(2023) Physical review letters. 131, 22, 225001. Abstract
We demonstrate both experimentally and using a numerical simulation that, under special conditions, the repulsive Coulomb interaction helps to suppress the emittance growth of an rf-driven bunch of ions in an electrostatic ion beam trap. The underlying mechanisms can be explained by the synchronization of ion motion when nonlinear interactions are present. The surprising effect can help in improving the phase space manipulation of ions and the beam control in storage rings and accelerators and may be applied to other systems with many-body interactions in a periodic potential.
(2023) Physical Review E. 107, 4, 045202. Abstract
The dynamics of ions in an electrostatic ion beam trap in the presence of an external time-dependent field is studied with a recently developed particle-in-cell simulation technique. The simulation technique, capable of accounting for space-charge effects, has reproduced all the experimental results on the bunch dynamics in the radio frequency mode. With simulation, the motion of ions is visualized in phase space and it is shown that the ion-ion interaction strongly affects the distribution of ions in phase space in the presence of an rf driving voltage.
(2023) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 25, 37, p. 25701-25710 Abstract
Simultaneous trapping of merged cation and anion beams in the hybrid electrostatic ion beam trap (HEIBT) opens new opportunities for the study of the interactions of isolated atomic molecular or cluster ions with oppositely charged ionic species. Application of the trapped merged beams requires a detailed understanding of the trapping dynamics and the effect of the Coulombic attractive and repulsive forces between the ions on their motion in the trap. The simultaneous trapping regime is explored experimentally for SF6− anion and SF5+ cation beams and compared to realistic ion trajectory simulations. The respective stability of the simultaneously trapped cation and anion beams is experimentally tracked by nondestructive and mass sensitive image charge monitoring. An approximate analytical potential model is presented for modeling the dynamics of trapped ions, providing insight into the role of ion-ion interactions, and suggesting a simplified mirror design.
(2022) Scientific Reports. 12, 1, 22518. Abstract
The radiative cooling of a stored, initially rotationally hot OH− ion beam is probed by photodetachment using an electrostatic ion beam trap combined with an in-trap velocity map imaging spectrometer, providing direct measurement of the time-dependent rotational population. The rotational temperatures are estimated from photodetached electron spectra as a function of time using a Boltzmann distribution model and further verified by a rate law model using known Einstein coefficients. We demonstrate that during the entire cooling time, the rotational population can be well described by a Boltzmann distribution.
(2021) Physical Review E. 104, 6, 065202. Abstract
We developed a simulation technique to study the effect of space charge interaction between trapped ions in the electrostatic ion beam trap (EIBT). The importance of space charge is demonstrated in both the dispersive and the self-bunching regime of the ion trap. The simulation results provide an estimate for the space charge effect on the trapping efficiency. They also allow for a better understanding of the enhanced diffusion and the self-bunching effect and provide a better characterization of the EIBT as a mass spectrometer, where peak coalescence is important. The numerical results reproduce all experimental data, demonstrating the critical importance of including space charge effects, even at low ion density, to understand the ion trap dynamics.
(2020) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1412, 12, 122003. Abstract
A new method for cooling beams of any ion is introduced. The method is autoresonance acceleration of ions inside an Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap. Intrabunch collisions of trapped (molecular) ions transfer energy from the "cold" part of the population of the ion distribution to the "hot" part, which, in turn, evaporates from the bunch. As a result, bunches of ions were cooled from about 45 K to well below 1 K.
(2020) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1412, 12, 122028. Abstract
A new hybrid electrostatic ion beam trap (HEIBT) is designed and simulated for low-energy ion-ion, ion-neutral merged beam collision studies as well as ion-laser interaction experiments. The HEIBT is made possible by the design of dichroic electrostatic mirrors that reflect or transmit ion beams of different charge and energy. The experimental setup allows fragment imaging detection of the investigated reaction products ejected outside the trap.
(2019) Review of Scientific Instruments. 90, 11, 113308. Abstract
Using dichroic electrostatic mirrors, which can reflect a fast ion beam while transmitting a counterion beam, allows extending the field of electrostatic ion trapping. We present the design and simulations of a hybrid electrostatic ion beam trap that allows simultaneous trapping of velocity matched cation and anion beams. The possible merged beam ion-ion, ion-neutral, and ion-laser experiments are discussed.
Quantum-state-selective electron recombination studies suggest enhanced abundance of primordial HeH+(2019) Science. 365, 6454, p. 676-679 Abstract
The epoch of first star formation in the early Universe was dominated by simple atomic and molecular species consisting mainly of two elements: hydrogen and helium. Gaining insight into this constitutive era requires a thorough understanding of molecular reactivity under primordial conditions. We used a cryogenic ion storage ring combined with a merged electron beam to measure state-specific rate coefficients of dissociative recombination, a process by which electrons destroy molecular ions. We found a pronounced decrease of the electron recombination rates for the lowest rotational states of the helium hydride ion (HeH+), compared with previous measurements at room temperature. The reduced destruction of cold HeH+ translates into an enhanced abundance of this primordial molecule at redshifts of first star and galaxy formation.
(2019) Journal of Chemical Physics. 151, 4, 044303. Abstract
We have measured the spectrum of laser photodissociation of OH + molecular ions to O + H + and O + + H fragments for photon energies of 38 100-40 900 cm -1. The OH + ions were stored as a fast beam (5.50 MeV) in the storage ring TSR for several seconds to achieve rovibrational cooling into the lowest rotations N = 0-11 of the vibrational ground state X 3ς -(v = 0), close to room temperature (≈300 K). The many resonances in the spectra reveal the energies, widths, and O/O + branching ratios of 44 predissociating quasibound levels (Feshbach resonances) that lie between the fine-structure states of the O fragment and belong to the last, near-threshold vibrational states v = 9 and 10 of the A 3Π electronic state. For the A 3Π 0,1 substates, isolated levels with v = 11 are observed and attributed to double-well distortions of these curves due to nonadiabatic interactions. Another five isolated levels are assigned to the v = 0 and 1 states of the shallow 1 5ς - electronic state, borrowing oscillator strength from nearby A 3Π levels. Together, the near-threshold levels deliver a new value D 0 = 40 253.8(1.1) cm -1 for the dissociation energy of OH +. Through a two-step photodissociation process, 72 levels from the lower bound states A 3Π(v = 7-8) appear as well and are rotationally analyzed. The level energies are used to construct improved A 3Π and 1 5ς - Born-Oppenheimer potentials. The totality of the spectral data (energies, widths, intensities, and branching ratios) can provide tight constraints for the potentials and nonadiabatic interactions assumed in future coupled-channel calculations of OH + photodissociation or of the related charge-exchange reaction O + H + → O + + H.
(2018) Nature Communications. 9, 912. Abstract
Isomerization and carbon chemistry in the gas phase are key processes in many scientific studies. Here we report on the isomerization process from linear $${{\rm C}}-{10}^ -$$ C 10 - to its monocyclic isomer. $${{\rm C}}-{10}^ -$$ C 10 - ions were trapped in an electrostatic ion beam trap and then excited with a laser pulse of precise energy. The neutral products formed upon photoexcitation were measured as a function of time after the laser pulse. It was found using a statistical model that, although the system is excited above its isomerization barrier energy, the actual isomerization from linear to monocyclic conformation takes place on a very long time scale of up to hundreds of microseconds. This finding may indicate a general phenomenon that can affect the interstellar medium chemistry of large molecule formation as well as other gas phase processes.
(2017) Physical review letters. 119, 10, 103202. Abstract
Autoresonance (AR) cooling of a bunch of ions oscillating inside an electrostatic ion beam trap is demonstrated for the first time. The relatively wide initial longitudinal velocity distribution is reduced by at least an order of magnitude using AR acceleration and ramping forces. The hot ions escaping the bunch are not lost from the system but continue to oscillate in the trap outside of the bunch and may be further cooled by successive AR processes. Ion-ion collisions inside the bunch close to the turning points in the trap's mirrors contribute to the thermalization of the ions. This cooling method can be applied to any mass and any charge.
(2017) Review of Scientific Instruments. 88, 5, 053101. Abstract
A Velocity Map Imaging (VMI) spectrometer has been designed and integrated with an electrostatic ion beam trap to study delayed electron emission from trapped polyatomic anions upon photodetachment. The VMI spectrometer is small in size and can record a wide range of photoelectron energies, with variable magnification. Delayed electron emission can be recorded in our experimental setup for any time duration after the photoexcitation of the polyatomic anions. Experiments were carried out with trapped O- and C-5(-) ions to demonstrate the capability of the spectrometer. Delayed electron emissions from C-5(-) as well as prompt photoelectrons from O- were detected by the VMI spectrometer upon photoexcitation. The design and performance of the spectrometer are presented in detail.
(2017) Journal of Instrumentation. 12, 5, P05008. Abstract
Among the advantages of an electrostatic ion beam trap (EIBT), which is based on purely electrostatic fields, are mass-unlimited trapping and ease of operation. We have developed a new system that couples an electrospray ion source to an EIBT. Between the source and EIBT there is a Paul trap in which the ions are accumulated before being extracted and accelerated. After the ion bunch has entered the EIBT, the ions are trapped by rapidly raising the voltages on the entrance mirror. The oscillations of the bunch are detected by amplifying the charge induced on a pickup ring in the center of the trap, the ion mass being directly proportional to the square of the oscillation period. The trapping of biomolecules in the RF-bunching mode of the EIBT is used for measurement of mass spectra and collision cross sections. Coalescence of bunches of ions of nearby mass in the self-bunching mode is also demonstrated.
(2017) J. Chem. Phys.. 146, 9, 094302. Abstract
Radiative electron attachment (REA) plays an important role in forming molecular anions in various astrophysical environments. In this work, we determined the rate coefficient for the formation of C-6(-) by REA based on a detailed balance approach. C-6(-) ions are stored in an electrostatic ion beam trap and are photoexcited above their adiabatic detachment energy (4.18 eV). Due to fast internal conversion and intramolecular vibrational redistribution, photoexcitation leads to the formation of temporary negative ions (TNIs), the same as those one formed by the electron attachment. Absolute vibrational autodetachment and recurrent (or Poincare) fluorescence (RF) rate coefficients have already been reported [V. Chandrasekaran et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5, 4078 (2014)]. Knowing the branching ratios of the various competing rate coefficients is decisive to the understanding of the formation probability of anions via REA. The radiative stabilization rate of C-6(-), shown to be dominated by RF, was determined to be 5 x 10(4) s(-1) at the electron detachment energy, i.e., at least a factor of 100 faster than the stabilization by infrared transitions. The RF is found to very effectively stabilize the TNI formed by electron attachment. Using detailed balance to link the measured delayed detachment rate to the rate of electron attachment, we estimate the REA rate leading to the formation of C-6(-) to be 3 x 10(-7) cm(3) s(-1) at 300 K in agreement with theory (1.7 x 10(-7) cm(3) s(-1) [R. Terzieva and E. Herbst, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 201, 135 (2000)]). Such a high rate for REA to C-6 indicates that REA may play a prominent role in the formation of anions in the interstellar medium.
(2016) European Physical Journal D. 70, 260. Abstract
Abstract: The stability of anionic (SF6)-N clusters (in the range of Na, for the evaporationof a SF6 monomer wereextracted. We find that the decay rates of (SF6)-N anionic clusters are larger than those of cationic SF+5(SF6)N-1 measured previously by the same method, and theircorresponding activation energies to be smaller. These observations provide furtherinsight into the effect of localized charge on cluster stability. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
(2016) Review of Scientific Instruments. 87, 11, 113501. Abstract
Ions in an ion bunch trapped inside an Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap (EIBT) exhibit collective oscillations within the bunch under the influence of an external driving force. These internal oscillations have been measured explicitly using a new method with a particle detector outside the EIBT. In this approach, the evolving ion bunch is monitored along the entire trap length, in contrast to the localized single point measurements that are often carried out in other techniques. In the present study, quadrupole oscillations have been measured for the first time in an EIBT along with the dipole oscillations that were measured previously. The frequency of the quadrupole oscillation is found to be about twice the dipole oscillation frequency. This is in agreement with the prediction of a theoretical model.
(2016) Journal of Instrumentation. 11, 7, 07006. Abstract
Resistive anode multichannel plate detectors are extensively used for imaging photons, electrons and ions. We present a method to acquire position information from such detector systems by considering simple parameters of the signals produced from the resistive anode encoder. Our technique is easy to implement and computes position in real time during experiments. Position information can be obtained using our method without the need for dedicated position analyser units.
(2016) Review of Scientific Instruments. 87, 6, 063115. Abstract
An electrostatic cryogenic storage ring, CSR, for beams of anions and cations with up to 300 keV kinetic energy per unit charge has been designed, constructed, and put into operation. With a circumference of 35 m, the ion-beam vacuum chambers and all beam optics are in a cryostat and cooled by a closed-cycle liquid helium system. At temperatures as low as (5.5 +/- 1) K inside the ring, storage time constants of several minutes up to almost an hour were observed for atomic and molecular, anion and cation beams at an energy of 60 keV. The ion-beam intensity, energy-dependent closed-orbit shifts (dispersion), and the focusing properties of the machine were studied by a system of capacitive pickups. The Schottky-noise spectrum of the stored ions revealed a broadening of the momentum distribution on a time scale of 1000 s. Photodetachment of stored anions was used in the beam lifetime measurements. The detachment rate by anion collisions with residual-gas molecules was found to be extremely low. A residual-gas density below 140 cm(-3) is derived, equivalent to a room-temperature pressure below 10(-14) mbar. Fast atomic, molecular, and cluster ion beams stored for long periods of time in a cryogenic environment will allow experiments on collision-and radiation-induced fragmentation processes of ions in known internal quantum states with merged and crossed photon and particle beams.
(2015) Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics). 92, 5, 052503. Abstract
Absolute photoabsorption cross sections of negatively charged tetra-atomic aluminum clusters have been measured for photon energies between 1.8 and 2.7 eV. The experiment used the depletion technique in combination with an electrostatic ion-beam trap, in which Al4- ions produced in a sputter ion source were stored for 90 ms before being subjected to a short laser pulse. Moreover, the competition between one-atom fragmentation and electron emission of the laser-excited Al4- has been measured. These measurements show that fragmentation dominates electron emission at all photon energies below the electron attachment energy of ∼2.2 eV, even though the fragmentation energy is expected to be 10%-20% higher than the electron attachment energy. These findings, when taken together with the delayed-electron and fragmentation yields observed in a previous measurement [O. Aviv, Phys. Rev. A 83, 023201 (2011)PLRAAN1050-294710.1103/PhysRevA.83.023201], can be well explained within the statistical phase-space theory for unimolecular decays assuming the Al4- ions to be rotationally hot. The analysis permits the determination of the adiabatic electron detachment energy of Al4- to be Ead=(2.18±0.02) eV and the one-atom fragmentation energy to be D0=(2.34±0.05) eV. Moreover, two direct s-wave ionization channels are observed with threshold energies of (2.18±0.02) eV and (2.45±0.02) eV.
(2015) Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 48, 20, 201001. Abstract
We demonstrate the ability to control the molecular dissociation rate using femtosecond pulses shaped with third-order dispersion (TOD). Explicitly, a significant 50% enhancement in the dissociation yield for the low lying vibrational levels (v similar to 6) of an H-2(+) ion-beam target was measured as a function of TOD. The underlying mechanism responsible for this enhanced dissociation was theoretically identified as non-adiabatic alignment induced by the pre-pulses situated on the leading edge of pulses shaped with negative TOD. This control scheme is expected to work in other molecules as it does not rely on specific characteristics of our test-case H-2(+) molecule.
(2015) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 635, 11, 112103. Abstract
We have designed a velocity map imaging (VMI) setup and integrated it with an Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap (EIBT) to study photon induced prompt and delayed electron emission from trapped cluster anions. The operational details are discussed here. The performance of the VMI is also reported for photoionization of trapped O- ions.
(2015) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 635, 11, 112108. Abstract
Absolute rate coefficients were determined for the recurrent fluorescence (RF) process in C6- anions at excitation energies above the adiabatic electron attachment energy. The RF process is an important ingredient in understanding the formation and stabilization of anions in the interstellar medium.
(2015) Physical Review A. 91, 2, 023414. Abstract
The fragmentation of CD+ in intense ultrashort laser pulses was investigated using a coincidence three-dimensional momentum imaging technique improved by employing both transverse and longitudinal electric fields. This allowed clear separation of all fragmentation channels and the determination of the kinetic energy release down to nearly zero, for a molecule with significant mass asymmetry. The most probable dissociation pathways for the two lowest dissociation limits, C++D and C+D+, were identified for both 22-fs, 798-nm and 50-fs, 392-nm pulses. Curiously, the charge asymmetric dissociation of CD2+ was not observed for 392-nm photons, even though it was clearly visible for the fundamental 798 nm at the same peak intensity.
(2014) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 5, 23, p. 4078-4082 Abstract
We determined absolute rate coefficients for the recurrent fluorescence (RF) process in C6- anions at excitation energies above the adiabatic electron attachment energy of 4.18 eV. The experiment was performed by extracting C6- ions from a sputter ion source and storing them in a bent electrostatic ion beam trap. After 1 s of storage, during which the anions cooled down to temperatures close to room temperature, they were excited by a short laser pulse and the neutralization rate due to vibrational autodetachment (VAD) was measured as a function of time at several wavelengths. Due to the different energy dependence of the two competing decays via the RF and the VAD process, their contributions to the measured total decay rate coefficients could be disentangled. For excitation energies 4.6 eV, the decay is found to be dominated by the RF process with decay rate coefficients on the order of 5 × 104 s-1. The result clearly demonstrates the presence of the RF process in C6 and illustrates the importance of this process in the production and cooling of isolated molecules of astrophysical interest.
(2014) Journal of Instrumentation. 9, 4, P04008. Abstract
Sidebands are observed in the Fourier transform of the pickup signal of an RF-bunched beam oscillating in an electrostatic ion beam trap. We show that the sidebands are dominated by a collective longitudinal oscillation of the center of the bunch around the synchronous ion as the bunch travels within the storage device. We present evidence for a linear dependence of the sideband frequency and for a seemingly chaotic behavior of the amplitude of the sideband peaks on the number of stored ions.
(2013) Review of Scientific Instruments. 84, 5, 053106. Abstract
We describe a technique to measure absolute photo-induced cross sections for cluster anions stored in an electrostatic ion beam trap (EIBT) with a central deflector. The setup allows determination of total photo-destruction cross sections as well as partial cross sections for fragmentation and electron detachment. The unique properties of this special EIBT setup are investigated and illustrated using small Aln- clusters.
(2013) Acta Physica Polonica B. 44, 3, p. 647-650 Abstract
Our work focuses on precision measurements of β-v correlation from the β-decay of 6He by the use of an innovative ion trapping device, the Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap, which incorporates the radioactive ion beam, ion trapping, ion bunching, and a radiation detection system. Production of 6He radioisotopes would be carried out by the use of neutron-induced reactions and for the ionization an Electron Beam Ion Trap would be used.
(2012) Physical Review A. 86, 4, 043418. Abstract
We present a method to control photodissociation by manipulating the bond-softening mechanism occurring in strong shaped laser fields, namely by varying the chirp sign and magnitude of an ultrashort laser pulse. Manipulation of bond softening is experimentally demonstrated for strong-field (1012-1013 W/cm2) photodissociation of H2+, exhibiting a substantial increase of dissociation by positively chirped pulses with respect to both negatively chirped and transform-limited pulses. The measured kinetic energy release and angular distributions are used to quantify the degree of dissociation control. The control mechanism is attributed to the interplay of dynamic alignment and chirped light induced potential curves.
(2012) Physical Review A. 86, 2, 023202. Abstract
The stability of cationic SF 5+(SF 6) n-1 clusters was investigated by measuring their blackbody-induced radiative dissociation (BIRD) rates. The clusters were produced in a supersonic expansion ion source and stored in an electrostatic ion-beam trap at room temperature, where their abundances and lifetimes were measured. Using the "master equation" approach, relative binding energies of an SF 6 unit in the clusters could be extracted from the storage-time dependence of the survival probabilities. The results allow for a deeper insight into the effect of a localized charge on the structure and stability of SF 6-based clusters.
(2012) Review of Scientific Instruments. 83, 3, 033302. Abstract
A technique for mass-selective lifetime measurements of keV ions in a linear electrostatic ion beam trap is presented. The technique is based on bunching the ions using a weak RF potential and non-destructive ion detection by a pick-up electrode. This method has no mass-limitation, possesses the advantage of inherent mass-selectivity, and offers a possibility of measuring simultaneously the lifetimes of different ion species with no need for prior mass-selection.
(2012) Astrophysical Journal Letters. 746, 1, L8. Abstract
Using event-by-event fragment momentum spectroscopy in a storage-ring merged-beams experiment, we find laboratory evidence that in the dissociative recombination (DR) of HCNH+ with cold electrons the energetic isomer HNC is produced with a high yield, similar to that of HCN. With a newly implemented mass-sensitive fragment imaging detector, we analyze the kinetic energy release of the triatomic fragments DCN/DNC from the DR reaction of the isotopologue DCND+ with cold (near 10K) electrons. The results show that the internal energy of these fragments is extremely high, far exceeding the isomerization barrier between DNC and DCN. From this laboratory characterization of the DR reaction we conclude that also the triatomic fragment HCN/HNC from the DR of HCNH+ will carry a large amount of ro-vibrational excitation and show that this implies an isomeric production ratio in a narrow range near unity.
(2012) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 337, 1, 012020. Abstract
We plan to establish the ground work of a novel experimental setup that will enable precision measurements of β-ν correlation from 6He using a unique method which incorporates a radioactive ion beam, ion trapping, ion bunching, and a radiation detection system. For the production of the 6He radioisotopes we plan to use neutron-induced reactions and an electron ion beam trap (EBIT) for ionization. The 6He + radioisotopes will be stored in an electrostatic ion beam trap (EIBT), commonly used in atomic and molecular physics. The entire apparatus will be built at the Weizmann Institute. In the following we present the method, the present status of the setup and future plans.
(2012) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 388, PART 3, 032017. Abstract
The competition between dissociation paths of I2+ and NO+ molecules was studied using femtosecond laser pulses with different intensities. It was found, both for moderate fields and for strong fields, that the dissociation path strongly prefers the higher energy dissociation path with smaller kinetic energy rather than the lower energy path with higher kinetic energy.
(2012) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 388, PART 15, 152031. Abstract
The absolute cross sections for photo-absorption followed by electron detachment or fragmentation of Aln- (2 ≤ n ≤ 10) were measured using an electrostatic ion beam trap. The competition between prompt fragmentation and electron detachment was determined and quantified by the branching fractions.
(2012) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 388, PART 3, 032036. Abstract
The dissociation of CD+ induced by intense 30 fs pulses of central wavelengths 385 nm and 790 nm, over a range of peak intensities (5 × 1013 - 1 × 1016 W/cm2), was measured using a coincidence 3D momentum imaging technique. The observed kinetic energy release and angular distributions of the different products are presented and the possible dissociation pathways are discussed.
(2011) Physical review letters. 107, 19, 193003. Abstract
We present the results of a Coulomb explosion experiment that allows for the imaging of the rovibrational wave function of the metastable H2- ion. Our measurements confirm the predicted large internuclear separation of 6 a.u., and they show that the ion decays by autodetachment rather than by spontaneous dissociation. Imaging of the resulting H2 products reveals a large angular momentum of J=25±2, quantifying the rotation that leads to the metastability of this most fundamental molecular anion.
(2011) Journal of the Korean Physical Society. 59, 41, p. 5 Abstract
We report the experimental findings of a systematic study of the effect of linear chirp on strong field photodissociation of H2+. For vibrational levels around or above the one photon crossing, the effect manifests itself in terms of a shift in the kinetic energy release (KER) peaks. The peaks shift up for negative chirp whereas they shift down for positive chirp. The measurements are carried out by varying two of the three laser pulse characteristics, energy, pulse peak intensity and linear chirp, while keeping the third constant. The shifts in the KER peaks are found to be intensity dependent for a given value of chirp. However, in the last two cases (i.e., fixed pulsed energy and fixed pulse peak intensity), they are found to be independent of the chirp magnitude. The results are understood on the basis of saturation of photodissociation probabilities for these levels.
(2011) Physical Review A. 83, 2, 023201. Abstract
A systematic study of the competition between delayed electron and delayed atom emission from photoexcited Al4- clusters was performed using a bent electrostatic ion beam trap, which allows for simultaneous measurement of both decay channels. The aluminum cluster anions, produced with high internal energy in a sputter source, are stored for 100 ms prior to their excitation by a short laser pulse. Delayed ionization and delayed fragmentation were observed for photon energies 1.55 eV
(2011) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 267, 1, 012013. Abstract
We present the first steps towards the realization of a novel experimental scheme to measure β-ν correlations in the β decay of 6He, for the purpose of Fundamental Interaction studies. Our method is based on a novel use of an ion trapping device, the Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap (EIBT) coupled to a d+t neutron generator. The EIBT which has not been previously considered for Fundamental Interaction studies, exhibits potentially very significant advantages over other state of the art experimental schemes aimed at precision measurements of the β-ν angular correlation coefficient.
(2010) Physical review letters. 105, 10, 103202. Abstract
Individual product channels in the dissociative recombination of deuterated hydronium ions and cold electrons are studied in an ion storage ring by velocity imaging using spatial and mass-sensitive detection of the neutral reaction fragments. Initial and final molecular excitation are analyzed, finding the outgoing water molecules to carry internal excitation of more than 3eV in 90% of the recombination events. Initial rotation is found to be substantial and in three-body breakup strongly asymmetric energy repartition among the deuterium products is enhanced for hot parent ions.
(2010) Physical Review A. 82, 3, 35201. Abstract
Aluminum cluster anions were stored in an electrostatic ion storage ring and irradiated by a laser pulse. Neutral as well as charged decay products emitted 20 mu s after the excitation were identified and recorded using the daughter ion mass spectrometry method. Besides delayed electron detachment, only monomer emission was observed for Al-4(-). The branching ratio for the monomer channel was determined to be 8 +/- 2%, while the dimer channel was found to be
(2010) Physical Review A. 81, 6, 062702. Abstract
We report on an energy-sensitive imaging detector for studying the fragmentation of polyatomic molecules in the dissociative recombination of fast molecular ions with electrons. The system is based on a large area (10×10 cm2) position-sensitive, double-sided Si-strip detector with 128 horizontal and 128 vertical strips, whose pulse height information is read out individually. The setup allows us to uniquely identify fragment masses and is thus capable of measuring branching ratios between different fragmentation channels, kinetic energy releases, and breakup geometries as a function of the relative ion-electron energy. The properties of the detection system, which has been installed at the Test Storage Ring (TSR) facility of the Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, is illustrated by an investigation of the dissociative recombination of the deuterated triatomic hydrogen cation D2H+. A huge isotope effect is observed when comparing the relative branching ratio between the D2 + H and the HD + D channel; the ratio 2B(D2 + H)/B(HD + D), which is measured to be 1.27±0.05 at relative electron-ion energies around 0 eV, is found to increase to 3.7±0.5 at ~5 eV.
(2010) Physical Review A. 81, 2, 023401. Abstract
The temporal evolution of the dissociation probabilities for various vibrational levels of H2+ is observed in terms of shifts in the kinetic energy release dissociation spectra, induced by linearly chirped intense laser pulses. In contrast to previous observations, in which no dependence on the chirp sign was observed, the energy spectrum reported here shows peak shifts, up for negative chirp and down for positive chirp. For some vibrational levels, dissociation takes place early on in the pulse; hence, care must be taken while interpreting the effect of pulse duration in photodissociation studies. This interpretation is supported by numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation.
(2009) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 194, 15, 152017. Abstract
The competition between delayed fragmentation and delayed ionization of laser excited Al-4 clusters was measured by simultaneous detection of charged and neutral fragments.
(2009) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 194, 3, 032060. Abstract
H2+ photodissociation, induced by intense short laser pulses, was measured by a full 3D imaging system. We have conducted a series of experiments, in which we systematically changed the linear chirp, using a pulse shaper, and observed the kinetic energy release spectra(KER). Distinct differences in the KER spectra are observed both in peak positions and angular distribution for laser pulses with similar duration and intensity but opposite chirp sign.
(2009) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 194, 2, 022074. Abstract
Photolysis processes in H3O+ have been observed with fragment momentum imaging at the free electron laser FLASH. The observed fragmenation patterns and measured kinetic energy release distributions show that photolyis of H3O+ proceeds via valence ionization. The observed final dissociation products and fragment molecular states are strongly dependent on the ionized valence shell.
(2009) Physical Review A. 80, 1, 012707. Abstract
The fragmentation of the hydronium cation H3 O+ after photoabsorption at 13.5 nm has been investigated with a crossed-photon-and-ion-beams experiment making pulsing and trapping techniques available for fragment momentum imaging at the intense Free-electron LASer in Hamburg. The observed photofragmentation patterns demonstrate that the photolysis of H3 O+ proceeds by valence ionization into H3 O2+ which subsequently fragments to mainly OH+2 H+ and H2 O+ + H+ with a branching ratio of up to 0.6:1 and with different degrees of excitation of the molecular fragment. The cross section for fragmentation into OH+2 H+ is found to be (0.37±0.18) × 10-18 cm2, while the total photoabsorption cross section is estimated to be greater than 0.95× 10-18 cm2. The data suggest that ionization mainly occurs from the 3 a1 and 1e valence orbitals and that initial ionization from 3 a1 mainly leads to fragmentation into H2 O+ (A A2 1) + H+ while initial ionization from the 1e orbital predominantly populates the H2 O+ (B B2 2) + H+ and OH (X Π2) +2 H+ channels. The results are of significance for astrophysical models of gas clouds in the vicinity of hot radiating objects and for models of the chemistry of planetary and lunar ionospheres under solar irradiation.
(2009) Physical review letters. 102, 22, 223202. Abstract
Merging an HD+ beam with velocity matched electrons in a heavy ion storage ring we observed rapid cooling of the rotational excitations of the HD+ ions by superelastic collisions (SEC) with the electrons. The cooling process is well described using theoretical SEC rate coefficients obtained by combining the molecular R-matrix approach with the adiabatic nuclei rotation approximation. We verify the ΔJ=-2 SEC rate coefficients, which are predicted to be dominant as opposed to the ΔJ=-1 rates and to amount to (1-2)×10-6cm3s-1 for initial angular momentum states with J≤7, to within 30%.
(2009) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 192, 012013. Abstract
The dissociative recombination (DR) of 4He2+ has been investigated at the heavy-ion storage ring TSR in Heidelberg. Rate coefficients were measured up to collision energies of 40 eV. Vibrational level populations were monitored using the Coulomb explosion imaging technique showing relaxation to the v 0 level (>95%) through collisions with cold electrons within 50s. Low-energy DR rate coefficients are derived for v 0, 1 and ≥2 which show a strong v-dependence. A low-energy super-elastic collision (SEC) rate coefficient of αv10SEC (E d 0)1.8×10-7cm3s-1 was found.
(2009) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 192, 012024. Abstract
On a dense energy grid reaching up to 75 meV electron collision energy the fragmentation angle and the kinetic energy release of neutral dissociative recombination fragments have been studied in a twin merged beam experiment. The anisotropy and the extracted rotational state contributions were found to sensitively depend on energy. Both show pronounced variations on a likewise narrow energy scale as the rotationally averaged rate coefficient. For the first time angular dependences described by Legendre polynomials higher than 2 nd order could be deduced. Moreover, a slight anisotropy at zero collision energy was observed which is caused by the flattened velocity distribution of the electron beam.
(2009) Journal of Instrumentation. 4, 9, P09001. Abstract
A simple mass selection technique which allows one to clean a keV ion beam of undesirable masses while stored in an Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap (EIBT) is described. The technique is based on the time-of-flight principle and takes advantage of the long storage times and self-bunching that are possible in this type of traps (self bunching being the effect that keeps ions of the same mass bunched in spite of their finite distributions of velocities and trajectories). As the oscillation period is proportional to the square root of the ion mass, bunches containing ions of different masses will separate in space with increasing storage time and can be kicked out by a pulsed deflector mounted inside the trap. A mass selector of this type has been implemented successfully in an EIBT connected to an Even-Lavie supersonic expansion source and is routinely used in ongoing cluster experiments.
Commissioning of the heidelberg cryogenic trap for fast ion beams (CTF)(2008) p. 319-321 Abstract
We report on the present state of commissioning of the cryogenic electrostatic trap for fast ion beams (CTF) at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik in Heidelberg. The device has recently passed a cryogenic test, during which the trap was cooled down by 1.8 K superfluid helium. No leaks of the helium supply system were observed, the temperature below 10 K was reached, and the required position stability of the trap electrodes was confirmed over the investigated temperature range.
(2008) Physical review letters. 100, 19, 193201. Abstract
Angular fragment distributions from the dissociative recombination (DR) of HD+ were measured with well directed monochromatic low-energy electrons over a dense grid of collision energies from 7 to 35 meV, where pronounced rovibrational Feshbach resonances occur. Significant higher-order anisotropies are found in the distributions, whose size varies along energy in a partial correlation with the relative DR rate from fast-rotating molecules. This may indicate a breakdown of the nonrotation assumption so far applied to predict angular DR fragment distributions.
Inelastic electron collisions of the isotopically symmetric helium dimer ion He2+4 in a storage ring(2008) Physical Review A. 77, 3, 032719. Abstract
Rate coefficients for dissociative recombination (DR), dissociative excitation (DE), and vibrational excitation between the helium dimer ion He2+4 and electrons from a few meV up to 40 eV were measured using fast (3.8 and 8.3 MeV) ion beams stored for up to 85 s. Vibrational relaxation to greater than 95% in the v=0 level was achieved by collisions with cold electrons over 50 s. Low-energy, strongly v -dependent DR rate coefficients are given for v=0, 1, and â¥2. The rate coefficients at higher energies for v=0, with DR and DE given on an absolute scale, are compared to results from recent wave-packet calculations on the fast dissociation dynamics of the doubly excited helium dimer, where the three processes occur as competing reaction channels. Also given are rate coefficients for vibrationally superelastic electron collisions at near 10 meV average energy and the approximate vibrational excitation cross section for fast collisions with the residual gas.
(2008) Review of Scientific Instruments. 79, 8, 083110. Abstract
We describe a bent electrostatic ion beam trap in which cluster ions of several keV kinetic energy can be stored on a V-shaped trajectory by means of an electrostatic deflector placed between two electrostatic mirrors. While maintaining all the advantages of its linear counterpart [Zajfman, Phys. Rev. A 55, R1577 (1997); Dahan, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69, 76 (1998)], such as long storage times, straight segments, and a field-free region for merged or crossed beam experiments, the bent trap allows for simultaneous measurement of charged and neutral fragments and determination of the average kinetic energy released in the fragmentation. These unique properties of the bent trap are illustrated by first results concerning the competition between delayed fragmentation and ionization of Aln- clusters after irradiation by a short laser pulse.
The cryogenic storage ring project at heidelberg(2008) p. 394-396 Abstract
At the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) in Heidelberg a next generation electrostatic storage ring at cryogenic temperatures is under development. The main perspective of this unique Cryogenic Storage Ring (CSR) is the research on ions, molecules and clusters up to biomolecules in the energy range of 20-300 keV at low temperatures down to 2 K. The achievement of such temperatures for all wall materials seen by the ions in the storage ring not only causes a strong reduction of black body radiation incident onto the stored particles, but also acts as a large cryopump, expected to achieve a vacuum of better than 10-15 mbar (corresponding to 10-13 mbar at room temperature). The low temperature and the extremely high vacuum (XHV) will allow novel experiments to be performed, such as rotational and vibrational state control of molecular ions during their interaction with ultra-low energy electrons and laser radiation. A 2 K/21 W refrigerator was successfully commissioned. The connection with a fully assembled cryogenic prototype ion trap is finished and results of first cooling tests will be presented. In this paper we describe the concept and the status of the CSR.
(2007) Physical Review A. 76, 5, 053201. Abstract
The radiative cooling of isolated, negatively charged four-atom aluminum clusters has been measured using an electrostatic ion beam trap. Stored Al4- ions were irradiated by a short laser pulse at different times after their production in a hot ion source, and delayed electron emission was observed up to hundreds of microseconds after the laser pulse. The decay curves could be well reproduced using an Arrhenius decay law and allowed us to deduce the cluster temperatures at the time of the laser pulse. Using this sensitive molecular thermometer, the cluster temperature could be determined as a function of storage time. The radiation intensity is found to decrease from 40 eV/s at T=1400 K to 1 eV/s at 500 K with a temperature dependence as given by Tb with b=3.5±0.2 -i.e., similar to what would be expected from a blackbody. This cooling behavior requires the presence of either electronic transitions or very collective infrared-active vibrations at transition energies around ∼200 meV.
(2007) Physical Review A. 76, 2, Abstract
A three-dimensional imaging technique installed at the Heidelberg Test Storage Ring (TSR) has been used to investigate the three-body breakup channels occurring in the dissociative recombination process of the methylene ion CH2+. By selecting dissociation planes perpendicular to the molecular beam direction the dissociation kinematics could be measured with unprecedented momentum resolution. Release energies, the relative branching ratio, and the kinematical correlations between the three fragments were determined for the two energetically allowed channels: C(P-3)+H(S-2)+H(S-2) and C(D-1)+H(S-2)+H(S-2).
(2007) Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 88, 1, 012064. Abstract
Electron recombination of H3+ has found a lot of attention due to its outstanding relevance for the chemistry of the interstellar medium (ISM) and its role as a benchmark for the treatment of dissociative recombination (DR) of polyatomic ions. We report DR measurements performed at the TSR storage ring utilizing a cryogenic ion trap injector. Furthermore, a chemical probing spectroscopy technique is described that allows for a very sensitive monitoring of the populated states inside the ion injector. Since H3+ exists in two different nuclear spin modifications, a controlled manipulation of the ortho/para fraction is needed in order to perform state-selective measurements.
(2007) Physical review letters. 98, 22, 223202. Abstract
Molecular photofragmentation has been studied by event imaging on HeH+ ions at 32 nm (38.7 eV) in a fast ion beam crossed with the free-electron laser in Hamburg (FLASH), analyzing neutral He product directions and energies. Fragmentation into He(1snl,n≥2)+H+ was observed to yield significant photodissociation at 32 nm with an absolute cross section of (1.4±0.7)×10-18cm2, releasing energies of 10-20 eV. A clear dominance of photodissociation perpendicular to the laser polarization was found in contrast to the excitation paths so far emphasized in theoretical studies.
(2007) European Physical Journal D. 41, 1, p. 103-111 Abstract
The fragmentation of LiH2- anions after electron impact was investigated at the heavy-ion storage ring TSR. The main reaction channel was found to be electron detachment followed by a breakup into LiH + H. In the first ms after production of the molecular ions in a cesium sputtering ion source, additional contributions were observed in the Li + H2 and Li- + H2 channels, hinting at an initial population of a short-lived state of the anion. To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the observed behavior of the system, ab initio calculations of relevant potential energy surfaces were performed at selected geometries. The experimental findings are discussed in the light of these calculations.
(2007) Journal of Chemical Physics. 127, 20, 204304. Abstract
We have measured the photodissociation spectrum of C H+ and C D+ molecular ions, stored as fast (MeV) ion beams in the heavy-ion storage ring TSR. Several b -3 -a Π3 bands were observed as strong resonances because a large fraction of the ions in the metastable a Π3 (v=0) state were pumped to b -3 levels and predissociated via the c +3 state into C+ and H(D) fragments. From a rotational analysis of the 2-0, 3-0, and 4-0 bands in C H+ and the 3-0 and 4-0 bands in C D+, we derive spectroscopic constants for these levels and also revise a previous analysis of the 0-0 and 1-0 bands in C H+. Combining all data delivers new, significantly adjusted equilibrium constants for the b -3 and a Π3 electronic states. Apart from the spectroscopic analysis, we estimate the predissociation rates of the upper b -3 vibrational levels in C H+ and compare them to a model. For the initial rovibrational distribution of the stored metastable C H+ molecules, the data indicate a faster vibrational cooling than derived before, and rotational cooling at a rate similar to the X +1 ground state. New aspects of the spin-forbidden a Π3 -X +1 radiative decay are discussed. Finally, we predict b -3 -a Π3 absorption and a Π3 -X +1 emission lines through which C H+ in the metastable a Π3 (v=0) state might be detectable in astrophysical environments.
(2006) ADVANCES IN CRYOGENIC ENGINEERING. Vol. 823. p. 1187-1193 Abstract
At the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik in Heidelberg a next generation electrostatic storage ring for cryogenic temperatures is under development. The main focus of this unique machine is the research on ions, molecules and clusters up to bio molecules in the energy range of 20-300 keV at low temperatures down to 2 Kelvin. The achievement of this low temperature for all material walls seen by the ions in the storage ring will allow novel experiments to be performed, such as rotational and vibrational state control of molecular ions and their interaction with ultra-low energy electrons and laser radiation. The low temperature of the storage ring not only causes a strong reduction of black body radiation incident onto the stored particles, but also acts as a large cryopump, expected to lead to a vacuum in the 10-15 mbar range. In this paper the cryogenic concept of the storage ring and the related vacuum design will be presented.
(2006) AIP conference proceedings. 821, p. 473-477 Abstract
A cryogenic electrostatic ion storage ring CSR is under development at the Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, Germany. Cooling of the ultrahigh vacuum chamber is envisaged to lead to extremely low pressures as demonstrated by cryogenic ion traps. The ring will apply electron cooling with electron beams of a few eV up to 200 eV. Through long storage times of 1000 s as well as through the low wall temperature, internal cooling of infrared-active molecular ions to their rotational ground state will be possible and their collisions with merged collinear beams of electrons and neutral atoms can be detected with high energy resolution. In addition storage of slow highly charged ions is foreseen. Using a fixed in-ring gas target and a reaction microscope, collisions of the stored ions at a spead of the order of the atomic unit can be kinematically reconstructed. The layout and the cryogenic concept are introduced.
(2006) AIP conference proceedings. 821, p. 346-350 Abstract
The Cryogenic Storage Ring (CSR) is currently under construction at MPI-K in Heidelberg. The CSR is an electrostatic ring with a total circumference of about 34 m, straight section length of 2.5 m and will store ions in the 20 ∼ 300 keV energy range (E/Q). The cryogenic system in the CSR is expected to cool the inner vacuum chamber down to 2 K. The CSR will be equipped with an electron cooler which has also to serve as an electron target for high resolution recombination experiments. In this paper we present the results of numerical investigations of the CSR lattice with finite element calculations of the deflection and focusing elements of the ring. We also present a layout of the CSR electron cooler which will have to operate in low energy mode to cool 20 keV protons in the CSR, as well as numerical estimations of the cooling times to be expected with this device.
(2006) Physical Review A. 73, 6, 060501. Abstract
The lifetimes of three isotopologs of the molecular hydrogen anion have been measured using an electrostatic ion-beam trap. Much longer lifetimes (up to ∼2 ms for D2-) than predicted by the most recent calculation are found, and it is proposed that more than one electronic state contributes to the overall lifetimes of these species.
(2006) PHYSICA SCRIPTA. 73, 1, p. C32-C35 N06. Abstract
The interaction between size specific negative clusters (Cn-, 1 n-, 1
(2005) Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment. 547, 2-3, p. 279-286 Abstract
We present experimental results, as well as numerical simulations, for the transverse velocity distribution of ions stored in an electrostatic ion beam trap. The measurements indicate that the transverse velocity spread is about 1% of the longitudinal velocity, and that the ions fill the whole transverse stable phase space. We also demonstrate that ion losses from the trap due to multiple scattering with molecules from the residual gas is an important factor limiting the lifetime of the beam.
(2005) Physical Review A. 72, 1, 012712. Abstract
The dissociative recombination (DR) of He3 He+4 has been investigated at the heavy-ion Test Storage Ring (TSR) in Heidelberg by observing neutral products from electron-ion collisions in a merged beams configuration at relative energies from near-zero (thermal electron energy about 10 meV) up to 40 eV. After storage and electron cooling for 35 s, an effective DR rate coefficient at near-zero energy of 3 10 rquote 9 cm3 rquote 1 is found. The temporal evolution of the neutral product rates and fragment imaging spectra reveals that the populations of vibrational levels in the stored ion beam are nonthermal with fractions of bc0.1 ldblquote 1 in excited levels up to at least v=4, having a significant effect on the observed DR signals. With a pump-probe-type technique using DR fragment imaging while switching the properties of the electron beam, the vibrational excitation of the ions is found to originate mostly from ion collisions with the residual gas. Also, the temporal evolution of the DR signals suggests that a strong electron induced rotational cooling occurs in the vibrational ground state, reaching a rotational temperature near or below 300 K. From the absolute rate coefficient and the shape of the fragment imaging spectrum observed under stationary conditions, the DR rate coefficient from the vibrational ground state is determined; converted to a thermal electron gas at 300 K it amounts to (3.3 b10.9)10 rquote 10 cm3 rquote 1. The corresponding branching ratios from v=0 to the atomic final states are found to be (3.7 b11.2) for 1s2s S3,(37.4 b14.0) for 1s2s S1,(58.6 b15.2) for 1s2p P3, and (2.9 'b13.0) for 1s2p P1. A DR rate coefficient in the range of 'c3 10 rquote 7 cm3 rquote 1 or above is inferred for vibrational levels v=3 and higher. As a function of the collision energy, the measured DR rate coefficient displays a structure around 0.2 eV. At higher energies, it has one smooth peak around 7.3 eV and a highly structured appearance at 15 ldblquote 40 eV. The small size of the observed effective DR rate coefficient at near-zero energy indicates that the electron induced rotational cooling is due to inelastic electron-ion collisions and not due to selective depletion of rotational levels by DR.
(2005) Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms. 230, 1-4, p. 41-45 Abstract
In order to improve the geometrical characterization of molecular ions using the Coulomb Explosion Imaging method, we discuss the need to include wake effects in a full description of the interactions felt by the swift dissociated atomic ions moving through thin foils. Comparison of simulations and experimental results for the structure of diatomic (HD+) and triatomic (CH2+) molecular ions is significantly improved when including the polarization effects induced in the target by the passage of swift ions.
(2005) Review of Scientific Instruments. 76, 1, Abstract
We describe a system combining an ion beam trap and a low energy electron target in which the interaction between electrons and vibrationally cold molecular ions and clusters can be studied. The entire system uses only electrostatic fields for both trapping and focusing, thus being able to store particles without a mass limit. Preliminary results for the electron impact neutralization of C-2(-) ions and aluminum clusters are presented. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.
(2005) Dr2004: Sixth International Conference On Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiments And Applications. 4, p. 296-299 Abstract
A novel cryogenic electrostatic storage ring is planned to be built at the Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. The machine is expected to operate at low temperatures (similar to 2 K) and to store beams with kinetic energies between 20 to 300 keV. An electron target based on cooled photocathode technology will serve as a major tool for the study of reactions between molecular ions and electrons. Moreover, atomic beams can be merged and crossed with the stored ion beams allowing for atom molecular-ion collision studies at very low up to high relative energies. The proposed experimental program, centered around the physics of cold molecular ions, is shortly outlined.
(2004) Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment. 532, 2-Jan, p. 69-78 Abstract
An overview of the use of stored ion beams and phase space cooling (electron cooling) is given for the field of molecular physics. Emphasis is given to interactions between molecular ions and electrons studied in the electron cooler: dissociative recombination and, for internally excited molecular ions, electron-induced ro-vibrational cooling. Diagnostic methods for the transverse ion beam properties and for the internal excitation of the molecular ions are discussed, and results for phase space cooling and internal (vibrational) cooling are presented for hydrogen molecular ions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
(2004) Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment. 532, 1-2, p. 196-202 Abstract
The motion of an ion bunch trapped between two electrostatic mirrors is described and the two main regimes, called dispersive and self-bunching, are characterized. Use of the delta-kick cooling method is demonstrated for the dispersive mode.
(2004) New Journal of Physics. 6, p. 1-16 Abstract
A rovibrational relaxation model based on existing levels and transition probabilities for H3+ is presented. In this model all H3+ levels below 12 000 cm-1 and their respective transitions are included. The results are compared to Coulomb explosion measurements of the relaxation time of the first vibrational breathing mode and found to yield excellent agreement. Furthermore, the existence of long-lived rotational states with energies up to 1 eV, as detected in DR imaging experiments at the TSR storage ring, is backed by the model. A reduced set of differential equations - including only states below 8000 cm-1 - was set up, which incorporates also induced transitions. This model was used to investigate the heating of subthermal ensembles of H3+ ions exposed to 300 K blackbody radiation.
(2004) Physical review letters. 93, 6, p. 063402-1-063402-4 063402. Abstract
The size dependence of the electron detachment process of negatively charged clusters was investigated. The electron binding energy was found to be the important parameter in the determination of both the threshold behavior and the magnitude of the cross section above threshold. It was found difficult to extend systematic sie-dependent studies of electron-anion collisions to very large clusters due to the limited magnetic rigidity of the heavy ion storage rings. The results suggest that the size-dependent polarizability of the clusters is responsible for the observed behavior.
(2004) Physical Review A. 69, 6, p. 062904-1-062904-10 062904. Abstract
The target-polarization effects and bond-angle distribution P(ρ V), which were followed by the foil-induced Coulomb explosion imaging (CEI) of CH2+ were analyzed. At target with thickness of 0.8 μg/cm2 and 1.5 μg/cm2, the normalized bond-angle distributions were measured. The probability distributions of P(ρV) were found to be sharper for the thinner of the targets due to the reduction of polarization and scattering effects in the foil. The geometry of the CH2+ molecular ion was described by using the R-space structure.
The recent development of electrostatic devices which allow us to store keV ion beams has launched several new kinds of investigations. We review the basic ideas behind the development of the electrostatic ion storage ring and the electrostatic ion beam trap techniques. The various experiments performed with atomic and molecular ion beams, ranging from the measurement of lifetimes of metastable atomic states up to biological applications and single component plasma studies are discussed.
(2004) Physical Review A. 69, 6, p. 064702-1-064702-4 064702. Abstract
The application of two-dimensional imaging and storage ring techniques to analyze the breakup dynamics of D2H+ and H 2D+ following dissociative recombination with low energetic electrons, was investigated. The correlation between the hydrogen and deuterium atoms produced in the three-body channel were calculated. It was observed that the deuterium atom has a large probability at the center and the three particle tend to dissociate with geometry close to linear. The results show that the remaining average internal excitation energy stored in the rotation of the molecules corresponds to a temperature of less than 70 meV.
(2004) IEEE Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science 2004. Vol. 2. p. 1110-1113 Abstract
The conventional way of trapping ions is based on the uses of RF or magnetic fields, like in Paul or Penning traps. In such traps the ions are stored with approximately zero kinetic energy. In many applications a well-defined ion beam is needed especially in collision experiment, where the initial direction of a beam is critical for reaction product measurements and a well defined field free region is required at the collision place. In the last few years we have developed a new type of electrostatic ion trap for ion beams of a few keV per charge, with no mass limit. The ions are injected through a stack of electrodes, which are used as an electrostatic mirror. The ions are confined in a region of few tens of centimeters by two electrostatic mirrors, located on opposite sides. The stability criterion of such a trap can be demonstrated to be similar to the one existing for optical resonator. The dynamics of such trapped ion beam was studied for various potentials on the electrostatic mirrors. Two modes of operation where found. In the first mode a self bunching effect was observed where the ion-ion Coulomb interaction generates a single bunch with constant length along the whole trapping time. This mode of operation can be used for Fourier mass spectrometry. A second mode, where the Coulomb interaction enhances the correlation between the ion position and momentum, enables phase space manipulation of the stored ion beam.
(2004) Physica Scripta T. T110, p. 193-199 Abstract
Experiments on the dissociative recombination (DR) of low-energy electrons with triatomic hydrogen ions (H3+) using merged beams in storage rings are discussed, focusing on the ro-vibrational relaxation and state diagnostics of the stored ion beam, on studies of the three-body breakup following DR, and on new observations showing a variation of the DR rates during the continuous interaction of the stored ions with a cold electron beam. Linear fragmentation patterns in the three-body DR are discussed in the light of the H3 electronic potential surfaces. Measured energy dependencies of the H3+ DR rate coefficient are compared to recent theoretical predictions (Kokoouline V and Greene C H 2003 Phys. Rev. A 68 012703) and a recent storage-ring measurement at CRYRING (McCall B J et al 2003 Nature 422 500).
(2003) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 68, 4 B, p. 043410/1-043410/7 043410. Abstract
The δ-kick cooling of ions trapped in the diffusion mode of the linear electrostatic trap was demonstrated. Both the shape and the height of the cooling pulse were chosen based on the results of the one-dimensional model presented. Although the correlation between ion velocity and position within the bunch was assumed to be near linear, the one-dimensional model can be easily extended to other types of correlation. The experimental results indicate that when the cooling pulse is timed correctly, the diffusion of the ion bunch is reduced, while the average velocity and the number of ions in the bunch remain unchanged.
(2003) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 68, 4, p. 14 Abstract
Experimental data are presented from three different heavy-ion storage rings (ASTRID in Aarhus, CRYRING in Stockholm, and TSR in Heidelberg) to assess the reliability of this experimental tool for the extraction of absolute rate coefficients and cross sections for dissociative recombination (DR). The DR reaction between [Formula Presented] and electrons has been studied between 0 and 30 eV on a dense energy grid. [Formula Presented] displays two characteristic local maxima in the DR rate around 9 and 16 eV. These maxima influence the data analysis at smaller collision energies. We conclude that resonant structures in the DR cross sections are reproduced among the experiments within the collision energy resolution. The absolute cross sections agree within the systematic experimental errors of 20% related to the measurement of the ion currents. Absolute thermal rate coefficients for [Formula Presented] ions are given for an electron temperature range of 50300 K. Results for the DR cross section and the thermal rate coefficients are compared to recent theoretical calculations including rotational effects, finding satisfactory agreement.
(2003) Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 68, 2-Jan, p. 175-179 Abstract
The dynamics of the fragmentation process following the recombination with low energetic free electrons was studied for H-3(+) and D-3(+) using a two-dimensional imaging technique. The kinematical correlation of the atomic fragments in the three-body fragmentation channel, as well as the vibrational excitation distribution of the molecular fragments in the two-body channel, could be determined. In addition, a considerable rotational excitation of the H-3(+) and D-3(+) ions circulating in the storage ring TSR was observed even after storage time of more than 1 min. In contrast, the heteronuclear D2H+ isotopomer possessing an electric dipole moment does not exhibit any internal excitations after 10 s of storage. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
(2003) International Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 229, 1-2, p. 55-60 Abstract
We describe a new mass spectrometric technique that is based on the use of a linear electrostatic ion trap and a newly discovered self-bunching phenomenon. Ions are stored in the trap and their oscillation frequencies are determined by Fourier transform of their oscillation times. Using this system, we demonstrate that it is possible to simultaneously trap several masses and obtain their mass spectra with high resolution. The instrument is compared to time-of-flight mass, as well as to ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometers.
(2003) Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms. 205, p. 360-366 Abstract
We report on the possibility to produce homonuclear vibrationally cold molecular ion beams (using D2+ as an example) via the interaction of cold electrons with a stored beam. We demonstrate that cooling of the vibrational degrees of freedom can be achieved within a reasonable time, which is comparable to the beam lifetime. We also present preliminary results on the electron impact vibrational excitation of HD+.
(2003) Journal Of The Optical Society Of America B-Optical Physics. 20, 5, p. 1028-1032 Abstract
The self bunching effect in an ion trap resonator was analyzed. Using a resonatorlike electrostatic ion trap, it was found that the width of a packet of ions oscillating between two mirrors could be kept constant. The effect was exhibited for specific values of the potential profile in the mirror regions for which the trap dispersion was positive.
(2003) Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 36, 5, p. 953-959 Abstract
We demonstrate that the synchronization effect, which has been observed when a bunch of ions oscillates between two mirrors in an electrostatic ion beam trap, can be explained as a negative effective mass instability. We derive simple necessary conditions for the existence of a regime in which this dispersionless behaviour occurs and demonstrate that, in this regime, the ion trap can be used as a high resolution mass spectrometer.
(2003) Physical review letters. 91, 14, Abstract
We demonstrate that the dissociative recombination of [Formula presented] with low-energy electrons depends on the rotational energy of the molecular ion such that highly excited ions have a larger rate coefficient than colder ones. Observations on an ion beam continuously interacting with electrons at low relative velocity indicate that excited rotational levels are preferentially depleted which, in competition with radiative heating due to blackbody radiation, provides an opportunity for controlling the rotational temperature of stored molecules.
Breakup dynamics in H-3(+) and D-3(+) dissociative recombination(2003) Dissociative Recombination Of Molecular Ions With Electrons. p. 265-274 Abstract
A model for calculating branching ratios in H-3(+) dissociative recombination(2003) Dissociative Recombination Of Molecular Ions With Electrons. p. 235-242 Abstract
(2003) Hyperfine Interactions. 146-147, 1-4, p. 265-268 Abstract
The advantages of using the heavy-ion storage ring technique for measuring rate coefficient of reaction relevant to the evolution of the interstellar medium is presented, with the dissociative recombination of LiH+ as a specific example.
(2003) Hyperfine Interactions. 146-147, 1-4, p. 231-235 Abstract
The motion of an ion bunch trapped between two electrostatic mirrors in an ion trap resonator has been studied. Under certain conditions the ion motion becomes correlated and either synchronization of the ion motion or enhanced diffusion occurs.
(2003) Physical Review A. 68, 4, p. 7 Abstract
We demonstrate compression of the velocity spread of a stored ion bunch in an electrostatic ion-beam trap, using the [Formula Presented]-kick method. An analytical formula for the optimum pulse is derived and is used in the laboratory. A 20% reduction in the asymptotic velocity spread is observed after application of a single cooling pulse to a bunch of 4.2-keV [Formula Presented] ions.
(2002) Journal of Chemical Physics. 117, 19, p. 8754-8777 Abstract
The photodissociation spectrum of internally cold CH+ ions that populate only a few rotational levels of the ground state X 1Σ+(v=0) was examined. Internal cooling was achieved by storing the beam in a decay by spontaneous emission. Based on the data, the intensity, number, and asymmetric character of the numerous experimental features were characterized.
(2002) Physical Review A. 66, 5, Abstract
The vibrational relaxation of H-3(+) molecules from a conventional plasma ion source is studied performing Coulomb explosion imaging on the ions extracted from a storage ring after variable times of storage. Storage for 2 s is found sufficient for radiative relaxation of the breathing excitation and the fragment velocity distribution in the breathing coordinate then agrees well with simulations based on the calculated ground-state wave function. The radiative decay of the two lowest pure breathing levels (1,0(0)) and (2,0(0)) is seen to be considerably faster than expected from rotationless calculations. Assuming a high rotational excitation of the H-3(+) ions, as suggested already in earlier experiments, the theoretical transition probabilities of the University College London line list for H-3(+) [L. Neale, S. Miller, and J. Tennyson, Astrophys. J. 464, 516 (1996)] can explain the increase of the vibrational cooling rates and reproduce the observed decay curve for the lowest breathing-excited level, confirming the absolute transition probabilities of these line tables. The observations give evidence for a quasistable population of high-lying rotational levels in the stored ion beam, relevant for the interpretation of storage ring measurements on the rate coefficients for dissociative recombination of H-3(+) ions with low-energy electrons.
(2002) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 66, 5, p. 052509/1-052509/11 052509. Abstract
The relaxation of excited H3+ molecules in the essentially collision-free environment of an ion storage ring is addressed. Using the coulomb explosion imaging (CEI) method, the observed time dependence of the vibrational excitation is compared with theoretically predicted rovibrational emission rates, and this comparison turns out to give indications also about the rotational excitation of the investigated molecules. The results show that complete relaxation can be achieved within ∼2 s for the vibrational degrees of freedom, including the infrared-inactive breathing mode.
(2002) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 66, 3, p. 327191-3271913 032719. Abstract
The combination of two-dimensional imaging and storage ring techniques was used to study the breakup dynamics of H3+ and D3+ following dissociative recombination. The vibrational distributions of the molecular H2 and D2 fragments produced in the two body fragmentation channel and the kinematical correlation between the hydrogen or deuterium atoms were measured. The linear dissociation energies were found for the kinematical correlation between the hydrogen or deuterium atoms produced in the three body channel.
(2002) Physical Review A. 66, 3, Abstract
The breakup dynamics of H-3(+) and D-3(+) following dissociative recombination is studied using the combination of two-dimensional imaging and storage ring techniques. The vibrational distributions of the molecular H-2 and D-2 fragments produced in the two body fragmentation channel were measured, as well as the kinematical correlation between the hydrogen or deuterium atoms produced in the three body channel. For the latter, we find predominantly linear dissociation geometries. The data also show that the initial molecular ions H-3(+) and D-3(+), which were stored and electron cooled for up to 40 s prior to recombination, are still rotationally hot.
(2002) Physical Review A. 65, 4 A, p. 427031-4270313 042703. Abstract
The stability and ion loss in an linear electrostatic ion-trap resonator was investigated by using numerical simulations. The decay of a stored 4.2 KeV Ar+ beam was monitored for different configurations of the ion trap. Results showed that the ion-loss processes were controlled by collisions both with residual gas species and among the stored ions.
(2002) Journal of Chemical Physics. 116, 16, p. 7000-7011 Abstract
As a benchmark system for isomerization and bending vibrational relaxation, the internal relaxation of stored DCO+ and DOC+ molecular ions was studied on the time scale of several seconds using the technique of foil-induced Coulomb explosion imaging (CEI) combined with the heavy test storage ring (TSR). By measuring asymptotic fragment velocities, the CEI technique allowed to infer information about the distribution of bond angles in the DCO+ and DOC+ molecules in R space.
(2002) Physical Review A. 65, 4 A, p. 427041-4270418 042704. Abstract
The diffusion and synchronization in an ion-trap resonator was studied. The motion of an ion bunch trapped between two electrostatic mirrors in an ion-trap resonator was analyzed by using numerical simulations. Results revealed that under certain conditions it was possible to achieve either synchronization of the ion motion or enhanced diffusion that lead to rapid debunching.
(2002) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 65, 1, p. 4 Abstract
A statistical model serving to estimate the branching ratios in the dissociative recombination of polyatomic molecular ions is described. Simple phase-space assumptions are employed separately for the electronic capture step and the subsequent dissociation and yield predictions in good agreement with existing data on [Formula Presented] Also the vibrational state populations of molecular fragments can be obtained and for [Formula Presented] are found to agree well with recent measurements.
Synchronization effect in an ion trap resonator(2002) Non-Neutral Plasma Physics Iv. 606, p. 565-575 Abstract
Using a resonator-like electrostatic ion trap, we demonstrate that, under certain condition, it is possible to keep constant the width of a packet of ions oscillating between two mirrors. We show, using one dimensional calculations, that the effect is the result of Coulomb repulsion which, in a counter-intuitive way, keeps the ions together. Preliminary results of the exploitation of this phenomenon for high precision mass spectrometery are given.
Branching ratios in the dissociative recombination of polyatomic ions: The H3+ case(2002) Physical Review A. 65, 1, p. 107021-107024 010702. Abstract
A statistical model was used to estimate the branching ratios in the dessociative recombination (DR) of polyatomic molecular ions. The model was based on statistical assumptions about the redistribution of energy among the dissociating nuclei and about the population of electronic potential surfaces. The vibrational state populations of molecular fragments were found to be obtained and for H3+, were in good agreement with the measurements.
(2002) Physical review letters. 89, 28, Abstract
We demonstrate that the synchronization effect observed [Pedersen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 055001 (2001)], when a bunch of ions oscillates between two mirrors in an electrostatic ion beam trap, can be explained as a negative mass instability. We derive simple necessary conditions for the existence of a regime in which this dispersionless behavior occurs and demonstrate that in this regime, the ion trap can be used as a high resolution mass spectrometer.
(2001) Physical Review Letters. 87, 5, 055001. Abstract
The synchronized oscillations of a large number of ions forming a bunch in an electrostatic ion trap are described. It is shown that the coupling mechanism of these ions is the repulsive Coulomb interaction between them. The absence of dispersion, despite the finite energy spread of the ions, are exploited to transform the trap into a mass spectrometer with extremely high resolution.
(2001) Physical review letters. 86, 18, p. 4005-4008 Abstract
The absolute dissociative recombination (DR) rate coefficient of LiH+ was experimentally studied. Final-state populations were measured by fragment imaging and by state-selective field ionization. It was found that the rate coefficient is larger than its value used in astrophysical models.
(2001) Physical Review A. 63, 3, Abstract
We present a method that allows state-selective measurement of the lifetime of metastable doubly charged molecular ions. The method is based on the simultaneous measurement of kinetic-energy release upon dissociation and lifetime and relies on three-dimensional fragment imaging. The experimental determination of the energy and lifetime of a vibrational state provides a stringent test for the theory. Using this method, we have measured the lifetime of two vibrational states of (CO2+)-C-12-O-16. Explicitly, tau =670+/-150 ns and tau =26+/-5 ns were measured for the states with E-k=5.713 eV and E-k=5.841 eV, respectively. The measured mean lifetimes and kinetic-energy releases are consistent with previous measurements, and the results indicate that further theoretical work is required.
(2001) Physical review letters. 86, 5, p. 779-782 Abstract
The fragmentation patterns for dissociative recombination of the triatomic hydrogen molecular ion in the vibrational ground state were investigated using the molecular fragment imaging techniques. The broad distribution of vibrational states in the H2 fragment and predominance of linear momentum geometries were discussed. The results showed the dissociation via Coulombic interaction reflected directly the equilateral nuclear conformation of the triatomic hydrogen molecular ion.
(2000) Analytical Chemistry. 72, 17, p. 4041-4046 Abstract
We report on the application of an electrostatic ion beam trap as a mass spectrometer. The instrument is analogous to an optical resonator; ions are trapped between focusing mirrors. The storage time is limited by the residual gas pressure and reaches up to several seconds, resulting in long ion flight paths. The oscillation of ion bunches between the mirrors is monitored by nondestructive image charge detection in a field-free region and mass spectra are obtained via Fourier transform. The principle of operation is demonstrated by measuring the mass spectrum of trapped Ar+ and Xe+ particles, produced by a standard electron impact ion source. Also, mass spectra of heavier PEGnNa+ and bradykinin ions from a pulsed MALDI ion source were obtained. The long ion flight path, combined with mass-independent charge detection, makes this system particularly interesting for the investigation of large molecules.
(2000) Physical Review A. 62, 3, p. art. no.-32713 Abstract
Using the Coulomb explosion imaging method, the change of the relative population for the first six vibrational states of H-2(+) during the interaction with low-kinetic-energy electrons has been measured. A model based on rate coefficients for dissociative recombination and superelastic collision processes is developed to explain the time dependence of the relative vibrational populations. Using this model, we demonstrate that superelastic collisions with rate coefficients of (1-4) x 10(-6) cm(3) s(-1) (about an order of magnitude higher than available theoretical predictions) can explain the observed electron-induced vibrational deexcitation of H-2(+).
Metastable states of negative carbon clusters: Cn-(2000) Journal of Chemical Physics. 113, 11, p. 4662-4667 Abstract
Time-dependent photodetachment spectra for small electronically and vibrationally excited negatively charged carbon clusters Cn- (n = 2-6) are measured using an electrostatic ion trap. The time dependence demonstrates the presence of metastable electronic states with lifetimes in the range of 10 to 200 ms. Comparison is made with available data and theoretical calculations.
(2000) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 62, 3, p. 32713-32711 Abstract
The vibrational population in stored H2+ ions interacting with a beam of cold electrons was directly measured to analyze the development of this population as a function of the electron-ion interaction time. A comparison of the data with a simple model showed that the current theoretical understanding of the interaction of low-energy electrons with H2+ is incomplete. Changes of the vibrational population occurred much faster than theoretically predicted.
(2000) Review of Scientific Instruments. 71, 8, p. 3092-3098 Abstract
An innovative technique for three-dimensional imaging is presented, which uses the ratio of intensities of a pair of two-dimensional images to extract timing information. The principal advantage of this method is the ability to measure position and time for an almost unlimited number of particles hitting the detector simultaneously. The detector is capable of subnanosecond time resolution and position resolution of about 50 μm. The photodissociation of H+2 is used to demonstrate the capability of the detector.
(2000) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 62, 1, p. 4 Abstract
The radiative lifetime of the [Formula Presented] metastable state of [Formula Presented] has been measured with a different type of electrostatic ion trap. The ion trap stores ion beams of a few keV using purely electrostatic fields and provides a large field-free region where the stored ions oscillate. A photomultiplier working in the single-photon counting mode was used to observe the 380 nm photons arising from the magnetic dipole [Formula Presented] transition [Formula Presented] of [Formula Presented] The present measurement yields a value of [Formula Presented] which is in good agreement with previous measurements, but is almost four times more accurate.
(2000) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 62, 1, p. 12504-12501 Abstract
A method for measuring the lifetime of metastable states with much higher precision was developed. For demonstration purposes, the method was used to measure the lifetime of the 1S0 metastable state of Xe2+. A value of 4.46±0.08 ms was obtained.
Radiative lifetime of the metastable S-1(0) state of Xe2+(2000) Physical Review A. 62, 1, Abstract
The radiative lifetime of the S-1(0) metastable state of Xe2+ has been measured with a different type of electrostatic ion trap. The ion trap stores ion beams of a few keV using purely electrostatic fields and provides a large held-free region where the stored ions oscillate. A photomultiplier working in the single-photon counting mode was used to observe the 380 nm photons arising from the magnetic dipole (M1) transition S-1(0)-->P-3(1) of Xe2+. The present measurement yields a value of 4.46+/-0.08 ms, which is in good agreement with previous measurements, but is almost four times more accurate.
(2000) Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 61, 6, p. 4 Abstract
Using an alternative technique to trap keV ion beams, the kinetic-energy release after dissociative charge transfer of vibrationally cold [Formula Presented] was measured. The results indicate that rapid radiative vibrational cooling takes place during the trapping, thus allowing a direct observation of the [Formula Presented] metastable state of [Formula Presented] which has been a subject of controversy in previous dissociative recombination experiments.
(2000) Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms. 168, 2, p. 268-275 Abstract
Thin diamond-like carbon (DLC) foils were tested as stripping targets for molecular structure studies using the Coulomb explosion imaging method. The multiple scattering of MeV atomic and molecular ion beams penetrating DLC foils was measured and compared to Formvar foils which have been used in CEI setups so far. The DLC targets were found to be of similar thickness (0.7-0.9 mu g/cm(2)) as the Formvar foils but of higher efficiency for CEI measurements as they exhibit less pinholes. Other advantages of DLC foils are: smaller linear thickness due to their higher density, higher homogeneity and better control of the production process. The production of targets with even smaller thicknesses is anticipated. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
(2000) p. 7/1 Abstract
An innovative technique for three-dimensional imaging of particle or photon impact is presented, which uses the ratio of intensities of a pair of two-dimensional images to extract timing information. The principal advantage of this method is the ability to measure position and time for an almost unlimited number of particles or photons hitting the detector simultaneously. The detector is capable of subnanosecond time resolution and position resolution of about 50 micron.
Dissociative recombination of polyatomic molecular ions: Branching ratios and isotopic effects(2000) Astrochemistry: From Molecular Clouds To Planetary Systems. 197, p. 265-271 Abstract
The branching ratios for the dissociative recombination of various vibrationally cold polyatomic molecular ions have been measured using the ASTRID ion storage ring. The results show that many particles are ejected during the recombination process, and that isotopic effects exist when hydrogen atoms are replaced by deuterium.
Charge-transfer dissociation of vibrationally cold HeH+: evidence for and lifetime of the a 3Σ+ metastable state(2000) Physical Review A. 61, 6, p. 60705-60701 Abstract
An alternative technique for trapping, storing, and extracting ion beams of keV energies has been presented. By applying this technique, the metastable state of singly charged helium-hydride molecular ions were directly observed. The results indicate that the rapid radiative vibrational cooling takes place during the trapping.
(2000) Hyperfine Interactions. 127, 1-4, p. 267-270 Abstract
When infrared active molecular ions are stored in a heavy-ion storage ring, a fast beam of vibrationally and rotationally relaxed molecules can be obtained. This opens up new opportunities for various experimental studies in molecular ion physics, particularly those involved with spectroscopy and dissociation dynamics of excited states. The analysis of such experiments is facilitated by the fact that the information on the initial states is able to identify and, therefore, eliminate them from the assignment problem. Moreover, when the intensity of the measured transitions is monitored as a function of storage time, the dependence of these processes on the degree of internal relaxation is revealed. We demonstrate these general principles by application to near-threshold dissociation spectroscopy of the OH+ molecular ion. The structure of quasibound levels near the dissociation limit of OH+ and its dissociation energy are deduced.
(1999) Journal of Chemical Physics. 110, 24, p. 11830-11834 Abstract
A new type of ion trap is used to measure the radiative lifetime of the NO+(a 3Σ+) metastable state. The ion trap is designed to store ion beams with an energy of a few keV and is well suited for the study of metastable states. The measured value for the radiative lifetime is τr = 760±30 ms, in good agreement with the last experimental values of Calamai and Yoshino [J. Chem. Phys. 101, 9480 (1994)], and with the theoretical value of Kuo et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 92, 4849 (1990)].
(1999) Physical Review A. 59, 3, p. 1865-1868 Abstract
Hot CH2+ molecular ion ensembles were prepared, accelerated, and stored for radiative cooling to room temperature. The structure of the species was measured by The Coulomb explosion imaging method at different stages of cooling. The bending angle distributions were extracted and compared with recent theories as well as a previous Coulomb explosion imaging measurement. The comparison reveals an apparent large nonadiabatic contribution to the low-lying CH2+ wave functions. [S1050-2947(99)02403-8].
(1999) Physical review letters. 83, 24, p. 4979-4982 Abstract
Sharp thresholds are observed in the dissociative recombination cross section of vibrationally cold HD+ in the energy range where new channels H(1s) + D(n) [or D(1s) + H(n)] with n > 2 open. The occurrence of these thresholds, not predicted by current theoretical calculations, contradicts the current assumption that the size of the total cross section can be calculated without accounting for the detailed branching ratios. An indirect signature of ion pair production is also found in the data, suggesting a significant branching into that channel. 1999
(1999) Physical Review A. 60, 2, p. 1710-1712 Abstract
The lifetime of the metastable [Formula Presented] state is measured using an electrostatic linear ion trap which stores keV-ion beams. Trapping using electrostatic fields avoids the complication of magnetic-field-induced mixing effects which can interfere with the measurement of the spontaneous decay. The result is found to be [Formula Presented] which is a factor of 40 better in accuracy than the previous result determined in a heavy-ion storage ring. The measured lifetime is found to be 30% longer than the most recent theoretical value.
(1999) Physical Review A. 60, 4, p. 2970-2976 Abstract
Dissociative recombination and excitation of [Formula Presented] and [Formula Presented] in the vibrational ground state have been studied at the heavy-ion storage ring ASTRID. Absolute cross sections have been measured in the energy range from [Formula Presented] meV to [Formula Presented] eV. The total cross sections for dissociative recombination are essentially the same for the two molecular ions. Complete branching ratios for all possible product channels in dissociative recombination at [Formula Presented] have been determined. Three-particle breakup accounts for [Formula Presented] of the recombination events. With [Formula Presented] recombination into OD+H is twice as probable as recombination into OH+D. An isotope effect is also evident in the cross sections for dissociative excitation of [Formula Presented] where [Formula Presented] production is more likely than [Formula Presented] production.
Molecular structure by Coulomb explosion imaging of stored molecular ions(1999) Trapped Charged Particles And Fundamentals Physics. 457, p. 185-193 Abstract
An experimental scheme, which combines Coulomb explosion imaging (CEI) with storage of fast molecular ions, has been introduced recently at the TSR heavy ion storage ring facility in Heidelberg. CEI is an experimental technique that provides direct observation of the nuclear conformations within small molecules. The combination of CEI with the storage ring technique enables the control of the internal excitation of the measured molecules, which is an essential condition to the interpretation of CEI results in terms of "structure" assigned to specific molecular states. This structure is measured as a function of storage time, thus enabling one to study processes of slow intramolecular dynamics such as isomerization, metastable states, etc. Moreover in this scheme, CEI can be used as a diagnostic tool for the intramolecular excitation, while other molecular interactions (e.g. with. electrons or photons) are investigated. In this report, the CEI principle and the new experimental setup are described with an emphasis on the new prospects for studies in molecular physics. CEI measurements of stored CH2+ and NH2+ molecular ions are presented. The study of the angular distribution in these molecules as a function of their vibrational relaxation to the ground state, reveals unexpected behavior near the linear conformation which is inconsistent with the current adiabatic theories.
Storage of keV ion beams(1999) Trapped Charged Particles And Fundamentals Physics. 457, p. 203-209 Abstract
A new ion trap for storing fast (keV) ion beams is presented. The trap, which is electrostatic, stores the ions between two electrostatic mirrors. Two different examples of utilization of the trap are given. The first one required the extraction of the trapped particles after storage, in order to study their collision with an external target, while the second example measured the lifetime of the mestastable He- levels. The advantage of storage using pure electrostatic fields is discussed.
(1999) Physical Review A. 60, 5, p. 3769-3785 Abstract
The relative dissociative recombination rate coefficients for specific vibrational states of [Formula Presented] have been measured. The method is based on using merged electron and molecular ion beams in a heavy-ion storage ring together with molecular fragment imaging techniques which allow us to probe the vibrational-state population of the stored beam as a function of time as well as the final state of the dissociation. The initial vibrational distribution of the stored ion beam (from a Penning ion source) is found to be in good agreement with a Franck-Condon model of electron impact ionization, apart from slightly larger experimental populations found for low vibrational states; its time evolution in the storage ring reflects the predicted vibrational level lifetimes. Dissociative recombination measurements were performed with the electron and ion beams at matched velocities (corresponding to average collision energies of about 10 meV), and at several well-defined collision energies in the range of 311 eV. The obtained vibrational-state specific recombination rate coefficients are compared with theoretical calculations and show that, although an overall agreement exists between experiment and theory, large discrepancies occur for certain vibrational states at low electron energy.
(1999) Physical Review A. 59, 1, p. 267-270 Abstract
The lifetimes of the metastable [Formula Presented] level of [Formula Presented] as well as the lifetime of the average of the [Formula Presented] and [Formula Presented] levels, have been measured using a new type of ion trap that stores keV ion beams using electrostatic fields only. The use of a pure electrostatic field avoids the complication of magnetic-field-induced mixing effects, which can interfere with the measurement of the spontaneous decay. The measured lifetime for the [Formula Presented] state, after correction for decay induced by blackbody radiation, is [Formula Presented] This value is consistent with previous experiments, and in excellent agreement with the most recent theoretical calculations. The average lifetime of the [Formula Presented] and [Formula Presented] is [Formula Presented] which is about 20% lower than the weighted theoretical value.
(1998) Physical review letters. 81, 16, p. 3347-3350 Abstract
Isomerization of a highly excited vibrational state of acetylene was studied using the Coulomb explosion imaging technique. A vinylidene isomer was prepared by electron photodetachment of the negative molecular ion and the corresponding distribution function of the nuclear configurations of the molecule was sampled after a time period of 3.5μs. The population of the vinylidene isomer was found to be significantly high (˜50%), in contrast to the commonly accepted notion of vinylidene as a short-lived isomer.
(1998) Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment. 413, 3-Feb, p. 379-396 Abstract
We present a novel experimental setup which combines the storage of molecular ions with subsequent Coulomb explosion imaging (CEI) for molecular structure studies. A, new extraction system has been installed at the heavy ion storage ring TSR which allows slow extraction of ions out of the ring. Attached to the extraction beamline, a new detector system for Coulomb explosion imaging has been set up to analyze the extracted molecular ions. By combining the CEI technique with the storage ring, it is possible to observe the structure of small molecular ions while the vibrational relaxation is in progress or after the ions have reached thermal equilibrium with the environment (300 K), where typically only the vibrational ground state is populated. A detailed description of the facility installed at the TSR is given and the first CEI results for HD+, which are in very good agreement with the theoretical expectation, are discussed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
(1998) Science. 281, 5373, p. 75-78 Abstract
Rate coefficients for dissociative recombination of HD+ in selected vibrational states have been measured by a combination of two molecular fragment imaging methods by using the heavy-ion storage ring technique. Recombination fragment imaging yields state-to-state reaction rates. These rates are converted to rate coefficients by using vibrational level populations of the stored ion beam, derived from nuclear coordinate distributions measured on extracted ions. The results show strongly increasing rate coefficients for high vibrational excitation, where additional dissociation routes open up, in agreement with a theoretical calculation. Very low rate coefficients are found for certain, isolated vibrational states.
(1998) Physical Review Letters. 80, 13, p. 2809-2812 Abstract
Photodissociation of CH+ molecules (CH+ + h nu --> C+ + H) is studied by collinear laser spectroscopy on a rotationally relaxed fast molecular ion beam in a storage ring. We have detected the resonances predicted between the thresholds related to the two fine-structure levels of the C+ fragment for low initial rotations, and found that no heating processes hinder the complete rovibrational thermalization of the fast stored beam in a roam temperature environment.
(1998) Review of Scientific Instruments. 69, 1, p. 76-83 Abstract
A new technique for trapping of fast (keV) ion beams is presented. The trap, which is electrostatic, works on a principle similar to that of optical resonators. The main advantages of the trap are the possibility to trap fast beams without need of deceleration, the well-defined beam direction, the easy access to the trapped beam by various probes, and the simple requirement in terms of external beam injection. Results of preliminary experiments related to the radiative cooling of molecular ions are also reported.
(1997) Physical Review A. 56, 4, p. 2600-2613 Abstract
The distributions of bond angles in the triatomic dihydride ion series CH2+, NH2+, and H2O+ have been studied using the Coulomb explosion imaging method. These distributions were measured as a function of the cooling of the internal degrees of freedom of these ions. The distribution for the coldest sample of CH2+ molecules shows the most probable structure to be bent with substantial tunneling through the linear conformation. The most probable geometry for NH2+ was found to be linear, though the angular distribution is significantly different from a shape of a 'harmonic-oscillator ground-state prediction. In the case of H2O+, we find a bent structure as expected from theory. Evidence. for a linear excited state in H2O+ is seen in the hotter distributions. Comparison to the adiabatic theoretical predictions shows good agreement with the most probable geometries. However, the measured distributions are systematically wider than the squared vibronic wave functions derived from the corresponding potential-energy surfaces.
(1997) Review of Scientific Instruments. 68, 3, p. 1387-1392 Abstract
A new type of multiparticle three-dimensional imaging detector for the measurement of kinetic energy releases in molecular dissociation processes is presented. The detector makes use of the new generation of multianode photomultipliers to produce a timing signal for the simultaneous impact of several particles on the surface of a microchannel plate coupled to a phosphor screen. The detector is capable of subnanosecond time resolution (about 100 ps for the present setup) and position resolution (using a standard charge-coupled-device camera) of about 100 μm. The detector is suitable for ultrahigh-vacuum operation and can work with particles over a range of kinetic energies from keV to MeV.
(1997) Physical review letters. 79, 10, p. 1829-1832 Abstract
We present an experimental and theoretical study of the branching ratios in the dissociative recombination of HD+ with low energy electrons. The results give direct insight into the dynamics of the avoided curve crossing process between the dissociative state and the Rydberg series of the neutral molecule. Excellent agreement between the experimental results and the theory, based on a Landau-Zener formulation of the crossing process, is obtained.
(1997) Astrophysical Journal. 483, 1 PART I, p. 531-540 Abstract
Dissociative recombination of the polyatomic ions H2O+, H3O+, and CH3+ with electrons has been measured at the heavy-ion storage ring ASTRID. Complete branching ratios for all the possible product channels have been determined at zero relative energy using an energy-sensitive detector masked by grids with known transmissions. In the dissociative recombination of H3O+, water molecules are produced with a probability of 33%, whereas the production of atomic oxygen is negligible. Atomic carbon is, on the other hand, produced with a branching ratio of 30% in the dissociative recombination of CH3+. For all three molecular ions, the three-particle breakup is a major process. Relative cross sections for dissociative recombination of H3O+ and for dissociative excitation of H3O+ have been measured for relative electron energies up to 40 eV. Implications for the modeling of the chemistry of interstellar molecular clouds are discussed.
(1997) Physical Review A. 55, 3, p. R1577-R1580 Abstract
A technique for storage of fast-ion beams (keV) using only electrostatic fields is presented. The fast-ion trap is designed like an optical resonator, whose electrode configuration allows for a very large field-free region, easy access into the trap by various probes, a simple ion loading technique, and a broad acceptance range for the initial kinetic energies of the ions. Such a fast-ion storage device opens up many experimental possibilities, a few of which are presented.
(1997) Physical Review A. 56, 6, p. 4786-4794 Abstract
Energy loss in the MeV range of simple clusters impinging on thin carbon targets has been measured using a time-of-flight method. Stopping-power ratios defined as the ratio of the stopping power of the cluster to the sum of the stopping powers of the constituent atoms moving at the same velocity were investigated. Stopping- power ratios close to unity were observed for [Formula Presented] and [Formula Presented] clusters, while deenhancement effect is observed in the stopping-power ratios of [Formula Presented] and [Formula Presented] The experimental results are compared both with an existing theoretical model, which takes into account the spatial correlation of the fragments, and with a simple united-atom model, which also includes the charge state evolution of the fragment ions inside the target.
Electron impact dissociation of cold CH+: Cross sections and branching ratios(1997) Application Of Accelerators In Research And Industry - Proceedings Of The Fourteenth International Conference, Pts 1 And 2. 392, p. 51-54 Abstract
The experimental cross sections for dissociative recombination (DR) and dissociative excitation (DE) of ground-state CH+ ions, as measured using the heavy-ion storage ring technique, are presented. Measurements of the branching ratios for the different final DR states using two-dimensional fragment imaging technique are also presented. In the low energy region, the DR cross section exhibits several narrow resonances, which are attributed to indirect recombination via core-excited Rydberg states, and the branching ratio measurement shows that the most important final state is the H(1s)+C(D-1) asymptote.
Molecular imaging with fast ion beams(1997) Accelerator-Based Atomic Physics Techniques And Applications. p. 481-507 Abstract
This chapter presents the basic principles and recent developments in the field of molecular imaging techniques with fast ion beams. It is explained why imaging of molecular dissociation makes it possible to increase our understanding of dissociation processes as well as molecular structure, and enable full control over the parameters (such as internal excitation and kinetic energy release) that dominate the breaking up of molecules. The two most relevant geometries, in which imaging detectors have been used, are described, and their respective advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Examples of imaging for the study of various dissociation processes and molecular geometry are also presented.
The dissociative recombination of cold polyatomic molecular ions measured at a storage ring(1997) Application Of Accelerators In Research And Industry - Proceedings Of The Fourteenth International Conference, Pts 1 And 2. 392, p. 233-236 Abstract
Dissociative Recombination (DR) is a major process in planetary ionospheres and interstellar clouds. The branching ratio in the dissociative recombination of the astrophysically important species H3O+, H2O+ and CH3+ with low energy electrons is presented. The molecular ions were stored and vibrationally cooled in the ASTRID storage ring of Aarhus Denmark. The recombination was measured by merging the ions with the electron cooler. All the branching ratios were measured directly for the first time. The three body dissociation was found to be a major channel, a fact that was neglected previously in common interstellar chemical models.
Product-state distributions in the dissociative recombination of (HeD+)-He-3 and (HeH+)-He-4(1996) Physical Review A. 54, 6, p. R4617-R4620 Abstract
Asymptotic atomic-state branching ratios for the dissociative recombination of both (HeD+)-He-3 and (HeH+)-He-4 have been studied using the CRYRING and TSR heavy-ion storage rings. The kinetic-energy release in the recombination process was measured for incident electron energies between 0 and 15 eV. It was found that the He(1s(2))+D,H(n = 2) channel completely dominates at zero electron energy. The branching ratios observed slightly above the threshold for the n = 3 state of the H (D) atom indicate a rapid switchover of the final-state population to this level. At collision energies above 10 eV many channels leading to excited He atoms are found to contribute, and also a strong angular anisotropy of the dissociation products is observed.
(1996) Physical Review A. 54, 5, p. 4032-4050 Abstract
The cross section as well as the branching ratios for the dissociative recombination of ground-state CH+ ions with electrons have been measured using the heavy-ion storage-ring technique and two-dimensional fragment imaging. Although the absolute value of the cross section at thermal energies is found to be in very good agreement with the theory, several unpredicted narrow resonances are also present in the data. These structures are interpreted as due to an indirect recombination process via core-excited Rydberg states. The branching-ratio measurement shows that at low electron energy the 2 (2) Pi state, producing carbon fragments C(D-1), is the most important dissociative state, although transitions during the dissociation to other dissociative potential curves are also present. Anisotropy in the angular distribution of the dissociating fragments is visible for some of the final states. Dissociative recombination of ions in the metastable excited a (3) Pi state is also observed, and the lifetime as well as the excitation energy of this state are deduced from the imaging data.
(1996) Physical Review A. 53, 2, p. R644-R647 Abstract
The dissociative recombination of ground state OH+ ions with electrons has been measured, using the heavy-ion storage ring technique. A comparison of the cross section to recent theoretical results reveals that several observed resonances are due to a type of indirect dissociative recombination involving Rydberg states with a bound excited ion core.
(1996) Physical review letters. 77, 24, p. 4891-4894 Abstract
Water is probably the most important molecule for the thermal properties of dense, interstellar gas, and as such plays a decisive role in establishing the rate at which molecular clouds collapse towards star formation. The synthesis of water is thought to be mainly due to dissociative recombination of H3O+with electrons, although experiments have, as yet, provided no evidence that H2O is a product of the reaction. Here we present the first observation of water synthesis from the recombination of H3O+, with a branching ratio of 33%. This value is in good agreement with existing observations of the [H2O]/[H3O+] ratio in interstellar clouds.
Dissociative recombination at the TSR storage ring: Branching ratios with 2D imaging and new processes(1996) Proceedings Of The 1995 Workshop On Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiment And Applications Iii. p. 114-124 Abstract
We present results for the total cross section for the dissociative recombination and dissociative excitation of HD+. Using the technique of two-dimensional imaging, the final states of the atomic fragments is determined at various electron energy. Cross section for the dissociative recombination of the heavier molecules CH+ and OH+ are also shown.
Measurement of vibrational population of molecular ions and its application in dissociative recombination in storage rings(1996) Proceedings Of The 1995 Workshop On Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiment And Applications Iii. p. 249-251 Abstract
A method based on Coulomb Explosion Imaging is suggested as a tool for the measurement of vibrational population of molecular ions stored in a heavy-ion storage ring. It's application for the measurement of dissociative recombination of molecular ions with a well defined vibrational excitation is discussed, As an example, measurement of the vibrational populations of an He-2(+) beam as produced by a supersonic expansion source is presented.
(1995) Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms. 99, 1-4, p. 90-93 Abstract
Three dimensional imaging of the molecular dissociation process in fast collisions is presented with two different setups. One setup is for a fast molecular beam from an accelerator colliding with a gas target. The second setup is for a molecular target system and the collision process is with highly ionized fast beam. The advantages of each system are discussed. The three dimensional imaging of the molecular fragments is done with special detectors that combine the CCD image with time of flight data. An example of the molecular beam measurement is given for an 11 MeV B2 beam.
(1995) Physical Review A. 52, 1, p. 839-842 Abstract
The Coulomb explosion imaging method is used for the measurement of the vibrational state distribution of He2+, under various conditions of excitation. Application of this method to the measurement of vibrational excitation of molecular ions stored in heavy-ion storage rings is discussed, especially in view of the recent results obtained for the dissociative recombination of molecular ions with electrons using a merged-beam technique in a storage ring.
(1995) Physical review letters. 75, 5, p. 814-817 Abstract
Two-dimensional fragment imaging is used to determine branching ratios into final atomic states for dissociative recombination of vibrationally cold HD+ molecules with electrons at variable energy. For low electron energies it is found that the dissociation proceeds via the g+1 state, leaving one of the fragments in the n=2 level. At higher energies up to 20 eV, a pronounced angular anisotropy of the fragmentation is found on one of the previously measured resonances, allowing for conclusions about the symmetry of the dissociating states.
(1994) Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment. 343, 2-3, p. 508-516 Abstract
A new type of electron spectrometer for simultaneous measurement of electron energy and angles of ejection directions with a 4π collecting angle efficiency, is suggested. The device is based on a three-dimensional time and position sensitive imaging detector. A general description and a practical design of such spectrometer for the analysis of electrons ejected from fast moving particles are presented, and the device properties and parameters are discussed. The best expected center of mass energy resolution is about a few meV. The possibility to use the spectrometer for analysis of electrons ejected from a stationary source is also discussed. In this case, approximately the same resolution can be achieved with a collecting angle up to 2π.
(1994) Physical review letters. 72, 13, p. 2002-2005 Abstract
The dissociative recombination of vibrationally cold CD+ with electrons in the energy range of 0.01 eV to 60 eV has been measured using the Test Storage Ring in a merged beam arrangement. New resonance structures are observed with prominent peaks at 0.8 eV, 8.6 eV, and 11.7 eV. While the second and third resonance are readily attributed to direct recombination processes through Rydberg levels with dissociating molecular ion cores, the origin of the first resonance structure is not well understood, however, its small width of 0.45 eV is an indication of an indirect recombination process.
Rotational and vibrational lifetime of isotopically asymmetrized homonuclear diatomic molecular ions(1994) Physical Review A. 50, 3, p. 2304-2308 Abstract
Radiative relaxation times of rovibrational transitions for the electronic ground state of HD+, O1816O+, and C1312C+ are calculated. These lifetimes are compared with the storage time in a heavy-ion storage ring where molecular ions can be stored, in order to provide vibrationally and rotationally cold ions. The relevance of the results to the measurement of dissociative recombination of cold molecular ions is discussed.
(1993) Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms. 79, 1-4, p. 227-230 Abstract
The structure of small carbon clusters (Cn, n = 3-8) has been studied using the Coulomb explosion imaging technique. The experimental system is based on the 14 MV Pelletron accelerator at the Weizmann Institute. Negative molecules are accelerated and photodetached by a laser beam inside the high voltage terminal of the accelerator. The neutral molecules are then electron stripped by passing through a thin Formvar target and the resulting atomic ions are collected by a new 3D multiparticle imaging detector. Nonlinear structures of C4 and C5 clusters were observed. New measurements of laser photodetachment thresholds for Cn (n = 3-8) indicate that new compact isomers exist.
(1993) Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms. 79, 1-4, p. 273-275 Abstract
As a first example of a molecular physics experiment in a storage ring we describe measurements with a HD+ beam stored in the Heidelberg Test Storage Ring TSR with a lifetime of 5 s. The transverse degree of freedom could be electron cooled within 10 s. Deexcitation of high vibrational states was observed within ≅ 300 ms. With this internally cold ion beam dissociative recombination and dissociative excitation with free electrons at an energy of 0.3-40 eV were measured. The resonances and the threshold behavior of the cross section depend sensitively on the internal excitation. Future applications for molecular physics in a storage ring are discussed.
(1993) Journal of Chemical Physics. 98, 10, p. 7725-7729 Abstract
The Coulomb explosion imaging (CEI) technique has been applied to a beam of vibrationally cold CH2+ molecular ions and the distribution of bond angles was extracted. From these data, we are able to demonstrate conclusively that the electronic ground state potential of this molecule has a C2v minimum and that the zero-point energy lies below the potential barrier to linearity.
(1993) Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters. 26, 1, p. 343-345 Abstract
Absolute cross-sections for photodetachment of negative carbon clusters are reported for C(n)-(n=3,...,8). These measurements are made using different types of ion sources, which create different isomers. These new results indicate that various negative and neutral isomers exist, some with electron affinities as low as approximately 1 eV.
(1993) Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters. 26, 1, p. 340-342 Abstract
The combination of laser photodetachment of C4- and the Coulomb Explosion Imaging method was applied for the investigation of the structure of several C4 isomers and was correlated with their measured electron affinities.
(1993) Physical review letters. 71, 26, p. 4319-4322 Abstract
The structure of protonated acetylene (C2H3+), including correlations, is measured and analyzed by an advanced Coulomb explosion imaging method. In the data analysis, it is essential to include large-amplitude motions of the nuclei within the molecule and many-body correlation features for revealing the correct structure. We find that the nuclear conformations in this molecule differ markedly from theoretical predictions and previous experimental findings.
(1993) Physical review letters. 70, 23, p. 3549-3552 Abstract
The first direct experimental observation of an intramolecular reaction path going through a transition state is reported. The results of a Coulomb explosion imaging experiment for cold CH4+ molecular ions show the intermediate conformations between permutationally equivalent structures of this molecule. Comparison with a theoretical prediction of the corresponding reaction path is given and the agreement is satisfactory.
(1993) Physical review letters. 70, 4, p. 426-429 Abstract
The dissociative recombination cross section between HD+ molecules and electrons at energies between 0.3 and 40 eV has been measured for the first time in an ion storage ring. The ion beam, stored with a mean lifetime of 5 s, was observed to be vibrationally cold. In the measured cross section, theoretically predicted high-energy resonances appeared, which can be attributed to recombination via doubly excited Rydberg states of HD.
Electron photodetachment cross sections of small carbon clusters: Evidence for nonlinear isomers(1992) Science. 258, 5085, p. 1129-1131 Abstract
Absolute cross sections for photodetachment of negative carbon clusters are reported for Cn- (n = 3, ..., 8). The results indicate that various neutral isomers exist, some with electron affinities as low as 1 electron volt. The method of production plays an important role in the characteristics of carbon clusters.
(1992) Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms. 67, 1-4, p. 22-25 Abstract
A quantitative analysis of the influence of multiple scattering on fast molecules dissociating in solids is made using a Monte Carlo technique. The simulations allow the computation of asymptotic velocities of all of the fragments after Coulomb explosion including the effects of ion-solid interactions. Examples for deducing moleculat structure using this method are given for two well-known molecular ions.
(1992) Review of Scientific Instruments. 63, 7, p. 3569-3574 Abstract
A specialized ion source for use in the high voltage terminal of an electrostatic accelerator has been developed to produce vibrationally cold beams of molecular ions. A pulsed valve is used to produce a supersonic expansion of the source gas which is ionized by electron impact near the beginning of the free expansion. Because of the harsh electromagnetic environment in the terminal, special care has been taken to protect the electronic components related to the ion source. The effect of vibrational cooling in the supersonic expansion is demonstrated using Coulomb explosion techniques with a He 2+ beam.
(1991) The Journal of chemical physics. 94, 4, p. 2543-2547 Abstract
A quantitative analysis of the bending mode of H2O+ is made using the Coulomb Explosion technique. The full extent of the angular distribution is measured and is in good agreement with the previously measured bending frequency. The equilibrium value for the angle is extracted from the data with high precision and is in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions as well as spectroscopic measurements.
(1991) The Journal of chemical physics. 94, 10, p. 6377-6387 Abstract
The structures of ethynyl and acetylene cations were investigated utilizing the Coulomb explosion imaging method. The geometrical probability density functions for the bending modes were obtained for the protonated and deuterated forms of each species. Detailed analyses of the data reveal that both the measured linear equilibrium geometries and the observed extent of the correlated bending vibrations agree with ab initio calculations for C2 H 2+ and C2D2+ . C 2H+ and C2D+ are found to be linear, but the extent of the bending amplitudes are by far larger than the corresponding theoretical predictions.
(1987) Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms. 24-25, PART 1, p. 321-324 Abstract
The use of the Coulomb explosion technique combined with a radically new multiparticle detector, extremely thin film targets, and low-excitation ion source has enabled, for the first time, direct measurements of the complete stereostructure of complex polyatomic molecular ions. We outline the methods used and present results for protonated acetylene (C2H3+) and the methane cation (CH4+) as examples. We demonstrate the techniques by which these methods can be generalized to determine directly vibrational motions in polyatomic molecules.
(1987) ACS Symposium Series. 770, p. 350-371 Abstract
State selective measurement of the dissociation of molecular ions is made possible using molecular fragment imaging technique. We present a specific example which involve the simplest molecular ion HD+, and its dissociation by low energy electron impact. The technique demonstrates that it is possible to follow the reaction path of the dissociation process of each initial vibrational state, as long as the population of these states are known. The population is measured using the Coulomb Explosion Imaging technique, and the measurement takes place in a storage ring, to allow for change of the vibrational population as a function of storage time.