February 28, 1995 - February 28, 2028

  • Date:02SundayMarch 2025

    The Clore Center for Biological Physics

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    12:45 - 14:30
    Emergent Disorder and Mechanical Memory in Periodic Metamaterials
    Nella and Leon Benoziyo Physics Library
    LecturerProf. Yair Shokef
    Lunch at 12:45
    AbstractShow full text abstract about <p>Ordered mechanical systems typically have one or on...»
    <p>Ordered mechanical systems typically have one or only a few stable rest configurations, and hence are not considered useful for encoding memory. Multistable and history-dependent responses usually emerge from quenched disorder, for example in amorphous solids or crumpled sheets. Inspired by the topological structure of frustrated artificial spin ices, we introduce an approach to design ordered, periodic mechanical metamaterials that exhibit an extensive set of spatially disordered states. We show how such systems exhibit non-Abelian and history-dependent responses, as their state can depend on the order in which external manipulations were applied. We demonstrate how this richness of the dynamics enables to recognize, from a static measurement of the final state, the sequence of operations that an extended system underwent. Thus, multistability and potential to perform computation emerge from geometric frustration in ordered mechanical lattices that create their own disorder.</p>