Strategic Collaborations
- Space: we are working on the ULTRASAT mission; Eli Waxman is the Israeli PI, and our strategic collaboration is with Prof. Shri Kulkarni from Caltech, who is the US PI.
- Ground: we are working together with several other institutions on wide-field variability
surveys: initially PTF, currently iPTF, and soon ZTF. I am the Israeli lead. The PI of all these
projects is the same Shri Kulkarni from Caltech. - co-I's on NASA's (U.S.) iLobster mission to build gamma-ray detectors for an X-ray / gamma-ray observatory.
- Multi-wavelength multi-instrument campaigns (with XMM-Newton, Chandra, Swift, NuSTAR, INTEGRAL, and HST) for measurements of winds ejected from active galaxies (international group led by SRON, The Netherlands).
- Official bi-university agreement to collaborate on small satellite research with NTU in Singapore.
- The Weizmann Institute of science is a member of the XENON collaboration. We have introduced a new physics analysis method for the XENON100 experiment results, and are taking several roles in the design and construction of the future detector XENON1T, including the water tank, calibration system and slow control."
- The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is the world’s largest and most powerful particle experiment aiming at pushing further our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of our universe. The Israeli team takes a leading role in ATLAS, one of its two large multipurpose experiments. The Israeli team from the Technion, Weizmann and Tel Aviv University had a major contribution to the design construction and operation of the trigger system of the experiment. ATLAS is a huge collaborative effort of about 3000 participants including about 1000 students from 177 universities and laboratories. Since the beginning of its operation the Israeli I-Core members have participated in the Physics analyses of the ATLAS experiments leading the hunt for the Higgs boson and the searches for Physics beyond the Standard Model.