Jiang M., Pecjak B. D., Perez G. & Sankaranarayanan S.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We consider an effective theory for a shift-symmetric, quadratically-coupled, ultralight spin-0 field. The leading CP conserving interactions with Standard Model fields in the effective theory arise at dimension 8. We discuss the renormalization group evolution and positivity bounds on these operators, as well as their possible UV origins. Assuming that the spin-0 field is associated with an ultralight dark matter candidate, we discuss the effects of the dimension-8 operators on experiments searching for the oscillation of fundamental constants and Lorentz violation. We find that the direct bounds on these two effects are of similar strength but rather weak, corresponding to a UV cutoff scale of keV order, as they are mediated by dimension-8 operators.
The nature of dark matter (DM) and its interaction with the Standard Model (SM) is one of the biggest open questions in physics nowadays. The vast majority of theoretically motivated ultralight-DM (ULDM) models predict that ULDM couples dominantly to the SM strong/nuclear sector. This coupling leads to oscillations of nuclear parameters that are detectable by comparing clocks with different sensitivities to these nature's constants. Vibrational transitions of molecular clocks are more sensitive to a change in the nuclear parameters than the electronic transitions of atomic clocks. Here, we propose the iodine molecular ion, I2+, as a sensitive detector for such a class of ULDM models. The iodine's dense spectrum allows us to match its transition frequency to that of an optical atomic clock (Ca+) and perform correlation spectroscopy between the two clock species. With this technique, we project a few-orders-of-magnitude improvement over the most sensitive clock comparisons performed to date. We also briefly consider the robustness of the corresponding "Earth-bound"under modifications of the ZN-QCD axion model.
Hubisz J., Ironi S., Perez G. & Rosenfeld R.
Physics Letters B.
Dilatons are pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons arising from the breaking of conformal invariance. In this letter we point out that in general a dilaton mass has a power-law dependence on a small parameter related to the explicit breaking of conformal invariance whereas the ratio between the ultraviolet and infrared scales in the theory is exponentially related to the same parameter. We show that this scaling results in a separation between the dilaton mass and the infrared scale that can not be arbitrary large. Therefore a small dilaton mass necessarily is associated to a secluded conformal sector. We argue that the fact that the dilaton field must have a small displacement from the minimum of its effective potential generated near the infrared scale precludes a cosmologically interesting amount of dilatonic dark matter to be produced by a misalignment mechanism in the early Universe.
Kim H. & Perez G.
Physical review D.
Axion-gluon interaction induces quadratic couplings between the axion and the matter fields. We find that, if the axion is an ultralight dark matter field, it induces small oscillations of the mass of the hadrons as well as other nuclear quantities. As a result, atomic energy levels oscillate. We use currently available atomic spectroscopy data to constrain such axion-gluon coupling. We also project the sensitivities of future experiments, such as ones using molecular and nuclear clock transitions. We show that current and near-future experiments constrain a finely tuned parameter space of axion models. These can compete with or dominate the already-existing constraints from oscillating neutron electric dipole moment and supernova bound, in addition to those expected from near future magnetometer-based experiments. We also briefly discuss the reach of accelerometers and interferometers.
Kim H., Lenoci A., Perez G. & Ratzinger W.
Physical Review D.
The axion-gluon coupling is the defining feature of the QCD axion. This feature induces additional and qualitatively different interactions of the axion with standard model particles - quadratic couplings. Previously, hadronic quadratic couplings have been studied and experimental implications have been explored especially in the context of atomic spectroscopy and interferometry. We investigate additional quadratic couplings to the electromagnetic field and electron mass. These electromagnetic quadratic couplings are generated at the loop level from threshold corrections and are expected to be present in the absence of fine-tuning. While they are generally loop-suppressed compared to the hadronic ones, they open up new ways to search for the QCD axion, for instance via optical atomic clocks. Moreover, due to the velocity spread of the dark matter field, the quadratic nature of the coupling leads to low-frequency stochastic fluctuations. These distinctive low-frequency fluctuations offer a new way to search for heavier axions. We provide an analytic expression for the power spectral density of this low-frequency background and briefly discuss experimental strategies for a low-frequency stochastic background search.
Budker D., Eby J., Gorghetto M., Jiang M. & Perez G.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.
As-yet undiscovered light bosons may constitute all or part of the dark matter (DM) of our Universe, and are expected to have (weak) self-interactions. We show that the quartic self-interactions generically induce the capture of dark matter from the surrounding halo by external gravitational potentials such as those of stars, including the Sun. This leads to the subsequent formation of dark matter bound states supported by such external potentials, resembling gravitational atoms (e.g. a solar halo around our own Sun). Their growth is governed by the ratio ξ foc ≡ λdB/R ⋆ between the de Broglie wavelength of the incoming DM waves, λdB, and the radius of the ground state R ⋆. For ξ foc ≲ 1, the gravitational atom grows to an (underdense) steady state that balances the capture of particles and the inverse (stripping) process. For ξ foc ≳ 1, a significant gravitational-focusing effect leads to exponential accumulation of mass from the galactic DM halo into the gravitational atom. For instance, a dark matter axion with mass of the order of 10-14 eV and decay constant between 107 and 108 GeV would form a dense halo around the Sun on a timescale comparable to the lifetime of the Solar System, leading to a local DM density at the position of the Earth O(104) times larger than that expected in the standard halo model. For attractive self-interactions, after its formation, the gravitational atom is destabilized at a large density, which leads to its collapse; this is likely to be accompanied by emission of relativistic bosons (a `Bosenova').
Banerjee A., Perez G., Safronova M., Savoray I. & Shalit A.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We discuss models of ultralight scalar Dark Matter (DM) with linear and quadratic couplings to the Standard Model (SM). In addition to studying the phenomenology of linear and quadratic interactions separately, we examine their interplay. We review the different experiments that can probe such interactions and present the current and expected future bounds on the parameter space. In particular, we discuss the scalar field solution presented in [A. Hees, O. Minazzoli, E. Savalle, Y. V. Stadnik and P. Wolf, Phys.Rev.D 98 (2018) 6, 064051], and extend it to theories that capture both the linear and the quadratic couplings of the Dark Matter (DM) field to the Standard Model (SM). Furthermore, we discuss the theoretical aspects and the corresponding challenges for natural models in which the quadratic interactions are of phenomenological importance.
Losada M., Nir Y., Perez G., Savoray I. & Shpilman Y.
Physical Review D.
Scalar ultralight dark matter (ULDM) interacting with neutrinos can induce, under certain conditions, time dependent modifications to neutrino oscillation probabilities. The limit in which the ULDM perturbation can be treated as constant throughout the neutrino propagation time has been addressed by several previous works. We complement these by systematically analyzing the opposite limit - accounting for the temporal variations of the ULDM field by solving time dependent Schrödinger equations. In particular, we study a novel two-generations-like CP violating (CPV) signature unique to rapidly oscillating ULDM. We derive the leading order, time dependent corrections to the oscillation probabilities, for both CP conserving and CPV couplings, and explain how they can be measured in current and future experiments.
Zhang X., Banerjee A., Leyser M., Perez G., Schiller S., Budker D. & Antypas D.
Physical review letters.
The effects of scalar and pseudoscalar ultralight bosonic dark matter (UBDM) were searched for by comparing the frequency of a quartz oscillator to that of a hyperfine-structure transition in 87Rb, and an electronic transition in 164Dy. We constrain linear interactions between a scalar UBDM field and standard-model (SM) fields for an underlying UBDM particle mass in the range 1×10-17-8.3×10-13 eV and quadratic interactions between a pseudoscalar UBDM field and SM fields in the range 5×10-18-4.1×10-13 eV. Within regions of the respective ranges, our constraints on linear interactions significantly improve on results from previous, direct searches for oscillations in atomic parameters, while constraints on quadratic interactions surpass limits imposed by such direct searches as well as by astrophysical observations.
Banerjee A., Eby J. & Perez G.
Physical Review D.
We highlight general issues associated with quality and naturalness problems in theories of light QCD axions, axionlike particles, and relaxions. We show that the presence of Planck-suppressed operators generically lead to scalar coupling of axions with the Standard Model. We present a new class of ZN QCD relaxion models that can address both the QCD relaxion CP problem as well as its quality problem. This new class of models also leads to interesting experimental signatures, which can be searched for at the precision frontier.
Losada M., Nir Y., Perez G., Savoray I. & Shpilman Y.
The journal of high energy physics.
If Ultra-light dark matter (ULDM) exists and couples to neutrinos, the neutrino oscillation probability might be significantly altered by a parametric resonance. This resonance can occur if the typical frequency of neutrino flavor-oscillations ∆m2/(2E), where ∆m2 is the mass-squared difference of the neutrinos and E is the neutrino energy, matches the oscillation frequency of the ULDM field, determined by its mass, mϕ. The resonance could lead to observable effects even if the ULDM coupling is very small, and even if its typical oscillation period, given by τϕ = 2π/mϕ, is much shorter than the experimental temporal resolution. Defining a small parameter ϵϕ to be the ratio between the contribution of the ULDM field to the neutrino mass and the vacuum value of the neutrino mass, the impact of the resonance is particularly significant if ϵϕmϕL ≳ 4, where L is the distance between the neutrino source and the detector. An outlier in the data collected by the KamLAND experiment which, until now, has been assumed to constitute a statistical fluctuation, or associated with the binning, can actually be explained by such narrow parametric resonance, without affecting the measurements of other current neutrino oscillation experiments. This scenario will be tested by the JUNO experiment.
Feng J. L., Kling F., Reno M. H., Rojo J., Soldin D., Anchordoqui L. A., Boyd J., Ismail A., Harland-Lang L., Kelly K. J., Pandey V., Trojanowski S., Tsai Y. D., Alameddine J. M., Araki T., Ariga A., Ariga T., Asai K., Bacchetta A., Balazs K., Barr A. J., Battistin M., Bian J., Bertone C., Bai W., Bakhti P., Baha Balantekin A., Barman B., Batell B., Bauer M., Bauer B., Becker M., Berlin A., Bertuzzo E., Bhattacharya A., Bonvini M., Boogert S. T., Boyarsky A., Bramante J., Brdar V., Carmona A., Casper D. W., Celiberto F. G., Cerutti F., Chachamis G., Chauhan G., Citron M., Copello E., Corso J. P., Darmé L., D'Agnolo R. T., Darvishi N., Das A., De Lellis G., De Roeck A., De Vries J., Dembinski H. P., Demidov S., Deniverville P., Denton P. B., Deppisch F. F., Bhupal Dev P. S., Di Crescenzo A., Dienes K. R., Diwan M. V., Dreiner H. K., Du Y., Dutta B., Duwentäster P., Elie L., Ellis S. A., Enberg R., Farzan Y., Fieg M., Foguel A. L., Foldenauer P., Foroughi-Abari S., Fortin J. F., Friedland A., Fucilla M., Gallmeister K., Garcia A., Canal C. A., Garzelli M. V., Gauld R., Ghosh S., Ghoshal A., Gibson S., Giuli F., Gonçalves V. P., Gorbunov D., Goswami S., Grau S., Günther J. Y., Guzzi M., Haas A., Hakulinen T., Harris S. P., Harz J., Herrera J. C. H., Hill C. S., Hirsch M., Hobbs T. J., Höche S., Hryczuk A., Inada T., Infantino A., Ismail A., Jacobsson R., Jana S., Jeong Y. S., Jezo T., Jodłowski K., Kalashnikov D., Kärkkäinen T. J., Keppel C., Kim J., Klasen M., Klein S. R., Ko P., Köhler D., Komatsu M., Kovařík K., Kulkarni S., Kumar J., Kumar K., Kuo J. L., Krauss F., Kusina A., Laletin M., Le Roux C., Lee S. J., Lee H. S., Lefebvre H., Li J., Li S., Li Y., Liu W., Liu Z., Lonjon M., Lyu K. F., MacIula R., Abraham R. M., Masouminia M. R., McFayden J., Mikulenko O., Mohammed M. M., Mohan K. A., Morfín J. G., Mosel U., Mosny M., Muzakka K. F., Nadolsky P., Nakano T., Nangia S., Cornago A. N., Nevay L. J., Ninin P., Nocera E. R., Nomura T., Nunes R., Okada N., Olness F., Osborne J., Otono H., Ovchynnikov M., Papa A., Pei J., Peon G., Perez G., Pickering L., Plätzer S., Plestid R., Poddar T. K., Quílez P., Rai M., Rajaee M., Raut D., Reimitz P., Resnati F., Rhode W., Richardson P., Ritz A., Rokujo H., Roszkowski L., Ruhe T., Ruiz R., Sabate-Gilarte M., Sandrock A., Sarcevic I., Sarkar S., Sato O., Scherb C., Schienbein I., Schulz H., Schwaller P., Sciutto S. J., Sengupta D., Shchutska L., Shimomura T., Silvetti F., Sinha K., Sjöstrand T., Sobczyk J. T., Song H., Soriano J. F., Soreq Y., Stasto A., Stuart D., Su S., Su W., Szczurek A., Tabrizi Z., Takubo Y., Taoso M., Thomas B., Thonet P., Tuckler D., Sabio Vera A., Vincke H., Vishnudath K. N., Wang Z. S., Winkler M. W., Wu W., Xie K., Xu X. J., You T., Yu J. Y., Yu J. H., Zapp K., Zhang Y., Zhang Y., Zhou G., Funchal R. Z., Khalek R. A., An D., Arakawa J., Arduini G., Barman R. K., Beacom J. F., Bernlochner F., Bishai M., Boeckh T., Bortoletto D., Boveia A., Brenner L., Brodsky S. J., Burgard C., Camargo-Molina J. E., Carli T., Chang S., Charitonidis N., Chen X., Chen T. Y., Chiang C. W., Coccaro A., Cohen T., Coleman A., Conceição R., Cooper-Sarkar A., D'Onofrio M., Davoudiasl H., Di Matteo A., Di Valentino E., Dobre R., Doglioni C., Mendes L. M., Dova M. T., Duvernois M. A., Ekstedt A., Elsen E., Del Valle A. E., Essig R., Farrar G. R., Fedynitch A., Fellers D., Firu E., Galon I., Garcia I. G., Da Silveira G. G., Giunti C., Goldfarb S., Goncalves D., Sevilla S. G., Suarez R. G., Murat Guler A., Gwenlan C., Gwilliam C., Halzen F., Han T., Haungs A., Heeck J., Hentschinski M., Hsu S. C., Hu Z., Todd Huffman B., Iacobucci G., Illana J. I., Insolia A., Ishak M., Jaeckel J., Kabat D., Ken E. K., Kanai T., Katori T., Khoze V., Kotko P., Kribs G. D., Kuehn S., Kundu S., Lee C., Leszczynska A., Li L., Lie K., Lillard B., Lin H. W., Lowette S., Marfatia D., López F. M., Masełek R., Masip M., Matchev K., McCauley T., Medina-Tanco G., Menjo H., Miloi M. a. l. M., Miramonti L., Mohlabeng G., Moretti S., Moretti T., Nath P., Navarria F. L., Neagu A. T., Nelles A., Neuhaus F., Nunez C., Pedro Ochoa-Ricoux J., Okui K., Olinto A. V., Onel Y., De Los Heros C. P., Pandini C., Pasechnik R., Paul T. C., Petersen B. A., Pierog T., Plehn T., Plum M., Potamianos K., Preda T., Prim M., Queitsch-Maitland M., Reina L., Reininghaus M., Rizzo T. G., Robens T., Ruiz-Chóliz E., Schmieden K., Schnell G., Schott M., Schroeder F. G., Sfyrla A., Shadmi Y., Shipsey I., Shively S. R., Shoemaker I. M., Singh R., Sousa A., Muzio M. S., Stupak J., Suarez I., Tait T. M., Tata X., Thottoli S. R., Toranosuke O., Torrence E., Torres D. F., Trócsányi Z., Tricoli A., Unger M., Sierra C. V., Valli M., Venters T., Verpoest S., Vilela C., Vormwald B., Wang L. T., Waterbury M., Watts G., West S. M., Xu T., Yüksel E., Yaeggy B., Yoon C. S., Yuan T. & Zgura I. S.
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics.
High energy collisions at the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (LHC) produce a large number of particles along the beam collision axis, outside of the acceptance of existing LHC experiments. The proposed Forward Physics Facility (FPF), to be located several hundred meters from the ATLAS interaction point and shielded by concrete and rock, will host a suite of experiments to probe standard model (SM) processes and search for physics beyond the standard model (BSM). In this report, we review the status of the civil engineering plans and the experiments to explore the diverse physics signals that can be uniquely probed in the forward region. FPF experiments will be sensitive to a broad range of BSM physics through searches for new particle scattering or decay signatures and deviations from SM expectations in high statistics analyses with TeV neutrinos in this low-background environment. High statistics neutrino detection will also provide valuable data for fundamental topics in perturbative and non-perturbative QCD and in weak interactions. Experiments at the FPF will enable synergies between forward particle production at the LHC and astroparticle physics to be exploited. We report here on these physics topics, on infrastructure, detector, and simulation studies, and on future directions to realize the FPF's physics potential.
Bai Z., Blackburn T., Borysov O., Davidi O., Hartin A., Heinemann B., Ma T., Perez G., Santra A., Soreq Y. & Hod N. T.
Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology.
We propose a novel way to search for feebly interacting massive particles, exploiting two properties of systems involving collisions between high energy electrons and intense laser pulses. The first property is that the electron-laser collision results in a large flux of hard photons, as the laser behaves effectively as a thick medium. The second property is that the emitted photons free-stream inside the laser and thus for them the laser behaves effectively as a very thin medium. Combining these two features implies that the electron-intense-laser collision is an apparatus, which can efficiently convert O(10 GeV) electrons to a large flux of hard, collinear photons. The photons are directed onto a solid dump in which feebly interacting massive particles may be produced. With the much smaller backgrounds induced by the photon beam compared to those expected in electron- or proton-beam dump experiments and combined with a relatively shorter dump used here, the sensitivity to short lifetimes is unparalleled. We denote this novel apparatus as "optical dump"or NPOD (new physics search with optical dump). The proposed LUXE experiment at the European XFEL has all the basic required ingredients to realize this experimental concept for the first time. Moreover, the NPOD extension of LUXE is essentially parasitic to the main experiment and thus, practically it does not have any bearing on its main program. We discuss how the NPOD concept can be realized in practice by adding a detector after the last physical dump of the experiment to reconstruct the two-photon decay of a new spin-0 particle. We show that even with a relatively short dump, the search can still be background-free. Remarkably, even with a few days of data taking with a 40 TW laser corresponding to its initial run, LUXE-NPOD will be able to probe an uncharted territory of models with pseudoscalars and scalars. Furthermore, with a 350 TW laser of the main run, LUXE-NPOD will have a unique reach for these models. In particular it can probe natural scalar theories for masses above 100 MeV. We note that the new NPOD concept may be ported to other existing or future facilities worldwide, including, e.g., future lepton colliders.
Tretiak O., Zhang X., Figueroa N. L., Antypas D., Brogna A., Banerjee A., Perez G. & Budker D.
Physical review letters.
We present a search for fundamental constant oscillations in the range 20 kHz-100 MHz that may arise within models for ultralight dark matter (UDM). Using two independent optical-spectroscopy apparatuses, we achieve up to ×1000 greater sensitivity in the search relative to previous work [D. Antypas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 141102 (2019).PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.123.141102]. We report no observation of UDM and thus constrain respective couplings to electrons and photons within the investigated UDM particle mass range 8×10-11-4×10-7 eV. The constraints significantly exceed previously set bounds from atomic spectroscopy and, as we show, may surpass in future experiments those provided by equivalence-principle (EP) experiments in a specific case regarding the combination of UDM couplings probed by the EP experiments.
Oswald R., Nevsky A., Vogt V., Schiller S., Figueroa N. L., Zhang K., Tretiak O., Antypas D., Budker D., Banerjee A. & Perez G.
Physical review letters.
A possible implication of an ultralight dark matter field interacting with the standard model degrees of freedom is oscillations of fundamental constants. Here, we establish direct experimental bounds on the coupling of an oscillating ultralight dark matter field to the up, down, and strange quarks and to the gluons, for oscillation frequencies between 10 and 108 Hz. We employ spectroscopic experiments that take advantage of the dependence of molecular transition frequencies on the nuclear masses. Our results apply to previously unexplored frequency bands and improve on existing bounds at frequencies >5 MHz. We also improve on the bounds for coupling to the electromagnetic field and the electron field, in particular spectral windows. We identify a sector of ultralight dark matter and standard model coupling space where the bounds from equivalence principle tests may be challenged by next-generation experiments of the present kind.
Balkin R., Madge E., Menzo T., Perez G., Soreq Y. & Zupan J.
The journal of high energy physics.
We investigate the phenomenological implications of the recent W mass measurement by the CDF collaboration, which exhibits tension with the standard model (SM) electroweak fit. Performing the fit to the electroweak observables within the SM effective field theory, we find that the new physics that contributes either to the determination of the electroweak vacuum expectation value, or to the oblique parameters, can improve the agreement with data. The best description is obtained from a fit where flavor universality is not required in the new physics operators, with 2 to 3 σ indications for several nonzero Wilson coefficients. We point out that top partners with order TeV masses could lead to the observed shift in the W mass.
If ultra-light dark matter (ULDM) exists and couples to neutrinos, it can be discovered via time-periodic variations in the neutrino mass and mixing parameters. We analyze the current bounds on such a scenario and establish the sensitivity expected for both time-averaged and time-resolved modulations in future neutrino oscillation experiments. We place a special emphasis in our analysis on time modulations of the CP violating mixing phase. We illustrate with a toy model the case where the leading modulation effect can be CP violating while the effect on CP conserving parameters is suppressed. We show a unique imprint that a time averaged CP violating modulation of ULDM can leave in neutrino oscillations, while direct CP asymmetries vanish.
Gorghetto M., Perez G., Savoray I. & Soreq Y.
The journal of high energy physics.
p. 1-29
In this paper we study CP violation in photon self-interactions at low energy. These interactions, mediated by the effective operator FFFF˜ , where (F˜) F is the (dual) electromagnetic field strength, have yet to be directly probed experimentally. Possible sources for such interactions are weakly coupled light scalars with both scalar and pseudoscalar couplings to photons (for instance, complex Higgs-portal scalars or the relaxion), or new light fermions coupled to photons via dipole operators. We propose a method to isolate the CP-violating contribution to the photon self-interactions using Superconducting Radio-Frequency cavities and vacuum birefringence experiments. In addition, we consider several theoretical and experimental indirect bounds on the scale of new physics associated with the above effective operator, and present projections for the sensitivity of the proposed experiments to this scale. We also discuss the implications of these bounds on the CP-violating couplings of new light particles coupled to photons.
Banerjee A., Madge E., Perez G., Ratzinger W. & Schwaller P.
Physical review. D.
To solve the hierarchy problem, the relaxion must remain trapped in the correct minimum, even if the electroweak symmetry is restored after reheating. In this scenario, the relaxion starts rolling again until the backreaction potential, with its set of local minima, reappears. Depending on the time of barrier reappearance, Hubble friction alone may be insufficient to retrap the relaxion in a large portion of the parameter space. Thus, an additional source of friction is required, which might be provided by coupling to a dark photon. The dark photon experiences a tachyonic instability as the relaxion rolls, which slows down the relaxion by backreacting to its motion, and efficiently creates anisotropies in the dark photon energy-momentum tensor, sourcing gravitational waves. We calculate the spectrum of the resulting gravitational wave background from this new mechanism and evaluate its observability by current and future experiments. We further investigate the possibility that the coherently oscillating relaxion constitutes dark matter and present the corresponding constraints from gravitational waves.
Balkin R., Delaunay C., Geller M., Kajomovitz E., Perez G., Shpilman Y. & Soreq Y.
Physical review. D..
We discuss the recent results on the muon anomalous magnetic moment in the context of new physics models with light scalars. We propose a model of one-loop contributions to g−2 of a scalar and a pseudoscalar which naturally cancel in the massless limit by symmetry. This model allows us to interpolate between two possible interpretations while keeping new physics light. In the first interpretation, the results provide a strong evidence of the existence of new physics, dominated by the (positive) contribution of a CP-even scalar. In the second one, supported by the recent lattice result, the data provides a strong upper bound on new physics, specifically in the case of (negative) pseudoscalar contributions. We emphasize that tree-level signatures of the new scalars are enhanced relative to conventional explanations of the discrepancy. As a result, this model can be tested in the near future with accelerator-based experiments and possibly also at the precision frontier.
Budnik R., Kim H., Matsedonskyi O., Perez G. & Soreq Y.
Physical review. D.
p. 1-
We study the recent XENON1T excess in the context of solar scalar, specifically in the framework of Higgs portal and the relaxion model. We show that mϕ=1.9keV and gϕe=2.4×10−14 can explain the observed excess in science run 1 (SR1) analysis in the 17 keV range. In the minimal scenarios we consider, the best-fit parameters are in tension with stellar cooling bounds. Despite this fact, the excess represents an example bringing attention to two interesting effects of general relevance. First, the scalar-Higgs mixing angle reproducing the excess, sinθ≃10−8, is intriguingly close to the maximum value of mixing angle for the technical naturalness of the scalar mass. While finding a parameter value very close to its theoretical limit may naively seem an unlikely coincidence, we demonstrate that there exists a class of models which generically saturate the mixing naturalness bound. Secondly, we discuss a possibility that a large density of red giant stars may trigger a phase transition, resulting in a local scalar mass increase suppressing the stellar cooling. For the particular case of minimal relaxion scenarios, we find that such type of chameleon effects is automatically present but they can not ease the cooling bounds. They are however capable of triggering a catastrophic phase transition in the entire Universe. Following this observation we derive a new set of bounds on the relaxed relaxion parameter space. Finally, we present two nonminimal models that demonstrate how the cooling bounds can be relaxed as a result of high density effects.
Light scalar dark matter (DM) with scalar couplings to matter is expected within several scenarios to induce variations in the fundamental constants of nature. Such variations can be searched for, among other ways, via atomic spectroscopy. Sensitive atomic observables arise primarily due to possible changes in the fine-structure constant or the electron mass. Most of the searches to date have focused on slow variations of the constants (i.e. modulation frequencies
Aharony S., Akerman N., Ozeri R., Perez G., Savoray I. & Shaniv R.
Physical review. D.
We propose and experimentally demonstrate a method for detection of a light scalar dark matter (DM) field through probing temporal oscillations of fundamental constants in an atomic optical transition. Utilizing the quantum information notion of dynamic decoupling (DD) in a tabletop setting, we are able to obtain model-independent bounds on variations of α and me at frequencies up to the MHz scale. We interpret our results to constrain the parameter space of light scalar DM field models. We consider the generic case, where the couplings of the DM field to the photon and the electron are independent, as well as the case of a relaxion DM model, including the scenario of a DM boson star centered around Earth. Given the particular nature of DD, allowing one to directly observe the oscillatory behavior of coherent DM and considering future experimental improvements, we conclude that our proposed method could be complimentary to, and possibly competitive with, gravitational probes of light scalar DM.
Perez G. & Shalit A.
The journal of high energy physics.
p. 1-27
We discuss composite UV completions of the Nelson-Barr(NB) solution to the
strong CP problem. In our construction, the CP symmetry is broken spontaneously
by the dynamics of a hidden QCD at $\theta=\pi$. We focus on the minimal
implementation of the NB construction where the visible sector contains one
extra pair of vector-like up/down quarks. We show that the minimal NB theory
suffers from a quality problem, and discuss how composite UV completions may
resolve it. We present a simple calculable scheme, free of a quality problem,
where dynamical CP violation in the hidden sector is mediated through a scalar
portal to the visible sector, which successfully realizes the NB construction.
Banerjee A., Budker D., Eby J., Flambaum V. V., Kim H., Matsedonskyi O. & Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We discuss the sensitivity of the present and near-future axion dark matter experiments to a halo of axions or axion-like particles gravitationally bound to the Earth or the Sun. Such halos, assuming they are formed, can be searched for in a wide variety of experiments even when the axion couplings to matter are small, while satisfying all the present experimental bounds on the local properties of dark matter. The structure and coherence properties of these halos also imply novel signals, which can depend on the latitude or orientation of the detector. We demonstrate this by analyzing the sensitivity of several distinct types of axion dark matter experiments.
Gori S., Perez G. & Tobioka K.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
The two kaon factories, KOTO and NA62, are at the cutting edge of the intensity frontier, with an unprecedented numbers of long lived and charged Kaons, ~ 10^{13}, being measured and analyzed. These experiments have currently a unique opportunity to search for dark sectors. In this paper, we demonstrate that searches done at KOTO and NA62 are complementary, both probing uncharted territories. We consider two qualitatively different physics cases. In the first, we analyze models of axion-like-particles (ALP) which couple to gluons or electroweak gauge bosons. In the second, we introduce a model based on an approximate strange flavor symmetry that leads to a strong violation of the Grossman-Nir bound. For the first scenario, we design a new search strategy for the KOTO experiment, K_L -> pi^0 a -> 4 gamma . Its expected sensitivity on the branching ratio is at the level of 10^{-9}. This demonstrates the great potential of KOTO as a discovery machine. In addition, we revisit other bounds on ALPs from Kaon factories, highlighting the main sources of theoretical uncertainty, and collider experiments, and show new projections. For the second scenario, we show that the model may be compatible with the preliminary analysis of the KOTO-data that shows a hint for New Physics.
Cosmological relaxation of the electroweak scale is an attractive scenario addressing the gauge hierarchy problem. Its main actor, the relaxion, is a light spin-zero field which dynamically relaxes the Higgs mass with respect to its natural large value. We show that the relaxion is generically stabilized at a special position in the field space, which leads to suppression of its mass and potentially unnatural values for the model's effective low-energy couplings. In particular, we find that the relaxion mixing with the Higgs can be several orders of magnitude above its naive naturalness bound. Low energy observers may thus find the relaxion theory being fine-tuned although the relaxion scenario itself is constructed in a technically natural way. More generally, we identify the lower and upper bounds on the mixing angle. We examine the experimental implications of the above observations at the luminosity and precision frontiers. A particular attention is given to the impressive ability of future nuclear clocks to search for rapidly oscillating scalar ultra-light dark matter, where the future projected sensitivity is presented.
Duarte-Campderros J., Perez G., Schlaffer M. & Soffer A.
Physical Review D.
We propose a method to probe the coupling of the Higgs to strange quarks by tagging strange jets at future lepton colliders. For this purpose we describe a jet-flavor observable, J(F), that is correlated with the flavor of the quark associated with the hard part of the jet. Using this variable, we set up a strangeness tagger aimed at studying the decay h -> s (s) over bar. We determine the sensitivity of our method to the strange Yukawa coupling, and find it to be of the order of the standard-model expectation.
Antypas D., Budker D., Flambaum V. V., Kozlov M. G., Perez G. & Ye J.
Annalen der Physik.
Precision spectroscopy of atoms and molecules allows one to search for and to put stringent limits on the variation of fundamental constants. These experiments are typically interpreted in terms of variations of the fine structure constant α and the electron-to-proton mass ratio (Formula presented.). Atomic spectroscopy is usually less sensitive to other fundamental constants, unless the hyperfine structure of atomic levels is studied. However, the number of possible dimensionless constants increases when allowed for fast variations of the constants, where \u201cfast\u201d is determined by the time scale of the response of the studied species or experimental apparatus used. In this case, the relevant dimensionless quantity is, for example, the ratio (Formula presented.) and (Formula presented.) is the time average. In this sense, one may say that the experimental signal depends on the variation of dimensionful constants ((Formula presented.) in this example).
Kitahara T., Okui T., Perez G., Soreq Y. & Tobioka K.
Physical Review Letters.
The KOTO experiment recently reported four candidate events in the signal region of KL→π0ννą search, where the standard model only expects 0.10±0.02 events. If confirmed, this requires physics beyond the standard model to enhance the signal. We examine various new physics interpretations of the result including these: (1) heavy new physics boosting the standard model signal, (2) reinterpretation of "ννą" as a new light long-lived particle, or (3) reinterpretation of the whole signal as the production of a new light long-lived particle at the fixed target. We study the above explanations in the context of a generalized new physics Grossman-Nir bound coming from the K+→π+ννą decay, bounded by data from the E949 and the NA62 experiments.
Banerjee A., Budker D., Eby J., Kim H. & Perez G.
Communications Physics.
The cosmological relaxion can address the hierarchy problem, while its coherent oscillations can constitute dark matter in the present universe. We consider the possibility that the relaxion forms gravitationally bound objects that we denote as relaxion stars. The density of these stars would be higher than that of the local dark matter density, resulting in enhanced signals in table-top detectors, among others. Furthermore, we raise the possibility that these objects may be trapped by an external gravitational potential, such as that of the Earth or the Sun. This leads to formation of relaxion halos of even greater density. We discuss several interesting implications of relaxion halos, as well as detection strategies to probe them. Here, we show that current and near-future atomic physics experiments can probe physical models of relaxion dark matter in scenarios of bound relaxion halos around the Earth or Sun.
Banerjee A., Kim H. & Perez G.
Physical Review D.
We show that the relaxion, which addresses the hierarchy problem, can account for the observed dark matter (DM) relic density. The setup is similar to the case of axion DM models topped with a dynamical misalignment mechanism. After the reheating, when the temperature is well above the electroweak scale, the backreaction potential disappears, and the relaxion is displaced from its vacuum. When the "wiggles" reappear, the relaxion coherently oscillates around its minimum as in the case of vanilla axion DM models. We identify the parameter space such that the relaxion is retrapped, leading to the standard cosmology. When the relaxion is lighter than 10(-7) eV, Hubble friction during radiation domination is sufficiently strong for retrapping, and even minimal models are found to be viable. It also leads to a new constraint on relaxion models, as a certain region of their parameter space could lead to overabundant relaxion DM. Alternatively, even a larger parameter space exists when additional friction is obtained by particle production from additional coupling to an additional dark photon field. The phenomenology of this class of models is quite unique, as it implies that we are surrounded by a time-dependent axionlike field that, due to relaxion-Higgs mixing, implies a time-dependent Higgs vacuum expectation value that leads to time variation of all coupling constants of nature.
Budnik R., Davidi O., Kim H., Perez G. & Priel N.
Physical Review D.
We consider liquid xenon dark matter detectors for searching a light scalar particle produced in the solar core, specifically one that couples to electrons. Through its interaction with the electrons, the scalar particle can be produced in the Sun, mainly through Bremsstrahlung process, and subsequently it is absorbed by liquid xenon atoms, leaving prompt scintillation light and ionization events. Using the latest experimental results of XENON1T and Large Underground Xenon, we place bounds on the coupling between electrons and a light scalar as gφee
Among the prominent candidates for dark matter are bosonic fields with small scalar couplings to the standard-model particles. Several techniques are employed to search for such couplings, and the current best constraints are derived from tests of gravity or atomic probes. In experiments employing atoms, observables would arise from expected dark-matter-induced oscillations in the fundamental constants of nature. These studies are primarily sensitive to underlying particle masses below 10(-14) eV. We present a method to search for fast oscillations of fundamental constants using atomic spectroscopy in cesium vapor. We demonstrate sensitivity to scalar interactions of dark matter associated with a particle mass in the range 8 x 10(-11) to 4 x 10(-7) eV. In this range our experiment yields constraints on such interactions, which within the framework of an astronomical-size dark matter structure are comparable with, or better than, those provided by experiments probing deviations from the law of gravity.
European Strategy for Particle Physics: Israeli Input
Citron Z. H., Kats Y., Kuflik E., Barak L., Volansky T., Kajomovitz E., Shadmi Y. & Perez G.
Physics Briefing Book
: Input for the European Strategy for Particle Physics Update 2020
The European Particle Physics Strategy Update (EPPSU) process takes a bottom-up approach, whereby the community is first invited to submit proposals (also called inputs) for projects that it would like to see realised in the near-term, mid-term and longer-term future. National inputs as well as inputs from National Laboratories are also an important element of the process. All these inputs are then reviewed by the Physics Preparatory Group (PPG), whose role is to organize a Symposium around the submitted ideas and to prepare a community discussion on the importance and merits of the various proposals. The results of these discussions are then concisely summarised in this Briefing Book, prepared by the Conveners, assisted by Scientific Secretaries, and with further contributions provided by the Contributors listed on the title page. This constitutes the basis for the considerations of the European Strategy Group (ESG), consisting of scientific delegates from CERN Member States, Associate Member States, directors of major European laboratories, representatives of various European organizations as well as invitees from outside the European Community. The ESG has the mission to formulate the European Strategy Update for the consideration and approval of the CERN Council.
Curtin D., Drewes M., McCullough M., Meade P., Mohapatra R. N., Shelton J., Shuve B., Accomando E., Alpigiani C., Antusch S., Carlos Arteaga-Velazquez J., Batell B., Bauer M., Blinov N., Salome Caballero-Mora K., Chang J. H., Chun E. J., Co R. T., Cohen T., Cox P., Craig N., Csaki C., Cui Y., D'Eramo F., Delle Rose L., Dev P. S. B., Dienes K. R., Dror J. A., Essig R., Evans J. A., Evans J. L., Fernandez Tellez A., Fischer O., Flacke T., Fradette A., Frugiuele C., Fuchs E., Gherghetta T., Giudice G. F., Gorbunov D., Gupta R. S., Hagedorn C., Hall L. J., Harris P., Carlos Helo J., Hirsch M., Hochberg Y., Hook A., Ibarra A., Ipek S., Jung S., Knapen S., Kuflik E., Liu Z., Lombardo S., Lubatti H. J., McKeen D., Molinaro E., Moretti S., Nagata N., Neubert M., Miguel No J., Olaiya E., Perez G., Peskin M. E., Pinner D., Pospelov M., Reece M., Robinson D. J., Rodriguez Cahuantzi M., Santonico R., Schlaffer M., Shepherd-Themistocleous C. H., Spray A., Stolarski D., Subieta Vasquez M. A., Sundrum R., Thamm A., Thomas B., Tsai Y., Tweedie B., West S. M., Young C., Yu F., Zaldivar B., Zhang Y., Zurek K. & Zurita J.
Reports on Progress in Physics.
We examine the theoretical motivations for long-lived particle (LLP) signals at the LHC in a comprehensive survey of standard model (SM) extensions. LLPs are a common prediction of a wide range of theories that address unsolved fundamental mysteries such as naturalness, dark matter, baryogenesis and neutrino masses, and represent a natural and generic possibility for physics beyond the SM (BSM). In most cases the LLP lifetime can be treated as a free parameter from the mu m scale up to the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis limit of similar to 10(7) m. Neutral LLPs with lifetimes above similar to 100 m are particularly difficult to probe, as the sensitivity of the LHC main detectors is limited by challenging backgrounds, triggers, and small acceptances. MATHUSLA is a proposal for a minimally instrumented, large-volume surface detector near ATLAS or CMS. It would search for neutral LLPs produced in HL-LHC collisions by reconstructing displaced vertices (DVs) in a low-background environment, extending the sensitivity of the main detectors by orders of magnitude in the long-lifetime regime. We study the LLP physics opportunities afforded by a MATHUSLA-like detector at the HL-LHC, assuming backgrounds can be rejected as expected. We develop a model-independent approach to describe the sensitivity of MATHUSLA to BSM LLP signals, and compare it to DV and missing energy searches at ATLAS or CMS. We then explore the BSM motivations for LLPs in considerable detail, presenting a large number of new sensitivity studies. While our discussion is especially oriented towards the long-lifetime regime at MATHUSLA, this survey underlines the importance of a varied LLP search program at the LHC in general. By synthesizing these results into a general discussion of the top-down and bottom-up motivations for LLP searches, it is our aim to demonstrate the exceptional strength and breadth of the physics case for the construction of the MATHUSLA detector.
Abramowicz H., Altarelli M., Aßmann R., Behnke T., Benhammou Y., Borysov O., Borysova M., Brinkmann R., Burkart F., Büßer K., Davidi O., Decking W., Elkina N., Harsh H., Hartin A., Hartl I., Heinemann B., Heinzl T., TalHod N., Hoffmann M., Ilderton A., King B., Levy A., List J., Maier A. R., Negodin E., Perez G., Pomerantz I., Ringwald A., Rödel C., Saimpert M., Salgado F., Sarri G., Savoray I., Teter T., Wing M. & Zepf M.
This Letter of Intent describes LUXE (Laser Und XFEL Experiment), an experiment that aims to use the high-quality and high-energy electron beam of the European XFEL and a powerful laser. The scientific objective of the experiment is to study quantum electrodynamics processes in the regime of strong fields. High-energy electrons, accelerated by the European XFEL linear accelerator, and high-energy photons, produced via Bremsstrahlung of those beam electrons, colliding with a laser beam shall experience an electric field up to three times larger than the Schwinger critical field (the field at which the vacuum itself is expected to become unstable and spark with spontaneous creation of electron-positron pairs) and access a new regime of quantum physics. The processes to be investigated, which include nonlinear Compton scattering and nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair production, are relevant to a variety of phenomena in Nature, e.g. in the areas of astrophysics and collider physics and complement recent results in atomic physics. The setup requires in particular the extraction of a minute fraction of the electron bunches from the European XFEL accelerator, the installation of a powerful laser with sophisticated diagnostics, and an array of precision detectors optimised to measure electrons, positrons and photons. Physics sensitivity projections based on simulations are also provided.
Abada A., Abbrescia M., AbdusSalam S. S., Abdyukhanov I., Abelleira Fernandez J., Abramov A., Aburaia M., Acar A. O., Adzic P. R., Agrawal P., Aguilar-Saavedra J. A., Aguilera-Verdugo J. J., Aiba M., Aichinger I., Aielli G., Akay A., Akhundov A., Aksakal H., Perez G. & Tesi A.
European Physical Journal: Special Topics.
p. 755-1107
In response to the 2013 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (EPPSU), the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study was launched as a world-wide international collaboration hosted by CERN. The FCC study covered an energy-frontier hadron collider (FCC-hh), a highest-luminosity high-energy lepton collider (FCC-ee), the corresponding 100 km tunnel infrastructure, as well as the physics opportunities of these two colliders, and a high-energy LHC, based on FCC-hh technology. This document constitutes the third volume of the FCC Conceptual Design Report, devoted to the hadron collider FCC-hh. It summarizes the FCC-hh physics discovery opportunities, presents the FCC-hh accelerator design, performance reach, and staged operation plan, discusses the underlying technologies, the civil engineering and technical infrastructure, and also sketches a possible implementation. Combining ingredients from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the high-luminosity LHC upgrade and adding novel technologies and approaches, the FCC-hh design aims at significantly extending the energy frontier to 100 TeV. Its unprecedented centre of-mass collision energy will make the FCC-hh a unique instrument to explore physics beyond the Standard Model, offering great direct sensitivity to new physics and discoveries.
Abada A., Abbrescia M., AbdusSalam S. S., Abdyukhanov I., Abelleira Fernandez J., Abramov A., Aburaia M., Acar A. O., Adzic P. R., Agrawal P., Aguilar-Saavedra J. A., Aguilera-Verdugo J. J., Aiba M., Aichinger I., Aielli G., Akay A., Akhundov A., Aksakal H., Perez G. & Tesi A.
European Physical Journal: Special Topics.
p. 1109-1382
In response to the 2013 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (EPPSU), the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study was launched as a world-wide international collaboration hosted by CERN. The FCC study covered an energy-frontier hadron collider (FCC-hh), a highest-luminosity high-energy lepton collider (FCC-ee), the corresponding 100 km tunnel infrastructure, as well as the physics opportunities of these two colliders, and a high-energy LHC, based on FCC-hh technology. This document constitutes the third volume of the FCC Conceptual Design Report, devoted to the hadron collider FCC-hh. It summarizes the FCC-hh physics discovery opportunities, presents the FCC-hh accelerator design, performance reach, and staged operation plan, discusses the underlying technologies, the civil engineering and technical infrastructure, and also sketches a possible implementation. Combining ingredients from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the high-luminosity LHC upgrade and adding novel technologies and approaches, the FCC-hh design aims at significantly extending the energy frontier to 100 TeV. Its unprecedented centre-of-mass collision energy will make the FCC-hh a unique instrument to explore physics beyond the Standard Model, offering great direct sensitivity to new physics and discoveries.
Abada A., Abbrescia M., AbdusSalam S. S., Abdyukhanov I., Fernandez J. A., Abramov A., Aburaia M., Acar A. O., Adzic P. R., Agrawal P., Aguilar-Saavedra J. A., Aguilera-Verdugo J. J., Aiba M., Aichinger I., Aielli G., Akay A., Akhundov A., Aksakal H., Perez G. & Tesi A.
European Physical Journal C.
We review the physics opportunities of the Future Circular Collider, covering its e+e-, pp, ep and heavy ion programmes. We describe the measurement capabilities of each FCC component, addressing the study of electroweak, Higgs and strong interactions, the top quark and flavour, as well as phenomena beyond the Standard Model. We highlight the synergy and complementarity of the different colliders, which will contribute to a uniquely coherent and ambitious research programme, providing an unmatchable combination of precision and sensitivity to new physics.
Abada A., Abbrescia M., AbdusSalam S. S., Abdyukhanov I., Fernandez J. A. & Perez G.
European Physical Journal-Special Topics.
p. 261-623
In response to the 2013 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study was launched, as an international collaboration hosted by CERN. This study covers a highest-luminosity high-energy lepton collider (FCC-ee) and an energy-frontier hadron collider (FCC-hh), which could, successively, be installed in the same 100 km tunnel. The scientific capabilities of the integrated FCC programme would serve the worldwide community throughout the 21st century. The FCC study also investigates an LHC energy upgrade, using FCC-hh technology. This document constitutes the second volume of the FCC Conceptual Design Report, devoted to the electron-positron collider FCC-ee. After summarizing the physics discovery opportunities, it presents the accelerator design, performance reach, a staged operation scenario, the underlying technologies, civil engineering, technical infrastructure, and an implementation plan. FCC-ee can be built with today's technology. Most of the FCC-ee infrastructure could be reused for FCC-hh. Combining concepts from past and present lepton colliders and adding a few novel elements, the FCC-ee design promises outstandingly high luminosity. This will make the FCC-ee a unique precision instrument to study the heaviest known particles (Z, W and H bosons and the top quark), offering great direct and indirect sensitivity to new physics.
Jager S., Kvedaraite S., Perez G. & Savoray I.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
Colored and colorless particles that are stable on collider scales and carry exotic electric charges, so-called Multiply-Charged Heavy Stable Particles (MCHSPs), exist in extensions of the Standard Model, and can include the top partner(s) in solutions of the hierarchy problem. To obtain bounds on color-triplets and color-singlets of charges up to |Q| = 8, we recast searches for signatures of two production channels: the \u201copen\u201d channel where the particles are pair-produced above threshold, and are detectable in dedicated LHC searches for stable multiply charged leptons, and the \u201cclosed\u201d channel where a particle-antiparticle pair is produced as a bound state, detectable in searches for a diphoton resonance. We recast the open lepton searches by incorporating the relevant strong-interaction effects for color-triplets. In both open and closed production, we provide a careful assessment of photon-induced processes using the accurate LUXqed PDF, resulting in substantially weaker bounds than previously claimed in the literature for the colorless case. Our bounds for colored MCHSPs are shown for the first time, as the LHC experiments have not searched for them directly. Generally, we obtain nearly charge-independent lower mass limits of around 970 GeV (color-triplet scalar), 1200 GeV (color-triplet fermion), and 880-900 GeV (color-singlet fermion) from open production, and strongly charge-dependent limits from closed production. In all cases there is a cross-over between dominance by open and closed searches at some charge. We provide prospective bounds for s=13 TeV LHC searches at integrated luminosities of 39.5 fb −1 , 100 fb −1 , and 300 fb −1 . Moreover, we show that a joint observation in the open and the closed channels allows to determine the mass, spin, color, and electric charge of the particle.
Davidi O., Gupta R. S., Perez G., Redigolo D. & Shalit A.
Physical Review D.
Cosmological relaxation models in which the relaxion is identified with the QCD axion, generically fail to account for the smallness of the strong CP phase. We present a simple alternative solution to this "relaxion CP problem" based on the Nelson-Barr mechanism. We take CP to be a symmetry of the UV theory, and the relaxion to have no anomalous coupling with QCD. The nonzero vacuum expectation value of the relaxion breaks CP spontaneously, and the resulting phase is mapped to the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa phase of the Standard Model. The extended Nelson-Barr quark sector generates the relaxion "rolling" potential radiatively, relating the new physics scale with the relaxion decay constant. With no new states within the reach of the LHC, our relaxion can still be probed in a variety of astrophysical and cosmological processes, as well as in flavor experiments.
Frugiuele C., Fuchs E., Perez G. & Schlaffer M.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We study the potential of future lepton colliders, running at the Z - pole and above, and the High- Luminosity LHC to search for the relaxion and other light scalars phi. We investigate the interplay of direct searches and precision observables for both CP even and - odd couplings. In particular, precision measurements of exotic Z - decays, Higgs couplings, the exotic Higgs decay into a relaxion pair and associated Z phi and phi gamma production are promising channels to yield strong bounds.
Davidi O., Gupta R. S., Perez G., Redigolo D. & Shalit A.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We present a mechanism that addresses the electroweak, the strong CP, and the flavor hierarchies of the Standard Model (including neutrino masses) in a unified way. The naturalness of the electroweak scale is solved together with the strong CP problem by the Nelson-Barr relaxion: the relaxion field is identified with the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson of an abelian symmetry with no QCD anomaly. The Nelson-Barr sector generates the "rolling" potential and the relaxion vacuum expectation value at the stopping point is mapped to the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa phase. The same abelian symmetry accounts for the Standard Model's mass hierarchies and flavor textures through the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism. We show how the "backreaction" potential of the relaxion can be induced by a sterile neutrino sector, without any extra state with electroweak quantum numbers. The same construction successfully explains neutrino masses and mixings. The only light field in our model is the relaxion, which we call the hierarchion because it is central to our construction that accounts for all the Standard Model hierarchies. Given its interplay with flavor symmetries, the hierarchion can be probed in flavor-violating decays of the Standard Model fermions, motivating a further experimental effort in looking for new physics in rare decays of leptons and mesons.
Balkin R., Perez G. & Weiler A.
European Physical Journal C.
We examine the dark matter phenomenology of a composite electroweak singlet state. This singlet belongs to the Goldstone sector of a well-motivated extension of the Littlest Higgs with T-parity. A viable parameter space, consistent with the observed dark matter relic abundance as well as with the various collider, electroweak precision and dark matter direct detection experimental constraints is found for this scenario. T-parity implies a rich LHC phenomenology, which forms an interesting interplay between conventional natural SUSY type of signals involving third generation quarks and missing energy, from stop-like particle production and decay, and composite Higgs type of signals involving third generation quarks associated with Higgs and electroweak gauge boson, from vector-like top-partners production and decay. The composite features of the dark matter phenomenology allows the composite singlet to produce the correct relic abundance while interacting weakly with the Higgs via the usual Higgs portal coupling λ DM∼ O(1 %) , thus evading direct detection.
Berengut J. C., Budker D., Delaunay C., Flambaum V. V., Frugiuele C., Fuchs E., Grojean C., Harnik R., Ozeri R., Perez G. & Soreq Y.
Physical Review Letters.
We explore a method to probe new long- and intermediate-range interactions using precision atomic isotope shift spectroscopy. We develop a formalism to interpret linear King plots as bounds on new physics with minimal theory inputs. We focus only on bounding the new physics contributions that can be calculated independently of the standard model nuclear effects. We apply our method to existing Ca+ data and project its sensitivity to conjectured new bosons with spin-independent couplings to the electron and the neutron using narrow transitions in other atoms and ions, specifically, Sr and Yb. Future measurements are expected to improve the relative precision by 5 orders of magnitude, and they can potentially lead to an unprecedented sensitivity for bosons within the 0.3 to 10 MeV mass range.
We propose a novel approach to probe new fundamental interactions using isotope shift spectroscopy in atomic clock transitions. As a concrete toy example we focus on the Higgs boson couplings to the building blocks of matter: The electron and the up and down quarks. We show that the attractive Higgs force between nuclei and their bound electrons, which is poorly constrained, might induce effects that are larger than the current experimental sensitivities. More generically, we discuss how new interactions between the electron and the neutrons, mediated via light new degrees of freedom, may lead to measurable nonlinearities in a King plot comparison between isotope shifts of two different transitions. Given state-of-The-Art accuracy in frequency comparison, isotope shifts have the potential to be measured with sub-Hz accuracy, thus potentially enabling the improvement of current limits on new fundamental interactions. A candidate atomic system for this measurement requires two different clock transitions and four zero nuclear spin isotopes. We identify several systems that satisfy this requirement and also briefly discuss existing measurements. We consider the size of the effect related to the Higgs force and the requirements for it to produce an observable signal.
Isotope shifts of transition frequencies in atoms constrain generic long-and intermediate-range interactions. We focus on new physics scenarios that can be most strongly constrained by King linearity violation such as models with B - L vector bosons, the Higgs portal, and chameleon models. With the anticipated precision, King linearity violation has the potential to set the strongest laboratory bounds on these models in some regions of parameter space. Furthermore, we show that this method can probe the couplings relevant for the protophobic interpretation of the recently reported Be anomaly. We extend the formalism to include an arbitrary number of transitions and isotope pairs and fit the new physics coupling to the currently available isotope shift measurements.
Kats Y., McCullough M., Perez G., Soreq Y. & Thaler J.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
In scenarios that stabilize the electroweak scale, the top quark is typically accompanied by partner particles. In this work, we demonstrate how extended stabilizing symmetries can yield scalar or fermionic top partners that transform as ordinary color triplets but carry exotic electric charges. We refer to these scenarios as "hypertwisted" since they involve modifications to hypercharge in the top sector. As proofs of principle, we construct two hypertwisted scenarios: a supersymmetric construction with spin-0 top partners, and a composite Higgs construction with spin-1/2 top partners. In both cases, the top partners are still phenomenologically compatible with the mass range motivated by weak-scale naturalness. The phenomenology of hypertwisted scenarios is diverse, since the lifetimes and decay modes of the top partners are model dependent. The novel coupling structure opens up search channels that do not typically arise in top-partner scenarios, such as pair production of top-plus-jet resonances. Furthermore, hypertwisted top partners are typically sufficiently long lived to form "top-partnerium" bound states that decay predominantly via annihilation, motivating searches for rare narrow resonances with diboson decay modes.
Flacke T., Frugiuele C., Fuchs E., Gupta R. S. & Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We show that the relaxion generically stops its rolling at a point that breaks CP leading to relaxion-Higgs mixing. This opens the door to a variety of observational probes since the possible relaxion mass spans a broad range from sub-eV to the GeV scale. We derive constraints from current experiments (fifth force, astrophysical and cosmological probes, beam dump, flavour, LEP and LHC) and present projections from future experiments such as NA62, SHiP and PIXIE. We find that a large region of the parameter space is already under the experimental scrutiny. All the experimental constraints we derive are equally applicable for general Higgs portal models. In addition, we show that simple multiaxion (clockwork) UV completions suffer from a mild fine tuning problem, which increases with the number of sites. These results favour a cut-off scale lower than the existing theoretical bounds.
Kamenik J. F., Perez G., Schlaffer M. & Weiler A.
European Physical Journal C.
We examine, using the analyses of the 750 GeV diphoton resonance as a case study, the methodology for estimating the dominant backgrounds to diphoton resonance searches. We show that close to the high energy tails of the distributions, where background estimates rely on functional extrapolations or Monte Carlo predictions, large uncertainties are introduced, in particular by the challenging photonjet background. Analyses with loose photon and low photon pT cuts and those susceptible to high photon rapidity regions are especially affected. Given that diphoton-based searches beyond 1TeV are highly motivated as discovery modes, these considerations are relevant for future analyses. We first consider a physics-driven deformation of the photonjet spectrum by next-to-leading order effects and a phase space dependent fake rate and show that this reduces the local significance of the excess. Using a simple but more general ansatz, we demonstrate that the originally reported local significances of the 750 GeV excess could have been overestimated by more than one standard deviation. We furthermore cross-check our analysis by comparing fit results based on the 2015 and 2016 LHC data sets. Finally we employ our methodology on the available 13 TeV LHC data set assessing the systematics involved in the current diphoton searches beyond the TeV region.
Gupta R. S., Jager S., Kats Y., Perez G. & Stamou E.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We discuss the implications of the significant excesses in the diphoton final state observed by the LHC experiments ATLAS and CMS around a diphoton invariant mass of 750 GeV. The interpretation of the excess as a spin-zero s-channel resonance implies model-independent lower bounds on both its branching ratio and its coupling to photons, which stringently constrain dynamical models. We consider both the case where the excess is described by a narrow and a broad resonance. We also obtain model-independent constraints on the allowed couplings and branching fractions to final states other than diphotons, by including the interplay with 8 TeV searches. These results can guide attempts to construct viable dynamical models of the resonance. Turning to specific models, our findings suggest that the anomaly cannot be accounted for by the presence of only an additional singlet or doublet spin-zero field and the Standard Model degrees of freedom; this includes all two-Higgs-doublet models. Likewise, heavy scalars in the MSSM cannot explain the excess if stability of the electroweak vacuum is required, at least in a leading-order analysis. If we assume that the resonance is broad we find that it is challenging to find a weakly coupled explanation. However, we provide an existence proof in the form of a model with vectorlike quarks with large electric charge that is perturbative up to the 100 TeV scale. For the narrow-resonance case a similar model can be perturbative up to high scales also with smaller charges. We also find that, in their simplest form, dilaton models cannot explain the size of the excess. Some implications for flavor physics are briefly discussed.
Bressler S., Flacke T., Kats Y., Lee S. J. & Perez G.
Physics Letters B.
p. 137-141
Hadrons have finite interaction size with dense material, a basic feature common to known forms of hadronic calorimeters (HCAL). We argue that substructure variables cannot use HCAL information to access the microscopic nature of jets much narrower than the hadronic shower size, which we call superboosted massive jets. It implies that roughly 15% of their transverse energy profile remains inaccessible due to the presence of long-lived neutral hadrons. This part of the jet substructure is also subject to order-one fluctuations. We demonstrate that the effects of the fluctuations are not reduced when a global correction to jet variables is applied. The above leads to fundamental limitations in the ability to extract intrinsic information from jets in the superboosted regime. The neutral fraction of a jet is correlated with its flavor. This leads to an interesting and possibly useful difference between superboosted W/Z/h/t jets and their corresponding backgrounds. The QCD jets that form the background to the signal superboosted jets might also be qualitatively different in their substructure as their mass might lie at or below the Sudakov mass peak. Finally, we introduce a set of zero-cone longitudinal jet substructure variables and show that while they carry information that might be useful in certain situations, they are not in general sensitive to the jet substructure.
Blanke M., Fuks B., Galon I. & Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We study constraints from LHC run I on squark and gluino masses in the presence of squark flavor violation. Inspired by the concept of 'flavored naturalness', we focus on the impact of a non-zero stop-scharm mixing and mass splitting in the right-handed sector. To this end, we recast four searches of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, dedicated either to third generation squarks, to gluino and squarks of the first two generations, or to charm-squarks. In the absence of extra structure, the mass of the gluino provides an additional source of fine tuning and is therefore important to consider within models of flavored naturalness that allow for relatively light squark states. When combining the searches, the resulting constraints in the plane of the lightest squark and gluino masses are rather stable with respect to the presence of flavor-violation, and do not allow for gluino masses of less than 1.2 TeV and squarks lighter than about 550 GeV. While these constraints are stringent, interesting models with sizable stop-scharm mixing and a relatively light squark state are still viable and could be observed in the near future.
Ghosh D., Gupta R. S. & Perez G.
Physics Letters B.
p. 504-508
It is now established that the major source of electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) is due to the observed Higgs particle. However, whether the Higgs mechanism is responsible for the generation of all the fermion masses, in particular, the fermions of the first two generations, is an open question. In this letter we present a construction where the light fermion masses are generated through a secondary, subdominant and sequestered source of EWSB. This fits well with the approximate U(2) global symmetry of the observed structure of the flavor sector. We first realise the above idea using a calculable two Higgs doublet model. We then show that the first two generation masses could come from technicolor dynamics, while the third generation fermions, as well as the electroweak gauge bosons get their masses dominantly from the Higgs mechanism. We also discuss how the small CKM mixing between the first two generations and the third generation, and soft mixing between the sequestered EWSB components arise in this setup. A typical prediction of this scenario is a significant reduction of the couplings of the observed Higgs boson to the first two generation of fermions.
Ghosh D., Paradisi P., Perez G. & Spada G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
Abstract: We analyse the low-energy phenomenology of alignment models both model-independently and within supersymmetric (SUSY) scenarios focusing on their CP violation tests at LHCII. Assuming that New Physics (NP) contributes to (Formula presented.) and (Formula presented.) mixings only through non-renormalizable operators involving SU(2)L quark-doublets, we derive model-independent correlations among CP violating observables of the two systems. Due to universality of CP violation in ΔF = 1 processes the bound on CP violation in Kaon mixing generically leads to an upper bound on the size of CP violation in D mixing. Interestingly, this bound is similar in magnitude to the current sensitivity reached by the LHCb experiment which is starting now to probe the natural predictions of alignment models. Within SUSY, we perform an exact analytical computation of the full set of contributions for the (Formula presented.) mixing amplitude. We point out that chargino effects are comparable and often dominant with respect to gluino contributions making their inclusion in phenomenological analyses essential. As a byproduct, we clarify the limit of applicability of the commonly used mass insertion approximation in scenarios with quasi-degenerate and split squarks.
Gupta R., Komargodski Z., Perez G. & Ubaldi L.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We consider the recently proposed cosmological relaxation mechanism where the hierarchy problem is ameliorated, and the electroweak (EW) scale is dynamically selected by a slowly rolling axion field. We argue that, in its simplest form, the construction breaks a gauge symmetry that always exists for pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons (in particular the axion). The small parameter in the relaxion model is therefore not technically natural as it breaks a gauge symmetry rather than global symmetries only. The consistency of the theory generically implies that the cutoff must lie around the electroweak scale, but not qualitatively higher. We discuss several ways to evade the above conclusion. Some of them may be sufficient to increase the cutoff to the few-TeV range (and therefore may be relevant for the little-hierarchy problem). To demonstrate the ideas in a concrete setting we consider a model with a familon, the Nambu-Goldstone boson of a spontaneously broken chiral flavor symmetry. The model has some interesting collider-physics aspects and contains a viable weakly interacting dark matter candidate.
We discuss the prospects to probe the light-quark Yukawa couplings to the Higgs boson. The Higgs coupling to the charm quark can be probed both via inclusive and exclusive approaches. On the inclusive frontier, we use our recently proposed method together with published experimental studies for the sensitivity of the Higgs coupling to bottom quarks to find that the high-luminosity LHC can be sensitive to modifications of the charm Yukawa of the order of a few times its standard model (SM) value. We also present a preliminary study of this mode for a 100 TeV hadronic machine (with similar luminosity) and find that the bound can be further improved, possibly within the reach of the expected signal in the SM. On the exclusive frontier, we use the recent ATLAS search for charmonia and photon final state. This study yields the first measurement of the background relevant to these modes. Using this background measurement we project that at the high-luminosity LHC, unless the analysis strategy is changed, the sensitivity of the exclusive final state to the charm Yukawa to the charm Yukawa will be rather poor, of the order of 50 times the SM coupling. We then use a Monte-Carlo study to rescale the above backgrounds to the h→φγ case and obtain a much weaker sensitivity to the strange Yukawa, of order of 3000 times the SM value. We briefly speculate what would be required to improve the prospects of the exclusive modes.
Backovic M., Flacke T., Lee S. J. & Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We propose a new search strategy for heavy top partners at the early stages of the LHC run-II, based on lepton-jet final states. Our results show that final states containing a boosted massive jet and a hard lepton, in addition to a top quark and possibly a forward jet, offer a new window to both detecting and measuring top partners of mass ∼ 2TeV. Our resulting signal significance is comparable or superior to the same sign dilepton channels for top partner masses heavier than roughly 1 TeV. Unlike the di-lepton channel, the selection criteria we propose are sensitive both to 5/3 and 1/3 charge top partners and allow for full reconstruction of the resonance mass peak. Our search strategy utilizes a simplified b-tagging procedure and the Template Overlap Method to tag the massive boosted objects and reject the corresponding backgrounds. In addition, we propose a new, pileup insensitive method, to tag forward jets which characterize our signal events. We consider full effects of pileup contamination at 50 interactions per bunch crossing. We demonstrate that even in the most pessimistic pileup scenarios, the significance we obtain is sufficient to claim a discovery over a wide range of top partner parameters. While we focus on the minimal natural composite Higgs model, the results of this paper can be easily translated into bounds on any heavy partner with a tt¯Wj final state topology.
We introduce four different types of data-driven analyses with different levels of robustness that constrain the size of the Higgscharm Yukawa coupling: (i)Recasting the vector-boson associated Vh analyses that search for the bottom-pair final state. We use this mode to directly and model independently constrain the Higgs-to-charm coupling, yc/ySMc≲234. (ii) The direct measurement of the total width, yc/ySMc≲120140. (iii) The search for h→J/ψγ, yc/ySMc≲220. (iv) A global fit to the Higgs signal strengths, yc/ySMc≲6.2. A comparison with tt h data allows us to show that the Higgs does not couple to quarks in a universal way, as is expected in the Standard Model. Finally, we demonstrate how the experimental collaborations can further improve our direct bound by roughly an order of magnitude by charm tagging, as is already used in new-physics searches.
Aaltonen T., Alon R., Amerio S., Duchovni E. & Perez G.
Physical Review D.
Results of a study of the substructure of the highest transverse momentum (p(T)) jets observed by the CDF Collaboration are presented. Events containing at least one jet with p(T) > 400 GeV/c in a sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.95 fb(-1), collected in 1.96 TeV proton-antiproton collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron collider, are selected. A study of the jet mass, angularity, and planar-flow distributions is presented, and the measurements are compared with predictions of perturbative quantum chromodynamics. A search for boosted top-quark production is also described, leading to a 95% confidence level upper limit of 38 fb on the production cross section of top quarks with p(T) > 400 GeV/c.
Chala M., Juknevich J., Perez G. & Santiago J.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We study the phenomenology of vector resonances in the context of natural composite Higgs models. A mild hierarchy between the fermionic partners and the vector resonances can be expected in these models based on the following arguments. Both direct and indirect (electroweak and flavor precision) constraints on fermionic partners are milder than the ones on spin one resonances. Also the naturalness pressure coming from the top partners is stronger than that induced by the gauge partners. This observation implies that the search strategy for vector resonances at the LHC needs to be modified. In particular, we point out the importance of heavy gluon decays (or other vector resonances) to top partner pairs that were overlooked in previous experimental searches at the LHC. These searches focused on simplified benchmark models in which the only new particle beyond the Standard Model was the heavy gluon. It turns out that, when kinematically allowed, such heavy-heavy decays make the heavy gluon elusive, and the bounds on its mass can be up to 2TeV milder than in the simpler models considered so far for the LHC14. We discuss the origin of this difference and prospects for dedicated searches.
Azatov A., Panico G., Perez G. & Soreq Y.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
Abstract: We explore the up flavor structure of composite pseudo Nambu-Goldstone-boson Higgs models, where we focus on the flavor anarchic minimal SO(5) case. We identify the different sources of flavor violation in this framework and emphasise the differences from the anarchic Randall-Sundrum scenario. In particular, the fact that the flavor symmetry does not commute with the symmetries that stabilize the Higgs potential may constrain the flavor structure of the theory. In addition, we consider the interplay between the fine tuning of the model and flavor violation. We find that generically the tuning of this class of models is worsen in the anarchic case due to the contributions from the additional fermion resonances. We show that, even in the presence of custodial symmetry, large top flavor violating rate are naturally expected. In particular, t → cZ branching ratio of order of 10−5 is generic for this class of models. Thus, this framework can be tested in the next run of the LHC as well as in other future colliders. We also find that the top flavor violation is weakly correlated with the increase amount of fine tuning. Finally, other related flavor violation effects, such as t → ch and in the D system, are found to be too small to be observed by the current and near future colliders.
Carmona A., Chala M., Falkowski A., Khatibi S., Najafabadi M. M., Perez G. & Santiago J.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We define a lepton-based asymmetry in semi-leptonic t t ̄ production at the LHC. We show that the ratio of this lepton-based asymmetry and the t t ̄ charge asymmetry, measured as a function of the lepton transverse momentum or the t t ̄ invariant mass is a robust observable in the Standard Model. It is stable against higher order corrections and mis-modeling effects. We show that this ratio can be also a powerful discriminant among different models of new physics and between them and the Standard Model. Finally, we show that a related ratio defined at the Tevatron is also robust as a function of the t t ̄ invariant mass.
Backovic M., Gabizon O., Juknevich J., Perez G. & Soreq Y.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We present a procedure for tagging boosted semi-leptonic tt events based on the Template Overlap Method. We introduce a new formulation of the template overlap function for leptonically decaying boosted tops and show that it can be used to compensate for the loss of background rejection due to reduction of b-tagging efficiency at high pT. A study of asymmetric top pair production due to higher order effects shows that our approach improves the resolution of the truth level kinematic distributions. We show that the hadronic top overlap is weakly susceptible to pileup up to 50 interactions per bunch crossing, while leptonic overlap remains impervious to pileup to at least 70 interactions. A case study of Randall-Sundrum Kaluza-Klein gluon production suggests that the new formulation of semi-leptonic template overlap can extend the projected exclusion of the LHC ps = 8 TeV run to Kaluza-Klein gluon masses of 2.7 TeV, using the leading order signal cross section.
Delaunay C., Golling T., Perez G. & Soreq Y.
Physical Review D.
We show that current Higgs data permit a significantly enhanced Higgs coupling to charm pairs, comparable to the Higgs-to-bottom pairs coupling in the Standard Model, without resorting to additional new physics sources in Higgs production. With a mild level of the latter current data even allow for the Higgs-to-charm pairs to be the dominant decay channel. An immediate consequence of such a large charm coupling is a significant reduction of the Higgs signal strengths into the known final states as in particular into bottom pairs. This might reduce the visible vector-boson associated Higgs production rate to a level that could compromise the prospects of ever observing it. We however demonstrate that a significant fraction of this reduced signal can be recovered by jet-flavor tagging targeted towards charm-flavored jets. Finally we argue that an enhanced Higgs-to-charm pairs coupling can be obtained in various new physics scenarios in the presence of only a mild accidental cancellation between various contributions.
Delaunay C., Perez G., de Sandes S. H. & Skiba W.
Physical Review D.
We propose a new observable designed to probe CP-violating coupling of the Higgs boson to W bosons using associated Higgs production. We define an asymmetry that measures the number of leptons from W decays relative to the plane defined by the beam line and the Higgs boson momentum. The orientation of that plane is determined by the direction of fermions in the initial state, so that in a proton-proton collider it requires rapidity cuts that preferentially select quarks over antiquarks.
Delaunay C., Flacke T., Gonzalez-Fraile J., Lee S. J., Panico G. & Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We study the phenomenological implications of a large degree of compositeness for the light generation quarks in composite pseudo-Nambu- Goldstone-boson Higgs models. We focus in particular on phenomenologically viable scenarios where the right-handed up-type quarks have a sizable mixing with the strong dynamics. For concreteness we assume the latter to be characterized by an SO(5)/SO(4) symmetry with fermionic resonances in the SO(4) singlet and fourplet representations. Singlet partners dominantly decay to a Higgs boson and jets. Since no dedicated searches are currently looking for these final states, singlet partners can still be rather light. Conversely, some fourplet partner components dominantly decay to an electroweak gauge boson and a jet, a type of signature which has been analysed at the LHC. We have reinterpreted various ATLAS and CMS analyses in order to constrain the parameter space of this class of models. In the limit of first two generation degeneracy, as in minimal flavor violation or U(2)-symmetric flavor models, fourplet partners need to be relatively heavy, with masses above 1.8 TeV, or the level of compositeness needs to be rather small. The situation is significantly different in models which deviate from the first two generation degeneracy paradigm, as charm quark parton distribution functions are suppressed relative to the up quark ones. We find that the right-handed charm quark component can be mostly composite together with their partners being as light as 600 GeV, while the right-handed up quark needs either to be mostly elementary or to have partners as heavy as 2 TeV. Models where right-handed up-type quarks are fully composite fermions are also analysed and yield qualitatively similar conclusions. Finally, we consider the case where both the fourplet and the singlet states are present. We demonstrate that in this case the fourplet bounds could be significantly weaken due to a combination of smaller production rates and the opening of new channels including cascade processes.
We review the special role that the top sector is playing in the context of electroweak (EW) symmetry breaking within and beyond the Standard Model. We briefly report on the current status of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) 'battle of naturalness' related to top partner searches. The notion of 'mini' intensity and energy frontiers at the LHC is then explained with an example given for each of these fronts. The phase diagram of the Standard Model obtained by extrapolating the relevant basic parameters, in particular the top-Higgs Yukawa coupling to high scales is also mentioned. We finally address some interesting aspects of top physics that are not related to EW physics. In particular, the impressive progress made recently on the next-to-next-to leading order evaluation of the top pair production cross-section is described and the status of the forward-backward top asymmetry is also summarized.
Galon I., Perez G. & Shadmi Y.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We study the squark spectra of Flavored Gauge Mediation Models, in which messenger-matter superpotential couplings generate new, generation-dependent contributions to the squark masses. The new couplings are controlled by the same flavor symmetry that explains the fermion masses, leading to excellent alignment of the quark and squark mass matrices. This allows for large squark mass splittings consistent with all flavor bounds. In particular, second-generation squarks are often significantly lighter than the first-generation squarks. As squark production at the LHC is dominated by the up- and down-squarks and the efficiencies for squark searches increase with their masses, the charm and/or strange squark masses can be well below the current LHC bounds. At the same time, even with a single set of messengers, the models can generate large stop mixings which result in large loop contributions to the Higgs mass.
Delaunay C., Grojean C. & Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We point out that Higgs rates into gauge bosons can be significantly modified in composite pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson (pNGB) Higgs models if quarks belonging to the first two generation are relatively composite objects as well. Although the lightness of the latter a priori screen them from the electroweak symmetry breaking sector, we show, in an effective two-site description, that their partners can lead to order one shifts in radiative Higgs couplings to gluons and photons. Moreover, due to the pseudo-Goldstone nature of the Higgs boson, the size of these corrections is completely controlled by the degree of compositeness of the individual light quarks. The current measurements of flavor-blind Higgs decay rates at the LHC thus provide an indirect probe of the flavor structure of the framework of pNGB Higgs compositeness.
Gedalia O., Isidori G., Maltoni F., Perez G., Selvaggi M. & Soreq Y.
Physical Review Letters.
In top-pair events where at least one of the tops decays semileptonically, the identification of the lepton charge allows us to tag not only the top quark charge but also that of the subsequent b quark. In cases where the b also decays semileptonically, the charge of the two leptons can be used to probe CP violation in heavy flavor mixing and decays. This strategy to measure CP violation is independent of those adopted so far in experiments, and can already constrain non standard model sources of CP violation with current and near future LHC data. To demonstrate the potential of this method we construct two CP asymmetries based on same-sign and opposite-sign leptons and estimate their sensitivities. This proposal opens a new window for doing precision measurements of CP violation in b and c quark physics via high p(T) processes at ATLAS and CMS.
Blanke M., Giudice G. F., Paradisi P., Perez G. & Zupan J.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We show that a large mixing between the right-handed charm and top squarks (i) is allowed by low-energy flavour constraints; (ii) reduces the experimental bound on the stop mass; (iii) has a mild, but beneficial, effect on fine-tuning; (iv) leads to interesting signatures at the LHC not presently investigated by experiments. We estimate the current bound on the stop mass, in presence of flavour mixing, and discuss the new collider signatures. The signal in the [InlineMediaObject not available: see fulltext.] channel is large enough that it can be immediately searched for experimentally, while the signature with same-sign tops and [InlineMediaObject not available: see fulltext.] requires a luminosity upgrade of the LHC.
Field M., Gur-Ari G., Kosower D. A., Mannelli L. & Perez G.
Physical Review D.
We study the planar-flow distributions of narrow, highly boosted, massive QCD jets. Using the factorization properties of QCD in the collinear limit, we compute the planar-flow jet function from the one-to-three splitting function at tree level. We derive the leading-log behavior of the jet function analytically. We also compare our semianalytic jet function with parton-shower predictions using various generators.
Mahbubani R., Papucci M., Perez G., Ruderman J. T. & Weiler A.
Physical review letters.
Experimental bounds on squarks of the first two generations assume their masses to be eightfold degenerate and consequently constrain them to be heavier than ∼1.4 TeV when the gluino is lighter than 2.5 TeV. The assumption of squark-mass universality is neither a direct consequence of minimal flavor violation (MFV), which allows for splittings within squark generations, nor a prediction of supersymmetric alignment models, which allow for splittings between generations. We reinterpret a recent CMS multijet plus missing energy search allowing for deviations from U(2) universality and find significantly weakened squark bounds: A 400 GeV second-generation squark singlet is allowed, even with exclusive decays to a massless neutralino, and, in an MFV scenario, the down-type squark singlets can be as light as 600 GeV, provided the up-type singlets are pushed up to 1.8 TeV, for a 1.5 TeV gluino and decoupled doublet squarks.
Falkowski A., Perez G. & Schmaltz M.
Physical Review D.
We propose to measure the threshold lepton asymmetry, that is the forward-backward asymmetry of the charged lepton in tt̄ events near the production threshold. At threshold, top quark pairs are produced in an s-wave. Angular momentum conservation then implies that the top spins equal the spin of the initial state which - in the case of quarks - is uniquely fixed by the chirality of the initial quarks. Thus, measuring final-state top spins determines the chirality of the quarks which produced them. Information about the top spins can be extracted by measuring the angular distribution of the charged lepton in semileptonic or dileptonic decays of the top pair. One such distribution, the threshold lepton asymmetry, vanishes in tree-level QCD but is nonzero if new physics modifies the relative contribution of right-handed and left-handed quarks to top pair production. This is interesting because realistic models addressing the anomalous tt̄ asymmetry have chiral couplings to light quarks. Models with identical tt̄ asymmetries at the Tevatron can be distinguished by their threshold lepton asymmetries, which range between plus and minus 25% in realistic models.
Falkowski A., Mangano M. L., Martin A., Perez G. & Winter J.
Physical Review D.
We propose that, within the standard model, the correlation between the tt̄ forward-backward asymmetry Att̄ and the corresponding lepton-based asymmetry Al - at the differential level - is strong and rather clean both theoretically and experimentally. Hence a combined measurement of the two distributions as a function of the lepton pT, a direct and experimentally clean observable, would lead to a potentially unbiased and normalization-free test of the standard model prediction. To check the robustness of our proposal, we study how the correlation is affected by mismeasurement of the tt̄ system transverse momenta, acceptance cuts, and scale dependence and compare the results of mcfm, powheg (with and without pythia showering), and sherpa's csshower in first-emission mode. We find that the shape of the relative differential distribution Al(pTl)[A tt̄(pTl)] is only moderately distorted, hence supporting the usefulness of our proposal. Beyond the first emission, we find that the correlation is not accurately captured by lowest-order treatment. We also briefly consider other differential variables such as the system transverse mass and the canonical tt̄ invariant mass. Finally, we study new physics scenarios where the correlation is significantly distorted and therefore can be more readily constrained or discovered using our method.
Da Rold R. L., Delaunay C., Grojean C. & Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
p. 1-42
We present a class of warped extra dimension (composite Higgs) models which conjointly accommodates the tt̄ forward-backward asymmetry observed at the Tevatron and the direct CP asymmetry in singly Cabibbo suppressed D decays first reported by the LHCb collaboration. We argue that both asymmetries, if arising dominantly from new physics beyond the Standard Model, hint for a flavor paradigm within partial compositeness models in which the right-handed quarks of the first two generations are not elementary fields but rather composite objects. We show that this class of models is consistent with current data on flavor and CP violating physics, electroweak precision observables, dijet and top pair resonance searches at hadron colliders. These models have several predictions which will be tested in forthcoming experiments. The CP asymmetry in D decays is induced through an effective operator of the form (ūc) V + A(s̄s)V + A at the charm scale, which implies a larger CP asymmetry in the D0 → K+ K- rate relative the D0 → π+ π- channel. This prediction is distinctive from other Standard Model or dipole-based new physics interpretation of the LHCb result. CP violation in D - D̄ mixing as well as an an excess of dijet production of the LHC are also predicted to be observed in a near future. A large top asymmetry originates from the exchange of an axial resonance which dominantly produces left-handed top pairs. As a result a negative contribution to the lepton-based forward-backward asymmetry in tt̄ production, as well as O(10%) forward-backward asymmetry in bb̄ production above mbb̄ ≃ 600 GeV at the Tevatron is expected.
Delaunay C., Kamenik J. F., Perez G. & Randall L.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
Recently the LHCb collaboration reported evidence for direct CP violation in charm decays. The value is sufficiently large that either substantially enhanced Standard Model contributions or non-Standard Model physics is required to explain it. In the latter case only a limited number of possibilities would be consistent with other existing flavor-changing constraints. We show that warped extra dimensional models that explain the quark spectrum through flavor anarchy can naturally give rise to contributions of the size required to explain the the LHCb result. The D meson asymmetry arises through a sizable CP-violating contribution to a chromomagnetic dipole operator. This happens naturally without introducing inconsistencies with existing constraints in the up quark sector. We discuss some subtleties in the loop calculation that are similar to those in Higgs to γγ. Loop-induced dipole operators in warped scenarios and their composite analogs exhibit non-trivial dependence on the Higgs profile, with the contributions monotonically decreasing when the Higgs is pushed away from the IR brane. We show that the size of the dipole operator quickly saturates as the Higgs profile approaches the IR brane, implying small dependence on the precise details of the Higgs profile when it is quasi IR localized. We also explain why the calculation of the coefficient of the lowest dimension 5D operator is guaranteed to be finite. This is true not only in the charm sector but also with other radiative processes such as electric dipole moments, b → sγ, Ïμ /Ïμ K and μ → eγ. We furthermore discuss the interpretation of this contribution within the framework of partial compositeness in four dimensions and highlight some qualitative differences between the generic result of composite models and that obtained for dynamics that reproduces the warped scenario.
Drobnak J., Kagan A. L., Kamenik J. F., Perez G. & Zupan J.
Physical Review D.
The anomalous forward-backward asymmetry (A FB) in tt̄ production at the Tevatron is in apparent contradiction with the tt̄ charge asymmetry (A C) measurements at the LHC, which agree well with the standard model predictions. We argue that associated production of a state with [ut̄] flavor quantum numbers can lead to a sizable negative contribution to A C. Exchange of such a resonance in the t channel would lead to positive contributions to A FB and A C, as has been extensively discussed in the literature. Given the additional negative A C contribution, both the Tevatron and LHC data can be naturally accommodated within this framework. A simple realization of this setup is the well known example of a Z with flavor off-diagonal up-top couplings. We provide a detailed study of this model, demonstrating that it indeed reproduces the tt̄ asymmetry data, and is compatible with other constraints, e.g., t+jet resonance searches, tt̄ inclusive jet multiplicities, and atomic parity violation.
Buras A. J., Perez G., Schwarz T. A. & Tait T. M.
European Physical Journal C.
p. 1-2
We have entered a new era, where experiments are probing the top sector both directly and indirectly with an unprecedented accuracy. In the standard model, the top couplings lead to a severe fine tuning problem as well as dominating the amount of flavour violation. Thus, it is expected that in natural extensions of the standard model (SM) the top sector will include new states and consequently, both flavour conserving as well as flavour violating related observables might show deviation from SM predictions. This special issue aims to cover various aspects of top and flavour physics that are commonly considered as orthogonal. However, since very often flavour physics and top physics phenomena arise from the same fundamental sources, it is worth studying them in conjunction. Thus, this review attempts to study in reasonable depth the state of the art in experimental and theoretical research on top and flavour physics.
Gedalia O., Kamenik J. F., Ligeti Z. & Perez G.
Physics Letters B.
p. 55-61
We show that new physics which breaks the left-handed SU(3) Q quark flavor symmetry induces contributions to CP violation in δF=1 couplings which are approximately universal, in that they are not affected by flavor rotations between the up and the down mass bases. (Only the short distance contributions are universal, while observables are also affected by hadronic matrix elements.) Therefore, such flavor violation cannot be aligned, and is constrained by the strongest bound from either the up or the down sectors. We use this result to show that the bound from ε/ε prohibits an SU(3) Q breaking explanation of the recent LHCb evidence for CP violation in D meson decays. Another consequence of this universality is that supersymmetric alignment models with a moderate mediation scale are consistent with the data, and are harder to probe via CP violating observables. With current constraints, therefore, squarks need not be degenerate. However, future improvements in the measurement of CP violation in D-D mixing will start to probe alignment models.
Almeida L. G., Erdoǧan O., Juknevich J., Lee S. J., Perez G. & Sterman G.
Physical Review D.
We explore the ability of three-particle templates to distinguish color neutral objects from QCD background. This method is particularly useful to identify the standard model Higgs, as well as other massive neutral particles. Simple cut-based analysis in the overlap distributions of the signal and background is shown to provide a significant rejection power. By combining with other discriminating variables, such as planar flow, and several variables that depend on the partonic template, three-particle templates are used to characterize the influence of gluon emission and color flow in collider events. The performance of the method is discussed for the case of a highly boosted Higgs in association with a leptonically decaying W boson.
Aaltonen T., Alon R., Álvarez González B., Amerio S., Amidei D., Anastassov A., Annovi A., Antos J., Apollinari G., Appel J. A., Apresyan A., Arisawa T., Artikov A., Asaadi J., Ashmanskas W., Auerbach B., Aurisano A., Azfar F., Badgett W., Barbaro-Galtieri A., Barnes V. E., Barnett B. A., Barria P., Bartos P., Bauce M., Bauer G., Bedeschi F., Beecher D., Behari S., Bellettini G., Bellinger J., Benjamin D., Beretvas A., Bhatti A., Binkley M., Bisello D., Bizjak I., Bland K. R., Blumenfeld B., Bocci A., Bodek A., Bortoletto D., Boudreau J., Boveia A., Brigliadori L., Brisuda A., Bromberg C., Brucken E., Bucciantonio M., Budagov J., Budd H. S., Budd S., Burkett K., Busetto G., Bussey P., Buzatu A., Calancha C., Camarda S., Campanelli M., Campbell M., Canelli F., Carls B., Carlsmith D., Carosi R., Carrillo S., Carron S., Casal B., Casarsa M., Castro A., Catastini P., Cauz D., Cavaliere V., Cavalli-Sforza M., Cerri A., Cerrito L., Chen Y. C., Chertok M., Chiarelli G., Chlachidze G., Chlebana F., Cho K., Chokheli D., Chou J. P., Chung W. H., Chung Y. S., Ciobanu C. I., Ciocci M. A., Clark A., Clarke C., Compostella G., Convery M. E., Conway J., Corbo M., Cordelli M., Cox C. A., Cox D. J., Crescioli F., Cuenca Almenar C., Cuevas J., Culbertson R., Dagenhart D., D'ascenzo N., Datta M., De Barbaro P., De Cecco S., De Lorenzo G., Dell'orso M., Deluca C., Demortier L., Deng J., Deninno M., Devoto F., D'errico M., Di Canto A., Di Ruzza B., Dittmann J. R., D'onofrio M., Donati S., Dong P., Dorigo M., Dorigo T., Duchovni E., Ebina K., Elagin A., Eppig A., Erbacher R., Errede D., Errede S., Ershaidat N., Eusebi R., Fang H. C., Farrington S., Feindt M., Fernandez J. P., Ferrazza C., Field R., Flanagan G., Forrest R., Frank M. J., Franklin M., Freeman J. C., Funakoshi Y., Furic I., Gallinaro M., Galyardt J., Garcia J. E., Garfinkel A. F., Garosi P., Gerberich H., Gerchtein E., Giagu S., Giakoumopoulou V., Giannetti P., Gibson K., Ginsburg C. M., Giokaris N., Giromini P., Giunta M., Giurgiu G., Glagolev V., Glenzinski D., Gold M., Goldin D., Goldschmidt N., Golossanov A., Gomez G., Gomez-Ceballos G., Goncharov M., González O., Gorelov I., Goshaw A. T., Goulianos K., Grinstein S., Grosso-Pilcher C., Group R. C., Guimaraes Da Costa J., Gunay-Unalan Z., Haber C., Hahn S. R., Halkiadakis E., Hamaguchi A., Han J. Y., Happacher F., Hara K., Hare D., Hare M., Harr R. F., Hatakeyama K., Hays C., Heck M., Heinrich J., Herndon M., Hewamanage S., Hidas D., Hocker A., Hopkins W., Horn D., Hou S., Hughes R. E., Hurwitz M., Husemann U., Hussain N., Hussein M., Huston J., Introzzi G., Iori M., Ivanov A., James E., Jang D., Jayatilaka B., Jeon E. J., Jha M. K., Jindariani S., Johnson W., Jones M., Joo K. K., Jun S. Y., Junk T. R., Kamon T., Karchin P. E., Kasmi A., Kato Y., Ketchum W., Keung J., Khotilovich V., Kilminster B., Kim D. H., Kim H. S., Kim H. W., Kim J. E., Kim M. J., Kim S. B., Kim S. H., Kim Y. K., Kimura N., Kirby M., Klimenko S., Kondo K., Kong D. J., Konigsberg J., Kotwal A. V., Kreps M., Kroll J., Krop D., Krumnack N., Kruse M., Krutelyov V., Kuhr T., Kurata M., Kwang S., Laasanen A. T., Lami S., Lammel S., Lancaster M., Lander R. L., Lannon K., Lath A., Latino G., Lecompte T., Lee E., Lee H. S., Lee J. S., Lee S. W., Leo S., Leone S., Lewis J. D., Limosani A., Lin C. J., Linacre J., Lindgren M., Lipeles E., Lister A., Litvintsev D. O., Liu C., Liu Q., Liu T., Lockwitz S., Loginov A., Lucchesi D., Lueck J., Lujan P., Lukens P., Lungu G., Lys J., Lysak R., Madrak R., Maeshima K., Makhoul K., Malik S., Manca G., Manousakis-Katsikakis A., Margaroli F., Marino C., Martínez M., Martínez-Ballarín R., Mastrandrea P., Mattson M. E., Mazzanti P., Mcfarland K. S., Mcintyre P., Mcnulty R., Mehta A., Mehtala P., Menzione A., Mesropian C., Miao T., Mietlicki D., Mitra A., Miyake H., Moed S., Moggi N., Mondragon M. N., Moon C. S., Moore R., Morello M. J., Morlock J., Movilla Fernandez P., Mukherjee A., Muller T., Murat P., Mussini M., Nachtman J., Nagai Y., Naganoma J., Nakano I., Napier A., Nett J., Neu C., Neubauer M. S., Nielsen J., Nodulman L., Norniella O., Nurse E., Oakes L., Oh S. H., Oh Y. D., Oksuzian I., Okusawa T., Orava R., Ortolan L., Pagan Griso S., Pagliarone C., Palencia E., Papadimitriou V., Paramonov A. A., Patrick J., Pauletta G., Paulini M., Paus C., Pellett D. E., Penzo A., Perez G., Phillips T. J., Piacentino G., Pianori E., Pilot J., Pitts K., Plager C., Pondrom L., Potamianos K., Poukhov O., Prokoshin F., Pronko A., Ptohos F., Pueschel E., Punzi G., Pursley J., Rahaman A., Ramakrishnan V., Ranjan N., Redondo I., Renton P., Rescigno M., Riddick T., Rimondi F., Ristori L., Robson A., Rodrigo T., Rodriguez T., Rogers E., Rolli S., Roser R., Rossi M., Rubbo F., Ruffini F., Ruiz A., Russ J., Rusu V., Safonov A., Sakumoto W. K., Sakurai Y., Santi L., Sartori L., Sato K., Saveliev V., Savoy-Navarro A., Schlabach P., Schmidt A., Schmidt E. E., Schmidt M. P., Schmitt M., Schwarz T., Scodellaro L., Scribano A., Scuri F., Sedov A., Seidel S., Seiya Y., Semenov A., Sforza F., Sfyrla A., Shalhout S. Z., Shears T., Shepard P. F., Shimojima M., Shiraishi S., Shochet M., Shreyber I., Simonenko A., Sinervo P., Sissakian A., Sliwa K., Smith J. R., Snider F. D., Soha A., Somalwar S., Sorin V., Squillacioti P., Stancari M., Stanitzki M., St. Denis R., Stelzer B., Stelzer-Chilton O., Stentz D., Strologas J., Strycker G. L., Sudo Y., Sukhanov A., Suslov I., Takemasa K., Takeuchi Y., Tang J., Tecchio M., Teng P. K., Thom J., Thome J., Thompson G. A., Thomson E., Ttito-Guzmán P., Tkaczyk S., Toback D., Tokar S., Tollefson K., Tomura T., Tonelli D., Torre S., Torretta D., Totaro P., Trovato M., Tu Y., Ukegawa F., Uozumi S., Varganov A., Vázquez F., Velev G., Vellidis C., Vidal M., Vila I., Vilar R., Vizán J., Vogel M., Volpi G., Wagner P., Wagner R. L., Wakisaka T., Wallny R., Wang S. M., Warburton A., Waters D., Weinberger M., Wester W. C., Whitehouse B., Whiteson D., Wicklund A. B., Wicklund E., Wilbur S., Wick F., Williams H. H., Wilson J. S., Wilson P., Winer B. L., Wittich P., Wolbers S., Wolfe H., Wright T., Wu X., Wu Z., Yamamoto K., Yamaoka J., Yang T., Yang U. K., Yang Y. C., Yao W. M., Yeh G. P., Yi K., Yoh J., Yorita K., Yoshida T., Yu G. B., Yu I., Yu S. S., Yun J. C., Zanetti A., Zeng Y. & Zucchelli S.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology.
A study of the substructure of jets with transverse momentum greater than 400GeV/c produced in proton-antiproton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider and recorded by the CDF II detector is presented. The distributions of the jet mass, angularity, and planar flow are measured for the first time in a sample with an integrated luminosity of 5.95fb -1. The observed substructure for high mass jets is consistent with predictions from perturbative quantum chromodynamics.
Isidori G., Kamenik J. F., Ligeti Z. & Perez G.
Physics Letters B.
p. 46-51
The LHCb collaboration recently announced preliminary evidence for CP violation in D meson decays. We discuss this result in the context of the standard model (SM), as well as its extensions. In the absence of reliable methods to evaluate the hadronic matrix elements involved, we can only estimate qualitatively the magnitude of the non-SM tree level operators required to generate the observed central value. In the context of an effective theory, we list the operators that can give rise to the measured CP violation and investigate constraints on them from other processes.
Alon R., Duchovni E., Perez G., Pranko A. P. & Sinervo P. K.
Physical Review D.
We describe a method to measure and correct for the incoherent component of energy flow arising from multiple interactions from jet shape and substructure observables of massive jets. The correction is a function of the jet-shape variable of interest and not a universal property. Such a correction is expected to reduce biases in the corresponding distributions generated by the presence of multiple interactions and to improve measurement resolution. This data-driven technique is not subject to uncertainties coming from the use of theoretical calculations. Corrections are derived for jet mass, angularity, and planar flow, and are found to be in good agreement with data on massive jets observed by the CDF collaboration. Finally, we comment on the linkage with the concept of jet area and jet mass area.
Delaunay C., Gedalia O., Lee S. J., Perez G. & Ponton E.
Physics Letters B.
p. 486-490
Anarchic warped extra dimensional models provide a solution to the hierarchy problem. They can also account for the observed flavor hierarchies, but only at the expense of little hierarchy and CP problems, which naturally require a Kaluza-Klein (KK) scale beyond the LHC reach. We have recently shown that when flavor issues are decoupled, and assumed to be solved by UV physics, the framework's parameter space greatly opens. Given the possibility of a lower KK scale and composite light quarks, this class of flavor triviality models enjoys a rather exceptional phenomenology, which is the focus of this Letter. We also revisit the anarchic RS EDM problem, which requires mKK≳12 TeV, and show that it is solved within flavor triviality models. Interestingly, our framework can induce a sizable differential tt̄ forward-backward asymmetry, and leads to an excess of massive boosted di-jet events, which may be linked to the recent findings of the CDF Collaboration. This feature may be observed by looking at the corresponding planar flow distribution, which is presented here. Finally we point out that the celebrated standard model preference towards a light Higgs is significantly reduced within our framework.
Blum K., Delaunay C., Gedalia O., Hochberg Y., Lee S. J., Nir Y., Perez G. & Soreq Y.
Physics Letters B.
p. 364-369
New physics at a high scale λ can affect top-related observables at O(1/λ2) via the interference of effective four quark operators with the SM amplitude. The (ūγμγ5Tau)(t̄γμγ5Tat) operator modifies the large Mtt̄ forward-backward asymmetry, and can account for the recent CDF measurement. The (ūγμTau)(t̄γμTat) operator modifies the differential cross section, but cannot enhance the cross section of ultra-massive boosted jets by more than 60%. The hint for a larger enhancement from a recent CDF measurement may not persist future experimental improvements, or may be a QCD effect that is not accounted for by leading order and matched Monte Carlo tools or naive factorization. If it comes from new physics, it may stem from new light states or an O(1/λ4) new physics effect.
Kagan A. L., Kamenik J. F., Perez G. & Stone S.
Physical review letters.
We suggest that top quark physics can be studied at the LHCb experiment and that top quark production could be observed. Since LHCb covers a large pseudorapidity region in the forward direction, it has unique abilities to probe new physics in the top quark sector. Furthermore, we demonstrate that LHCb may be able to measure a tt̄ production rate asymmetry and, thus, indirectly probe an anomalous forward-backward tt̄ asymmetry in the forward region, a possibility suggested by the enhanced forward-backward asymmetry reported by the CDF experiment.
Gedalia O., Jenkins A. & Perez G.
Physical Review D.
Unless the scale of electroweak symmetry breaking is stabilized dynamically, most of the universes in a multiverse theory will lack an observable weak nuclear interaction. Such "weakless universes" could support intelligent life based on organic chemistry, as long as other parameters are properly adjusted. By taking into account the seemingly unrelated flavor dynamics that address the hierarchy of quark masses and mixings, we show that such weakless (but hospitable) universes can be far more common than universes like ours. The gauge hierarchy problem therefore calls for a dynamical (rather than anthropic) solution.
Delaunay C., Gedalia O., Lee S. J., Perez G. & Ponton E.
Physical Review D.
A warped extra-dimensional model, where the standard model Yukawa hierarchy is set by UV physics, is shown to have a sweet spot of parameters with improved experimental visibility and possibly naturalness. Upon marginalizing over all the model parameters, a Kaluza-Klein scale of 2.1 TeV can be obtained at 2σ (95.4%C.L.) without conflicting with electroweak precision measurements. Fitting all relevant parameters simultaneously can relax this bound to 1.7 TeV. In this bulk version of the Rattazzi-Zaffaroni shining model, flavor violation is also highly suppressed, yielding a bound of 2.4 TeV. Nontrivial flavor physics at the LHC in the form of flavor gauge bosons is predicted. The model is also characterized by a depletion of the third-generation couplings-as predicted by the general minimal flavor violation framework-which can be tested via flavor precision measurements. In particular, sizable CP violation in ΔB=2 transitions can be obtained, and there is a natural region where Bs mixing is predicted to be larger than B d mixing, as favored by recent Tevatron data. Unlike other proposals, the new contributions are not linked to Higgs or any scalar exchange processes.
A "Periodic table" of jet energy flow observables
Gur-Ari G., Papucci M. & Perez G.
Heavy flavor gauge boson AVI gershon
Etzion E., Bella G., Hod N., Silver Y., Perez G., Lee S. J. & Sutton M.
A model for new flavor gauge boson (FGB) is investigated. This family of models may hold the key to the flavor structure of physics. For simulating this model we used the Monte Carlo (MC) Generator Framework MOSES. A search for single top T-channel production allowed by this model will be conducted with p-p collisions (7 TeV ) at the LHC.
Next-to-leading-order computations of energy flow observables
Almeida L., Erdogan O., Juknevich J., Lee S. J., Perez G. & Sterman G.
Substructure of highly boosted massive jets at CDF II
Duchovni E., Perez G., Sinervo P. K. & Alon R.
Delaunay C., Gedalia O., Hochberg Y., Perez G. & Soreq Y.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
The CDF collaboration has recently reported a large deviation from the stan- dard model of the tt̄ forward-backward asymmetry in the high invariant mass region. We interpret this measurement as coming from new physics at a heavy scale δ, and perform a model-independent analysis up to O(1=δ4) . A simple formalism to test and constrain models of new physics is provided. We find that a large asymmetry cannot be accommo- dated by heavy new physics that does not interfere with the standard model. We show that a smoking gun test for the heavy new physics hypothesis is a significant deviation from the standard model prediction for the tt̄ differential cross section at large invariant mass. At Mtt̄ >1TeV the cross section is predicted to be at least twice that of the SM at the Tevatron, and for Mtt̄ >1:5TeV at least three times larger than the SM at the LHC.
Eshel Y., Gedalia O., Perez G. & Soreq Y.
Physical Review D.
The CDF Collaboration recently reported an upper limit on boosted top pair production and noted a significant excess above the estimated background of events with two ultramassive boosted jets. We discuss the interpretation of the measurement and its fundamental implications. In case new physics is involved, the most naive contribution is from a new particle produced with a cross section that is a few times higher than that of the top quark and a sizable hadronic branching ratio. We quantify the resulting tension of a possible larger top pair cross section with the absence of excess found in events with one massive boosted jet and missing energy. The measured planar flow distribution shows deviation from CDF's Pythia QCD prediction at high planarity, while we find a somewhat smaller deviation when comparing with other Monte Carlo tools. As a simple toy model, we analyze the case of a light gluino with R-parity violation and show that it can be made consistent with the data.
Eshel Y., Lee S. J., Perez G. & Soreq Y.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We study radion phenomenology in the context of avor shining in warped extra dimension models. In this unique setup, originally proposed by Rattazzi and Zaffaroni, solutions to the gauge hierarchy problem and the new physics avor problem are unified. A special role is played by the vacuum energy on the branes, that naturally allows for avon stabilization and parametrically raises the radion mass. We note that the radion mass squared is suppressed only by the log of the weak-Planck hierarchy, and it is in the favored range of the standard model Higgs. We emphasize that the radion to di-photon, and to WW* can be promising discovery channels at the LHC, with a rate above that of the standard model Higgs. We find that the radion is unlikely to account for the excess in W plus dijet events as recently reported by the CDF collaboration.
Perez G.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements.
p. 157-163
The DØ Collaboration reported a 3.2 σ deviation from the standard model prediction in the like-sign dimuon asymmetry. Assuming that new physics contributes only to Bd,s mixing, we study the general implications of the measurement, and then in the context of the general minimal flavor violation (GMFV) framework. We find that this framework gives a good fit to the data. Universal new physics with similar contributions relative to the SM in the Bd and Bs systems are possible, but the data favor a larger deviation in Bs than in Bd mixing. We also briefly discuss the GMFV contributions to CP violation in D0-D̄0 mixing.
Gedalia O., Mannelli L. & Perez G.
Physics Letters B.
p. 301-304
A simple formalism to describe flavor and CP violation in a model independent way is provided. Our method is particularly useful to derive robust bounds on models with arbitrary mechanisms of alignment. Known constraints on flavor violation in the K and D systems are reproduced in a straightforward and covariant manner. Assumptions-free limits, based on top flavor violation at the LHC, are then obtained. In the absence of signal, with 100 fb-1 of data, the LHC will exclude weakly coupled (strongly coupled) new physics up to a scale of 0.6 TeV (7.6 TeV), while at present no general constraint can be set related to Δt=1 processes. ΔF=2 contributions will be constrained via same-sign tops signal, with a model independent exclusion region of 0.08 TeV (1.0 TeV). However, in this case, stronger bounds are found from the study of CP violation in D-D̄ mixing with a scale of 0.57 TeV (7.2 TeV). We also apply our analysis to supersymmetric and warped extra dimension models.
Almeida L. G., Lee S. J., Perez G., Sterman G. & Sung I.
Physical Review D.
We introduce a new class of infrared safe jet observables, which we refer to as template overlaps, designed to filter targeted highly-boosted particle decays from QCD jets and other background. Template overlaps are functional measures that quantify how well the energy flow of a physical jet matches the flow of a boosted partonic decay. Any region of the partonic phase space for the boosted decays defines a template. We will refer to the maximum functional overlap found this way as the template overlap. To illustrate the method, we test lowest-order templates designed to distinguish highly-boosted top and Higgs decays from backgrounds produced by event generators. For the functional overlap, we find good results with a simple construction based on a Gaussian in energy differences within angular regions surrounding the template partons. Although different event generators give different averages for our template overlaps, we find in each case excellent rejection power, especially when combined with cuts based on jet shapes. The template overlaps are capable of systematic improvement by including higher-order corrections in the template phase space.
Ligeti Z., Papucci M., Perez G. & Zupan J.
Physical review letters.
The D0 Collaboration reported a 3.2σ deviation from the standard model (SM) prediction in the like-sign dimuon asymmetry. Assuming that new physics contributes only to Bd,s mixing, we show that the data can be analyzed without using the theoretical calculation of ΔΓs, allowing for robust interpretations. We find that this framework gives a good fit to all measurements, including the recent CDF Collaboration Sψ result. The data allow universal new physics with similar contributions relative to the SM in the Bd and Bs systems, but favors a larger deviation in Bs than in Bd mixing. The general minimal flavor violation framework with flavor diagonal CP violating phases can account for the former case and remarkably even for the latter case. This observation makes it simpler to speculate about which extensions with general flavor structure may also fit the data.
Csáki C., Perez G., Surujon Z. & Weiler A.
Physical Review D.
We present a class of warped extra dimensional models whose flavor violating interactions are much suppressed compared to the usual anarchic case due to flavor alignment. Such suppression can be achieved in models where part of the global flavor symmetry is gauged in the bulk and broken in a controlled manner. We show that the bulk masses can be aligned with the down-type Yukawa couplings by an appropriate choice of bulk flavon field representations and TeV brane dynamics. This alignment could reduce the flavor violating effects to levels that allow for a Kaluza-Klein scale as low as 2-3 TeV, making the model observable at the LHC. However, the up-type Yukawa couplings on the IR brane, which are bounded from below by recent bounds on CP violation in the D system, induce flavor misalignment radiatively. Off-diagonal down-type Yukawa couplings and kinetic mixings for the down quarks are both consequences of this effect. These radiative Yukawa corrections can be reduced by raising the flavon vacuum expectation value on the IR brane (at the price of some moderate tuning), or by extending the Higgs sector. The flavor changing effects from the radiatively induced Yukawa mixing terms are at around the current upper experimental bounds. We also show the generic bounds on UV-brane induced flavor violating effects, and comment on possible additional flavor violations from bulk flavor gauge bosons and the bulk Yukawa scalars.
Agashe K., Blum K., Lee S. J. & Perez G.
Physical Review D.
We explore, within the warped extra dimensional framework, the possibility of finding antimatter signals in cosmic rays (CRs) from dark matter (DM) annihilation. We find that exchange of order 100 GeV radion, an integral part of this class of models, generically results in a sizable Sommerfeld enhancement of the annihilation rate for DM mass at the TeV scale. No ad hoc dark sector is required to obtain boosted annihilation cross sections and hence signals. Such a mild hierarchy between the radion and DM masses can be natural due to the pseudo-Goldstone boson nature of the radion. We study the implications of a Sommerfeld enhancement specifically in warped grand unified theory (GUT) models, where proton stability implies a DM candidate. We show, via a partially unified Pati-Salam group, how to incorporate a custodial symmetry for Z→bb̄ into the GUT framework such that a few TeV Kaluza-Klein (KK) mass scale is allowed by electroweak precision tests. Among such models, the one with the smallest SO(10) (fully unified) representation, with SU(5) hypercharge normalization, allows us to decouple the DM from the electroweak gauge bosons. Thus, a correct DM relic density can be obtained and direct detection bounds are satisfied. Looking at robust CR observables, we find a possible future signal in the p̄/p flux ratio consistent with current constraints. Using a different choice of representations, we show how to embed in this GUT model a similar custodial symmetry for the right-handed tau, allowing it to be strongly coupled to KK particles. Such a scenario might lead to an observed signal in CR positrons; however, the DM candidate in this case cannot constitute all of the DM in the Universe. As an aside and independent of the GUT or DM model, the strong coupling between KK particles and tau's can lead to striking LHC signals.
Gedalia O., Mannelli L. & Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
A simple covariant formalism to describe flavor and CP violation in the lefthanded quark sector in a model independent way is provided. The introduction of a covariant basis, which makes the standard model approximate symmetry structure manifest, leads to a physical and transparent picture of flavor conversion processes. Our method is particularly useful to derive robust bounds on models with arbitrary mechanisms of alignment. Known constraints on flavor violation in the K and D systems are reproduced in a straightforward manner. Assumptions-free limits, based on top flavor violation at the LHC, are then obtained. In the absence of signal, with 100fb-1 of data, the LHC will exclude weakly coupled (strongly coupled) new physics up to a scale of 0.6 TeV (7.6 TeV), while at present no general constraint can be set related to Δt = 1 processes. LHC data will constrain ΔF = 2 contributions via same-sign tops signal, with a model independent exclusion region of 0.08TeV (1.0TeV). However, in this case, stronger bounds are found from the study of CP violation in D - D̄ mixing with a scale of 0.57TeV (7.2TeV). In addition, we apply our analysis to models of supersymmetry and warped extra dimension. The minimal flavor violation framework is also discussed, where the formalism allows to distinguish between the linear and generic non-linear limits within this class of models.
Isidori G., Nir Y. & Perez G.
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science.
p. 355-380
Over the past decade, much progress in experimentally measuring and theoretically understanding flavor physics has been achieved. Specifically, the accuracy of the determination of the CKM elements has been greatly improved, and a large number of (a) flavor-changing neutral-current processes involving b -> d, b -> s, and c -> u transitions and (b) CP-violating asymmetries have been measured. No evidence for new physics has been established. Consequently, strong constraints on new physics at a high scale apply. In particular, the flavor structure of new physics at the teraelectron-volt scale is strongly constrained. We review these constraints and discuss future prospects to better understand the flavor structure of physics beyond the Standard Model.
Davoudiasla H. & Perezb G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We examine under what circumstances the INTEGRAL/SPI 511 keV signal can originate from decays of MeV-scale composite states produced by: (A) thermonuclear (type Ia) or (B) core collapse supernovae (SNe). The requisite dynamical properties that would account for the observed data are quite distinct, for cases (A) and (B). We determine these requirements in simple hidden valley models, where the escape fraction problem is naturally addressed, due to the long lifetime of the new composite states. A novel feature of scenario (A) is that the dynamics of type Ia SNe, standard candles for cosmological measurements, might be affected by our mechanism. In case (A), the mass of the state mediating between the hidden sector and the SM e+e- could be a few hundred GeV and within the reach of a 500GeV e+e- linear collider. We also note that kinetic mixing of the photon with a light vector state may provide an interesting alternate mediation mechanism in this case. Scenarios based on case (B) are challenged by the need for a mechanism to transport some of the produced positrons toward the Galactic bulge, due to the inferred distribution of core collapse sources. The mass of the mediator in case (B) is typically hundreds of TeV, leading to long-lived particles that could, under certain circumstances, include a viable dark matter candidate. The appearance of long-lived particles in typical models leads to cosmological constraints and we address how a consistent cosmic history may be achieved.
Gedalia O., Isidori G. & Perez G.
Physics Letters B.
p. 200-206
The Randall-Sundrum (RS) framework has a built in protection against flavour violation, but still generically suffers from little CP problems. The most stringent bound on flavour violation is due to ε{lunate}K, which is inversely proportional to the fundamental Yukawa scale. Hence the RS ε{lunate}K problem can be ameliorated by effectively increasing the Yukawa scale with a bulk Higgs, as was recently observed in arXiv:0810.1016. We point out that incorporating the constraint from ε{lunate} / ε{lunate}K, which is proportional to the Yukawa scale, raises the lower bound on the KK scale compared to previous analyses. The bound is conservatively estimated to be 5.5 TeV, choosing the most favorable Higgs profile, and 7.5 TeV for the profile which roughly reproduces the two site case. Relaxing this bound might require some form of RS flavour alignment. As a by-product of our analysis, we also provide the leading order flavour structure of the theory with a bulk Higgs.
Kagan A. L., Perez G., Volansky T. & Zupan J.
Physical Review D.
A model independent study of the minimal flavor violation (MFV) framework is presented, where the only sources of flavor breaking at low energy are the up and down Yukawa matrices. Two limits are identified for the Yukawa coupling expansion: linear MFV, where it is truncated at the leading terms, and nonlinear MFV, where such a truncation is not possible due to large third generation Yukawa couplings. These are then resummed to all orders using nonlinear σ-model techniques familiar from models of collective breaking. Generically, flavor-diagonal CP violating (CPV) sources in the UV can induce O(1) CPV in processes involving third generation quarks. Because of a residual U(2) symmetry, the extra CPV in Bd-B̄d mixing is bounded by CPV in Bs-B̄s mixing. If operators with right-handed light quarks are subdominant, the extra CPV is equal in the two systems, and is negligible in processes involving only the first two generations. We find large enhancements in the up-type sector, both in CPV in D-D̄ mixing and in top flavor violation.
Gedalia O., Grossman Y., Nir Y. & Perez G.
Physical Review D.
An impressive progress in measurements of the D0-D̄0 mixing parameters has been made in recent years. We explore the implications of these measurements to models of new physics, especially in view of recent upper bounds on the amount of CP violation. We update the constraints on nonrenormalizable four-quark operators. We show that the experiments are close to probing minimally flavor violating models with large tan β. The data challenge models with a scale of order TeV where the flavor violation in the down sector is suppressed by alignment and, in particular, certain classes of supersymmetric models and of warped extra dimension models.
Gedalia O., Lee S. J. & Perez G.
Physical Review D.
Once new particles are discovered at the LHC and their masses are measured, it will be of crucial importance to determine their spin, in order to identify the underlying new physics model. We investigate the method first suggested by Barr and later extended by others to distinguish between supersymmetry and alternative models, e.g. universal extra dimensions, in a certain cascade decay. This method uses invariant mass distributions of the outgoing standard model particles to measure the spin of intermediate particles, by exploiting the quark/antiquark asymmetry of the LHC as a pp collider, which is limited for first generation quarks. In this work, we suggest instead to measure the charge of the outgoing quark, in case it is a third generation quark. The resulting asymmetry for a bottom quark is similar to the previous method, while it is independent of hadronic uncertainties. Furthermore, for a top quark, the asymmetry allows better distinction between the models, as demonstrated by a quantitative analysis of model discrimination. We also show that the top's decay products can be used instead of the top itself, when the reconstruction of the top momentum is difficult to accomplish, and still provide information about the spin.
Grossman Y., Nir Y. & Perez G.
Physical review letters.
If new CP violating physics contributes to neutral meson mixing, but its contribution to CP violation in decay amplitudes is negligible, then there is a model independent relation between four (generally independent) observables related to the mixing: the mass splitting (x), the width splitting (y), the CP violation in mixing (1-|q/p|), and the CP violation in the interference of decays with and without mixing (). For the four neutral meson systems, this relation can be written in a simple approximate form: ytan x(1-|q/p|). In the K system, all four observables have been measured and obey the relation to excellent accuracy. For the Bs and D systems, new predictions are provided. The success or failure of these relations will probe the physics that is responsible for the CP violation.
Blum K., Grossman Y., Nir Y. & Perez G.
Physical review letters.
New physics at high energy scale often contributes to K0-K̄0 and D0-D̄0 mixings in an approximately SU(2)L invariant way. In such a case, the combination of measurements in these two systems is particularly powerful. The resulting constraints can be expressed in terms of misalignments and flavor splittings.
Perez G., Roy T. S. & Schmaltz M.
Physical Review D.
The defining feature of scalar sequestering is that the minimal supersymmetric standard model squark and slepton masses as well as all entries of the scalar Higgs mass matrix vanish at some high scale. This ultraviolet boundary condition-scalar masses vanish while gaugino and Higgsino masses are unsuppressed-is independent of the supersymmetry breaking mediation mechanism. It is the result of renormalization group scaling from approximately conformal strong dynamics in the hidden sector. We review the mechanism of scalar sequestering and prove that the same dynamics which suppresses scalar soft masses and the Bμ term also drives the Higgs soft masses to -|μ|2. Thus the supersymmetric contribution to the Higgs mass matrix from the μ term is exactly canceled by the soft masses. Scalar sequestering has two tell-tale predictions for the superpartner spectrum in addition to the usual gaugino mediation predictions: Higgsinos are much heavier (μ TeV) than scalar Higgses (mA∼few hundredGeV), and third generation scalar masses are enhanced because of new positive contributions from Higgs loops.
Almeida L. G., Lee S. J., Perez G., Sung I. & Virzi J.
Physical Review D.
We investigate the reconstruction of high pT hadronically decaying top quarks at the Large Hadron Collider. One of the main challenges in identifying energetic top quarks is that the decay products become increasingly collimated. This reduces the efficacy of conventional reconstruction methods that exploit the topology of the top quark decay chain. We focus on the cases where the decay products of the top quark are reconstructed as a single jet, a "top jet." The most basic "top-tagging" method based on jet mass measurement is considered in detail. To analyze the feasibility of the top-tagging method, both theoretical and experimental aspects of the large QCD jet background contribution are examined. Based on a factorization approach, we derive a simple analytic approximation for the shape of the QCD jet mass spectrum. We observe very good agreement with the Monte Carlo simulation. We consider high-pT tt̄ production in the standard model as an example, and show that our theoretical QCD jet mass distributions can efficiently characterize the background via sideband analyses. We show that with 25fb-1 of data, our approach allows us to resolve top jets with pT 1TeV, from the QCD background, and about 1.5 TeV top jets with 100fb-1, without relying on b-tagging. To further improve the significance we consider jet shapes (recently analyzed in), which resolve the substructure of energy flow inside cone jets. A method of measuring the top quark polarization by using the transverse momentum of the bottom quark is also presented. The main advantages of our approach are (i) the mass distributions are driven by first principle calculations, instead of relying solely on Monte Carlo simulation; (ii) for high pT jets (pT 1TeV), IR-safe jet shape variables are robust against detector resolution effects. Our analysis can be applied to other boosted massive particles such as the electroweak gauge bosons and the Higgs.
Delaunay C., Fox P. J. & Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
Recent results from PAMELA and ATIC hint that (TeV) dark matter (DM) is annihilating, in our galactic neighborhood, mainly to leptons. The present annihilation rate is larger than at freeze-out, possibly due to a low-velocity enhancement. In this case the rate of neutrino emission from the Earth, due to DM annihilation, may be greatly enhanced while the rate from the Sun is unaltered. Neutrino telescopes may see these earthborn neutrinos. Combining with the data from direct detection experiments will yield valuable information about the DM sector.
Nagatani Y. & Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
p. 1673-1681
We present a new type of leptogenesis mechanism based on a two-scalar split-fermions framework. At high temperatures the bulk scalar vacuum expectation values (VEVs) vanish and lepton number is strongly violated. Below some temperature, Tc, the scalars develop extra dimension dependent VEVs. This transition is assumed to proceed via a first order phase transition. In the broken phase the fermions are localized and lepton number violation is negligible. The lepton-bulk scalar Yukawa couplings contain sizable CP phases which induce lepton production near the interface between the two phases. We provide a qualitative estimation of the resultant baryon asymmetry which agrees with current observation. The neutrino flavor parameters are accounted for by the above model with an additional approximate U(1) symmetry.
Grossman Y. & Perez G.
p. 733-736
The standard model flavor structure can be explained in theories where the fermions are localized on different points in a compact extra dimension. We explain how models with two bulk scalars compactified on an orbifold can produce such separations in a natural way. We show that, generically, models of Gaussian overlaps are unnatural since they require very large Yukawa couplings between the fermions and the bulk scalars. We present a two-scalar model that accounts naturally for the quark flavor parameters and in particular yields order one CP violating phase.
We construct a left-right symmetric (LRS) model in five dimensions which accounts naturally for the lepton flavor parameters. The fifth dimension is described by an orbifold, (Formula presented) with a typical size of order (Formula presented) The fundamental scale is of order 25 TeV which implies that the gauge hierarchy problem is ameliorated. In addition the LRS breaking scale is of the order of a few TeV which implies that interactions beyond those of the standard model are accessible to near future experiments. Leptons of different representations are localized around different orbifold fixed points. This explains, through the Arkani-HamedSchmaltz mechanism, the smallness of the tau mass compared to the electroweak breaking scale. An additional U(1) horizontal symmetry, broken by small parameters, yields the hierarchy in the charged lepton masses, strong suppression of the light neutrino masses and accounts for the mixing parameters. The model yields several unique predictions. In particular, the branching ratio for the lepton flavor violating process (Formula presented) is comparable with its present experimental sensitivity.
Grossman Y. & Perez G.
Physical review D.
The standard model flavor structure can be explained in theories where the fermions are localized on different points in a compact extra dimension. We show that models with two bulk scalars compactified on an orbifold can produce such separations in a natural way. We study the shapes and overlaps of the fermion wave functions. We show that, generically, realistic models of Gaussian overlaps are unnatural since they require very large Yukawa couplings between the fermions and the bulk scalars. We give an example of a five dimensional two scalar model that accounts naturally for the observed quark masses, mixing angles and CP violation.
In left-right symmetric models (LRSMs) the light neutrino masses arise from two sources: the seesaw mechanism and a vacuum expectation value of an (Formula presented) triplet. If the left-right symmetry breaking (Formula presented) is low, (Formula presented) the contributions to the light neutrino masses from both the seesaw mechanism and the triplet Yukawa couplings are expected to be well above the experimental bounds. We present a minimal LRSM with an additional U(1) symmetry in which the masses induced by the two sources are below the eV scale and the twofold problem is solved. We further show that, if the U(1) symmetry is also responsible for the lepton flavor structure, the model yields a small mixing angle within the first two lepton generations.
We study extensions of the standard model where the charged current weak interactions are governed by the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix and where all tree-level decays are dominated by their standard model contribution. We constrain both analytically and numerically the ratio and the phase difference between the new physics and the standard model contributions to the mixing amplitude of the neutral B system using the experimental results on Ru, δmd,s, κK, and aψKS. We present new results concerning models with minimal flavor violation and update the relevant parameter space. We also study the left-right symmetric model with spontaneously broken CP, probing the viability of this model in view of the recent results for aψKS and other observables.
Bergmann S. & Perez G.
Physical review D.
We study extensions of the standard model where the charged current weak interactions are governed by the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix and where all tree-level decays are dominated by their standard model contribution. We constrain both analytically and numerically the ratio and the phase difference between the new physics and the standard model contributions to the mixing amplitude of the neutral B system using the experimental results on R-u, Deltam(d,s), epsilon (K), and a(psi KS). We present new results concerning models with minimal flavor violation and update the relevant parameter space. We also study the left-right symmetric model with spontaneously broken CP, probing the viability of this model in view of the recent results for a OK, and other observables.
Bergmann S. & Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
p. 11-18
Including the recent preliminary results of BaBar and BELLE experiments, we update the currently allowed intervals for various CKM parameters: ρ̄, η̄, sin 2β, sin 2α, sin2. We also update the SM prediction for the rates of the KL → π0νν̄ and K+ → π+νν̄ decays, their ratio aπνν̄, as well as for certain observables related to B Physics like the CP asymmetries aψKS in Bd0 → J/ψ KS and aψφ in Bs0 → Jψφ or the mass differences Δmq (q = d, s) in the Bq0 - B̄q0 systems. We investigate the correlations between them. The strongest correlations are between (i) aπνν̄ and aψKS, (ii) BR(K+ → π+νν̄) and Δmd/Δms and (iii) BR(KL → π0νν̄] and aψφ. These correlations are likely to be violated in the presence of New Physics and therefore provide stringent tests of the Standard Model.
Eyal G., Nir Y. & Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
p. 1-12
New measurements of the CP asymmetry in B → ψKS, aψKS, by the BABAR and BELLE collaborations are consistent with the Standard Model prediction for sin 2β. These measurements, however, leave open the possibility that aψKS is well below the Standard Model prediction. We identify deviations from the "reasonable ranges" of hadronic parameters that can lead to low values of sin 2β. New physics, mainly in B0 - B0 mixing and/or K0 - K0 mixing, can explain low values of aψKS in two ways: either by allowing for values of sin 2β below the Standard Model prediction or by modifying the relation between aψKS and sin 2β.
Standard Model correlations between K ->pi nu(nu)over-bar decays and observables in B physics
Bergmann S. & Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
Including the recent preliminary results of BaBar and BELLE experiments, we update the currently allowed intervals for various CKM parameters: )over bar>, )over bar>, sin2 beta, sin2 alpha gamma, sin(2)gamma. We also update the SM prediction for the rates of the K-L --> pi (0)nu)over bar> and K+ --> pi (+)nu)over bar> decays, their ratio a(pi nu)over bar>), as well as for certain observables related to B Physics like the CP asymmetries a(psi Ks) in B-d(0) --> J/psi K-S and a(psi phi) in B-s(0) --> J/psi phi or the mass differences Deltam(q) (q = d, s) in the B-q(0) --> (B) over bar (0)(q) systems. We investigate the correlations between them. The strongest correlations are between (i) a pi nu)over bar> and a(psi Ks), (ii) BR(K+ --> pi (+)nu)over bar>) and Deltam(d)/Deltam(s) and (iii) BR(K-L --> pi (0)nu)over bar>) and a(psi phi). These correlations are likely to be violated in the presence of New Physics and therefore provide stringent tests of the Standard Model.
Implications of a small CP asymmetry in B ->psi K-S
Eyal G., Nir Y. & Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
New measurements of the CP asymmetry in B --> psiK(S), a(psi Ks), by the BABAR and BELLE collaborations are consistent with the Standard Model prediction for sin 2 beta. These measurements, however, leave open the possibility that a(psi Ks) is well below the Standard Model prediction. We identify deviations from the "reasonable ranges" of hadronic parameters that can lead to low values of sin 2 beta. New physics, mainly in B-0 - (B-0) over bar mixing and/or K-0 - (K-0) over bar mixing, can explain low values of a(psi Ks) in two ways: either by allowing for values of sin 2 beta below the Standard Model prediction or by modifying the relation between a(psi Ks) and sin 2 beta.
The K-L ->pi(0)nu(nu)over-bar decay in models of extended scalar sector
Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We calculate new contributions to the K-L --> pi(0)nu decay in models where neutrino Majorana masses require an extension of the scalar sector. First, we study a model where the neutrino mass is induced by the vacuum expectation value of an SU(2)-triplet scalar. Second, we study the Zee model where the Majorana mass comes from one loop diagrams involving a singly charged, SU(2)-singlet scalar. In both models, the Yukawa couplings that involve the new scalar and the neutrinos could be of order one. We find, however, that the contributions to the K-L --> pi(0)nu decay mediated by the new scalars depend on the neutrino masses rather than the Yukawa couplings and are, therefore, negligibly small.
Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
p. 10-12
We calculate new contributions to the KL → π0νν̄ decay in models where neutrino Majorana masses require an extension of the scalar sector. First, we study a model where the neutrino mass is induced by the vacuum expectation value of an SU(2)-triplet scalar. Second, we study the Zee model where the Majorana mass comes from one loop diagrams involving a singly charged, SU(2)-singlet scalar. In both models, the Yukawa couplings that involve the new scalar and the neutrinos could be of order one. We find, however, that the contributes to the KL → π0νν̄ decay mediated by the new scalars depend on the neutrino masses rather than the Yukawa couplings and are, therefore, negligibly small.
Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
p. XXXVI-9
We present a model based on an O(3) flavor symmetry and a minimal extension of the scalar sector to induce hierarchical breaking, O(3) → O(2) → SO(2) → nothing. The model naturally accounts for all the known lepton parameters and yields various interesting predictions for others: (i) Neutrinos are nearly degenerate, mv ∼ 0.1eV; (ii) The solar neutrino problem is solved by the MSW small mixing angle solution; (iii) The MNS mixing angle θ13 is unobservably small, θ13 = O(10-5).
Implications of neutrino masses on the K-L ->pi(0)nu(nu)over-bar decay
Perez G.
Journal of High Energy Physics.
We calculate the different contributions to the decay K-L --> pi(o)nu that arise if the neutrinos are massive. In spite of a chiral enhancement factor, we find that these contributions are negligibly small. Compared to the CP violating leading contributions, the CP conserving contributions related to Dirac masses are suppressed by a factor of order (m(K)m(nu)/m(W)(2))(2) less than or similar to 10(-12), and those related to Majorana masses are suppressed by a factor of order (alpha(W)m(K)m(s)(2)m(nu)/m(W)(4))(2) less than or similar to 10(-29). With lepton flavor mixing we find new contributions with a single CP violating coupling leading to a final CP even state or with two CP violating couplings leading to a final CP odd state. These contributions can be of the order of the Standard Model CP conserving contributions to the flavor diagonal modes.