2025 research activities
רקע כללי
The functions of biological systems emerge from the structures of macromolecules, their conformational dynamics, and their higher order assembly. Determination of biomolecular structures and an understanding of their conformational changes and assembly properties provide great insights into biological mechanisms. Much of the research in structural biology at the Weizmann Institute is carried out in the Faculty of Chemistry, using a diverse set of cutting-edge research tools and methods. Investigators in the Structural Biology Department rely on the primary techniques for experimental structure determination, namely X-ray crystallography, NMR, and electron microscopy, but they also employ a variety of other specialized and emerging spectroscopic methods combined with creative molecular engineering to explore macromolecular structures, energetics, and dynamics. Experimental strategies are complemented by computational and theoretical approaches. Among the specific subjects of research in the department are ribosomes, protein chaperones, viruses, extracellular matrices, and biominerals. Processes being investigated include protein aggregation in cells, conformational dynamics of enzymes, formation of skeletal tissues, cell penetration by viruses, DNA recognition by proteins, and protein folding. Efforts are also directed towards the design of potential drugs. The wide variety of research activities in the department are based on a shared appreciation for the physical and chemical foundations of biological activities.
ScientistsShow details
Prof. Lia Addadi
Antibodies that recognize crystal surfaces and 2-dimensional organized patterns.antibody recognition of chiral crystal surfacesstructure of cholesterol/ceramide monolayer mixtures. Molecular organization of lipid raftsPathological crystallizations. Goutantibody recognition of amiloid structuresMechanisms of crystal nucleation and modulation of crystal growth and properties in biomineralization (bone, mollusk shells, echinoderms).Collaboration with: S. WeinerMechanism of cell adhesion using crystal substrates.Collaboration with: B. Geiger
Prof. Jacob Anglister
The structure of the membrane proximal extra-cellular region of HIV-1 gp41 and its role in viral fusionCollaboration with: F. NaiderThe structure of the V3 loop of the HIV-1 envelope protein gp120 and its interactions with chemokines receptorsCollaboration with: F. NaiderNMR structure of alpha Interferon complex with its receptorCollaboration with: J. PiehlerThe interactions of scorpion toxins with sodium channels and the structures of the channels extra-cellular loopsCollaboration with: M. Gurevitz, D. Gordon
Prof. Ron Diskin
Viral glycoproteins - Structure, Function, & ImmunogenicitySingle-particle cryo-EMX-ray crystallographyNovel drug targets against Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Prof. Deborah Fass
disulfide bond formation for oxidative protein folding and assemblyextracellular matrix structure and assemblyenzyme mechanism, regulation, and inhibition
Prof. Amnon Horovitz
Linear free energy relationships (LFER) analysis of allosteric transitions in proteins.Analysis of correlated mutations in proteinsCollaboration with: Ron Unger (Bar Ilan University)Allostery in the structure and function of GroEL and CCT chaperonins.Collaboration with: Keith Willison (Imperial College, London); Michal Sharon;Chaperonin-mediated protein folding.Collaboration with: Gilad HaranAnalysis of protein substrate specificity of chaperonins
Prof. Koby Levy
Dynamics, entropy and diffusion in biomoelcular systemsThe mechanisms of protein-DNA recognition: understanding the driving forces for fast assembly
Dr. Rina Rosenzweig
Chaperone interactions with substratesProtein disaggregation machineryNMR of large proteins
Prof. Zippora Shakked
Crystal structure and solution studies of DNA oligomers.Collaboration with: Donald Crothers (Yale University)DNA regulatory elementsDNA bending by adenine-thymine tractsStructural and biochemical studies of proteins involved in transcriptional regulation.The tumor-suppressor protein p53 and its interaction with DNA and the basal transcription machineryThe leukemia-related RUNX1(AML1) transcription regulator
Dr. Moran Shalev-Benami
Cellular communication in the CNSCollaboration with: Peter McCormick; Ofer YizharStructural Biology of membrane proteinsEpitranscriptomeCollaboration with: Schraga Schwartz;
Prof. Joel Sussman
3D Structure Funciton Studies or proteins related to AutismCollaboration with: Israel Silman3D Structure Fucntions studies of ParaoxonaseCollaboration with: Dan Tawfik & Israel SilmanApplication of ultra rapid X-ray diffraction methods to study the enzymatic mechanism of AChE in real time.Collaboration with: Israel SilmanStructure based drug design studies on AChE and beta-secretase, including studies of complexes with transition state analogs; potential drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease; and snake neurotoxins.Collaboration with: Israel SilmanX-ray structural analysis and molecular biology studies on proteins from the nervous system, including acetylcholinesterase (AChE), human, torpedo, drosophila, and krait; butyrylcholinesterase; neural cell adhesion proteins with sequence similarity to AChCollaboration with: Israel Silman3D Structure Funciton of proteins related to Gaucher DiseaseCollaboration with: Tony Futerman & Israel SilmanVisualization of 3D Protein Structures via new web based tool ProteopediaCollaboration with: Jaime Prilusky & Israel Silman
Prof. Stephen Weiner
Structure-function relations in vertebrate mineralized tissuesCollaboration with: Ron Shahar, Hebrew University of JerusalemArchaeological science: revealing the microscopic archaeological recordCollaboration with: Elisabetta Boaretto,Biomineralization: mechanisms of mineral formation.Collaboration with: L. Addadi, Leeor Kronick, Dan OronUptake, transport and deposition of ions. With Lia Addadi Bone formation. With Lia Addadi Manipulation of light with organic crystals in biology. With Dan Oron and Leeor Kronik
Prof. Ada Yonath
Antibiotics targeting ribosomesProtein biosynthesisRibosomal mechanismsOrigin of lifeNext generation antibioticsHuman genetic diseases – structural and molecular bases