I. Tserruya, XXXI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Sept. 1-7, 2001, Datong, China, edited by Bai Yuting, Yu Meiling and Wu Yuanfang, World Scientific 2002, p. 98.
Electromagnetic observables: Review of SPS results and perspectives
I. Tserruya, Proceedings of International Workshop on “Particle Distributions in Hadronic and Nuclear Collisions” Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, June 11-13, 1998; edited by M. Adams, R. Betts, T. Imbo, W. Keung and U. Sukhatme, World Scientific, 1999, p.11.
I. Tserruya, Proceedings of Symposium in Memory of Judah Eisenberg, Tel Aviv University, April 14-16, 1999 in “Nuclear Matter Hot and Cold edited by J. Alster and D. Ashery, Tel Aviv University, 2000 p.41, nucl-ex/9912003
I. Tserruya, XXVI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Sept. 1-5, 1996, Faro, Portugal, edited by J. Dias de Deus, P.Sa, M. Ramos and J. Seixas, World Scientific, 1997, p.99.
G. Agakichiev, O. Barannikova, F. Ceretto, U. Faschingbauer, P. Glässel, E. Kolganova, G. Ososkov, Yu. Panebratsev, J. Rak, N. Saveljic, I. Tserruya, Th. Ullrich and J.P. Wurm, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A394, 225 (1997),
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Heavy ion collisions
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A. Breskin, R. Chechik, A. Drees, P. Fischer, Z. Fraenkel, P. Glässel, G. Lamade, H. Ries, D. Sauvage, A. Schön, E. Schmoetten, H.J. Specht, V. Steiner and I. Tserruya, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-35, 404 (1988).
A. Drees, P. Fischer, P. Glässel, G. Lamade, H. Ries, E. Schmoetten, H.J. Specht, A. Breskin, R. Chechik, Z. Fraenkel and I. Tserruya, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A273, 793 (1988)
A. Drees, P. Fischer, P. Glässel, G. Lamade, H. Ries, E. Schmoetten, H.J. Specht, A. Breskin, R. Chechik, Z. Fraenkel and I. Tserruya, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A273, 793 (1988)
A. Breskin, R. Chechik, Z. Fraenkel, D. Sauvage, V. Steiner, I. Tserruya, G. Charpak, W. Dominik, J.P. Fabre, J. Gaudean, F. Sauli, M. Suzuki, P. Fischer, P. Glässel, H. Ries, A. Schön and H. Specht, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A273, 798 (1988)
S. Wald, S.B. Gazes, C.R. Albiston, Y. Chan, B.G. Harvey, M.J. Murphy, I. Tserruya, R.G. Stokstad, P.J. Countryman, K. Van Bibber and H. Homeyer,
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H. Schmidt-Böcking, R. Schuch, I. Tserruya, R. Hoffmann, B. Johnson, K.W. Jones, E. Justiniano, M. Meron, P.H. Mokler, H. Ingwersen, W. Schadt, M. Schulz and B. Fricke,
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K.W. Jones, B.M. Johnson, M. Meron, Wang Da-Hai, P. Thieberger, J. Barrette, R. Schuch, H. Schmidt-Böcking, I. Tserruya and T.H. Kruse,
Physica Scripta T3, 82 (1983).
L.G. Sobotka, M.L. Padgett, G.J. Wozniak, G. Guarino, A.J. Pacheco, L.G. Moretto, Y. Chan, R.G. Stokstad, I. Tserruya and S. Wald,
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The onset of incomplete momentum transfer in fusion-like processes
R.G. Stokstad, Y. Chan, M. Murphy, I. Tserruya and S. Wald,
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S. Wald, I. Tserruya, Z. Fraenkel, G. Doukellis, H. Gemmeke and H.L. Harney,
Phys. Rev. C25, 1118 (1982).
Trajectory, binding and relativistic effects in K-shell ionization process investigated by particle-photon coincidences
H. Schmidt-Böcking, K.E. Stiebing, W. Schadt, N. Löchter, G. Gruber, S. Kelbch, K. Bethge, R. Schuch and I. Tserruya,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 192, 71 (1982).
I. Tserruya, A. Breskin, R. Chechik, Z. Fraenkel, S. Wald, N. Zwang, R. Bock, M. Dakowski, A. Gobbi, H. Sann, R. Bass, G. Kreyling, R. Renfordt, K. Stelzer and U. Arlt,
Phys. Rev. C26, 2509 (1982).
I. Tserruya, A. Breskin, R. Chechik, Z. Fraenkel, S. Wald, N. Zwang, R. Bock, M. Dakowski, A. Gobbi, M. Sann, R. Bass, G. Kreyling, R. Renfordt, K. Stelzer and U. Arlt,
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32. Y. Eyal, A. Gavron, I. Tserruya, Z. Fraenkel, Y. Eisen, S. Wald, R. Bass, C.R. Gould, G. Creyling, R. Renfordt, K. Stelzer, R. Zitzmann, A. Gobbi, U. Lynen, H. Stelzer, I. Rode and R. Bock, Phys. Rev. C21, 1377 (1980)
Y. Eyal, A. Gavron, I. Tserruya, Z. Fraenkel, Y. Eisen, S. Wald, R. Bass, G.R. Gould, G. Kreyling, R. Renfordt, K. Stelzer, R. Zitzman, A. Gobbi, U. Lynen, H. Stelzer, I. Rode and R. Bock,
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A. Gamp, P. Braun-Munzinger, C.K. Gelbke, H.L. Harney, H.G. Bohlen, W. Bohne, K.D. Hildenbrand, J. Kuzminski, W. Von Oertzen and I. Tserruya, Nucl. Phys. A250, 341 (1975).