The workshop on “Translational AI and Engineering in Health and Communication” was initiated and hosted by the Manya Igel Centre for Biomedical Engineering and Signal Processing, headed by Prof. Yonina Eldar. 
The aim of the workshop was to reveal the spectrum of the research activities conducted in our center in the fields of signal processing and AI to a wide audience of physicians, academics and industry members, in order to give rise to new research collaboration projects in these domains. 
The workshop included lectures presenting the theories behind our research and the applications we develop in the fields of healthcare, communication and radar. In addition, the audience was able to enjoy a live demonstration of prototypes based upon the theories presented. The workshop also included lectures by external speakers - Prof. Eli Konen from Sheba Medical Center (AI in Medical Imaging) and Dr. Nir Shlezinger from Ben-Gurion University (Model-Based AI for Communication), 
as well as by Weizmann researchers – Dr. Efrat Shema (Liquid Biopsies for Cancer Diagnostics) and Dr. Leeat Keren (Multiplexed Imaging for Digital Pathology). The workshop was attended by a wide audience, from both academia, industry and the healthcare community.
