About The Program

MPG, based in Germany, and WIS, located in Israel, have joined forces to offer an exceptional postdoctoral program that promotes scientific collaboration and fosters interdisciplinary research. This program provides an outstanding opportunity for talented researchers to engage in cutting-edge projects, benefit from the expertise of two world-renowned institutions, and contribute to advancing knowledge in their respective fields.

Program Highlights

  1. Duration: Our joint postdoctoral program has a duration of four years, with an equal distribution of time between MPG and WIS. This unique structure allows postdoctoral fellows to benefit from the expertise and resources available at both institutions, fostering a rich and diverse research experience by ensuring dedicated time for in-depth exploration, comprehensive experimentation and significant contributions to their respective fields.
  2. Eligibility Criteria:
    • Applicants must start the program within 4 years of their Ph.D. graduation
    • Current WIS postdocs are eligible to apply, but must commence the program before the end of their first year at WIS
    • Commencement into the program is contingent upon PhD thesis submission
  3. Fellowships: During their time at MPG, postdocs positions are according to the German regulations and guidelines, and based on the experience level (German level 2 or level 3).
    Specific annual taxable salary levels are €62,822 for level 2 and €67,946 for level 3.
    This includes benefits such as health insurance, nursing care insurance, vacation days, pension insurance, and unemployment insurance.
    During their time at WIS, postdocs will receive an untaxed fellowship of 212,088 NIS annually for level 2 and 220,920 NIS annually for level 3.
    * Postdoctoral fellows in Israel are exempt from taxes.
    In addition, at WIS, Postdocs will receive full family health insurance, nursing care subsidy, vacation days, relocation expenses and subsidized housing.
  4. Global Research Collaboration: Fellows will have the opportunity to collaborate with leading scientists from both MPG and WIS. This program promotes a global research network, facilitating the exchange of ideas, expertise and diverse perspectives.
  5. Independent Travel Support: We understand the importance of scientific networking and dissemination of research findings. As part of this program, fellows will receive up to 3000 Euros per year for conferences, workshops and seminars, enabling them to present their work, engage with peers, and establish valuable professional connections.

Application Process

To apply for the MPG-WIS Joint Postdoctoral Program, please follow the application guidelines below:

  1. Contact researchers at MPG (see list of institutions) and at WIS, to discuss potential collaborative projects for which the researchers from both institutions can serve as joint hosts.
  2. Provide a detailed CV highlighting your academic background, research experience, list of publications, list of invited talks, awards, and any other relevant information specific to your field of research.
  3. Arrange for at least three letters of recommendation (if possible, one should be from the PhD advisor). These letters should come from individuals familiar with your research work and can assess your potential as a postdoctoral researcher in your specific field.
  4. Support letters from the MPG and WIS host researchers (can be a joint letter).
  5. Research statement explaining the project and its collaborative nature between the MPG and WIS (limited to 2 pages).
  6. A statement about the planned split between the institutes (MPG and WIS) for the duration of the 4 years. This should indicate at which institute (MPG or WIS) you will begin your four-year position.
  7. Upon completing the session and clicking the “Submit Application” button, you will receive an email verifying your application. Please note: this email also contains unique links for each of the referees you have listed. You may send each referee their unique link, which will allow them to access the system and submit their letter of recommendation.


Application Deadline: July 3, 2024