We use satellite observations of oceanic and atmospheric variables to derive information on the ocean-atmosphere components and on their interactions. We use MODIS, CALIPSO, QuickSCAT, the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer of NASA's Earth Observing System, and geostationary satellites to retrieve information on aerosols total column properties, cloud top properties, sea surface temperature, plankton abundance and composition, cloud and aerosol vertical distribution, near surface wind velocity, and high frequency changes in cloud field morphology.
We’ve developed Lagrangian diagnostic tools that allow tracking of changes in properties of atmospheric and oceanic features as they are advected and deformed by the atmospheric and oceanic flows. We have applied this Lagrangian approach for quantifying factors affecting dynamics of phytoplankton blooms, number concentration of marine aerosols, and morphological and microphysical properties of marine boundary layer clouds.
Annual mean distribution of coarse mode aerosol optical depth from 2003 to 2010