March 27, 1995 - March 27, 2028

  • Date:20ThursdayMarch 2025

    Harnessing Mistakes to Expose Cancer’s Vulnerability

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    12:30 - 14:00
    Spotlight on Science lecture sponsored by the Staff Scientists Council
    Gerhard M.J. Schmidt Lecture Hall
    LecturerIlana Eyal
    Spotlight on Science lecture sponsored by the Staff Scientists Council
    AbstractShow full text abstract about <p>Over the past few decades, immunotherapy has revolu...»
    <p>Over the past few decades, immunotherapy has revolutionized cancer treatment with great success in treating cancer patients and preventing tumor recurrence after surgery. Harnessing the immune system to fight cancer largely relies on the ability of T lymphocytes to distinguish&nbsp;between “self” and “non-self” to specifically identify and eliminate malignant cells.&nbsp;This is achieved through the recognition of neoantigens, tumor-specific proteins resulting from genetic mutations.</p><p>The Samuels’ lab is exploring the immune-tumor interactions, with specific focus on the mechanisms underlying cancer-cell recognition, and developing novel strategies to increase antitumor immune responses.</p><p>In this talk, I will present results from our recent studies investigating the link between mRNA mistranslation in cancer cells and immunological tumor control.</p>