Join Us

We currently welcome enthusiastic students and researchers with interest in high energy physics and instrumentation.


We encourage students with a bachelor degree in Physics, Mathematics or Electrical engineering to apply to our lab.
A background in computational approaches and/or coding in C++, Python and MatLab are advantageous, as well as a background in instrumentation development.  

Positions are available for all of our analysis and experimental projects.
Candidates will be selected based on scientific excellence and are entitled for competitive fellowships.

Candidate must be registered as a student in the Feinberg graduate school (FGS)


We encourage students with a MSc degree in Physics or Mathematics to apply to our lab.

Positions are available for all of our analysis and experimental projects*.
Candidates will be selected based on scientific excellence and are entitled for competitive fellowships.

*Long periods at CERN are possible for specific projects. 


Postdoctoral positions are currently available for all our analysis and experimental projects*.
Candidates will be selected based on scientific excellence and are entitled for competitive fellowships.

*Long periods or permanent position at CERN are possible for specific projects. 

To apply » send an application letter with a brief description of scientific interests and experiences, together with a CV and a cover letter with contact information.