Past exhibitions
Contemporary conceptual art, much like the art of science, sprouts from an inner seed, within the awareness of the artist or scientist. Each must then undergo a rigorous process of refinement, isolation and experimentation. Each of these worlds is based on a central tenet of precision and consistency. In this, the ideologies and roots of the two appear not only to approach each other, but to abut in many places.
At the Weizmann Institute of Science, art is seen to be a complementary activity, so that scientists and artists can, together, observe the world from a higher vantage point in a more critical and precise way. In other words, the synergy that occurs when science and art are brought together – when the two world views meet – can lead to more significant achievements in the enduring quest to understand the world and our place in it.
Based on this concept, art exhibits have been displayed in various work spaces in the Weizmann Institute of Science in recent years – primarily showings of contemporary Israeli art.

Anne Blaich
"Dreams, Pixels, and Dots"
Stone Administration Building, Entrance floor

Chen Flamenbaum
"Deep Water"
The Studio

Lihi Turjeman
"Tomorrow Is Another Present"
Michael Sela Auditorium

Carmi Dror
Michael Sela Auditorium

Lee Yanor
The David Lopatie International Conference Center

Ofer Shomron
"The Glory of the Small Things"
Stone Administration Building, Entrance floor

Yoav Brener
The David Lopatie International Conference Center

David Gerstein
Raoul and Graziella de Picciotto Building for Scientific and Technical Support, 4th floor

Marina Santoro
"The Legend of Tomorrow"
Stone Administration Building, Entrance floor

Yuliana Gorkorov
"Letter Shape"
The David Lopatie International Conference Center, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot

Shalom Flash
Raoul and Graziella de Picciotto Building for Scientific and Technical Support, 1st floor

Natalia Zourabova
"Here, Now"
Stone Administration Building, Entrance floor

Zohdy Qadry
"for the sake of good order"
The David Lopatie International Conference Center, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot

Daniel Khaykelson
"Cement (Photography, film)"
The Koffler Accelerator, 7th floor

Michal Servadio Ilan
"On My Way"
Raoul and Graziella de Picciotto Building for Scientific and Technical Support, 4th floor

Ronit Keret
"Tears - Site-specific installation"
Sussman Family building for Environmental Sciences

Joshua Griffit
"Bearing Souvenirs #2"
The Max and Lillian Candiotty Building, 1st, 3rd floor

Alexander Katan-Schmid, Gadi Dagon
"Body image"
The Max and Lillian Candiotty Building, 2nd floor

Dafna Moriya
Stone Administration Building, Entrance floor

Shony Rivnay
" Travel Diary"
Stone Administration Building, ground floor

Michael Druks
"Zoom Out"
Stone Administration Building, Entrance floor

Shay Zilberman, Eli Horesh
"The Shape of Water"
The David Lopatie International Conference Center, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot

Maya Smira & Carmi Dror
"Now with Noise"
The David Lopatie International Conference Center, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot

Liat Grayver and e-David
"The Painting Robot"
Jacob Ziskind Building

Agnieszka Kurant, Vardi Bobrow and Yael Balaban
"Old, Fake News"
David Lopatie International Conference Centre, Weizmann Institute of Science

Aviva Shemer
"“Tikkun” (Repair)"
Nella and Leon Benoziyo Building for Biological Sciences & Raoul and Graziella de Picciotto Building for Scientific and Technical Support 2nd floor

Joshua Griffit
"Bad is Beautiful"
Feinberg Graduate School

Joshua Griffit
"The Anchorman"
Raoul and Graziella de Picciotto Building for Scientific and Technical Support 2nd floor

"Or Raviv"
Raoul and Graziella de Picciotto Building for Scientific and Technical Support

"What a wonderful place"
The David Lopatie Conference Centre

Dorit Feldman and Tamar Sheaffer
"Virtual, Reality"
The David Lopatie Conference Centre

Gadi Dagon
"Digital Dancer"
Raoul and Graziella de Picciotto Building for Scientific and Technical Support

Jonathan Goldman
"Now, out loud"
Feinberg Graduate School / The David Lopatie Hall of Graduate Studies, Weizmann Institute of Science

Liat Segal
"Art ex Machina"
The David Lopatie Conference Centre, Weizmann Institute of Science

Benni Efrat
"Time Crack"
The David Lopatie Conference Centre, Weizmann Institute of Science

This Will Make You Better
"Medicine and Medication in Contemporary Art"
The Nancy and Stephen Grand Israel National Center for Personalized Medicine (G-INCPM)

Eitan Vitkon
"Blowing in the Wind"
Feinberg Graduate School / David Lopatie Hall of Graduate Studies, Weizmann Institute of Science

"Field Theory"
The Edna and K. B. Weissman Building of Physical Sciences, and the Nechemiah and Naomi Cohen Building

"Eye Contact - Seeing “what’s there”"
Open week days: Sunday to Wednesdays, 09:00 – 16:00 Closed on Thursdays and weekends

Ella Amitay Sadovsky
"Composite Materials, Augmented Reality"
David Lopatie International Conference Centre

Michal Raz
"The Myth of the Two-Dimensional Plane"
The David Lopatie Hall of Graduate Studies

Micha Laury
"Road Map"
Stone Administration Building, first floor

Maty Grunberg
Ullmann Building of Life Sciences