- Particle Physics I (WIS)- Prof. Yosef Nir
- Advanced Topics in Astrophysics (Technion) -Prof. Ehud Behar
- High Energy Astrophysics (Technion)- Prof. Ehud Behar
- Observational Astrophysics (Technion)- Prof. Ehud Behar
- Introduction to Particle and Nuclear Physics for undergraduate students (TAU)- Prof. Erez Etzion
- Introduction to particle physics (graduate) -(Technion)- Prof. Yael Shadmi
- Physics of particle and Nuclei (undergrad) -(Technion)- Prof. Shlomit Tarem
- Particle Physics (graduate) -(Technion)- Prof. Shlomit Tarem
- Particle Physics I -(TAU)- Dr. Tomer Volansky
- Quantum Field Theory 1 (WIS)* - Prof Ofer Aharony
*this link is to the FGS page, there is no other page for this course.