2025 research activities
רקע כללי
Research in Neuroscience in the Department of Neurobiology encompasses a wide variety of subjects, in areas including cellular and molecular biology, neuroanatomy, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), physiology, pharmacology, psychophysics, and computational sciences.
Basically, the research of the various groups of the Department covers, among others, the following topics:
- Analysis of the molecular and cellular basis of neuronal and synaptic function.
- Imaging of neuronal activity underlying higher brain functions.
- Tracing and characterization of neuronal communication profiles.
- Characterization of the CNS response to trauma and lesion; developing molecular and cellular therapeutic agents.
- Determination of the underlying processes and mechanisms of vision, perception, learning, and memory in behaving rodents and primates.
- Computer modeling of brain function.
At the Neurobiology Department, the structure, function, development, and plasticity of the nervous system are studied at various levels of analysis, using different types of cell and experimental animal models. The groups studying neuronal function at the molecular and cellular levels use in vitro systems ranging from non-neuronal and neuronal cell lines to primary neuronal and glial cells of cerebellar, hippocampal and cortical origin. In many cases, the cells studied are transfected with genes of interest. These cell systems allow the study of the roles of various components of the nervous system, including cell surface membrane components, specific enzymes, neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, growth factors, neuroreceptors, lipid components, ionic channels and cytoskeletal constituents. Algorithms for the synaptic plasticity between neurons, and the role of dendritic ion channels in synaptic input and information processing, are also being studied. Injury models of nerve lesion and oxidative stress paradigms are applied to examine the principles of CNS regeneration, rescue from ischemia and stroke, and apoptotic cell death and senescence.
The groups studying the CNS at the system level are striving to understand the complex neuronal mechanisms underlying learning, memory, and sensory processing (vision, taste, smell), and to determine the relationship between brain and mind. Using track tracing methods, the rules governing the interconnections in the visual cortex are being unraveled. Behavioral studies focus on principles of learning and consolidation, cortical information processing, learning disabilities, and addiction. Functional brain imaging of the human visual cortex is being studied by various techniques, including fMRI. Psychophysical approaches are being used to define processes involved in image segmentation, learning and memory skill acquisition, motor control, and language. Nearly 20 groups of researchers carry out both independent studies and collaborative research with colleagues from within the Department and outside it.
ScientistsShow details
Prof. Ehud Ahissar
Closed-loop perception in brains and machinesvisiontouchvirtual realitybiofeedbackautonomous roboticsmemoryontogeny of tactile perceptionSensory substitution - from vision to touchTemporal coding and Thalamo-cortical processing
Prof. Yadin Dudai
The role of saliency-and novelty-detectors in the acquisition and retention of memory in brain.Mechanisms of memory consolidation, reconsolidation and extinction in the mammalian brain.Theories of learning and memory.
Prof. Tali Kimchi
Neuronal Basis of Sexually Dimorphic BehaviorsSexually dimorphic pheromone signals perception, processing and biology functionCharacterizing novel pheromone-mediated responses in wild-caught mouse coloniesIdentifying the genetic basis of sex-typical social and reproductive behaviorsMapping brain circuits controlling innate social and reproductive behaviors
Prof. Yitzhak Koch
Regulation of GnRH expression in the mammary gland.Development of cytotoxic analogs of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).Expression and functions of GnRH-II in the brain and in T lymphocytes.
Prof. Ilan Lampl
Mechanisms of tactile perception in the miceCollaboration with: Heinz Beck, Bonn Alex Binshtok, Hebrew University Nicholas Priebe, AustinConstruction of receptive field properties in the somatosensory cortexstudying functional connectivity in the barrel cortexMechanisms of adaptation in the cortexBalance excitation and inhibition in awake miceInterhemispheric correlationsMultimodal integrationNoise and synchrony in the mammalian cortexDynamic properties and mechanisms of ongoing activity in the cortexPatterns in neuronal activity in the cortex
Dr. Yoav Livneh
Interoception - perception of internal bodily signalsCortical computations for modulation of bodily physiologyContinuous updating in the brain-body loop
Prof. Rony Paz
Psychiatric disorders from pathologies in the amygdala-preftonal pathway (e.g. autism, anxiety-disorders, post-traumatic-stress-disorder (PTSD), epilepsy)Computational approaches to coding mechanisms in the brainMotivational and emotional modulation of memoryExtinction of memoryGeneralization and specificity of learningNeurobiology of learning and memoryNeuronal circuits and interactions between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex
Dr. Michal Ramot
Integration across large-scale networks and the link to behavior in humansDecomposing complex tasksTesting causality through neurofeedbackDeveloping new behavioral toolsProbing the limits of plasticity through implicit training
Dr. Michal Rivlin
Mechanisms underlying the computation of motion direction in the retina.Dynamic computations in retinal circuits.How do retinal targets integrate and interpret the visual signal?Role of dopamine in retinal processing.Brain-to-retina projections modulate the retinal code to match behavioural requirements
Prof. Dov Sagi
Human vision, with an emphasis on processes involved in image segmentation, learning, and memory.
Dr. Rita Schmidt
Developing new tools for human MRI, especially at ultra-high field 7T MRI scanner, aiming to better understand the human brain functionDeveloping new methods to improve the spatial and temporal resolution in functional brain MRIDeveloping new contrast methods for functional MRI to study brain functionAdvancing dedicated MR pulse sequences to achieve fast and ultrafast high quality MR imaging and spectroscopic imagingBoosting the accessible MR signal in localized functional brain trials
Prof. Elad Schneidman
Biological networksDecision making and learningAnimal swarming and collective behaviorComputational NeuroscienceNeural CodingInformation and noise in neural populationsDecoding neural activityNetwork organization and designNatural Scenes
Prof. Michal Schwartz
Brain-immune axis in Health and Diseases; from gene to behaviorCollaboration with: Prof. Ido AmitImmunotherapy to defeat Alzheimer’s diseaseMicrobiome and Alzheimer’s diseaseCollaboration with: Prof. Eran ElinavDiabetes as a risk factor in Alzheimer’s diseaseCollaboration with: Prof. Naomi Habib, Hebrew University; Prof. Anna Greka, Broad Institute, Boston, USA.The Spleen –Brain axis in Alzheimer’s diseaseFamilial Alzheimer’s diseaseCollaboration with: Prof. Judit Aaron, Rambam hospital; Prof. Falik, Hagalil Hospital.ALS profiling at the transcriptomic levelCollaboration with: Prof. Ido AmitImmuno-Proteasome in Alzheimer’s diseaseCollaboration with: Dr. Yifat Marbl
Prof. Menahem Segal
Intracellular calcium and structural/functional plasticity in cultured neurons.Collaboration with: Dr. Eduard KorkotianHuman Embryonic Stem Cells of Fragile X patientsCollaboration with: Prof. Dalit Ben Yosef (TAU)Network activity in cultured neuronsCollaboration with: Professor Elisha Moses (Physics)
Prof. Michail Tsodyks
Information transmission through dynamic synapses.Collaboration with: H. MarkramModeling of cortical neuronal populations: From microcircuits to large scale networks.Population activity in visual cortex.Collaboration with: A. Grinvald, D. Sagi
Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky
* Neural basis of natural behaviors* Wireles electrophysiology in freely flying bats* Place cells, grid cells, head-direction cells, goal-direction cells* Neural codes for 1-D, 2-D and 3-D space in flying bats* Neural coding of very large spaces (~1 kilometer), and of complex environments (large mazes)* Neurobiology of learning and memory: a systems neuroscience approach* Social-spatial cognition: Representation of other individuals in the brain, during social interactions
Prof. Zvi Vogel
Molecular mechanisms of opiate addiction, tolerance and withdrawal.The cannabinoid ligands, their endogenous ligands and signal transduction.Collaboration with: Raphael MechoulamRegulation of microglial activation by cannabinoids: Possible role in neurodegenrative and neuroinflammatory diseases
Prof. Ephraim Yavin
Signal transduction and protein kinase C isozymes in brain of normal and growth-retarded fetuses.Free radicals and lipid modulators in the developing and aging brain.Novel genes during oxidative stress in utero and role of docosahexaenoic acid.
Prof. Ofer Yizhar
Mapping the synaptic organization of prefrontal cortex circuitsDevelopment of novel optogenetic methods for light-based control of neural activityCollaboration with: Moran Shalev-Benami; Mudi ShevesFunctional dissection of the brain circuits underlying social motivationCollaboration with: Alon ChenNeural mechanisms of working memory and decision makingThe role of oxytocin and vasopressin in adaptation to early-life stress