Prof. Yonina Eldar
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Weizmann Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Dorothy and Patrick Gorman Professorial Chair
Head of Biomedical Engineering and Signal Processing Center
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Weizmann Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Dorothy and Patrick Gorman Professorial Chair
Head of Biomedical Engineering and Signal Processing Center
"Joint sensing and communication"
Currently postdoctoral fellow, department of electrical engineering, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Currently Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai, India.
Currently Assistant Professor, School of Communications and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China.
Currently in the University of British Columbia in Canada.
Currently Lecturer at Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China.
Currently an Associate Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering in Ben Gurion University, Israel.
Currently Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ariel University, Israel.
Currently an Associate Professor in Hangzhou Dianzi University (HDU) in China.
Currently an Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy, Visakhapatnam, India.
Currently Assistant Professor at GLA University, Mathura.
Currently an Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Currently Professor, Department of Mechatronics, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, India.
Currently a Research Scientist at DRW Research lab, Adjunct Professor (Tel-Aviv University, The Open University).
Currently Tech Lead and High Tech Engineering Center in Innovation.
Currently Researcher at the Department of Mathematics at University of Vienna.
Currently Adjunct Teaching Professor at the Chair of Theoretical Information Technology of the, Technical University of Munich (TUM).
"Super-Resolution Microscopy"
Currently working as a Computer vision algorithm developer Mobileye.
"Quantitative Medical Imaging using Model-Based AI"
Currently working as a Computer vision algorithm developer at Elbit Systems.
"Low rate ultrasound beamforming via advanced signal processing and deep learning"
Currently working as DSP engineer at Sony.
"Integrating domain knowledge into deep networks for lung ultrasound with applications to COVID-19"
Currently Entrepreneur.
"Leveraging Deep-learning Concepts for Solving Waveform Inversion and Linear Inverse Problems"
Algoritm developer at Mobileye's CTO office.
"3D Super Resolution Ultrasound"
Currently working as Algorithm Engineer at Samsung Israel R&D Center - SIRC Israel.
"Sub-Nyquist Blood Doppler Ultrasound"
Currently working as Research Scientist at Verily.
"Signal Processing in Ultrasound"
"Fast Super-resolution Imaging in Optics and Ultrasound: From Sparsity to Deep Learning"
Currently a postdoc at the center for magnetic resonance research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
"Pseudo-Polar based CT Reconstruction "
Currently an Applied Scientist at Amazon AI.
"Low-Rate Generalized Beamforming for Medical Ultrasound"
Currently Algorithm Developer at Vayyar Imaging Ltd.
"Sub Nyquist MIMO Radar"
Currently an algorithm engineer at Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.
"Sub-Nyquist Quantitative Estimation of Magnetic Resonance Parameters"
Currently Technical leader of radar algorithms in a defense company.
"Signal Processing Challenges in Massive MIMO Systems"
Currently working as an Information Theory Researcher at Tel Aviv University.
"Cyclostationary Feature Detection from Compressed Samples"
Currently Research Scientist, Google.
"Sub-Nyquist SAR"
Currently Algorithms Team Leader, Israel Defense Forces.
"K-Space Irregular Sampling"
Currently Algorithms Group Leader.
"Sub Nyquist Radar"
Currently CEO at Lynxight, AI for swimming pools.
"Sparsity-Based Reconstruction of Subwavelength Images"
Currently Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering at Technion.
"Application of Xampling in Ultrasound Imaging"
Currently Senior Algorithm Developer, Vayyar Imaging Ltd.
"A General Framework for Constrained Bayesian Estimation"
Currently Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering Department at Technion.
"Metabolic Flux Analysis"
Currently Real Time and Embedded System Engineer.
"Exploiting Statistical Dependencies in Sparse Representations"
Currently Algorithm Team Leader, Samsung Israel Research Center.
"Innovation Rate Sampling of Pulse Streams with Applications in Ultrasound Imaging"
Currently Algorithms Group Leader, Vayyar Ltd.
"Sampling Signals from a Parameterized Union of Subspaces"
Currently Algorithms Team Leader, Xsight Systems.
"Analysis of DNA Time of Replication - A Signal Processing Approach"
Currently Algorithms Engineer, Brightway Vision Ltd.
"Sampling and Processing of Structured Signals at Sub-Nyquist Rates"
Currently at Google.
"Bias-indifferent lower bounds on estimation error"
Currently Software Engineer, Google.
"Real Time Change Detection of Steady-state Evoked Potentials"
Currently Carlos and Rosa de la Cruz Associate Professor Marketing Department, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
"Blind Compressed Sensing"
Currently Image Processing Researcher, IBM.
"Sparsity Models for Signals: Theory and Applications"
Currently an Associate Professor in the Department of EE - Systems at Tel Aviv University.
"The Chebyshev Center and Iterative MMSE: Dominating Least-Squares Estimation"
Currently working at Mobileye (vision algo engineer).
"Analysis of microarray data"
Currently Detection Team Leader, Autonomous Driving, General Motors.
"Bayesian Filtering in Spiking Neural Networks: Noise, Adaptation and Multisensory Integration"
Currently Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering at Technion.
"Generalized Sampling in the Presence of Nonlinearities: Theory and Methods"
Currently Signal Processing Specialist, IDF.
"Convex Optimization Methods in MIMO Communication Systems"
Currently Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering at The Hebrew University.
"An L1-Framework for the Design of Linear-Phase FIR Digital Filters"
Currently PGY1-Pediatric, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, USA.
"Robust Quantum Detection for Uncertain Quantum Systems"
Currently Senior Signal Processing Engineer at Intel; Freelance composer/arranger and bass player
"Blind Minimax and Maximum Set Estimators: Improving on Least-squares Estimation"
Currently Software Engineer, Google.
"Equalization and Multiuser Detection for Uncertain Channels"
Currently Chief Scientist, Go-Net Systems Ltd.
"Efficient Gabor Representations in Combined Time-frequency Spaces"
"Reconstruction of Periodic Bandlimited Signals from Nonuniform Samples"
Currently Security Architect, Google.