

Pine seedlings select a consistent ectomycorrhizal community regardless of water availability and inoculum origin

Herol L., Klein T., Livne-Luzon S. & Shemesh H. (2025) Fungal Ecology. 74, 101406.

Wood Anatomical and Hydraulic Traits of Tamarix Species Across a Large Eurasian Gradient Show a Stronger Climatic Than Phylogenetic Signal

Akhmedov A., Bobokandov N., Krehenwinkel H., Rzepecki A., Klein T., Villar J. L. & Thomas F. M. (2025) Journal of Biogeography.

Leaf Water Potential in a Mixed Mediterranean Forest from Machine Learning and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Based Hyperspectral Imaging

Fishman N., Yungstein Y., Yaakobi A., Obersteiner S., Rez L., Mulero G., Michael Y., Klein T. & Helman D. (2025) Remote Sensing. 17, 1, 106.


Context-dependent effects of below-ground carbon transfer: Limited benefits from sunlit pines to shaded oaks

Livne-Luzon S., Fox H., Cahanovitc R., Rapaport A. & Klein T. (2024) Functional Ecology.

Partial asynchrony of coniferous forest carbon sources and sinks at the intra-annual time scale

Silvestro R., Mencuccini M., García-Valdés R., Antonucci S., Arzac A., Biondi F., Buttò V., Camarero J. J., Campelo F., Cochard H., Čufar K., Cuny H. E., de Luis M., Deslauriers A., Drolet G., Fonti M. V., Fonti P., Giovannelli A., Gričar J., Gruber A., Gryc V., Guerrieri R., Güney A., Guo X., Huang J. G., Jyske T., Kašpar J., Kirdyanov A. V., Klein T., Lemay A., Li X., Liang E., Lintunen A., Liu F., Lombardi F., Ma Q., Mäkinen H., Malik R. A., Martinez del Castillo E., Martinez-Vilalta J., Mayr S., Morin H., Nabais C., Nöjd P., Oberhuber W., Olano J. M., Ouimette A. P., Paljakka T. V., Peltoniemi M., Peters R. L., Ren P., Prislan P., Rathgeber C. B., Sala A., Saracino A., Saulino L., Schiestl-Aalto P., Shishov V. V., Stokes A., Sukumar R., Sylvain J. D., Tognetti R., Treml V., Urban J., Vavrčík H., Vieira J., von Arx G., Wang Y., Yang B., Zeng Q., Zhang S., Ziaco E. & Rossi S. (2024) Nature Communications. 15, 6169.

Inter-generational consistency of the ectomycorrhizal fungal community in a mixed pine-cedar post-fire stand

Livne-Luzon S., Avidar M., Herol L., Rog I., Klein T. & Shemesh H. (2024) Tree Physiology. 44, 8, tpae094.

Strong regulation of nitrogen supply and demand in a key desert legume tree

Uni D., Klein T., Masci T., Winters G. & Sheffer E. (2024) Environmental and Experimental Botany. 224, 105823.

Estimating the global root exudate carbon flux

Chari N. R., Tumber-Dávila S. J., Phillips R. P., Bauerle T. L., Brunn M., Hafner B. D., Klein T., Obersteiner S., Reay M. K., Ullah S. & Taylor B. N. (2024) Biogeochemistry. 167, 7, p. 895-908

Integration of tree hydraulic processes and functional impairment to capture the drought resilience of a semiarid pine forest

Nadal-Sala D., Grote R., Kraus D., Hochberg U., Klein T., Wagner Y., Tatarinov F., Yakir D. & Ruehr N. K. (2024) Biogeosciences. 21, 12, p. 2973-2994

Context-dependent benefits of forest soil addition on Aleppo pine seedling performance under drought and grass competition

Herol L., Avidar M., Yirmiahu S., Zach Y. Y., Klein T., Shemesh H. & Livne-Luzon S. (2024) Mycorrhiza. 34, 3, p. 217-227

Tree water uptake patterns across the globe

Bachofen C., Tumber-Dávila S. J., Mackay D. S., McDowell N. G., Carminati A., Klein T., Stocker B. D., Mencuccini M. & Grossiord C. (2024) New Phytologist. 242, 5, p. 1891-1910

Tracing the spatial extent and lag time of carbon transfer from Picea abies to ectomycorrhizal fungi differing in host type, taxonomy, or hyphal development

Hobbie E. A., Keel S. G., Klein T., Rog I., Saurer M., Siegwolf R., Routhier M. R. & Körner C. (2024) Fungal Ecology. 68, 101315.

Rapid and chemically diverse C transfer from trees to mycorrhizal fruit bodies in the forest

Rapaport A., Livne-Luzon S., Fox H., Oppenheimer-Shaanan Y. & Klein T. (2024) Functional Ecology.

Increased belowground tree carbon allocation in a mature mixed forest in a dry versus a wet year

Rog I., Hilman B., Fox H., Yalin D., Qubaja R. & Klein T. (2024) Global Change Biology. 30, 2, e17172.


Aboveground responses to belowground root damage detected by non-destructive sensing metrics in three tree species

Azar M., Mulero G., Oppenheimer-Shaanan Y., Helman D. & Klein T. (2023) Forestry. 96, 5, p. 672-689

Growth and drought resilience of four native tree species suitable for reforestation of Brazils Atlantic Forest

Yaakobi A., Livne-Luzon S., Marques F., Mariani B., Stern R. & Klein T. (2023) Forestry (London). 96, 4, p. 530-546

Integration of tree hydraulic processes and functional impairment to capture the drought resilience of a semi-arid pine forest

Nadal-Sala D., Grote R., Kraus D., Hochberg U., Klein T., Wagner Y., Tatarinov F., Yakir D. & Ruehr N. K. (2023) Biogeosciences Discussions. 2023, p. 1-35

Relationships between xylem embolism and tree functioning during drought, recovery, and recurring drought in Aleppo pine

Wagner Y., Volkov M., Nadal-Sala D., Ruehr N. K., Hochberg U. & Klein T. (2023) Physiologia Plantarum. 175, 5, e13995.

Carbohydrate dynamics in Populus trees under drought: An expression atlas of genes related to sensing, translocation, and metabolism across organs

Fox H., Ben-Dor S., Doron-Faigenboim A., Goldsmith M., Klein T. & David-Schwartz R. (2023) Physiologia Plantarum. 175, 5, e14001.

Pre- and post-drought conditions drive resilience of Pinus halepensis across its distribution range

Veuillen L., Prévosto B., Alfaro-Sánchez R., Badeau V., Battipaglia G., Beguería S., Bravo F., Boivin T., Camarero J. J., Čufar K., Davi H., De Luis M., Del Campo A., Del Rio M., Di Filippo A., Dorman M., Durand-Gillmann M., Ferrio J. P., Gea-Izquierdo G., González-Sanchis M., Granda E., Guibal F., Gutierrez E., Helluy M., El Khorchani A., Klein T., Levillain J., Linares J. C., Manrique-Alba A., Martinez Vilalta J., Molina A. J., Moreno-Gutiérrez C., Nicault A., Olivar J., Papadopoulos A., Perevolotsky A., Rathgeber C., Ribas M., Ripullone F., Ruano I., Saintonge F. X., Sánchez-Salguero R., Sarris D., Serra-Maluquer X., Svoray T., Tallieu C., Valor T., Vennetier M., Voltas J. & Cailleret M. (2023) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 339, 109577.

Responses of two Acacia species to drought suggest different water-use strategies, reflecting their topographic distribution

Uni D., Sheffer E., Klein T., Shem-Tov R., Segev N. & Winters G. (2023) Frontiers in Plant Science. 14, 1154223.

Direct foliar acquisition of desert dust phosphorus fertilizes forest trees despite reducing photosynthesis

Starr M., Klein T. & Gross A. (2023) Tree Physiology. 43, 5, p. 794-804

Acclimation limits for embolism resistance and osmotic adjustment accompany the geographical dry edge of Mediterranean species

Alon A., Cohen S., Burlett R., Hochberg U., Lukyanov V., Rog I., Klein T., Cochard H., Delzon S. & David-Schwartz R. (2023) Functional Ecology. 37, 5, p. 1421-1435

Peak photosynthesis at summer midday in Acacia trees growing in a hyper-arid habitat

Uni D., Sheffer E., Winters G., Lima A. C., Fox H. & Klein T. (2023) Trees - Structure and Function. 37, 2, p. 255-267

A biome-dependent distribution gradient of tree species range edges is strongly dictated by climate spatial heterogeneity

Lerner D., Martínez M. F., Livne-Luzon S., Belmaker J., Peñuelas J. & Klein T. (2023) Nature Plants. 9, 4, p. 544-553

Xylem resistance to cavitation increases during summer in Pinus halepensis

Feng F., Wagner Y., Klein T. & Hochberg U. (2023) Plant, Cell and Environment. 46, 6, p. 1849-1859

Differential climatic conditions drive growth of Acacia tortilis tree in its range edges in Africa and Asia

Uni D., Lerner D., Smit I., Mzimba D., Sheffer E., Winters G. & Klein T. (2023) American Journal of Botany. 110, 2, e16132.

3D Printed Soil-Based Bioclimatic Envelopes for Tree Seedlings in Drylands

Asaf O., Bentur A., Klein T. & Sprecher A. (2023) HUMAN-CENTRIC - Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, CAADRIA 2023 . Reinhardt D., Koh I., Makki M., Khakhar M. & Bao N.(eds.). p. 583-592

Belowground carbon transfer across mycorrhizal networks among trees: Facts, not fantasy

Klein T., Rog I., Livne-Luzon S., van der Heijden M. G. & Körner C. (2023) Open Research Europe. 3, 168.


Closing in on the last frontier: C allocation in the rhizosphere

Obersteiner S. & Klein T. (2022) Global Change Biology. 28, 23, p. 6835-6837

Interannual adjustments in stomatal and leaf morphological traits of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) demonstrate its climate change acclimation potential

Petrik P., Petek-Petrik A., Kurjak D., Mukarram M., Klein T., Gömöry D., Střelcová K., Frýdl J. & Konôpková A. (2022) Plant Biology. 24, 7, p. 1287-1296

A montane species treeline is defined by both temperature and drought effects on growth season length

Bar-On P., Yaakobi A., Moran U., Rozenstein O., Kopler I. & Klein T. (2022) Tree Physiology. 42, 9, p. 1700-1719 tpac070.

In situ, direct observation of seasonal embolism dynamics in Aleppo pine trees growing on the dry edge of their distribution

Wagner Y., Feng F., Yakir D., Klein T. & Hochberg U. (2022) New Phytologist. 235, 4, p. 1344-1350

A dynamic rhizosphere interplay between tree roots and soil bacteria under drought stress

Oppenheimer-Shaanan Y., Jakoby G., Starr M., Karliner R., Eilon G., Itkin M., Malitsky S. & Klein T. (2022) eLife. 11, e79679.

High exposure of global tree diversity to human pressure

Guo W., Serra-Diaz J. M., Schrodt F., Eiserhardt W. L., Maitner B. S., Merow C., Violle C., Anand M., Belluau M., Bruun H. H., Byun C., Catford J. A., Cerabolini B. E. L., Chacón-Madrigal E., Ciccarelli D., Cornelissen J. H. C., Dang-Le A. T., de Frutos A., Dias A. S., Giroldo A. B., Guo K., Gutiérrez A. G., Hattingh W., He T., Hietz P., Hough-Snee N., Jansen S., Kattge J., Klein T., Komac B., Kraft N. J. B., Kramer K., Lavorel S., Lusk C. H., Martin A. R., Mencuccini M., Michaletz S. T., Minden V., Mori A. S., Niinemets Ü., Onoda Y., Peñuelas J., Pillar V. D., Pisek J., Robroek B. J. M., Schamp B., Slot M., Sosinski Ê. E., Soudzilovskaia N. A., Thiffault N., van Bodegom P., van der Plas F., Wright I. J., Xu W., Zheng J., Enquist B. J. & Svenning J. (2022) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119, 25, e202673311.

Asymmetric belowground carbon transfer in a diverse tree community

Avital S., Rog I., Livne-Luzon S., Cahanovitc R. & Klein T. (2022) Molecular Ecology. 31, 12, p. 3481-3495

Mechanisms of woody-plant mortality under rising drought, CO2 and vapour pressure deficit

McDowell N. G., Sapes G., Pivovaroff A., Adams H. D., Allen C. D., Anderegg W. R. L., Arend M., Breshears D. D., Brodribb T., Choat B., Cochard H., De Caceres M., De Kauwe M. G., Grossiord C., Hammond W. M., Hartmann H., Hoch G., Kahmen A., Klein T., Mackay D. S., Mantova M., Martinez-Vilalta J., Medlyn B. E., Mencuccini M., Nardini A., Oliveira R. S., Sala A., Tissue D. T., Torres-Ruiz J. M., Trowbridge A. M., Trugman A. T., Wiley E. & Xu C. (2022) Nature reviews. Earth & environment. 3, 5, p. 294-308

Ectomycorrhizal fungi mediate belowground carbon transfer between pines and oaks

Cahanovitc R., Livne-Luzon S., Angel R. & Klein T. (2022) ISME Journal. 16, 5, p. 1420-1429

Global field observations of tree die-off reveal hotter-drought fingerprint for Earths forests

Hammond W. M., Williams A. P., Abatzoglou J. T., Adams H. D., Klein T., López R., Sáenz-Romero C., Hartmann H., Breshears D. D. & Allen C. D. (2022) Nature Communications. 13, 1, 1761.

Conifer desiccation in the 2021 NW heatwave confirms the role of hydraulic damage

Klein T., Torres-Ruiz J. M. & Albers J. J. (2022) Tree Physiology. 42, 4, p. 722-726

Physiological drought resistance mechanisms in wild species vs. rootstocks of almond and plum

Gerbi H., Paudel I., Zisovich A., Sapir G., Ben-Dor S. & Klein T. (2022) Trees (Berlin, West). 36, p. 669-683

A hidden mechanism of forest loss under climate change: The role of drought in eliminating forest regeneration at the edge of its distribution

Pozner E., Bar-On P., Livne-Luzon S., Moran U., Tsamir-Rimon M., Dener E., Schwartz E., Rotenberg E., Tatarinov F., Preisler Y., Zecharia N., Osem Y., Yakir D. & Klein T. (2022) Forest Ecology and Management. 506, 119966.

Meta-analysis Reveals Different Competition Effects on Tree Growth Resistance and Resilience to Drought

Castagneri D., Vacchiano G., Hacket-Pain A., DeRose R. J., Klein T. & Bottero A. (2022) Ecosystems (New York). 25, 1, p. 30-43


Carbon Allocation Dynamics in Mediterranean Pines Under Stress

Klein T. (2021) Pines and Their Mixed Forest Ecosystems in the Mediterranean Basin . Vol. 38. p. 117-128

Mitigating negative effects of long-term treated wastewater irrigation: Leaf gas exchange and water use efficiency response of avocado trees (Persea americana Mill.)

Nemera D. B., Bar-Tal A., Levy G. J., Tarchitzky J., Rog I., Klein T. & Cohen S. (2021) Agricultural Water Management. 256, 107126.

A vast increase in heat exposure in the 21st century is driven by global warming and urban population growth

Klein T. & Anderegg W. R. (2021) Sustainable Cities and Society. 73, 103098.

Rapid stomatal response in lemon saves trees and their fruit yields under summer desiccation, but fails under recurring droughts

Wagner Y., Pozner E., Bar-On P., Ramon U., Raveh E., Neuhaus E., Cohen S., Grünzweig J. & Klein T. (2021) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 307, 108487.

Interspecific Soil Water Partitioning as a Driver of Increased Productivity in a Diverse Mixed Mediterranean Forest

Rog I., Tague C., Jakoby G., Magidish S., Yaakobi A., Wagner Y. & Klein T. (2021) Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences. 126, 9, e2021JG006.

Carbon allocation dynamics in conifers and broadleaved tree species revealed by pulse labeling and mass balance

Rog I., Jakoby G. & Klein T. (2021) Forest Ecology and Management. 493, 119258.

Leaf color segmentation and pot volume influence on the CO absorption efficiency in two common green-wall plants

Agra H., Uni D., Horwitz R., Klein T. & Blaustein L. (2021) Journal of Green Building. 16, 3, p. 3-12

Intraspecific plasticity in hydraulic and stomatal regulation under drought is linked to aridity at the seed source in a wild pear species

Paudel I., Gerbi H., Zisovich A., Sapir G. & Klein T. (2021) Tree Physiology. 41, 6, p. 960-973

Tree Forensics: Modern DNA barcoding and traditional anatomy identify roots threatening an ancient necropolis

Jakoby G., Rog I., Shtein I., Chashmonay I., Benyosef D., Eshel A. & Klein T. (2021) Plants, People, Planet. 3, 2, p. 211-219

Higher risk for six endemic and endangered Lagochilus species in Central Asia under drying climate

Akhmedov A., Rog I., Bachar A., Shomurodov H., Nasirov M. & Klein T. (2021) Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 48, 125586.

Unexpectedly low δ 13C in leaves, branches, stems and roots of three acacia species growing in hyper-arid environments

Uni D., Groner E., Soloway E., Hjazin A., Johnswick S., Winters G., Sheffer E., Rog I., Wagner Y. & Klein T. (2021) Journal of Plant Ecology. 14, 1, p. 117-131

Rapid starch degradation in the wood of olive trees under heat and drought is permitted by three stress-specific beta amylases

Tsamir-Rimon M., Ben-Dor S., Feldmesser E., Oppenhimer-Shaanan Y., David-Schwartz R., Samach A. & Klein T. (2021) New Phytologist. 229, 3, p. 1398-1414


Editorial: Plant-Soil Interactions Under Changing Climate

Sevanto S., Grossiord C., Klein T. & Reed S. (2020) Frontiers in Plant Science. 11, 621235.

Physiological effects of mature tree transplanting characterize the roles of the soil-root interface in the field

Dror D., Weitzman G., Rog I., Kafri-Amit T. & Klein T. (2020) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 295, 108192.

Enhanced root exudation of mature broadleaf and conifer trees in a Mediterranean forest during the dry season

Jakoby G., Rog I., Megidish S. & Klein T. (2020) Tree Physiology. 40, 11, p. 1595-1605

Intraspecific responses to climate reveal nonintuitive warming impacts on a widespread thermophilic conifer

Patsiou T. S., Shestakova T. A., Klein T., di Matteo G., Sbay H., Regina Chambel M., Zas R. & Voltas J. (2020) New Phytologist. 228, 2, p. 525-540

Share the wealth: Trees with greater ectomycorrhizal species overlap share more carbon

Rog I., Rosenstock N. P., Koerner C. & Klein T. (2020) Molecular Ecology. 29, 13, p. 2321-2333

Stomatal optimization based on xylem hydraulics (SOX) improves land surface model simulation of vegetation responses to climate

Eller C. B., Rowland L., Mencuccini M., Rosas T., Williams K., Harper A., Medlyn B. E., Wagner Y., Klein T., Teodoro G. S., Oliveira R. S., Matos I. S., Rosado B. H. P., Fuchs K., Wohlfahrt G., Montagnani L., Meir P., Sitch S. & Cox P. M. (2020) New Phytologist. 226, 6, p. 1622-1637

Drought tolerance of wild versus cultivated tree species of almond and plum in the field

Paudel I., Gerbi H., Wagner Y., Zisovich A., Sapir G., Brumfeld V. & Klein T. (2020) Tree Physiology. 40, 4, p. 454-466

Tree rings reveal the adverse effect of water pumping on protected riparian Platanus orientalis tree growth

Bachar A., Markus-Shi J., Regev L., Boaretto E. & Klein T. (2020) Forest Ecology and Management. 458, 117784.

Correction: Exposing the hidden half: root research at the forefront of science (vol 41, pg 235, 2019)

Ephrath J. E., Klein T., Sharp R. E. & Lazarovitch N. (2020) Plant and Soil. 447, 1-2, p. 7-8

Low growth resilience to drought is related to future mortality risk in trees

DeSoto L., Cailleret M., Sterck F., Jansen S., Kramer K., Robert E. M. R., Aakala T., Amoroso M. M., Bigler C., Camarero J. J., Cufar K., Gea-Izquierdo G., Gillner S., Haavik L. J., Heres A., Kane J. M., Kharuk V., Kitzberger T., Klein T., Levanic T., Linares J. C., Makinen H., Oberhuber W., Papadopoulos A., Rohner B., Sanguesa-Barreda G., Stojanovic D. B., Suarez M. L., Villalba R. & Martinez-Vilalta J. (2020) Nature Communications. 11, 1, 545.

Exposing the hidden half: root research at the forefront of science

Ephrath J. E., Klein T., Sharp R. E. & Lazarovitch N. (2020) Plant and Soil. 447, 1-2, p. 1-5

TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access

Kattge J., Boenisch G., Diaz S., Lavorel S. & Klein T. (2020) Global Change Biology. 26, 1, p. 119-188


Stand density effects on carbon and water fluxes in a semi-arid forest, from leaf to stand-scale

Tsamir M., Gottlieb S., Preisler Y., Rotenberg E., Tatarinov F., Yakir D., Tague C. & Klein T. (2019) Forest Ecology and Management. 453, 117573.

Drought tolerance mechanisms and aquaporin expression of wild vs. cultivated pear tree species in the field

Paudel I., Gerbi H., Zisovich A., Sapir G., Ben-Dor S., Brumfeld V. & Klein T. (2019) Environmental and Experimental Botany. 167, 103832.

Increased Nitrogen Availability in the Soil Under Mature Picea abies Trees Exposed to Elevated CO2 Concentrations

Schleppi P., Korner C. & Klein T. (2019) Frontiers in forests and global change. 2, 59.

Stomatal sensitivity to CO2 diverges between angiosperm and gymnosperm tree species

Klein T. & Ramon U. (2019) Functional Ecology. 33, 8, p. 1411-1424

Use of thermal imaging to detect evaporative cooling in coniferous and broadleaved tree species of the Mediterranean maquis

Lapidot O., Ignat T., Rud R., Rog I., Alchanatis V. & Klein T. (2019) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 271, p. 285-294

Mortality versus survival in drought-affected Aleppo pine forest depends on the extent of rock cover and soil stoniness

Preisler Y., Tatarinov F., Grünzweig J. M., Bert D., Ogée J., Wingate L., Rotenberg E., Rohatyn S., Her N., Moshe I., Klein T. & Yakir D. (2019) Functional Ecology. 33, 5, p. 901-912

Early-Warning Signals of Individual Tree Mortality Based on Annual Radial Growth

Cailleret M., Dakos V., Jansen S., Robert E. M. R., Aakala T., Amoroso M. M., Antos J. A., Bigler C., Bugmann H., Caccianaga M., Camarero J., Cherubini P., Coyea M. R., Cufar K., Das A. J., Davi H., Gea-Izquierdo G., Gillner S., Haavik L. J., Hartmann H., Heres A., Hultine K. R., Janda P., Kane J. M., Kharuk V., Kitzberger T., Klein T., Levanic T., Linares J., Lombardi F., Makinen H., Meszaros I., Metsaranta J. M., Oberhuber W., Papadopoulos A., Petritan A. M., Rohner B., Sanguesa-Barreda G., Smith J. M., Stan A. B., Stojanovic D. B., Suarez M., Svoboda M., Trotsiuk V., Villalba R., Westwood A. R., Wyckoff P. H. & Martinez-Vilalta J. (2019) Frontiers in Plant Science. 9, 1964.

A nation-wide analysis of tree mortality under climate change: Forest loss and its causes in Israel 1948-2017

Klein T., Cahanovitc R., Sprintsin M., Herr N. & Schiller G. (2019) Forest Ecology and Management. 432, p. 840-849


Climate change drives tree mortality

Klein T. & Hartmann H. (2018) Science. 362, 6416, p. 758-758

Tree growth and water-use in hyper-arid Acacia occurs during the hottest and driest season

Winters G., Otieno D., Cohen S., Bogner C., Ragowloski G., Paudel I. & Klein T. (2018) Oecologia. 188, 3, p. 695-705

Ecotypic variation and stability in growth performance of the thermophilic conifer Pinus halepensis across the Mediterranean basin

Voltas J., Shestakova T. A., Patsiou T., di Matteo G. & Klein T. (2018) Forest Ecology and Management. 424, p. 205-215

Xylem embolism refilling and resilience against drought-induced mortality in woody plants: processes and trade-offs

Klein T., Zeppel M. J. B., Anderegg W. R. L., Bloemen J., De Kauwe M. G., Hudson P., Ruehr N. K., Powell T. L., von Arx G. & Nardini A. (2018) Ecological Research. 33, 5, p. 839-855

Elevated CO2 compensates for drought effects in lemon saplings via stomatal downregulation, increased soil moisture, and increased wood carbon storage

Paudel I., Halpern M., Wagner Y., Raveh E., Yermiyahu U., Hoch G. & Klein T. (2018) Environmental and Experimental Botany. 148, p. 117-127


Ecosystem dynamics and management after forest die-off: a global synthesis with conceptual state-and-transition models

Cobb R. C., Ruthrof K. X., Breshears D. D., Lloret F., Aakala T., Adams H. D., Anderegg W. R. L., Ewers B. E., Galiano L., Grunzweig J. M., Hartmann H., Huang C., Klein T., Kunert N., Kitzberger T., Landhausser S. M., Levick S., Preisler Y., Suarez M. L., Trotsiuk V. & Zeppel M. J. B. (2017) Ecosphere. 8, 12, 02034.

Measuring the effect of plant-community composition on carbon fixation on green roofs

Agra H., Klein T., Vasl A., Kadas G. & Blaustein L. (2017) URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING. 24, p. 1-4

Forest GPP Calculation Using Sap Flow and Water Use Efficiency Measurements

Tatarinov F., Rotenberg E., Yakir D. & Klein T. (2017) Bio-protocol. 7, 8, e2221.

Sedum-dominated green-roofs in a semi-arid region increase CO2 concentrations during the dry season

Agra H., Klein T., Vasl A., Shalom H., Kadas G. & Blaustein L. (2017) Science of the Total Environment. 584-585, p. 1147-1151


The correlations and sequence of plant stomatal, hydraulic, and wilting responses to drought

Bartlett M., Klein T., Jansen S., Choat B. & Sack L. (2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 46, p. 13098-13103

Growth and carbon relations of mature Picea abies trees under 5 years of free-air CO2 enrichment

Klein T., Bader M. K., Leuzinger S., Mildner M., Schleppi P., Siegwolf R. T. & Körner C. (2016) Journal of Ecology. 104, 6, p. 1720-1733

Diurnal dynamics of water transport, storage and hydraulic conductivity in pine trees under seasonal drought

Klein T., Cohen S., Paudel I., Preisler Y., Rotenberg E. & Yakir D. (2016) IFOREST-BIOGEOSCIENCES AND FORESTRY. 9, 5, p. 710-719

Meta-analysis reveals that hydraulic traits explain cross-species patterns of drought-induced tree mortality across the globe

Anderegg W. R., Klein T., Bartlett M., Sack L., Pellegrini A. F., Choat B. & Jansen S. (2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 18, p. 5024-5029

Belowground carbon trade among tall trees in a temperate forest

Klein T., Siegwolf R. T. & Körner C. (2016) Science. 352, 6283, p. 342-344

Resilience to seasonal heat wave episodes in a Mediterranean pine forest

Tatarinov F., Rotenberg E., Maseyk K., Ogee J., Klein T. & Yakir D. (2016) The New Phytologist. 210, 2, p. 485-496

Association between sap flow-derived and eddy covariance-derived measurements of forest canopy CO2 uptake

Klein T., Rotenberg E., Tatarinov F. & Yakir D. (2016) The New Phytologist. 209, 1, p. 436-446


Drought stress, growth and nonstructural carbohydrate dynamics of pine trees in a semi-arid forest

Klein T., Hoch G., Yakir D. & Korner C. (2014) Tree Physiology. 34, 9, p. 981-992

Knockdown of the Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplast protein disulfide isomerase 6 results in reduced levels of photoinhibition and increased D1 synthesis in high light

Wittenberg G., Levitan A., Klein T., Dangoor I., Keren N. & Danon A. (2014) Plant Journal. 78, 6, p. 1003-1013

Quantifying transpirable soil water and its relations to tree water use dynamics in a water-limited pine forest

Klein T., Rotenberg E., Cohen-Hilaleh E., Raz-Yaseef N., Tatarinov F., Preisler Y., Ogee J., Cohen S. & Yakir D. (2014) Ecohydrology. 7, 2, p. 409-419

Towards an advanced assessment of the hydrological vulnerability of forests to climate change-induced drought

Klein T., Yakir D., Buchmann N. & Grunzweig J. (2014) NEW PHYTOLOGIST. 201, 3, p. 712-716


Relationships between stomatal regulation, water-use, and water-use efficiency of two coexisting key Mediterranean tree species

Klein T., Shpringer I., Fikler B., Elbaz G., Cohen S. & Yakir D. (2013) Forest Ecology and Management. 302, p. 34-42

A plant's perspective of extremes: Terrestrial plant responses to changing climatic variability

Reyer C. P., Leuzinger S., Rammig A., Wolf A., Bartholomeus R. P., Bonfante A., de Lorenzi F., Dury M., Gloning P., Abou Jaoudé R., Klein T., Kuster T. M., Martins M., Niedrist G., Riccardi M., Wohlfahrt G., de Angelis P., de Dato G., François L., Menzel A. & Pereira M. (2013) Global Change Biology. 19, 1, p. 75-89

Differential ecophysiological response of a major Mediterranean pine species across a climatic gradient

Klein T., Di Matteo G., Rotenberg E., Cohen S. & Yakir D. (2013) Tree Physiology. 33, 1, p. 26-36


Hydraulic adjustments underlying drought resistance of Pinus halepensis

Klein T., Cohen S. & Yakir D. (2011) Tree Physiology. 31, 6, p. 637-648