Dr. Orly Laufman The Ernst and Kaethe Ascher Career Development Chair in Life Sciences Principal Investigator orly.laufman@weizmann.ac.il Office: +972-8-934-4532 Arnold R. Meyer Building Room: 108
Dr. Olga Shomron Research Associate olga.shomron@weizmann.ac.il Office: +972-8-934-2678 Arnold R. Meyer Building Room: 108
Dr. Yael Yair Postdoctoral fellow yael.yair@weizmann.ac.il Office: +972-8-934-2678 Arnold R. Meyer Building Room: 108
Etai Boichis PhD student etai.boichis@weizmann.ac.il Office: +972-8-934-2678 Arnold R. Meyer Building Room: 108
Yana Lerner PhD student yana.lerner@weizmann.ac.il Office: +972-8-934-2678 Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research Room: 108
Shirel Steinberger PhD student shirel.topaz@weizmann.ac.il Office: +972-8-934-2208 Arnold R. Meyer Building Room: 108
Nadav Ben Tsvi Msc student nadav.ben-tsvee@weizmann.ac.il Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Keren Eden Msc student keren.eden@weizmann.ac.il Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Noam Hugo Alexis Morris Msc student noam-hugo-alexis.morris@weizmann.ac.il Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Building for Biomedical Research
Rachel Sharan Lab Manager rachel.sharan@weizmann.ac.il Office: +972-8-934-2678 Arnold R. Meyer Building Room: 108b