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Published/Accepted papers
The Amplituhedron BCFW triangulation (with C. Even-Zohar and T. Lakrec). Accepted to Inventiones Mathematicae .
A Cluster of Results on Amplituhedron Tiles (with C. Even-Zohar, T. Lakrec, M. Parisi, M. Sherman-Bennett and L. Williams). Letters in Mathematical Physics 114, 111 (2024).
Mirror Symmetry for Open r-Spin Invariants (with M. Gross and T. Kelly). Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 20, no. 2 (2024): 1005-1024.
Intersection Theory on Moduli of disks, Open KdV and Virasoro (with R. Pandharipande and J. Solomon). Geometry and Topology 28, no.6 (2024): 2483–2567.
Open r-Spin Theory II: The Analogue of Witten's Conjecture for r-Spin Disks (with A. Buryak and E. Clader). Journal of Differential Geometry 128, no. 1 (2024): 1-75.
Garland’s Method for Posets and High Dimensional Grassmannian Expanders (with T. Kaufman). Accepted to Israel Journal of Mathematics (a journal version), Innovations of Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS) 2023 (a conference version).
The Combinatorial Formula for Open Gravitational Descendents . Geometry and Topology 27, no. 7 (2023): 2497-2648.
Open r-Spin Theory III: A Prediction for Higher Genus (with A. Buryak and E. Clader) Journal of Geometry and Physics 192 (2023): 104960.
Open CP^1 Descendent Theory I: The Stationary Sector (with A. Buryak, A. Netser-Zernik and R. Pandharipande). Advances in Mathematics 401 (2022): 108249.
Spectral Analysis of Word Statistics-Extended Abstract (with C. Even-Zohar, T. Lakrec), The International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC) 2021.
Open r-Spin Theory I: Foundations (with A. Buryak and E. Clader). International Mathematics Research Notices (2021), rnaa345.
New Cosystolic Expanders from Tensors Imply Explicit Quantum LDPC Codes with Ω(√nlog^k(n)) Distance (with T. Kaufman). The ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) 2021.
Consistent High Dimensional Rounding with Side Information (with O. Dunkelman, Z. Geyzel, C. Keller, N. Keller, E. Ronen and A. Shamir). International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2021.
The 4-CB Algebra and Solvable Lattice Models (with V. Belavin, D. Gepner, J.R. Li).Journal of High Energy Physics 11 (2019) 155.
A Sharp Threshold for Spanning 2-Spheres in Random 2-Complexes (with Z. Luria).Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society ,119 no. 3 (2019): 733-780.
Closed Extended r-spin Theory (with Alexandr Buryak and Emily Clader).Journal of Geometry and Physics , 137 (2019): 132-153.
Exact Maximum Entropy Estimates with Feynman Diagrams (with T. Schlank and A. Zernik). Journal of Statistical Physics , 170, no. 4 (2018): 731-747.
No Percolation in Low Temperature Spin Glass (with N. Berger).Electronic Journal of Probability 22, no.88 (2017):1--19.
Refined Open Intersection Numbers and the Kontsevich-Penner Matrix Model (with
A. Alexandrov and A. Buryak).Journal of High Energy Physics (2017):123.
Matrix Models and a Proof of the Open Analog of Witten's Conjecture (with A. Buryak).Communications in Mathematical Physics 353, no. 3 (2017): 1299--1328.
Isoperimetric Inequalities in Simplicial Complexes (with O. Parzanchevski and R. Rosenthal). Combinatorica , 36, no. 2 (2016): 195--227.
Majority Dynamics and the Retention of Information (with O. Tamuz).Israel Journal of Mathematics 206, no. 1 (2015): 483--507 .
The Williams Bjerknes Model on Regular Trees (with O. Louidor and A. Vandenberg-Rodes). The Annals of Applied Probability 24, no. 5 (2014): 1889--1917.
Harmonic Labelings of Graphs (with I. Benjamini, V. Cyr, E. Procaccia).Discrete Mathematics , 313, no.17 (2013): 1726--1745.
Optimal Incentives for Participation with Type-Dependent Externalities, (with M. Feldman and Y. Wilf). WINE (2009).