
All software except the Scratch projects can be found on GitHub

  • Robotics: Tutorial on the Visual Programming Language (VPL) and a document with programming examples and projects using the Aseba textual language. Tutorial on the use of Python to program the Thymio robot.
  • Scratch textbook (English, Hebrew).
  • Scratch projects for: learning mathematics, Karel the Robot, Braitenberg vehicles, computer science unplugged, Thymio robot simulation, gear animation.
  • LearnSAT: A program written in Prolog designed to facilitate learning the central algorithms used by modern SAT solvers: the DPLL algorithm together with conflict-directed clause-learning, non-chronological backtracking and lookahead. A very detailed trace of the algorithm's execution is displayed.
  • Erigone is a partial reimplementation of the Spin model checker intended to facilitate learning concurrency and model checking. It is single, self-contained, executable file so that installation and use are trivial and it produces a detailed trace of the model checking algorithms.
  • DAJ is an interactive, visual aid for studying distributed algorithms. Fourteen algorithms are current implemented, and you can implement other algorithms with  an elementary knowledge of Java.
  • jSpin (outdated) is an integrated development environment for Spin.
  • jBACI (outdated) is a concurrency simulator.