Institute for Environmental Sustainability (IES)
IES Mission Statement
Firing up curiosity driven research in sustainability
As a world leading basic research institution, the Weizmann Institute has a long history of investigation and discovery rooted in the mission of advancing science for the benefit of humanity. At IES, we accelerate curiosity-driven research in sustainability to tackle the grand challenges facing our humanity in the 21st century.
Inspiring young scientists to brave global sustainability challenges
The path towards a healthy and prosperous future that preserves and protects our planet requires a bold, innovative approach. At IES, we inspire talented young scientists to take on the challenges of global sustainability, giving them support to take risks in their research and collaborate without unnecessary hierarchies.
Shaping and equipping the next generation of sustainability researchers to be the forefront of their domain
We are shaping the next generation of sustainability researchers. We provide them with the tools and support they need to become leaders in their field and to bring their discoveries beyond the lab.
Stimulating collaborative work on sustainability across departments and with global partners
We are driving collaborative work on sustainability across departments and faculties. Building upon the collaborative spirit at Weizmann Institute, we bring together leading scientists from a range of disciplines, from biology to chemistry and mathematics, physics, botany, computer science, and more.
Sparking new areas of sustainability research by providing optimal conditions and freedom to explore
Bold scientific discoveries are not created in a vacuum. We are sparking new areas of sustainability research by providing veteran and young scientists with the optimal conditions so they have the freedom to explore and reach bold new discoveries.
Fuel WIS with top tier sustainability talent
We are creating a top cadre of sustainability talent at Weizmann Institute. Building upon our history of making leading scientific discoveries, we continue the tradition of creating an environment where scientific discoveries made in Israel can have an impact around the world.
Unsettling rigid disciplinary boundaries through proactive cross fertilization
Through our dedicated multidisciplinary approach, we are unsettling the rigid disciplinary boundaries traditionally found in research institutes. Our proactive approach to collaborative sustainability research creates a rich environment for cross-fertilization.
Set in motion new opportunities for funding cutting edge sustainability research
With significant new funding available for basic research leading to sustainable solutions, we are setting in motion new opportunities at the Weizmann Institute to fund cutting-edge sustainability research.
Nurture a strong and diverse sustainability oriented scientific community
Our aim is to nurture a strong and diverse scientific community oriented towards sustainability. As a world-class institute, it is our responsibility to fulfill our potential and create paradigm changes in the field of sustainability science.
Propeling basic research scientists to leadership roles in the sustainability ecosystem
We are propelling basic research scientists to take leadership roles in the sustainability ecosystem. Senior scientists and fellows supported by IES have the opportunity to collaborate, shape, and lead their disciplines to the frontiers of sustainability research.
Ignite a sense of creative purpose beyond the lab walls
We are igniting a sense of creative purpose beyond the laboratory walls. We provide researchers with the freedom and support to apply their scientific insights and introduce new practical solutions to the global marketplace.
Mobilize WIS resources to the sustainability domain
We are harnessing the expansive resources of WIS to focus on the grand challenges faced by the planet, and to become a world leading institute driving the future of sustainability research and solutions.
Catalyze the translation of scientific breakthroughs to global environmental impact
We are catalyzing the translation of scientific breakthroughs to the global marketplace, helping to bring discoveries with a positive environmental impact to communities around the world.
Revitalizing WIS campus sense of place through a shared vision and connection to its unique natural setting
We are revitalizing a unique sense of place at the Weizmann Institute campus, through the creation of a shared sustainability vision and a deeper connection to our natural setting.
Fascinate young minds to marvel and guard nature through captivating educational activities
Our educational activities inspire young minds to appreciate the natural wonder of the universe and to safeguard nature and the environment for generations to come.
Transform WIS campus into an experimental and innovative Living Lab leader for sustainability
We are transforming the Weizmann Institute into a living lab for sustainability. We are applying the research and discoveries made in the lab to our surrounding habitat, based on our mission to to lead by example and create a rich, thriving, resilient natural environment.
Make waves - design effective science communication messaging for evidence based decision making
We are making waves through the design of effective science communication that will drive evidence-based decision making for leaders and communities around the world.

Prof. Ron Milo
Prof. Ron Milo harnesses the tools of systems biology to find solutions to the grand challenges of sustainability. Prof. Milo’s work focuses on improving humanity’s ability to produce food and fuel more efficiently by creating new ways to fixate carbon dioxide from the air, and he has led studies to quantify the global biomass to provide a fresh perspective on humanity’s impact on the planet and the future of biodiversity.
Prof. Milo is Head of the Institute for Environmental Sustainability (IES) at Weizmann Institute and is a member of the Executive Board at the Israel Society of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. He is the author of the popular book Cell Biology by the Numbers, created the BioNumbers database, and has received numerous academic and scientific awards throughout his career, including the GE & Science, John F. Kennedy, and Chorafas prizes.
Weizmann Institute of Science

The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, is one of the world's top-ranking multidisciplinary research institutions. Noted for its wide-ranging exploration of the natural and exact sciences, the Institute is home to 3,700 scientists, students, technicians, and supporting staff. The Institute's research efforts include searching for new ways of fighting disease and hunger, examining leading questions in mathematics and computer science, probing the physics of matter and the universe, creating novel materials and developing new strategies for protecting the environment.