חלופה בטיחותית לאבקת סודיום אזיד
Dear Weizmann Lab Employee/ Student Community,
Following a safety incident, in which weighing of sodium azide powder outside a chemical hood has led to safety/health near miss event, we would like to emphasize the following:
Powder of sodium azide is a highly hazardous chemical (see ref1, risk category 1&2), with the risks of high toxicity (fatal), dust explosion, explosion by heat and toxic gas release in contact with acids (see ref1 for more information).
Therefore, working with sodium azide powder must be avoided.
Safer alternatives to sodium azide powder include:
- Commercially available sodium azide solutions at different concentrations (see ref2 for more information).
- Solutions of ProClin™ preservatives (see attached documents, WIS catalogue # 020050644) https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/IL/en/search/proclin?focus=products&page=1&perpage=30&sort=relevance&term=proclin&type=product
ProClin preservatives solutions are highly effective biocides for the control of microorganisms in reagents and products intended for in vitro diagnostic use.
Their advantages include:
1. Broad-spectrum and immediate effect on bacteria, yeast and fungi.
2. Compatible with key enzymes and do not inhibit antibody/ enzyme activity.
3. High effectiveness in low concentration.
4. Stable and effective at pH 2-8.5.
5. Can be mixed with aqueous solutions at any ratio.
Prior to commencing work involving a chemical substance, make sure to refer to its safety data sheet (SDS) and familiarize yourself with its specific hazards (see Ref 3).
For more information contact the safety unit.
The Safety Unit
Sodium azide powder SDS:
Sodium azide solution 0.1M SDS:
Proclin SDS: