2025 research activities
The scientific activity of the department is mainly concentrated around the experimental and theoretical research in quantum solid state physics. It includes experimental research of mesoscopic physics, quantum Hall physics, topological states of matter, high temperature superconductors, two and one dimensional superconductors, metal-insulator transition, carbon nanotubes, semiconductor nanowires, and study of material growth. The theoretical efforts concentrate on similar subjects with added work on disordered materials, cold atoms, and quantum optics.
The Braun Center for sub micron research is an integral part of the department. It is a modern and well equipped center, with growth (three MBE's) and characterization systems, which allows to conduct experiments on sub micron semiconductor structures under high magnetic fields, conventional and high temperature superconductors, and nanowires made of carbon nanotubes and semiconductor nanowires.
ScientistsShow details
Prof. Israel Bar-Joseph
Exciton condensation in coupled quantum wellsExcitons in 2d Atomic LayersElectrically Driven Plasmons
Dr. Haim Beidenkopf
Topological electronic phasesWeyl/Dirac topological semimetalsStrong/Weak/Crystalline/Higher-order topological insulatorsTopological superconductivity and Majorana modesTopological nano-devicesScanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopyMolecular beam epitaxy
Prof. Erez Berg
Strongly correlated materialsHigh temperature superconductivityTopological phases of matterCorrelations in two-dimensional materialsTopological phenomena in periodically driven systems
Prof. Alexander Finkelstein
Effects of the electron-electron interaction in low dimensional and disordered systems.Metal-insulator transition in 2D conductors.Magnetic fluctuations in high - Tc superconductors.
Prof. Yuval Gefen
Quantum Steering; Quantum State ManipulationExotic excitations in the fractional quantum Hall effect and Topological Insulators.Edge reconstruction and edge channels in the fractional quantum Hall effect and Topological Insulators.
Prof. Moty Heiblum
Exotic quantum states with quantum statistics different from elementary particlesNon-abelian quantum states (e.g., hosting Majorana particles)Interference of electrons and fractional charges in the quantum Hall regimeThermal conductance of one-dimensional modes, revealing quantum behavior
Prof. Shahal Ilani
Imaging Magic angle graphene and other moiré materialsElectron hydrodynamicsScanning TwistronicsImaging experiments of Electron OpticsLocal measurements of exotic quasiparticles
Prof. Shimon Levit
Full vector path integrals for light propagation in dielectrics.Resonant scattaring off photonic slabsVariational Approach to Tunneling Dynamics.Application to Hot Superfluid Fermi Systems.Application to spontaneous and induced fissionTunneling of hot bosonic systems
Prof. Yuval Oreg
Topological Quantum MaterialsSuperconducting and fractional topological phases theory and applications to quantum topological computersMajorana fermions in superconducting wires and topological superconductorsQuantum dots and the Kondo effect and the multi channel Kondo effectDisorder superconductors and normal metal super-conducting junctionsGlassy systemsLuttinger liquids in one-dimensional systems such as: carbon nano tube, edges of a quantum hall systems, edges of two dimensional topological insulator
Dr. Serge Rosenblum
Superconducting qubitsDecoherence and quantum error correctionBosonic quantum computingSuperconducting microwave circuits
Prof. Adi Stern
Quantum interference phenomena in the fractional Quantum Hall effect. Electronic transport in strong magnetic fields.Non-abelian electronic states - quantum Hall states, topological superconductors and Majorana fermions.Fractionalized topological phases - how to construct them, how to measure them, and how to use them for topological quantum computationLow density two dimensional electronic systems.One dimensional electronic systems - electronic transport in the presence of interactions.
Prof. Binghai Yan
Topological MaterialsTopological InsulatorsDirac and Weyl SemimetalsBerry phaseShine light to quantum materialsLight-matter interaction, nonlinear optical responseAnomalous Hall effect, nonlinear anomalous Hall effectQuantum anomaly2D MaterialsChirality in Physics and ChemistryElectronic properties in DNA-like chiral moleculesThe interplay between chiral structure, spin, and orbital.
Prof. Eli Zeldov
Scanning nanoSQUID magnetic microscopyScanning nanoscale thermal imagingImaging of dissipation mechanisms in quantum and topological systemsMagnetism and dissipation in magic angle twisted bilayer grapheneQuantum anomalous Hall effectImaging of current and dissipation in the quantum Hall effectBerry curvature magnetism in topological systemsMagnetism at oxide interfacesSuperconductivityVortex matter and dynamics