
On-campus dining: Probably the thorniest issue we’ve ever dealt with. Over the years, we’ve collected surveys from students about the issues they see and conveyed these issues to WIS management at all levels. Our biggest accomplishment this year was convincing the administration they should directly subsidize the meals, which they did - nowadays, eating on campus costs as little as 10-15 NIS. For a 35 NIS meal, the combined discount/subsidy now equals out to paying 13 NIS (a 62% reduction in price). In addition, we are participating in discussions and tenders for the next supplier, representing the students' voices.


Sports: We sent 50 students to participate in the ASA games in various sports competitions. This year we sent the largest team to have ever represented the Weizmann Institute, and we plan to send an even larger team next year!


Shabbat Shuttle: Throughout the last 8 months, we’ve been running a “Shabbat Shuttle” on a biweekly basis, which brings students/postdocs/employees to either nearby beaches (Ashdod/Rishon Lezion) or Tel Aviv. The idea here has been to provide the WIS community with a weekend excursion (when public transportation is limited), to take a break from one’s studies and to enjoy life outside Rehovot. This shuttle has been an overwhelming success and we hope to continue this concept during the upcoming academic year. We’re still brainstorming Shabbat destinations for the Fall, so feel free to leave suggestions (in the survey) as to where you’d like to visit.


Clubs: This year was transformative for Weizmann’s clubs. We organized FallFest (which we plan to do again in November), which for the first time allowed students to get to know the clubs available at WIS in person. Also for the first time, we succeeded in obtaining and distributing a clubs budget of nearly 200,000 NIS. It was used to fund Weizmann Orchestra concerts, an Ornithology Club birding trip, surfing boards for the Surf Club, supplies and equipment for sports clubs, table games, and much much more. We are expecting another clubs budget to be approved for the 2023-2024 academic year - stay tuned for an announcement.


Fun events: Other than FallFest, we organized three awesome parties: Hannuchristmas in December, Latin Party in April, and the Pool Party last week (photos will be up soon on our new Instagram page – follow us!). We also arranged a watch party for the Israel national football team and a post-doc questions-and-answers event. We’re looking forward to Student Day on October 12, the year's biggest event!