

Lorentz violating backgrounds from quadratic, shift-symmetric, ultralight dark matter

Jiang M., Pecjak B. D., Perez G. & Sankaranarayanan S. (2024) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2024, 114.

Prospects of nuclear-coupled-dark-matter detection via correlation spectroscopy of I2+ and Ca+

Madge E., Perez G. & Meir Z. (2024) Physical Review D. 110, 1, 015008.

A note on the quality of dilatonic ultralight dark matter

Hubisz J., Ironi S., Perez G. & Rosenfeld R. (2024) Physics Letters B. 851, 138583.

Oscillations of atomic energy levels induced by QCD axion dark matter

Kim H. & Perez G. (2024) Physical review D. 109, 1, 015005.

Probing an ultralight QCD axion with electromagnetic quadratic interaction

Kim H., Lenoci A., Perez G. & Ratzinger W. (2024) Physical Review D. 109, 1, 015030.


A generic formation mechanism of ultralight dark matter solar halos

Budker D., Eby J., Gorghetto M., Jiang M. & Perez G. (2023) Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2023, 12, 021.

The phenomenology of quadratically coupled ultra light dark matter

Banerjee A., Perez G., Safronova M., Savoray I. & Shalit A. (2023) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 10, 42.

Time dependent CP -even and CP -odd signatures of scalar ultralight dark matter in neutrino oscillations

Losada M., Nir Y., Perez G., Savoray I. & Shpilman Y. (2023) Physical Review D. 108, 5, 055004.

Search for Ultralight Dark Matter with Spectroscopy of Radio-Frequency Atomic Transitions

Zhang X., Banerjee A., Leyser M., Perez G., Schiller S., Budker D. & Antypas D. (2023) Physical review letters. 130, 25, 251002.

From axion quality and naturalness problems to a high-quality ZN QCD relaxion

Banerjee A., Eby J. & Perez G. (2023) Physical Review D. 107, 11, 115011.

Parametric resonance in neutrino oscillations induced by ultra-light dark matter and implications for KamLAND and JUNO

Losada M., Nir Y., Perez G., Savoray I. & Shpilman Y. (2023) The journal of high energy physics. 2023, 3, 32.

The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC

Feng J. L., Kling F., Reno M. H., Rojo J., Soldin D., Anchordoqui L. A., Boyd J., Ismail A., Harland-Lang L., Kelly K. J., Pandey V., Trojanowski S., Tsai Y. D., Alameddine J. M., Araki T., Ariga A., Ariga T., Asai K., Bacchetta A., Balazs K., Barr A. J., Battistin M., Bian J., Bertone C., Bai W., Bakhti P., Baha Balantekin A., Barman B., Batell B., Bauer M., Bauer B., Becker M., Berlin A., Bertuzzo E., Bhattacharya A., Bonvini M., Boogert S. T., Boyarsky A., Bramante J., Brdar V., Carmona A., Casper D. W., Celiberto F. G., Cerutti F., Chachamis G., Chauhan G., Citron M., Copello E., Corso J. P., Darmé L., D'Agnolo R. T., Darvishi N., Das A., De Lellis G., De Roeck A., De Vries J., Dembinski H. P., Demidov S., Deniverville P., Denton P. B., Deppisch F. F., Bhupal Dev P. S., Di Crescenzo A., Dienes K. R., Diwan M. V., Dreiner H. K., Du Y., Dutta B., Duwentäster P., Elie L., Ellis S. A., Enberg R., Farzan Y., Fieg M., Foguel A. L., Foldenauer P., Foroughi-Abari S., Fortin J. F., Friedland A., Fucilla M., Gallmeister K., Garcia A., Canal C. A., Garzelli M. V., Gauld R., Ghosh S., Ghoshal A., Gibson S., Giuli F., Gonçalves V. P., Gorbunov D., Goswami S., Grau S., Günther J. Y., Guzzi M., Haas A., Hakulinen T., Harris S. P., Harz J., Herrera J. C. H., Hill C. S., Hirsch M., Hobbs T. J., Höche S., Hryczuk A., Inada T., Infantino A., Ismail A., Jacobsson R., Jana S., Jeong Y. S., Jezo T., Jodłowski K., Kalashnikov D., Kärkkäinen T. J., Keppel C., Kim J., Klasen M., Klein S. R., Ko P., Köhler D., Komatsu M., Kovařík K., Kulkarni S., Kumar J., Kumar K., Kuo J. L., Krauss F., Kusina A., Laletin M., Le Roux C., Lee S. J., Lee H. S., Lefebvre H., Li J., Li S., Li Y., Liu W., Liu Z., Lonjon M., Lyu K. F., MacIula R., Abraham R. M., Masouminia M. R., McFayden J., Mikulenko O., Mohammed M. M., Mohan K. A., Morfín J. G., Mosel U., Mosny M., Muzakka K. F., Nadolsky P., Nakano T., Nangia S., Cornago A. N., Nevay L. J., Ninin P., Nocera E. R., Nomura T., Nunes R., Okada N., Olness F., Osborne J., Otono H., Ovchynnikov M., Papa A., Pei J., Peon G., Perez G., Pickering L., Plätzer S., Plestid R., Poddar T. K., Quílez P., Rai M., Rajaee M., Raut D., Reimitz P., Resnati F., Rhode W., Richardson P., Ritz A., Rokujo H., Roszkowski L., Ruhe T., Ruiz R., Sabate-Gilarte M., Sandrock A., Sarcevic I., Sarkar S., Sato O., Scherb C., Schienbein I., Schulz H., Schwaller P., Sciutto S. J., Sengupta D., Shchutska L., Shimomura T., Silvetti F., Sinha K., Sjöstrand T., Sobczyk J. T., Song H., Soriano J. F., Soreq Y., Stasto A., Stuart D., Su S., Su W., Szczurek A., Tabrizi Z., Takubo Y., Taoso M., Thomas B., Thonet P., Tuckler D., Sabio Vera A., Vincke H., Vishnudath K. N., Wang Z. S., Winkler M. W., Wu W., Xie K., Xu X. J., You T., Yu J. Y., Yu J. H., Zapp K., Zhang Y., Zhang Y., Zhou G., Funchal R. Z., Khalek R. A., An D., Arakawa J., Arduini G., Barman R. K., Beacom J. F., Bernlochner F., Bishai M., Boeckh T., Bortoletto D., Boveia A., Brenner L., Brodsky S. J., Burgard C., Camargo-Molina J. E., Carli T., Chang S., Charitonidis N., Chen X., Chen T. Y., Chiang C. W., Coccaro A., Cohen T., Coleman A., Conceição R., Cooper-Sarkar A., D'Onofrio M., Davoudiasl H., Di Matteo A., Di Valentino E., Dobre R., Doglioni C., Mendes L. M., Dova M. T., Duvernois M. A., Ekstedt A., Elsen E., Del Valle A. E., Essig R., Farrar G. R., Fedynitch A., Fellers D., Firu E., Galon I., Garcia I. G., Da Silveira G. G., Giunti C., Goldfarb S., Goncalves D., Sevilla S. G., Suarez R. G., Murat Guler A., Gwenlan C., Gwilliam C., Halzen F., Han T., Haungs A., Heeck J., Hentschinski M., Hsu S. C., Hu Z., Todd Huffman B., Iacobucci G., Illana J. I., Insolia A., Ishak M., Jaeckel J., Kabat D., Ken E. K., Kanai T., Katori T., Khoze V., Kotko P., Kribs G. D., Kuehn S., Kundu S., Lee C., Leszczynska A., Li L., Lie K., Lillard B., Lin H. W., Lowette S., Marfatia D., López F. M., Masełek R., Masip M., Matchev K., McCauley T., Medina-Tanco G., Menjo H., Miloi M. a. l. M., Miramonti L., Mohlabeng G., Moretti S., Moretti T., Nath P., Navarria F. L., Neagu A. T., Nelles A., Neuhaus F., Nunez C., Pedro Ochoa-Ricoux J., Okui K., Olinto A. V., Onel Y., De Los Heros C. P., Pandini C., Pasechnik R., Paul T. C., Petersen B. A., Pierog T., Plehn T., Plum M., Potamianos K., Preda T., Prim M., Queitsch-Maitland M., Reina L., Reininghaus M., Rizzo T. G., Robens T., Ruiz-Chóliz E., Schmieden K., Schnell G., Schott M., Schroeder F. G., Sfyrla A., Shadmi Y., Shipsey I., Shively S. R., Shoemaker I. M., Singh R., Sousa A., Muzio M. S., Stupak J., Suarez I., Tait T. M., Tata X., Thottoli S. R., Toranosuke O., Torrence E., Torres D. F., Trócsányi Z., Tricoli A., Unger M., Sierra C. V., Valli M., Venters T., Verpoest S., Vilela C., Vormwald B., Wang L. T., Waterbury M., Watts G., West S. M., Xu T., Yüksel E., Yaeggy B., Yoon C. S., Yuan T. & Zgura I. S. (2023) Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 50, 3, 030501.


New physics searches with an optical dump at LUXE

Bai Z., Blackburn T., Borysov O., Davidi O., Hartin A., Heinemann B., Ma T., Perez G., Santra A., Soreq Y. & Hod N. T. (2022) Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. 106, 11, 115034.

Improved Bounds on Ultralight Scalar Dark Matter in the Radio-Frequency Range

Tretiak O., Zhang X., Figueroa N. L., Antypas D., Brogna A., Banerjee A., Perez G. & Budker D. (2022) Physical review letters. 129, 3, 031301.

Search for Dark-Matter-Induced Oscillations of Fundamental Constants Using Molecular Spectroscopy

Oswald R., Nevsky A., Vogt V., Schiller S., Figueroa N. L., Zhang K., Tretiak O., Antypas D., Budker D., Banerjee A. & Perez G. (2022) Physical review letters. 129, 3, 031302.

On the implications of positive W mass shift

Balkin R., Madge E., Menzo T., Perez G., Soreq Y. & Zupan J. (2022) The journal of high energy physics. 2022, 5, 133.

Probing scalar dark matter oscillations with neutrino oscillations

Losada M., Nir Y., Perez G. & Shpilman Y. (2022) The journal of high energy physics. 2022, 4, 30.


Probing CP violation in photon self-interactions with cavities

Gorghetto M., Perez G., Savoray I. & Soreq Y. (2021) The journal of high energy physics. 2021, 10, p. 1-29 56.

Gravitational Wave Echo of Relaxion Trapping

Banerjee A., Madge E., Perez G., Ratzinger W. & Schwaller P. (2021) Physical review. D. 104, 5, 055026.

A Custodial Symmetry for Muon g-2

Balkin R., Delaunay C., Geller M., Kajomovitz E., Perez G., Shpilman Y. & Soreq Y. (2021) Physical review. D.. 104, 5, 053009.

Probing the relaxed relaxion and Higgs portal scenarios with XENON1T scintillation and ionization data

Budnik R., Kim H., Matsedonskyi O., Perez G. & Soreq Y. (2021) Physical review. D. 104, 1, p. 1- 015012.

Probing fast oscillating scalar dark matter with atoms and molecules

Antypas D., Tretiak O., Zhang K., Garcon A., Perez G., Kozlov M. G., Schiller S. & Budker D. (2021) Quantum Science and Technology. 6, 3, 034001.

Constraining Rapidly Oscillating Scalar Dark Matter Using Dynamic Decoupling

Aharony S., Akerman N., Ozeri R., Perez G., Savoray I. & Shaniv R. (2021) Physical review. D. 103, 075017.

High quality Nelson-Barr solution to the strong CP problem with $\theta=\pi

Perez G. & Shalit A. (2021) The journal of high energy physics. 2021, 2, p. 1-27 118.


Searching for Earth/Solar axion halos

Banerjee A., Budker D., Eby J., Flambaum V. V., Kim H., Matsedonskyi O. & Perez G. (2020) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020, 9, 4.

KOTO vs. NA62 Dark Scalar Searches

Gori S., Perez G. & Tobioka K. (2020) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020, 8, 110.

Probing the Relaxed Relaxion at the Luminosity and Precision Frontiers

Banerjee A., Kim H., Matsedonskyi O., Perez G. & Safronova M. S. (2020) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020, 7, 153.

Probing the Higgs-strange-quark coupling at e(+)e(-) colliders using light-jet flavor tagging

Duarte-Campderros J., Perez G., Schlaffer M. & Soffer A. (2020) Physical Review D. 101, 11, 115005.

Fast Apparent Oscillations of Fundamental Constants

Antypas D., Budker D., Flambaum V. V., Kozlov M. G., Perez G. & Ye J. (2020) Annalen der Physik. 532, 4, 1900566.

New Physics Implications of Recent Search for KL →π0ν ν ą at KOTO

Kitahara T., Okui T., Perez G., Soreq Y. & Tobioka K. (2020) Physical Review Letters. 124, 7, 071801.

Relaxion stars and their detection via atomic physics

Banerjee A., Budker D., Eby J., Kim H. & Perez G. (2020) Communications Physics. 3, 1.


Coherent relaxion dark matter

Banerjee A., Kim H. & Perez G. (2019) Physical Review D. 100, 11, 115026.

Searching for a solar relaxion or scalar particle with XENON1T and LUX

Budnik R., Davidi O., Kim H., Perez G. & Priel N. (2019) Physical Review D. 100, 9, 095021.

Scalar Dark Matter in the Radio-Frequency Band: Atomic-Spectroscopy Search Results

Antypas D., Tretiak O., Garcon A., Ozeri R., Perez G. & Budker D. (2019) Physical Review Letters. 123, 14, 141102.

European Strategy for Particle Physics: Israeli Input

Citron Z. H., Kats Y., Kuflik E., Barak L., Volansky T., Kajomovitz E., Shadmi Y. & Perez G. (2019) Physics Briefing Book : Input for the European Strategy for Particle Physics Update 2020 .

Long-lived particles at the energy frontier: the MATHUSLA physics case

Curtin D., Drewes M., McCullough M., Meade P., Mohapatra R. N., Shelton J., Shuve B., Accomando E., Alpigiani C., Antusch S., Carlos Arteaga-Velazquez J., Batell B., Bauer M., Blinov N., Salome Caballero-Mora K., Chang J. H., Chun E. J., Co R. T., Cohen T., Cox P., Craig N., Csaki C., Cui Y., D'Eramo F., Delle Rose L., Dev P. S. B., Dienes K. R., Dror J. A., Essig R., Evans J. A., Evans J. L., Fernandez Tellez A., Fischer O., Flacke T., Fradette A., Frugiuele C., Fuchs E., Gherghetta T., Giudice G. F., Gorbunov D., Gupta R. S., Hagedorn C., Hall L. J., Harris P., Carlos Helo J., Hirsch M., Hochberg Y., Hook A., Ibarra A., Ipek S., Jung S., Knapen S., Kuflik E., Liu Z., Lombardo S., Lubatti H. J., McKeen D., Molinaro E., Moretti S., Nagata N., Neubert M., Miguel No J., Olaiya E., Perez G., Peskin M. E., Pinner D., Pospelov M., Reece M., Robinson D. J., Rodriguez Cahuantzi M., Santonico R., Schlaffer M., Shepherd-Themistocleous C. H., Spray A., Stolarski D., Subieta Vasquez M. A., Sundrum R., Thamm A., Thomas B., Tsai Y., Tweedie B., West S. M., Young C., Yu F., Zaldivar B., Zhang Y., Zurek K. & Zurita J. (2019) Reports on Progress in Physics. 82, 11, 116201.

Letter of Intent for the LUXE Experiment

Abramowicz H., Altarelli M., Aßmann R., Behnke T., Benhammou Y., Borysov O., Borysova M., Brinkmann R., Burkart F., Büßer K., Davidi O., Decking W., Elkina N., Harsh H., Hartin A., Hartl I., Heinemann B., Heinzl T., TalHod N., Hoffmann M., Ilderton A., King B., Levy A., List J., Maier A. R., Negodin E., Perez G., Pomerantz I., Ringwald A., Rödel C., Saimpert M., Salgado F., Sarri G., Savoray I., Teter T., Wing M. & Zepf M. (2019) arXiv. 1909.00860.

FCC-hh: The Hadron Collider: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 3

Abada A., Abbrescia M., AbdusSalam S. S., Abdyukhanov I., Abelleira Fernandez J., Abramov A., Aburaia M., Acar A. O., Adzic P. R., Agrawal P., Aguilar-Saavedra J. A., Aguilera-Verdugo J. J., Aiba M., Aichinger I., Aielli G., Akay A., Akhundov A., Aksakal H., Perez G. & Tesi A. (2019) European Physical Journal: Special Topics. 228, 4, p. 755-1107

HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 4

Abada A., Abbrescia M., AbdusSalam S. S., Abdyukhanov I., Abelleira Fernandez J., Abramov A., Aburaia M., Acar A. O., Adzic P. R., Agrawal P., Aguilar-Saavedra J. A., Aguilera-Verdugo J. J., Aiba M., Aichinger I., Aielli G., Akay A., Akhundov A., Aksakal H., Perez G. & Tesi A. (2019) European Physical Journal: Special Topics. 228, 5, p. 1109-1382

FCC Physics Opportunities: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 1

Abada A., Abbrescia M., AbdusSalam S. S., Abdyukhanov I., Fernandez J. A., Abramov A., Aburaia M., Acar A. O., Adzic P. R., Agrawal P., Aguilar-Saavedra J. A., Aguilera-Verdugo J. J., Aiba M., Aichinger I., Aielli G., Akay A., Akhundov A., Aksakal H., Perez G. & Tesi A. (2019) European Physical Journal C. 79, 6, 474.

FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2

Abada A., Abbrescia M., AbdusSalam S. S., Abdyukhanov I., Fernandez J. A. & Perez G. (2019) European Physical Journal-Special Topics. 228, 2, p. 261-623

Bounds and prospects for stable multiply charged particles at the LHC

Jager S., Kvedaraite S., Perez G. & Savoray I. (2019) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 4, 041.

Nelson-Barr relaxion

Davidi O., Gupta R. S., Perez G., Redigolo D. & Shalit A. (2019) Physical Review D. 99, 3, 035014.


Relaxion and light (pseudo)scalars at the HL-LHC and lepton colliders

Frugiuele C., Fuchs E., Perez G. & Schlaffer M. (2018) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018, 10, 151.

The hierarchion, a relaxion addressing the Standard Model's hierarchies

Davidi O., Gupta R. S., Perez G., Redigolo D. & Shalit A. (2018) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018, 8, 153.

Little composite dark matter

Balkin R., Perez G. & Weiler A. (2018) European Physical Journal C. 78, 104.

Probing New Long-Range Interactions by Isotope Shift Spectroscopy

Berengut J. C., Budker D., Delaunay C., Flambaum V. V., Frugiuele C., Fuchs E., Grojean C., Harnik R., Ozeri R., Perez G. & Soreq Y. (2018) Physical Review Letters. 120, 9, 091801.


Probing atomic Higgs-like forces at the precision frontier

Delaunay C., Ozeri R., Perez G. & Soreq Y. (2017) Physical Review D. 96, 9, 093001.

Constraining new physics models with isotope shift spectroscopy

Frugiuele C., Fuchs E., Perez G. & Schlaffer M. (2017) Physical Review D. 96, 1, 015011.

Colorful Twisted Top Partners and Partnerium at the LHC

Kats Y., McCullough M., Perez G., Soreq Y. & Thaler J. (2017) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017, 6, 126.

Phenomenology of relaxion-Higgs mixing

Flacke T., Frugiuele C., Fuchs E., Gupta R. S. & Perez G. (2017) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017, 6, 050.

On the challenge of estimating diphoton backgrounds at large invariant mass

Kamenik J. F., Perez G., Schlaffer M. & Weiler A. (2017) European Physical Journal C. 77, 2, 126.


Interpreting a 750 GeV diphoton resonance

Gupta R. S., Jager S., Kats Y., Perez G. & Stamou E. (2016) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2016, 7, 145.

Hadronic calorimeter shower size: Challenges and opportunities for jet substructure in the superboosted regime

Bressler S., Flacke T., Kats Y., Lee S. J. & Perez G. (2016) Physics Letters B. 756, p. 137-141

Gluino meets flavored naturalness

Blanke M., Fuks B., Galon I. & Perez G. (2016) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2016, 4, 044.

Is the Higgs mechanism of fermion mass generation a fact? A Yukawa-less first-two-generation model

Ghosh D., Gupta R. S. & Perez G. (2016) Physics Letters B. 755, p. 504-508

CP violation tests of alignment models at LHCII

Ghosh D., Paradisi P., Perez G. & Spada G. (2016) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2016, 2, 178.

Is the relaxion an axion?

Gupta R., Komargodski Z., Perez G. & Ubaldi L. (2016) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2016, 2, 166.

Prospects for measuring the Higgs boson coupling to light quarks

Perez G., Soreq Y., Stamou E. & Tobioka K. (2016) Physical Review D. 93, 1, 013001.


LHC top partner searches beyond the 2 TeV mass region

Backovic M., Flacke T., Lee S. J. & Perez G. (2015) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2015, 9, 22.

Constraining the charm Yukawa and Higgs-quark coupling universality

Perez G., Soreq Y., Stamou E. & Tobioka K. (2015) Physical review D: Particles and fields. 92, 3, 033016.

Studies of high-transverse momentum jet substructure and top quarks produced in 1.96 TeV proton-antiproton collisions

Aaltonen T., Alon R., Amerio S., Duchovni E. & Perez G. (2015) Physical Review D. 91, 3, 032006.

The elusive gluon

Chala M., Juknevich J., Perez G. & Santiago J. (2015) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2015, 1, 92.


On the flavor structure of natural composite Higgs models & top flavor violation

Azatov A., Panico G., Perez G. & Soreq Y. (2014) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2014, 12, 82.

From Tevatron's top and lepton-based asymmetries to the LHC

Carmona A., Chala M., Falkowski A., Khatibi S., Najafabadi M. M., Perez G. & Santiago J. (2014) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2014, 7, 5.

Measuring boosted tops in semi-leptonic tt events for the standard model and beyond

Backovic M., Gabizon O., Juknevich J., Perez G. & Soreq Y. (2014) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2014, 4, 176.

Enhanced Higgs boson coupling to charm pairs

Delaunay C., Golling T., Perez G. & Soreq Y. (2014) Physical Review D. 89, 3, 033014.

Higgs up-down C P asymmetry at the LHC

Delaunay C., Perez G., de Sandes S. H. & Skiba W. (2014) Physical Review D. 89, 3, 035004.

Light non-degenerate composite partners at the LHC

Delaunay C., Flacke T., Gonzalez-Fraile J., Lee S. J., Panico G. & Perez G. (2014) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2014, 2, 55.


Top quark theory and the new physics searches frontier

Perez G. (2013) PHYSICA SCRIPTA. T158, 014008.

Non-degenerate squarks from flavored gauge mediation

Galon I., Perez G. & Shadmi Y. (2013) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2013, 9, 117.

Modified higgs physics from composite light flavors

Delaunay C., Grojean C. & Perez G. (2013) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2013, 9, 90.

Top B Physics at the LHC

Gedalia O., Isidori G., Maltoni F., Perez G., Selvaggi M. & Soreq Y. (2013) Physical Review Letters. 110, 23,

Flavoured naturalness

Blanke M., Giudice G. F., Paradisi P., Perez G. & Zupan J. (2013) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2013, 6, 22.

Three-prong distribution of massive narrow QCD jets

Field M., Gur-Ari G., Kosower D. A., Mannelli L. & Perez G. (2013) Physical Review D. 87, 9, 094013.

Light nondegenerate squarks at the LHC

Mahbubani R., Papucci M., Perez G., Ruderman J. T. & Weiler A. (2013) Physical review letters. 110, 15, 151804.

Spinning the top quark

Falkowski A., Perez G. & Schmaltz M. (2013) Physical Review D. 87, 3, 034041.

Data driving the top quark forward-backward asymmetry with a lepton-based handle

Falkowski A., Mangano M. L., Martin A., Perez G. & Winter J. (2013) Physical Review D. 87, 3, 034039.

Up asymmetries from exhilarated composite flavor structures

Da Rold R. L., Delaunay C., Grojean C. & Perez G. (2013) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2013, 2, p. 1-42 149.

Charming CP violation and dipole operators from RS flavor anarchy

Delaunay C., Kamenik J. F., Perez G. & Randall L. (2013) Journal of High Energy Physics. 2013, 1, 27.


Forward Tevatron top quarks and backward LHC top quarks with associates

Drobnak J., Kagan A. L., Kamenik J. F., Perez G. & Zupan J. (2012) Physical Review D. 86, 9, 094040.

Top and flavour physics in the LHC era

Buras A. J., Perez G., Schwarz T. A. & Tait T. M. (2012) European Physical Journal C. 72, 8, p. 1-2 2105.

On the universality of CP violation in δF=1 processes

Gedalia O., Kamenik J. F., Ligeti Z. & Perez G. (2012) Physics Letters B. 714, 1, p. 55-61

Three-particle templates for a boosted Higgs boson

Almeida L. G., Erdoǧan O., Juknevich J., Lee S. J., Perez G. & Sterman G. (2012) Physical Review D. 85, 11, 114046.

Study of substructure of high transverse momentum jets produced in proton-antiproton collisions at √s=1.96TeV

Aaltonen T., Alon R., Álvarez González B., Amerio S., Amidei D., Anastassov A., Annovi A., Antos J., Apollinari G., Appel J. A., Apresyan A., Arisawa T., Artikov A., Asaadi J., Ashmanskas W., Auerbach B., Aurisano A., Azfar F., Badgett W., Barbaro-Galtieri A., Barnes V. E., Barnett B. A., Barria P., Bartos P., Bauce M., Bauer G., Bedeschi F., Beecher D., Behari S., Bellettini G., Bellinger J., Benjamin D., Beretvas A., Bhatti A., Binkley M., Bisello D., Bizjak I., Bland K. R., Blumenfeld B., Bocci A., Bodek A., Bortoletto D., Boudreau J., Boveia A., Brigliadori L., Brisuda A., Bromberg C., Brucken E., Bucciantonio M., Budagov J., Budd H. S., Budd S., Burkett K., Busetto G., Bussey P., Buzatu A., Calancha C., Camarda S., Campanelli M., Campbell M., Canelli F., Carls B., Carlsmith D., Carosi R., Carrillo S., Carron S., Casal B., Casarsa M., Castro A., Catastini P., Cauz D., Cavaliere V., Cavalli-Sforza M., Cerri A., Cerrito L., Chen Y. 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Implications of the LHCb evidence for charm CP violation

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Data-driven method of pile-up correction for the substructure of massive jets

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Extraordinary phenomenology from warped flavor triviality

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Implications of the CDF tt̄ forward-backward asymmetry for boosted top physics

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Probing new top physics at the LHCb experiment

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Why do we observe a weak force? The hierarchy problem in the multiverse

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Ultravisible warped model from flavor triviality and improved naturalness

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A "Periodic table" of jet energy flow observables

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Heavy flavor gauge boson AVI gershon

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Next-to-leading-order computations of energy flow observables

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Substructure of highly boosted massive jets at CDF II

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Implications of the CDF tt̄ forward-backward asymmetry for hard top physics

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Implications of the measurement of ultramassive boosted jets at CDF

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Shining avor and radion phenomenology in warped extra dimension

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The dimuon CP asymmetry, D0-D7macr;0 mixing & General Minimal Flavor Violation

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Covariant description of flavor violation at the LHC

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Template overlap method for massive jets

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Implications of the dimuon CP asymmetry in Bd,s decays

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Flavor alignment via shining in Randall-Sundrum models

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Astrophysical implications of a visible dark matter sector from a custodially warped GUT

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Looking for life in the multiverse.

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Covariant description of flavor conversion in the LHC era

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Flavor Physics Constraints for Physics Beyond the Standard Model

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The INTEGRAL/SPI 511 keV signal from hidden valleys in type Ia and core collapse supernova explosions

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Combining direct & indirect kaon CP violation to constrain the warped KK scale

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General minimal flavor violation

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Lessons from recent measurements of D0-D̄0 mixing

Gedalia O., Grossman Y., Nir Y. & Perez G. (2009) Physical Review D. 80, 5, 055024.

Spin determination via third generation cascade decays

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Testing new indirect CP violation

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Combining K0-K̄0 mixing and D0-D̄0 mixing to constrain the flavor structure of new physics

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Phenomenology of supersymmetry with scalar sequestering

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Top quark jets at the LHC

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Probing dark matter dynamics via earthborn neutrinos at IceCube

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Leptogenesis from split fermions

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Realistic split fermion models

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Realistic construction of split fermion models

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Neutrino masses and a low breaking scale of left-right symmetry

Khasanov O. & Perez G. (2002) Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 65, 5, 053007.


Constraining models of new physics in light of recent experimental results on a ψKS

Bergmann S. & Perez G. (2001) Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 64, 11, p. 1150091-11500912 115009.

Constraining models of new physics in light of recent experimental results on a(psi Ks)

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Standard model correlations between K → πνν̄ decays and observables in B physics

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Implications of a small CP asymmetry in B → ψKS

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Standard Model correlations between K ->pi nu(nu)over-bar decays and observables in B physics

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Implications of a small CP asymmetry in B ->psi K-S

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The K-L ->pi(0)nu(nu)over-bar decay in models of extended scalar sector

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The KL → π0νν̄ decay in models of extended scalar sector

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Lepton masses and mixing angles with spontaneously broken O(3) flavor symmetry

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Implications of neutrino masses on the K-L ->pi(0)nu(nu)over-bar decay

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