פברואר 10, 1995 - פברואר 10, 2028
Date:18רביעימרץ 2020
Canceled: Nanoscale Electronic Phenomena in Ferroelectric Thin Films
More informationשעה | 11:00 - 12:00 |
מיקום | אולם הרצאות ע"ש גרהרד שמידט |
מרצה | Prof. Alexei Gruverman Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska |
מארגן | |
צרו קשר | |
תקציר | Show full text abstract about This seminar consists of two parts. The first part is relate...» This seminar consists of two parts. The first part is related to the investigation of mechanism of tunable domain wall (DW) conductivity in the ferroelectric LiNbO3 thin films with sub-µm thickness, Using a combination of scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and local probe techniques we generate and delineate the electrically-charged 180º DWs and test their conducting behavior using local probe spectroscopy and imaging under electrical bias. More importantly, electrical tunability of DW conductivity by sub-coercive voltage is realized through the changes in DW conformity. The obtained results provide tangible evidence that the charged DWs can be used as multilevel logic elements in analog computing devices.
The second part discusses the dynamic switching behavior in the HfO2-based films investigated by a combination of local probe microscopy and pulse switching techniques. Application of HfO2-based materials to ferroelectric memory and logic devices has generated considerable interest as they allow overcoming significant problems associated with poor compatibility of perovskite ferroelectrics with CMOS processing. High-resolution studies of the time- and field-dependent evolution of the domain structure in La:HfO2 thin film capacitors provides an insight into the mechanism of imprint - one of the main degradation effects hindering integration of ferroelectric HfO2 into CMOS-compatible memory technology.