My group was among the founders of the CERES experiment that pioneered the measurement of electron pairs at the CERN SPS at the center-of-mass energy in the nucleon-nucleon system of √sNN = 17.6 GeV. CERES discovered a strong enhancement of low-mass electron pairs first in S+Au collisions and later also in Pb+Au collisions. No enhancement was observed in p+p collisions (approximated by p+Be collisions) or in p+Au collisions. The enhancement is linked to the in-medium modification of the rho meson spectral function and to chiral symmetry restoration. 
The group designed and constructed all the gas detectors of the CERES experimental set-up with all its upgrades. This includes the UV photon detectors of the original double RICH spectrometer, a pad chamber upgrade to improve the tracking capabilities, and the wire readout chambers of the TPC upgrade to improve the mass resolution.

Last CERES result (PLB 666 (2008) 425) showing the strong enhancement of di-electron pairs with respect to the cocktail of known hadronic sources (a). The enhancement provides evidence of the thermal radiation emitted by the Hadron Gas and is linked to the broadening of the rho meson spectral function as a precursor of chiral symmetry restoration (b).