The Weizmann Orchestra began with humble roots—a small ensemble that rehearsed in the evenings on the ground floor of the Perlman Chemistry Building.

Over the years, this passion project has blossomed, rekindling the love for music among Weizmann students who once thought their scientific pursuits left no time for artistic endeavours.

The journey continued to evolve, and over the years, the small group of musicians has grown into a vibrant orchestra performing to enthusiastic audiences. Today, the ever-growing Weizmann Orchestra is composed of dedicated musicians, all of whom are students and scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Weekly rehearsals and lots of love and effort have transformed these dedicated musicians into a cohesive unit guided by their conductor Rotem Marcel Azoulay, a professional flutist and aspiring conductor. The Weizmann Orchestra is a testament to the enriching power of music, proving that the arts and sciences can harmoniously coexist.

Join us as we celebrate the harmony of science and music at the Weizmann Orchestra.