Our activities involve particle physics per-se and its related instrumentation.
As members of the ATLAS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, we are looking for signatures of physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. We focus on two main data analysis projects:
- Development and employment of novel data-driven general searches based on machine learning and other techniques e.g., [arXiv:2107.11573, arXiv:2203.07529]
- Searches for lepton flavor violating decays of massive resonances like Higgs and Z bosons (e.g., [arXiv:1405.4545, arXiv:1606.07730])
We are also deeply involved in the upgrade of the muon spectrometer of the ATLAS experiment.
In parallel, within the DRD1 collaboration we are developing novel instrumentation based on micro-pattern gaseous detectors (MPGD) for future high energy and astro-particle experiments. Our current focus is on the THGEM detector and its derivations, such as Resistive-Plate WELL concept and its possible applications in Digital Hadronic Calorimetry [arXiv:2208.12846], Dark matter and Neutrino experiments in cryogenic conditions [arXiv:2304.04044] as well as civil applications (see our recent review paper)