2025 research activities
רקע כללי
Activities in the Department span a wide range of topics from soft, composite and hard materials to energy research, nanoscience, and biological materials. A unifying theme is the study of material functionality and its relation to fundamental properties at multiple scales. These properties may be mechanical, structural, chemical, electronic, magnetic, optical, and more. Some examples are:
How do shapes and sizes of nm-sized particles affect their properties?
How can we tune the properties of solar cells by manipulating their material interfaces?
How does friction in knee and hip joints depend on polyelectrolytes that lubricate them?
How can we design self-assembling (bio)chemical systems?
THE RESEARCH IS BASED ON AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH, and indeed the scientists bring complementary experience in chemistry and physics, including both theory and experiment.
ScientistsShow details
Prof. David Cahen
Sustainable Materials- Solar EnergyCollaboration with: @WIS: S. Cohen, G. Hodes, L. Kronik, L Houben, D. Oron; A. Kahn (Princeton); M. Bär (Helmholtz Centre Berlin, HZB and Erlangen); H. Bolink (Valencia);P. Nayak (TIFR-H); S Avashti (IISc); H. Ishii (Chiba); P. Schultz, JF. Guillemoles (IPVF-CNRS); T. Kirchartz (Duisburg-Jülich).sustainable resources Self-healing materials & concepts; New optoelectronic materials; Halide Perovskites; Between hard and soft matter.BioelectronicsCollaboration with: @ WIS: M. Sheves, I. Pecht M. Tornow (TU-Munich); G. Vattya (Budapest); J. Blumberger (Imp. College); L. Zotti (Sevilla); JC Cuevas (Madrid); H. Chen (Zhejiang U);Quantum effects in BIology Proteins as solid-state electronic materials; Electronic charge transport in and across proteins; Biomolecular electronics; Between soft & hard matter.
Prof. Gary Hodes
Semiconductor-sensitized nanoporous solar cells and semiconductor film depositionCollaboration with: D. Cahen (WIS)Electrochemical and chemical bath deposition of semiconductor films.Nanocrystalline solar cells; semiconductor-sensitized nanoporous cellsCharge transfer in nanocrystalline films
Prof. Ernesto Joselevich
Nanotubes and Nanowires: From Self-Organization to Functional NanosystemsNanometer-scale materials can have unique properties due to their reduced dimensions, and serve as building blocks for the assembly of miniature functional systems. In macroscopic functional systems, wires, tubes and rods play critical roles of transporting energy, forces, matter and information. Which materials could play analogous roles at the smallest possible scale? How does the reduced dimensionality determine the properties of molecular wires? How can they be organized and integrated into functional systems?Our research focuses on the organization of one-dimensional nanostructures, such as carbon nanotubes, inorganic nanotubes and nanowires, their integration into functional nanosystems (mechanical, electronic, electromechanical, optoelectronic, electromagnetic, thermal, etc.) and their characterization by mechanical, electrical and optical measurements at the nanometer scale.ProjectsGuided growth of horizontal nanowiresEpitaxial approaches to carbon nanotube organizationNon-equilibrium self-organization of complex nanostructuresNanotube torsion and NEMSSurface-directed self-assemblyPolymers as molecular wiresTheory of molecular wires
Prof. Jacob Klein
Biological lubrication; Hydration lubrication; surface interactions; nanotribology; soft matterBiological lubrication and its relation to osteoarthritis: this is the theme of a major new ERC grant (2017 - 2022)Lipids and liposomes as lubrication vectorsHydration lubrication and Boundary lubrication under water, and its relation to occular (eye) lubricationSurface forces under strong electric fieldsProperties of thin liquid films including aqueous electrolytes and polyelectrolytes.HydrogelsSoft matter at interfacesSurface-forces-measurement techniques at angstrom surface separations; polymers as molecular lubricantsATRP growth of polymers from surfacesPolyelectrolyte brushesPolymers, Complex Fluids, and Interfaces - Experimental studies of the behavior of confined simple and polymeric fluids.Collaboration with: Sam SafranNanotribologySurface forces between heterogeneous surfacesConfinement induced phase transitions
Prof. Leeor Kronik
Our group's research is focused on understanding unique properties and behavior of materials and interfaces, using first principles quantum mechanical calculations based mostly on density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory. The group is actively engaged in prediction and interpretation of novel experiments, as well as in the development of formalism and methodology. For much more detailed information, please click the homepage link below.
Prof. Meir Lahav
Solid State Chemistry in 2- and 3-dimensions. Pyroelectricity. Ice nucleation.Collaboration with: Prof Igor Lubomirsky Dr.David EhreOrganization of molecules at surfaces and interfaces;Chirality, Chemistry and the origin of lifePyroelectricity, Electrofreezing.
Prof. Leslie Leiserowitz
Crystallography and Chemistry in 2- and 3-dimensionsGrazing incidence x-ray diffractionMalaria
Dr. Michal Leskes
Our research is focused on correlating structure and function in energy storage and conversion materials by advanced magnetic resonance methods. We aim to understand how the composition of materials affects their functionality and how we can control their functionality through deviation from ideal stoichiometry. In particular we are interested in materials for energy storage, such as Li and Na ion batteries, and in the role interfacial chemistry plays in the functionality of electrode and electrolyte materials. We use a wide range of magnetic resonance techniques: solid state NMR, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP). Additionally we investigate the process of polarization transfer from electron spins to nuclear spins in solids DNP utilizing external and internal polarization agents. For more detailed information, please click below and see our home page.
Prof. Igor Lubomirsky
Ice Nucleation on Charged Surfaces (Electrofreezing)Collaboration with: Prof. Meir LahavIce nucleationdesign of polar crystals and surfaces by symmetry reductionnon-classical crystal growthsurface and bulk pyroelectricityFundamentals of electro-chemo-mechanical effectslocal symmetry reductionnon-classical electrostrictionionic conductivityelastic interactions in solids with a large concentration of point defects
Dr. Sivan Refaely-Abramson
Excited-State Dynamics in CrystalsFirst-principles computations of scattering and time propagation processes of localized, long-lived excitons in crystalsNew many-body methods to study exciton separation at heterojunctionsExcited-state processes in catalysisCollaboration with: Sara Barja, Centro de Física de Materiales, CSIC-UPV/EHU and DIPC
Prof. Jacob Sagiv
Supramolecular Architecture at Interfaces (with R. Maoz)Supramolecular Surface Chemistry: Bottom-up Nanofabrication using Planned Self-Assembling Mono- and Multilayer Systems (with R. Maoz)Constructive Lithography: Contact Electrochemical Surface Patterning on Lateral Length Scales from Nanometer to Centimeter (with R. Maoz)
Prof. Reshef Tenne
Inorganic nanotubes from ternary "misfit" layered compoundsCollaboration with: Dr. R. Arenal, Laboratorio de Microscopías Avanzadas, Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragón, Universidad de Zaragoza, 50018 Zara-goza, Spain Dr. Luc Lajaunie, Departamento de Ciencia de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica y Química Inorgánica, Facultad de Ciencias, Uni-versidad de Cádiz, Campus Río San Pedro S/N, Puerto Real 11510, Cádiz, Spain Prof. Ernesto Joselevich, Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot 76100, Israel Dr. Lothar Houben, Chemical Research Support Department, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot 76100, Israel Prof. Alla Zak, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel Prof. Shmuel Kenig and Prof. Hanna Dodiuk, Shenkar College, Israel Prof. Yoshihiro Iwasa, University of Tokyo and the Riken Institute. Japan Prof. Janina Maultzsch, Department of Physics, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 91058 Erlangen, Germany Dr. Iddo Pinkas, Chemical Research Support Department, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot 76100, IsraelSynthesis of nanotubes from misfit layered compounds (MLC), their structural electrical and optical characterizationOptical properties of WS2 and MoS2 nanotubes