

  1. Geistlinger H., Golmohammadi S., Zulfiqar B., Kuechler M., Reuter D., Schlueter S., Segre E., Holtzman R. & Amro M. (2024) Water Resources Research. 60, 6, e2023WR036.  Abstract
  2. Ofek E. O., Polishook D., Kushnir D. et al. (2024) Astronomical Journal. 167, 5, 190.  Abstract [All authors]
  3. Ofek E. O., Kushnir D., Polishook D. et al. (2024) Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 527, 4, p. 10507-10521  Abstract [All authors]
  4. Geistlinger H., Golmohammadi S., Zulfiqar B., Schlueter S., Segre E. & Holtzman R. (2024) Geophysical Research Letters. 51, 1, e2023GL106.  Abstract


  1. Ofek E. O., Shvartzvald Y., Sharon A. et al. (2023) Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 135, 1054, 124502.  Abstract [All authors]
  2. Ho A. Y., Perley D. A., Chen P. et al. (2023) Nature. 623, 7989, p. 927-931  Abstract [All authors]
  3. Ben-Ami S., Ofek E. O., Polishook D. et al. (2023) Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 135, 1050, 085002.  Abstract [All authors]
  4. Ofek E. O., Ben-Ami S., Polishook D. et al. (2023) Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 135, 1048, 065001.  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Segre E. (2022) SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 15, 4, p. 1623-1645  Abstract
  2. Kroupp E., Tata S., Wan Y. et al. (2022) Matter and Radiation at Extremes. 7, 4, 044401.  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Tesi A., Segre E., Leardini S., Breskin A., Kapishnikov S., Moleri L., Vartsky D. & Bressler S. (2021) Journal of Instrumentation. 16, 9, P09003.  Abstract


  1. Zhao B., MacMinn C. W., Primkulov B. K. et al. (2019) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116, 28, p. 13799-13806  Abstract [All authors]
  2. Borgman O., Darwent T., Segre E., Goehring L. & Holtzman R. (2019) Advances in Water Resources. 128, p. 158-167  Abstract
  3. Il Progetto di Aron Fernando: Un Ebreo Giacobino E Deista Contro I \u201cFanatici Settatori Talmudisti\u201d
    Segre E. (2019) La Rassegna Mensile di Israel. 85, 1, p. 79-98  Abstract


  1. Givon A., Steirer K. X., Segre E. & Cohen H. (2018) Applied Physics Letters. 113, 9, 091602.  Abstract


  1. Bluvshtein N., Flores J. M., He Q., Segre E., Segev L., Hong N., Donohue A., Hilfiker J. N. & Rudich Y. (2017) Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 10, 3, p. 1203-1213  Abstract


  1. Holtzman R. & Segre E. (2015) Physical review letters. 115, 16, 164501.  Abstract
  2. Greenwald E., Segre E. & Feinerman O. (2015) Scientific Reports. 5, 12496.  Abstract
  3. Lavi A., Segre E., Gomez-Hernandez M., Zhang R. & Rudich Y. (2015) Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 119, 19, p. 4336-4346  Abstract


  1. Farhi A., Boyko V., Almagor J., Benenson I., Segre E., Rudich Y., Stern E. & Lerner-Geva L. (2014) Environmental Research. 135, p. 173-180  Abstract


  1. Lavi A., Bluvshtein N., Segre E., Segev L., Flores M. & Rudich Y. (2013) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117, 43, p. 22412-22421  Abstract
  2. Lavi A., Farmer D. K., Segre E., Moise T., Rotenberg E., Jimenez J. L. & Rudich Y. (2013) Aerosol Science and Technology. 47, 8, p. 906-915  Abstract


  1. Zabusky N. J., Segre E., Deschamps J., Kantsler V. & Steinberg V. (2011) Physics of Fluids. 23, 4, 041905.  Abstract


  1. Stern M., Garmider V., Segre E., Rappaport M., Umansky V. & Bar-Joseph I. (2010) Physical review letters. 104, 17, 179702.  Abstract
  2. Burnishev Y., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2010) Physics of Fluids. 22, 3, p. 8-15 012003PHF.  Abstract
  3. Lang Yona N., Abo-Riziq A., Erlick C., Segre E., Trainic M. & Rudich Y. (2010) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 12, 1, p. 21-31  Abstract


  1. Deschamps J., Kantsler V., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2009) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106, 28, p. 11444-11447  Abstract
  2. Lang-Yona M., Rudich Y., Segre E., Dinar E. & Abo-Riziq A. (2009) Analytical Chemistry. 81, 5, p. 1762-1769  Abstract


  1. Stern M., Garmider V., Segre E., Rappaport M., Umansky V. Y., Levinson Y. & Bar-Joseph I. (2008) Physical review letters. 101, 25, 257402.  Abstract
  2. Latz M. I., Bovard M., VanDelinder V., Segre E., Rohr J. & Groisman A. (2008) Journal of Experimental Biology. 211, 17, p. 2865-2875  Abstract
  3. Kantsler V., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2008) Physical review letters. 101, 4, 048101.  Abstract
  4. Kantsler V., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2008) EPL. 82, 5, 58005.  Abstract
  5. Riziq A. A., Trainic M., Erlick C., Segre E. & Rudich Y. (2008) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 8, 6, p. 1823-1833  Abstract


  1. Kantsler V., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2007) Physical Review Letters. 99, 17,  Abstract
  2. Burghelea T., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2007) Physics of Fluids. 19, 5, 053104.  Abstract


  1. Burghelea T., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2006) Physical review letters. 96, 21, 214502.  Abstract


  1. Burghelea T., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2005) Physics of Fluids. 17, 10, 103101.  Abstract


  1. Burghelea T., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2004) Europhysics Letters. 68, 4, p. 529-535  Abstract
  2. Burghelea T., Segre E., Bar-Joseph I., Groisman A. & Steinberg V. (2004) Physical Review E. 69, 6 , 066305.  Abstract
  3. Burghelea T., Segre E. & Steinberg V. (2004) Physical Review Letters. 92, 16,  Abstract
  4. Gallavotti, G; Rondoni, L; Segre; E (2004) Physica D. 187, 1-4, p. 338-357


  1. Rondoni L. & Segre E. (1999) Nonlinearity. 12, 6, p. 1471-1487  Abstract
  2. Rondoni, L; Segre; E (1999) Nonlinearity. 12, 6, p. 1471-1487


  1. Segre, E; Kida, S (1998) Fluid Dynamics Research. 23, 2, p. 89-112


  1. Segre, E; Boffetta, G; Osborne AR; Petti, M (1995) Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 5, 10, p. 1935-1943
  2. Segre, E; Deangeli C (1995) Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. 2, 1, p. 1-15


  1. Osborne, AR; Segre E (1993) Physics Letters A. 173, p. 131-142


  1. Osborne, AR; Segre, E; Boffetta, G; Cavaleri, L (1991) Physical Review Letters. 64, 5, p. 592-595