2025 research activities
The Chemical and Biological Physics Department provides an interdisciplinary home to a broad range of topics spanning Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The Department is composed by over 20 tenured and tenure-track physicists and chemists, evenly split between theorists and experimentalists, and working on the following broad areas
Fundamental quantum frontiers are explored with advanced theoretical tools, including topics in the quantum control of atomic and molecular dynamics (Ilya Averbukh, Eli Pollak, David Tannor); light-matter interactions (Ilya Averbukh, Gershon Kurizki, David Tannor, Efi Shahmoon); fundamental issues in quantum information, control and thermodynamics (Gershon Kurizki, David Tannor, Efi Shahmoon); ab-initio quantum chemistry and surface scattering (Eli Pollak); and real time quantum dynamics methods (Eli Pollak, David Tannor).
The department has a strong program at the interface between classical physics, chemistry and biology. Eran Bouchbinder studies the plasticity of disordered systems, glassy phenomena, dynamic fracture, frictional interfaces and biophysics. Itamar Procaccia studies turbulence, as well as the physics of fractals, glass formation and mechanical properties of amorphous systems. Theoretical biological physics is the main thrust of research of Nir Gov, who models with predictive power emerging phenomena ranging from cellular shapes to the collective behavior of insects. Samuel Safran employs statistical thermodynamics to study the structure, phase behavior and dynamics of soft matter in biology.
The chemistry/biology interface is also studied and evaluated experimentally by Roy Bar-Ziv, who develops and explores living-like systems in cell-free environments, and by Michael Elbaum, who employs advanced microscopic tools to elucidate the complex behavior of cells and biomolecules.
Experimental atomic and molecular spectroscopies are also mainstays of the Department. Quantum optics is the focus of Barak Dayan’s experiments on atom mediated photon-photon interactions. Light matter interaction, nonlinear laser spectroscopy and plasmonics are the focus of the experimental research of Yehiam Prior. Edvardas Narevicius is a leader in using magnetic field control and the slowing down of molecular beams to study quantum effects in sympathetically cooled systems. Oren Tal has developed unique methods for the study of single molecule conductors, including electronic, spintronic and thermal conductivity effects. Molecular electronics and spin-chemistry are also main themes of research for Ron Naaman, who investigates these using organic-inorganic interfaces via self-assembled monolayers. Single molecule spectroscopy and its application to a broad range of topics, from protein dynamics to nanoplasmonics, are at the center of the experimental program of Gilad Haran. Baran Eren exploits new forms of microscopy and spectroscopy, to understand the chemistry and electronic behavior of solid surfaces under relevant conditions with unprecedented accuracy.
A centerpiece of the combined experimental/theoretical program in the Department rests on Magnetic Resonance research. Amit Finkler bridges this topic with optics, in a program relying on optically-detected magnetic resonance as an emerging form of quantum sensing.Lucio Frydman and his group focus on developing and utilizing new concepts and techniques in NMR and MRI, with applications ranging from Physics to Biology and Medicine. Assaf Tal's group focuses on developing new spectroscopy and imaging tools for understanding the brain's physiology in-vivo. Shimon Vega and Daniella Goldfarb are developing and utilizing dynamic nuclear polarization methods for NMR and EPR research, with the Vega group also deeply involved in solid state NMR, and the Goldfarb research also focused on multiple-resonance high-field EPR techniques applied to biophysics and materials science.
The diverse interests as represented above have created an atmosphere of outstanding scientific creativity. Members of the Department have overlapping interests and collaborations among themselves, with other scientists throughout the Weizmann Institute, and with scientists throughout the world. New training opportunities for students and postdocs are always emerging, at whose conclusion participating scientists will have been exposed to a broad spectrum of challenges and acquired state-of-the-art knowledge. If you are interested in joining this elite group of researchers as a M.Sc., Ph.D or postdoctoral trainee, do not hesitate to contact the expert(s) of your choice.
ScientistsShow details
Prof. Ilya Averbukh
Manipulation of atoms and molecules by laser fieldsLaser control of molecular alignment and orientation. Control of chiral moleculesEcho phenomenonAtomic and molecular wave packets, ultra-fast optical phenomena.
Prof. Roy Bar-Ziv
Artificial biochemical circuitsCell-free gene expression on a chipCell-free expression of protein nano-structuresAutonomous interrogation of the state of a living cellThe physics of microfluidic crystals
Prof. Eran Bouchbinder
Material failure dynamicsCollaboration with: Prof. Alain Karma (Northeastern University, USA) Prof. Jay Fineberg (Hebrew University, Israel)Physics of sliding frictionCollaboration with: Dr. Efim Brener (Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany) Prof. Jean-François Molinari (EPFL, Switzerland)Glass physicsCollaboration with: Prof. Edan Lerner (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)Plasticity of amorphous systemsCollaboration with: Prof. Chris Rycroft (Harvard University, USA) Prof. Edan Lerner (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) Prof. Jan Schroers (Yale University, USA)Biophysics and cell mechanicsCollaboration with: Prof. Haguy Wolfenson (Technion, Israel)
Prof. Barak Dayan
Experimental Quantum OpticsCavity QED with single atoms coupled to chip-based micro-resonatorsNonclassical photon-photon interactions
Prof. Michael Elbaum
Cellular Biophysics and Molecular Transport MachinesSingle-molecule manipulations using optical tweezers.Dynamics of DNA uptake into the cell nucleus.Structure and function of the nuclear pore complex (with Z. Reich): application of atomic force microscopy and advanced optical spectroscopies.Anomalous diffusion in polymer networks and living cells (with R. Granek).Organization of forces driving cell movements (with A. Bershadsky): optical force measurements and particle tracking studies; influence of cell biochemistry on biophysical forces.Novel surface-patterning lithographies.
Dr. Baran Eren
Following surface reactions with ambient pressure XPS and polarisation modulated IRRASAtomic structure of surfaces in the presence of reactant gasesDeveloping new techniques to bridge the 'material gap' and the 'pressure gap' between surface science and industrial processes
Dr. Amit Finkler
›Quantum-assisted sensing, from the single-spin limit to coherent, macroscopic objects›Nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging of molecules›Observation of quantum coherence in chemical reactionsCollaboration with: Durga Dasari, University of StuttgartHybrid platforms: Molecular qubits and NV qubitsCollaboration with: Danna Freedman, Northwestern UniversityHybrid platforms: NV qubits, phonons and superconducting qubitsCollaboration with: Michael Stern, Bar-Ilan University Eyal Buks, Technion
Prof. Lucio Frydman
Development of new methods in nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging analysis.In vitro and in vivo hyperpolarized NMR and MRIApplication of novel magnetic resonance methods to the study of cancer, fetal development, protein folding and unfolding.
Prof. Nir Gov
Research of collective quantum effects in Super-fluid, solid and super-solid Helium. Including magnetic phase transitions in solid and liquid helium.The physics of large scale pattern formation of cells in cellular cultures, in morphogenesis and wound-healing.Theoretical problems in biological physics; active processes in cells involving molecular motors.Theoretical studies and modelling of the physics that determines the shapes and dynamics of cells.
Prof. Gilad Haran
Functional Dynamics of ProteinsCollaboration with: Amnon Horovitz, Weizmann, Ron Naaman, Weizmann, Axel Mogk, University of Heidelberg, George Stan, University of CincinnatiMembrane Organization and DynamicsCollaboration with: Ronen Alon, Weizmann, Frank Brown, UCSB, Andres Alcover, Pasteur InstituteCorrelated motion in the membrane planSuper-resolution microscopy of the organization of receptors on the membrane of the T cellInteraction of surface plasmons with quantum emittersCollaboration with: Ora Bitton, Weizmann, Lothar Houben, Weizmann, Lev Chuntonov, Technion, Javier Aizpurua, San SebastianStrong coupling of plasmons and quantum dots
Prof. Gershon Kurizki
Quantum optics of cold atoms .Superluminal effects in optics.Quantum and nonlinear optics in photonic band gap structures.Control of quantum states and decoherence.
Prof. Ron Naaman
Spin selectivity in electrons transmission through chiral moleculesCollaboration with: Yossi Paltiel, Hebrew University David H. Waldeck, University of Pittsburghm USA Claudio Fontanessi, Modena University, Italy E. W. Meijer, Eindhoven, Netherland Michael Therien, Duke University, USA Moh El Naggar, USC, USA Jonas Fransson, Uppsala, Swedenelectron transfer in bio-moleculesspin selective electron transferspin dependent electrochemistryspintronics with chiral moleculesenantio-selective interactionSpin effect in water splitting
Prof. Yehiam Prior
Strong field nonlinear optics.Alignment and orientation of atoms and molecules in strong laser fields.Collaboration with: Ilya AverbukhMolecular Dynamics with ultrashort shaped femtosecond pulses.femtosecond laser material processing
Prof. Itamar Procaccia
Ageing in disordered materialsCollaboration with: George Hentschel, Bhanu Bhowmik, Harish CharanMechanical properties and instabilities in amorphus solidsCollaboration with: Valery Ilyin, George Hentschel, Prasenjit Das, Chandana Mondal, Saikat Roy, Avanish KumarFractal Growth Patterns.Collaboration with: Eviatar B. Procaccia, Arik YochelisDenisty of States in amorphous solidCollaboration with: Avanish Kumar, Prasenjit DasTurbulence in classical and in quantum fluidsCollaboration with: Victor L'vov, Anna Pomyalov
Prof. Samuel Safran
Biological Physics - mesoscale theoryCollaboration with: Dennis Discher, Univ. Pennsylvania - DNA damage in migrating cells as a model of metastasis. Talila Volk, Weizmann Institute - muscle cells and nuclear deformation. Gary Karpen, Berekely - phase separation in the cellular nucleus: experiments; Frank Juilicher - MPI Dresden - phase separation theory. Prof. Zheng Gang Wang - CalTech - thoery of polymer interactions applied to chromosome ovelap. Tony Hyman - MPI Dresden - phase separation in cells.Soft matter physics - theoryCell cytoskeletal mechanics - theoryMesoscale chromatin organization - theoryCell shape and volume - theoryPhase separation and condensates in cells - theory
Dr. Ephraim Shahmoon
Quantum optics theory, quantum scienceCollective light-matter interactionsQuantum science and technologyQuantum fluctuation forcesCold atomswaveguide QED, cavity QED
Prof. David Tannor
Control of chemical reactions with tailored femtosecond pulses.Laser cooling of molecules.Quantum theory of dissipation and chemical reactions in solution.Semiclassical theory of reactive scattering.