Group Members
Kovalsky Shahar. "Optimization of singular values for problems in computer graphics and vision," 2016.
Simon Konrad. "Linear and nonlinear elasticity models for shape matching," 2016.
Mica Arie-Nachimson. “Incorporating 3D information in image collections for dense reconstruction and pose estimation,” 2013.
Daniel Glasner. “A joint optimization approach to problems in computer vision”, 2013.
Orit Kliper-Gross. “Action recognition in challenging real-world videos,” 2013 (advised jointly with Tal Hassner).
Sharon Alpert (advised jointly with Achi Brandt). “Multiscale methods for edge detection and image segmentation,” 2010 (advised jointly with Achi Brandt). .
Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman. “3D shape reconstruction with shading information and prior knowledge, ” 2009.
Lena Gorelick “Object and action recognition using Poisson-based shape representations,” 2009 (advised jointly with Achi Brandt).
Darya Frolova. “Analysis of lighting and applications to 3-dimensional reconstruction of moving and static objects,” 2009.
Ayelet Akselrod-Ballin, “Multiscale multi-channel 3D segmentation and classification of MRI,” 2007(advised jointly with Achi Brandt).
Roman Dovgard, “Efficient holistic image synthesis using linear constraints,” 2007 (advised jointly with Shimon Ullman).
Tal Hassner, “Building 3D shapes from parts,” Ph.D. Thesis, 2006.
Chen Brestel, “Matching hierarchical graphs of aggregates,” 2004.
Eitan Sharon, “Multiscale region segmentation and curve extraction,” 2001.
Meir Omer, "A multiscale variable-grouping framework for MRF energy minimization", 2015.
Amir Tal, "Multi-view structure from motion using rank-constrained optimization", 2015.
Ofir Nati, "Efficient bayesian detection of faint curved edges in noisy images", 2014.
Bartal Ofer, "Photometric stereo with unknown lighting and specular reflectance", 2012
Meir Moran, "Fibers, blood vessels and neurons", 2012.
Barkan Gilad, "Segmentation-based long range motion estimation", 2007.
Peled Tomer, "Towards segmentation-based scene understanding", 2007.
Raveh Barak, "Rediscovering secondary structures by searching for repetitive patterns in graphs of protein folds", 2007
Arie-Nachimson Mica, "Multiview object detection using a probabilistic 3D class model," 2007
Oren Forkosh, “Approaches to hierarchical Gaussian construction,” 2006.
Ronen Deitch, “Image denoising via non-convex optimization with Multigrid,” 2006.
Ira Kemelmacher, “Indexing with varying illumination and Pose,” 2004.
Lena Gorelick, “Object recognition by silhouette shape,” 2004 (Joint with Achi Brandt).
Alexander Apartzin, “Multiscale segmentation of independent object motion Using Irregular Pyramids,” 2004.
Ophir Gvirtzer, “Computing optical flow using hierarchical texture segmentation,” 2004.
Ilana Lavie, “Identification of protein residues and amino-acid properties that determine binding specificity of G protein-coupled receptors,” 2004 (advised jointly with Yitzhak Pilpel, Dept. of Molecular Genetics).
Denis Simakov, “Dense shape reconstruction of a moving object under arbitrary, unknown lighting,” 2003.
Ido Leichter, “Extending direct methods to handle larger motion,” .
Maksim Frenkel, “Curve matching using the fast marching method,” 2002.
Max Chavlevsky, “Bi-clustering for content based image retrieval,” 2002.
Yuval Spector, “Visual homing: application and extensions,” 1999.
Alexander Kultonov, “New spectral features and Gaussian mixtures for classification of multispectral data,” 1998.
Amoss Peleg. “Recognition of object in motion using invariant signatures,” 1997.
Yossi Cohen, “Inferring region salience from binary and gray-level images,” 1997.
Ovadya Menadeva, “The robustness to occlusions in recognizing planar objects with regions,” 1996.