory and Algebraic Geometry

Zvi Artstein
Dynamical Systems, Control, Variational Limits, Singular Perturbations, Set-Valued Analysis.

Uri Bader
Geometric and Analytic Group Theory. Algebraic Groups and Lie Theory. Ergodic Theory and Dynamics.

Itai Benjamini
Probability, Coarse Geometry

Vladimir Berkovich
Non-Archimedean Analytic Geometry, Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory

Gal Binyamini
o-minimal geometry, Diophantine geometry, differential equations

Ehud Friedgut
Analytical and algebraic methods in Combinatorics

Tsachik Gelander
Ergodic Theory, Group Theory and Dynamical Systems

Stephen Gelbart
Group Representations, Automorphic Forms, Number Theory

Maria Gorelik
Lie Theory, Representations of Lie (super)algebras

Dmitry Gourevitch
Representation Theory, Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis

Anthony Joseph
Enveloping Algebras, Quantum Groups, Representation Theory

Yakar Kannai
Linear Partial Differential Equations, Game Theory, Mathematical Economics

Boaz Klartag
Analysis, Convex Geometry, High-dimensional effects

Gady Kozma
Probability and Fourier Analysis

Erez Lapid
Automorphic Forms, Trace Formula

Alexander Lubotzky
Group theory and its connections to geometry, number theory, combinatorics, and computer science

Dmitry Novikov
Ordinary Differential Equations in Complex Domain, Real Algebraic Geometry, Hilbert 16th Problem

Amitai Regev
Polynomial Identities, Sn Representations, Combinatorics

Omri Sarig
Ergodic theory, Dynamical Systems, and Probability

Gideon Schechtman
Convexity, Geometry of Banach Spaces, Probability

Mark Shusterman
Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry, Group Theory

Eliran Subag
Probability theory, spin glasses, mathematical physics

Ran Tessler
Mathematical physics

Sergei Yakovenko
Ordinary Differential Equations, Differential Algebra, Complex Analysis, Tame Geometry

Yosef Yomdin
Ordinary Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Numerical Methods, Image Processing, Complexity

Ofer Zeitouni
Probability theory, disordered media, random matrices, logarithmically correlated fields, and applications