February 22, 1995 - February 22, 2028

  • Date:23SundayFebruary 2025

    Submesoscale ocean circulation: plenty of room at the bottom

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    11:00 - 12:00
    Sussman Family Building for Environmental Sciences
    M. Magaritz seminar room
    LecturerAviv Solodoch
    AbstractShow full text abstract about <p>Sub-mesoscale (SMS, &lt;10 km scale) ocean circ...»
    <p>Sub-mesoscale (SMS, &lt;10 km scale) ocean circulation is characterized by high vorticity and deviation from geostrophic balance. It can result in large effects on biology and chemistry&nbsp;due to the large vertical&nbsp;velocities (x10-100 than mesoscale) and resulting down/up welling circulations, as well as significant effects on material retaining and dispersion.&nbsp;</p><p>Modelling and observing the Submesoscale is challenging due to stringent demands on spatio-termpoal resolution, and due to its strong interactions with both larger (mesoscale) and smaller (turbulence and waves) circulations. I will report on the first Sub-mesoscale-resolving numerical&nbsp;modelling study in the East Mediterranean Sea, and (likely universal) findings on the patterns of cross-scale energy exchange between the Sub-Mesoscale and mesoscale circulation, which controls the seasonal evolution of both circulations. Secondly I will show in the model boundary current variability can spawn Sub-Mesoscales year-round (while open ocean formation is largely limited to winter). This will be backed by our (and the first) systematic observations of a Sub-mesoscale vortex formed in summertime via boundary current meandering.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>