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2025.A cordial introduction to double scaled SYK.Reports on Progress in Physics88,
2024.Holographic description of Narain CFTs and their code-based ensembles.Journal of High Energy Physics2024,
2024.From Chaos to Integrability in Double Scaled
2024.Parisi's Hypercube, Fock-Space Frustration, and Near-AdS2/Near-CFT1 Holography.Physical Review Letters132,
2024.A string theory for two dimensional Yang-Mills theory. Part I.Journal of High Energy Physics2024,
2024.From Chaos to Integrability in Double Scaled Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model via a Chord Path Integral.Physical Review Letters133,
2024.Path integral for chord diagrams and chaotic-integrable transitions in double scaled SYK.Physical Review D110,
2024.Parisi's hypercube, Fock-space fluxes, and the microscopics of near-AdS2/near-CFT1 duality.Physical Review D109,
2024.Bethe Ansatz for the superconformal index with unequal angular momenta.Physical Review D109,
2024.Type II string theory on AdS<sub>3</sub>×<sup>3</sup>×<sup>4</sup> and symmetric orbifolds.Physical Review D110,
2024.A chiral limit for Chern-Simons-matter theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2024,
2023.Tests of the Charge Convexity Conjecture in Caswell-Banks-Zaks theory.Journal of High Energy Physics2023,
2023.Correlation functions in T T ¯ -deformed Conformal Field Theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2023,
2023.Quantum groups, non-commutative AdS<sub>2</sub>, and chords in the double-scaled SYK model.Journal of High Energy Physics2023,
2023.Phases of Wilson lines: conformality and screening.Journal of High Energy Physics2023,
2023.Explicit holography for vector models at finite N, volume and temperature.Journal of High Energy Physics2023,
2023.Phases of Wilson lines: conformality and screening.Journal of High Energy Physics2023,
2023.Phases of Wilson Lines in Conformal Field Theories.Physical review letters130,
2023.Comments on trace anomaly matching.JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL56,
2023.Phases of Wilson Lines in Conformal Field Theories.Physical review letters130,
2022.Onset of Quantum Chaos in Random Field Theories.Physical review letters129,
2022.Going beyond ER=EPR in the SYK model.Journal of High Energy Physics2022,
2022.Onset of quantum chaos in disordered CFTs.Physical Review D106,
2021.Complex Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model in the double scaling limit.Journal of High Energy Physics2021,
2021.AdS from CFT for scalar QED.Physical review. D.104,
2021.A derivation of AdS/CFT for vector models.The journal of high energy physics2021,
2021.Gravity interpretation for the Bethe Ansatz expansion of the N=4 SYM index.Physical review. D104,
2021.Convexity of charged operators in CFTs and the weak gravity conjecture.Physical review. D104,
2021.Multi-trace correlators in the SYK model and non-geometric wormholes.Journal of High Energy Physics2021,
2020.Dynamics of QCD(3) with rank-two quarks and duality.Journal of High Energy Physics
2020.Metastable vacua in large-N QCD(3).Journal of High Energy Physics2020,
2020.Comments on anomalies in supersymmetric theories*.Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical53,
2020.The double scaled limit of Super--Symmetric SYK models.Journal of High Energy Physics2020,
2020.A nilpotency index of conformal manifolds.Journal of High Energy Physics2020,
2019.The bi-fundamental gauge theory in 3+1 dimensions: the vacuum structure and a cascade.Journal of High Energy Physics
2019.Modular invariance and uniqueness of TT¯ deformed CFT.Journal of High Energy Physics2019,
2019.Modular covariance and uniqueness of JT deformed CFTs.Journal of High Energy Physics
2019.Comments on abelian Higgs models and persistent order.SciPost Physics6,
2019.A string dual for partially topological Chern-Simons-matter theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2019,
2019.Towards a full solution of the large N double-scaled SYK model.Journal of High Energy Physics2019,
2019.Generalized Hawking-Page transitions.Journal of High Energy Physics2019,
2019.Little string theories on curved manifolds.Journal of High Energy Physics2019,
2019.Osborn equation and irrelevant operators.Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment2019,
2019.Large N renormalization group flows in 3d N=1 Chern-Simons-Matter theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2019,
2018.Moduli anomalies and local terms in the operator product expansion.Journal of High Energy Physics2018,
2018.Phases of adjoint QCD(3) and dualities.SciPost Physics5,
2018.A symmetry breaking scenario for QCD<sub>3</sub>.Journal of High Energy Physics2018,
2018.Curious aspects of three-dimensional N=1 SCFTs.Journal of High Energy Physics2018,
2018.The analytic bootstrap for large N Chern-Simons vector models.Journal of High Energy Physics2018,
2018.The TT¯ deformation at large central charge.Journal of High Energy Physics2018,
2018.Renormalization Group in Field Theories with Quantum Quenched Disorder.Physical Review Letters121,
2018.Chord diagrams, exact correlators in spin glasses and black hole bulk reconstruction.Journal of High Energy Physics2018,
2018.Renormalization group flow in field theories with quenched disorder.Physical Review D98,
2018.Walls, anomalies, and deconfinement in quantum antiferromagnets.Physical Review B97,
2018.Flows, fixed points and duality in Chern-Simons-matter theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2018,
2018.Time-reversal breaking in QCD<sub>4</sub>, walls, and dualities in 2 + 1 dimensions.Journal of High Energy Physics2018,
2018.The Sum Over Topological Sectors and theta in the 2+1-Dimensional sigma-Model.Communications in Mathematical Physics362,167-183.
2018.Phases of N=1 theories in 2+1 dimensions.Journal of High Energy Physics
2017.Comments on the random Thirring model.Journal of High Energy Physics2017,
2017.Higher dimensional generalizations of the SYK model.Journal of High Energy Physics2017,
2017.Theta, time reversal and temperature.Journal of High Energy Physics2017,
2017.Loops in AdS from conformal field theory.Journal of High Energy Physics2017,
2017.From 3d duality to 2d duality.Journal of High Energy Physics2017,
2017.Correlation functions of Coulomb branch operators.Journal of High Energy Physics2017,
2017.The long flow to freedom.Journal of High Energy Physics2017,
2017.Conformal field theories and deep inelastic scattering.Physical Review D95,
2017.Chern-Simons-matter dualities with SO and USp gauge groups.Journal of High Energy Physics2017,
2016.On four dimensional N=3 superconformal theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2016,
2016.Baryons, monopoles and dualities in Chern-Simons-matter theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2016,1-16.
2016.Supersymmetric field theories on AdS(p) x S-q.Journal of High Energy Physics2016,
2016.Anomalies, conformal manifolds, and spheres.Journal of High Energy Physics2016,
2016.Anomalies, conformal manifolds, and spheres.Journal of High Energy Physics2016,
2016.Sphere partition functions and the kahler metric on the conformal manifold.101-110.
2016.Quantum Electrodynamics in d=3 from the epsilon Expansion.Physical Review Letters116,
2016.Exact Bremsstrahlung Function in N=2 Superconformal Field Theories.Physical review letters116,
2016.S-folds and 4d N=3 superconformal field theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2016,
2016.Disorder in large-N theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2016,
2016.Is the relaxion an axion?.Journal of High Energy Physics2016,
2016.Disorder in large-N theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2016,
2016.Supersymmetric field theories on AdS(p) x S-q.Journal of High Energy Physics2016,
2015.The holographic dictionary for Beta functions of multi-trace coupling constants.Journal of High Energy Physics2015,
2015.On monopole operators in supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2015,
2015.The Casimir energy in curved space and its supersymmetric counterpart.Journal of High Energy Physics
2015.IR dualities in general 3d supersymmetric SU(N) QCD theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2015,1-12.
2015.Chiral 2D "strange metals" from N=4 SYM.Journal of High Energy Physics2015,
2015.On scale and conformal invariance in four dimensions.Journal of High Energy Physics2015,
2015.Erratum to Bounds on N=1 superconformal theories with global symmetries.Journal of High Energy Physics2015,
2015.Rigid holography and six-dimensional (Formula presented.) theories on AdS<sub>5</sub> × S<sup>1</sup>.Journal of High Energy Physics2015,
2015.On scale and conformal invariance in four dimensions.Journal of High Energy Physics2015,
2015.Rigid holography and six-dimensional (Formula presented.) theories on AdS<sub>5</sub> × S<sup>1</sup>.Journal of High Energy Physics2015,
2014.Black holes, entanglement and random matrices.Classical and Quantum Gravity31,
2014.Sphere partition functions and the Zamolodchikov metric.Journal of High Energy Physics2014,
2014.Bounds on N = 1 superconformal theories with global symmetries.Journal of High Energy Physics2014,1-22.
2014.Cardy formulae for SUSY theories in d=4 and d=6.Journal of High Energy Physics
2014.From rigid supersymmetry to twisted holomorphic theories.Physical Review D90,
2014.Comments on the algebraic properties of Dilaton actions.Journal of High Energy Physics2014,
2014.(Non-)decoupled supersymmetric field theories.Journal of High Energy Physics
2014.The geometry of supersymmetric partition functions.Journal of High Energy Physics
2013.A strongly coupled zig-zag transition.Journal of High Energy Physics2013,
2013.Confinement in anti-de Sitter space.Journal of High Energy Physics2013,
2013.Supersymmetric field theories on three-manifolds.Journal of High Energy Physics2013,
2013.The thermal free energy in large N Chern-Simons-matter theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2013,
2013.Confinement in anti-de Sitter space.Journal of High Energy Physics2013,
2013.The effective theory of long strings.Journal of High Energy Physics2013,
2013.3d dualities from 4d dualities for orthogonal groups.Journal of High Energy Physics2013,
2013.Convexity and liberation at large spin.Journal of High Energy Physics
2013.The effective theory of long strings.Journal of High Energy Physics2013,
2013.3d dualities from 4d dualities.Journal of High Energy Physics2013,
2013.Reading between the lines of four-dimensional gauge theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2013,
2013.Stability of rapidly rotating charged black holes in AdS<sub>5</sub> × S<sup>5</sup>.Classical and Quantum Gravity30,
2012.The constraints of conformal symmetry on RG flows.Journal of High Energy Physics
2012.Effective string theory and nonlinear Lorentz invariance.Journal of High Energy Physics2012,
2012.Scaling BPS solutions and pure-Higgs states.Journal of High Energy Physics2012,
2012.The effective string spectrum in the orthogonal gauge.Journal of High Energy Physics2012,
2012.Correlation functions of large N Chern-Simons-Matter theories and bosonization in three dimensions.Journal of High Energy Physics2012,
2012.Comments on Chern-Simons contact terms in three dimensions.Journal of High Energy Physics
2012.Contact terms, unitarity, and F-maximization in three-dimensional superconformal theories.Journal of High Energy Physics
2012.4d N = 2 superconformal linear quivers with type IIA duals.Journal of High Energy Physics2012,
2012.Spontaneous R-symmetry breaking with multiple pseudomoduli.Physical Review D85,
2012.4d N = 2 superconformal linear quivers with type IIA duals.Journal of High Energy Physics2012,
2012.D = 3 bosonic vector models coupled to Chern-Simons gauge theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2012,
2012.Degenerate rotating black holes, chiral CFTs and Fermi surfaces I-Analytic results for quasinormal modes.Journal of High Energy Physics2012,
2012.Transmission phase shifts of Kondo impurities.Physical Review B86,
2012.Single and multiparticle scattering in helical liquid with an impurity.Physical Review B85,
2011.On the effective theory of long open strings.Journal of High Energy Physics2011,
2011.On renormalization group flows in four dimensions.Journal of High Energy Physics2011,
2011.Conformal field theories in anti-de Sitter space.Journal of High Energy Physics2011,
2011.On renormalization group flows in four dimensions.Journal of High Energy Physics2011,
2011.Near-horizon solutions for D3-branes ending on 5-branes.Physical Review D84,
2011.Near-horizon solutions for D3-branes ending on 5-branes.Physical Review D84,
2011.On O(N<sub>c</sub>) d = 3 N = 2 supersymmetric QCD theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2011,
2011.Realization of the SU(N) Kondo effect in a strong magnetic field.Physical review letters106,
2011.Toward brane anti-brane inflation: Holographic MQCD.Proceedings of Science
2011.Mapping anomalous currents in supersymmetric dualities.Physical Review D84,
2011.Spontaneous breaking of conformal invariance and trace anomaly matching.Nuclear Physics B847,590-611.
2010.Numerical determination of entanglement entropy for a sphere.Physics Letters B685,222-227.
2010.Inverted sparticle hierarchies from natural particle hierarchies.Physical Review D81,
2010.D-brane charges in gravitational duals of 2 + 1 dimensional gauge theories and duality cascades.Journal of High Energy Physics2010,
2010.Inverted sparticle hierarchies from natural particle hierarchies.Physical Review D81,
2010.Holographic MQCD.Physical Review D82,
2010.Corrections to Nambu-Goto energy levels from the effective string action.Journal of High Energy Physics
2010.Massive type IIA string theory cannot be strongly coupled.Journal of High Energy Physics2010,
2009.Splitting the W-ino multiplet by higher-dimensional operators in anomaly mediation.Physical Review D79,
2009.On the effective action of confining strings.Journal of High Energy Physics2009,
2008.The space-time operator product expansion in string theory duals of field theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2008,
2008.Dynamical SUSY and R-symmetry breaking in SQCD with massive and massless flavors.Journal of High Energy Physics
2008.Rho meson condensation at finite isospin chemical potential in a holographic model for QCD.Journal of High Energy Physics2008,
2008.Holographic duals of long open strings.Physical Review D78,
2008.Holography and anomalies.Proceedings of Science
2008.The beginning of string theory: A historical sketch.119-136.
2008.Fractional M2-branes.Journal of High Energy Physics2008,
2008.Entanglement entropy, trace anomalies and holography.Nuclear Physics B801,1-24.
2008.On collinear factorization of Wilson loops and MHV amplitudes in N=4 SYM.Journal of High Energy Physics
2008.Non-Abelian structures in compactifications of M-theory on seven-manifolds with SU(3) structure.Journal of High Energy Physics2008,
2008.Planar quark scattering at strong coupling and universality.Journal of High Energy Physics
2008.Non-Abelian structures in compactifications of M-theory on seven-manifolds with SU(3) structure.Journal of High Energy Physics2008,
2008.On the conformal field theory duals of type IIA AdS <sub>4</sub> flux compactifications.Journal of High Energy Physics2008,
2008.N = 6 superconformal Chern-Simons-matter theories, M2-branes and their gravity duals.Journal of High Energy Physics2008,
2008.The space-time operator product expansion in string theory duals of field theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2008,
2008.On the conformal field theory duals of type IIA AdS <sub>4</sub> flux compactifications.Journal of High Energy Physics2008,
2008.5D black holes and non-linear sigma models.Journal of High Energy Physics2008,
2008.On SQCD with massive and massless flavors.Journal of High Energy Physics
2007.Stringy instantons and cascading quivers.Journal of High Energy Physics2007,
2007.The moduli space and M(atrix) theory of 9D N = 1 backgrounds of M/string theory.Journal of High Energy Physics2007,
2007.Simple stringy dynamical supersymmetry breaking.Physical Review D76,
2007.The moduli space and M(atrix) theory of 9D N = 1 backgrounds of M/string theory.Journal of High Energy Physics2007,
2007.Thermal AdS <sub>3</sub>, BTZ and competing winding modes condensation.Journal of High Energy Physics2007,
2007.Thermal AdS <sub>3</sub>, BTZ and competing winding modes condensation.Journal of High Energy Physics2007,
2007.Remarks on worldsheet theories dual to free large N gauge theories.Physical Review D75,
2007.Remarks on worldsheet theories dual to free large N gauge theories.Physical Review D75,
2007.Naturalized and simplified gauge mediation.Journal of High Energy Physics2007,
2007.Black hole in the throat: Thermodynamics of strongly coupled cascading gauge theories.Physical Review D76,
2007.A Short Review of Time Dependent Solutions and Space-like Singularities in String Theory.Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements171,69-87.
2007.Supercritical stability, transitions, and (pseudo)tachyons.Physical Review D75,
2007.A phase transition in commuting Gaussian multi-matrix models.arXiv
2007.A holographic model of deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration.Annals of Physics322,1420-1443.
2006.Short distance properties of cascading gauge theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2006,
2006.Remarks on resonant scalars in the AdS/CFT correspondence.Journal of High Energy Physics2006,
2006.Constraining modular inflation in the MSSM from giant Q-ball formation.Physical Review D73,
2006.CFT/AdS correspondence, massive gravitons, and a connectivity index conjecture.Physical Review D74,
2006.High density preheating effects on Q-ball decays and inflation in the minimal supersymmetric standard model.Physical review letters96,
2006.On the worldsheet theories of strings dual to free large N gauge theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2006,
2006.On the worldsheet theories of strings dual to free large N gauge theories.Journal of High Energy Physics2006,
2006.The phase structure of low dimensional large N gauge theories on tori.Journal of High Energy Physics3551-3608.
2006.Plasma balls in large-N gauge theories and localized black holes.Classical and Quantum Gravity23,2171-2210.
2006.Two loop partition function for large N pure Yang-Mills theory on a small S3.Physical Review D74,
2005.The conformal limit of the 0A matrix model and string theory on AdS <sub>2</sub>.Journal of High Energy Physics1245-1266.
2005.Non-local effects of multi-trace deformations in the AdS/CFT correspondence.Journal of High Energy Physics2005,2369-2393.
2005.First order deconfinement transition in large N Yang-Mills theory on a small S3.Physical Review D71,
2005.Non-local effects of multi-trace deformations in the AdS/CFT correspondence.Journal of High Energy Physics2005,2369-2393.
2005.Open string moduli in Kachru-Kallosh-Linde-Trivedi compactifications.Physical Review D72,
2005.Flow of geometries and instantons on the null orbifold.Journal of High Energy Physics347-376.
2005.Open string moduli in Kachru-Kallosh-Linde-Trivedi compactifications.Physical Review D72,
2005.Hybrid inflation and the moduli problem.Physical Review D71,
2005.Flow of geometries and instantons on the null orbifold.Journal of High Energy Physics347-376.
2005.Holographic renormalization of cascading gauge theories.Physical Review D72,
2004.Closed strings in Misner space: Cosmological production of winding strings.Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics73-117.
2004.The Hagedorn/deconfinement phase transition in weakly coupled large N gauge theories.Lie Theory And Its Applications In Physics V, Proceedings161-203.
2004.LSZ in LST.Nuclear Physics B691,3-78.
2004.Black-hole-black-string phase transitions in thermal (1 + 1)-dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on a circle.Classical and Quantum Gravity21,5169-5191.
2004.Little string theory and heterotic/type II duality.Nuclear Physics B679,3-65.
2004.Chern-Simons gravity and holographic anomalies.Journal of High Energy Physics8,881-898.
2004.The deconfinement and Hagedorn phase transitions in weakly coupled large N gauge theories.Comptes Rendus Physique5,945-954.
2004.Closed strings in Misner space: Stringy fuzziness with a twist.Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics17-44.
2004.Baryogenesis from the Kobayashi-Maskawa phase.Physical review letters93,051301-1-051301-4.
2004.Lagrange multipliers and couplings in supersymmetric field theory.Nuclear Physics B702,369-379.
2004.The Hagedorn/deconfinement phase transition in weakly coupled large N gauge theories.Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics8,603-696.
2003.'Holey sheets' - Pfaffians and subdeterminants as D-brane operators in large-N gauge theories.Journal of High Energy Physics6,1533-1565.
2003.The non-AdS/non-CFT correspondence, or three different paths to QCD.Progress In String, Field And Particle Theory104,3-24.
2003.'Holey sheets' - Pfaffians and subdeterminants as D-brane operators in large-N gauge theories.Journal of High Energy Physics6,1533-1565.
2003.Comments on cosmological singularities in string theory.Journal of High Energy Physics2003,647-681.
2003.Universal features of holographic anomalies.Journal of High Energy Physics7,1-15.
2003.Strings in an electric field, and the Milne Universe.Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics2003,103-145.
2003.Defect conformal field theory and locally localized gravity.Journal of High Energy Physics7,713-749.
2002.On exactly marginal deformations of N=4 SYM and type-IIB supergravity on AdS(5) x S-5.Journal of High Energy Physics2002,
2002.On exactly marginal deformations of N = 4 SYM and type-IIB supergravity on AdS<sub>5</sub> × S<sup>5</sup>.Journal of High Energy Physics6,859-904.
2002."Double-trace" deformations, boundary conditions and spacetime singularities.Journal of High Energy Physics6,851-868.
2002.Nonlocal string theories on [Formula Presented] and stable nonsupersymmetric backgrounds.Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology65,18.
2002.Nonlocal string theories on [Formula Presented] and stable nonsupersymmetric backgrounds.Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology65,18.
2002.Exactly marginal deformations of N = 4 SYM and of its supersymmetric orbifold descendants.Journal of High Energy Physics6,701-722.
2002.Nonlocal string theories on AdS<sub>3</sub>×S<sup>3</sup> and stable nonsupersymmetric backgrounds.Physical review D65,1060071-10600718.
2002.Stable non-supersymmetric supergravity solutions from deformations of the Maldacena-Nuñez background.Journal of High Energy Physics6,247-276.
2002.Nonlocal string theories on AdS<sub>3</sub>×S<sup>3</sup> and stable nonsupersymmetric backgrounds.Physical review D65,1060071-10600718.
2002.Clean time-dependent string backgrounds from bubble baths.Journal of High Energy Physics6,197-231.
2002.Giant gravitons in conformal field theory.Journal of High Energy Physics2002,839-873.
2001.A note on the holographic interpretation of string theory backgrounds with varying flux.Journal of High Energy Physics2001,XXII-22.
2001.Multiple-trace operators and non-local string theories.Journal of High Energy Physics5,1-18.
2001.Multiple-trace operators and non-local string theories.Journal of High Energy Physics5,1-18.
2001.Comments on D-branes in AdS(3).Nuclear Physics B615,133-168.
2000.Asymptotic Dynamics and Asymptotic Symmetries of Three-Dimensional Extended AdS Supergravity.Annals of Physics282,31-66.
2000.Holographic anomalies.Proceedings of Science6,
2000.Diffeomorphisms and holographic anomalies.Classical and Quantum Gravity17,1129-1138.
2000.Diffeomorphisms, anomalies and the Fefferman-Graham ambiguity.Journal of High Energy Physics4,11-16.
2000.From SYM perturbation theory to closed strings in Matrix theory.Journal of High Energy Physics4,7-16.
2000.Near Hagedorn dynamics of NS fivebranes or A new universality class of coiled strings.Journal of High Energy Physics4,20-28.
1999.Non-supersymmetric stable vacua of M-theory.Journal of High Energy Physics3,XXIV-11.
1999.Non-supersymmetric stable vacua of M-theory.Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics449,68-75.
1999.A proposal on some microscopic aspects of the AdS/CFT duality.Nuclear Physics B553,205-230.
1999.A comment on nonsupersymmetric fixed points and duality at large N.Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics3,479-494.
1999.IR Dynamics of d = 2, M = (4,4) gauge theories and DLCQ of "little string theories".Journal of High Energy Physics3,XL-32.
1999.New IR dualities in supersymmetric gauge theory in three dimensions.Journal of High Energy Physics3,XIX-13.
1999.IR Dynamics of d = 2, M = (4,4) gauge theories and DLCQ of "little string theories".Journal of High Energy Physics3,XL-32.
1999.Matrix theory, AdS/CFT and Higgs-Coulomb equivalence.Journal of High Energy Physics3,XXXXVII-30.
1998.Linear dilatons, NS5-branes and holography.Journal of High Energy Physics2,XV-19.
1998.Light-cone description of (2,0) superconformal theories in six dimensions.Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics2,119-153.
1998.A supergravity dual of a (1,0) field theory in six dimensions.Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics437,315-317.
1998.Light-cone description of (2,0) superconformal theories in six dimensions.Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics2,119-153.
1998.Non-local field theories and the non-commutative torus.Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics430,237-241.
1998.Linear dilatons, NS5-branes and holography.Journal of High Energy Physics2,XV-19.
1998.String dualities from Matrix theory: A summary.Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements68,374-380.
1998.Matrix description of (1,0) theories in six dimensions.Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics420,55-63.
1998.Matrix description of (1,0) theories in six dimensions.Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics420,55-63.
1998.String dualities from matrix theory.Nuclear Physics B516,229-240.
1998.(8,0) Quantum mechanics and symmetry enhancement in type I' superstrings.Journal of High Energy Physics2,XVI-29.
1998.p-brane dyons, θ-terms and dimensional reduction.Physics Letters B428,284-288.
1997.Dual descriptions of SO(10) supersymmetric gauge theories with arbitrary numbers of spinors and vectors.Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology56,7166-7182.
1997.Brane dynamics and N = 1 supersymmetric gauge theory.Nuclear Physics B505,202-250.
1997.Membrane dynamics in M(atrix)-theory.Nuclear Physics B491,184-200.
1997.A D = 4 N = 1 orbifold of type I strings.Nuclear Physics B483,187-208.
1997.Five-branes in M(atrix) theory.Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics395,196-201.
1997.Membrane dynamics in M(atrix)-theory.Nuclear Physics B491,184-200.
1997.Matrix description of M-theory on T<sup>4</sup> and T<sup>5</sup>.Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics408,105-110.
1996.Branes intersecting at angles.Nuclear Physics B480,265-278.
1996.Chiral rings, singularity theory and electric-magnetic duality.Nuclear Physics B459,455-496.
1996.Anomalies, dualities, and topology of D = 6 N = 1 superstring vacua.Nuclear Physics B475,115-148.
1995.Universality in two-dimensional gauge theory.Nuclear Physics B442,447-460.
1995.Remarks on non-Abelian duality.Nuclear Physics B435,147-171.
1995.Modular cosmology.Physical review D52,3548-3562.
1995.Cosmological moduli problem, supersymmetry breaking, and stability in postinflationary cosmology.Physical review D52,705-716.
1995.On duality in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.Physics Letters B354,315-321.
1995.The dual of supersymmetric SU(2k) with an antisymmetric tensor and composite dualities.Nuclear Physics B452,513-525.
1994.A class of string backgrounds as a semiclassical limit of WZW models.Physics Letters B321,361-364.
1992.Symplectic fusion rings and their metric.Nuclear Physics B380,147-167.
1989.Remarks on the canonical quantization of the Chern-Simons-Witten theory.Nuclear Physics B326,108-134.
1988.Unitary construction of extended conformal algebras.Physics Letters B206,62-70.
1988.Factoring out free fermions and superconformal algebras.Physics Letters B214,209-214.
1987.Comments on the N = 2,3,4 superconformal algebras in two dimensions.Physics Letters B184,191-196.
1987.A connection between the twisted N = 2 superconformal and SU(2) Kac-moody algebras.Physics Letters B195,135-138.
1987.Fermions and octonions.Communications in Mathematical Physics112,385-408.
1987.The lagrangian formulation of chiral scalars.Physics Letters B193,455-458.
1986.Origins of global anomalies in quantum mechanics.Nuclear Physics B273,93-108.
1985.Patterns of two-dimensional supersymmetry breaking: A Monte Carlo study.Nuclear Physics B255,383-391.
1983.N = 2 two-dimensional Wess-Zumino model on the lattice.Nuclear Physics B226,109-120.
1982.Z(2) configurations of non-minimal size in lattice gauge theories.Physics Letters B117,427-430.
1981.Duality relations and equivalences for models with O(N) and cubic symmetry.Nuclear Physics B190,279-287.
1981.The axial anomaly and the bound-state spectrum in confining theories.Nuclear Physics B177,157-171.
1981.Class of solutions of't Hooft's consistency conditions in vectorlike gauge theories.Physical review D24,3326-3328.
1980.Anomaly constraints in chiral gauge theories.Physics Letters B96,67-71.
1980.Phase diagram of the Z(5) model on a square lattice.Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General13,L311-L320.
1979.Isospin-violating mixing in meson nonets.Physics Letters B89,79-83.
1979.The time development of QCD jets.Physics Letters B86,179-182.
1976.Intercept of the Pomeron.Physical review D14,632-646.
1974.Multiple pomeron exchange and final state rescattering.Nuclear Physics BB 75,446-454.
1974.Saturation of unitarity bounds in planar and non-planar models of multiparticle rescattering.Nuclear Physics B81,445-457.
1973.Light cone, Regge behavior, and single-particle electroproduction.Physical review D8,974-977.
1972.Absorptive effects in multiperipheral models.Nuclear Physics B44,31-44.
1972.Missing momentum analysis as a tool to investigate the production of neutral particles.Nuclear Physics B47,19-28.
1972.Properties of hadronic amplitudes in an absorptive model.Physical review D5,2780-2794.
1972.Analytic structure of multiparticle amplitudes in complex helicity.Physical review D6,3018-3031.
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