1991 until 2000


Sidney Musher Building for Science Teaching

A gift of PEF (Palestine Endowment Fund) of the US, named in honor of its long-time director. It houses the Department of Science Teaching.


Hermann and Dan Mayer Building for Semiconductor Science

A gift of friends from France, this is an advanced facility that contains highly specialized equipment for work in nanophysics.



Dolfi and Lola Ebner Auditorium

A gift of Israeli friends, it is a medium-sized auditorium for conferences and cultural events.


Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger Life Sciences Library

A gift of benefactors from France.


Chaim Weizmann Archives Building

Donated by Ayala Zacks Abramov of Israel, in memory of Samuel Jacob Zacks of Toronto, Canada.


Marcel Mérieux Foundation Biohazard-P3 Laboratory

Fondation Mérieux, an independent research foundation in Lyon, France, was set up in 1967 by Dr. Charles Mérieux, in memory of his father Marcel Mérieux, a pupil of Louis Pasteur and founder of the Mérieux Institute in 1897. The foundation is dedicated to combat infectious diseases.


Martha, Bram and Philippe Laub International Science Youth Village

A gift of the Laub family of Belgium, the compound hosts summer science camps for young people, and during the school year - overnight programs for Israeli school children.


Arison Neurobiology Building

A gift of Ted Arison and the Arison Foundation of Israel houses the Department of Neurobiology.


Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Building

The original Ernst D. Bergmann Institute was expanded, thanks to a gift of Helen Kimmel, with the addition of two floors and a thorough refurbishment of the entire building to accommodate the newly created Department of Structural Biology and part of the existing Department of Organic Chemistry.


Charles W. and Tillie K. Lubin Building

This is one of the earliest buildings on campus (1930s), initially built for the Agricultural Research Station of the Jewish Agency, which predated the Weizmann Institute. Eventually it became the home of plant research at the Institute, thanks to the support of Charles Lubin and his family and friends from Chicago. In 1995, Sara Lee Schupf of New York helped the Institute to thoroughly refurbish the building, adding a cafeteria named Charlie’s Place, in memory of her father


Leon and Nella Benoziyo Physics Library

A gift of Leon and Nella Benoziyo of Switzerland.


Sussman Family Building for Environmental Sciences

A gift of S. Donald Sussman, past Chairman of the American Committee for the Weizmann Institute. Designed by architect Rafi Lerman, it was the first attempt on campus to construct a “green” building.


Everett Technology Workshop

A gift of Henry and Edith Everett of New York, for construction of exhibits in the Clore Garden of Science.


Goldsmith-Maltz Building

A gift of Elaine and Bram Goldsmith of Los Angeles, CA, and Ben Maltz, Elaine’s father. The building houses scientific services: Instrumentation Design and Drawing, Photography Lab, and Graphics Department. Formerly, it was home to the Department of Pure Mathematics, a gift of Joseph and Caroline Gruss of New York.


Full refurbishment of the Daniel Wolf Building

Thanks to Ilse Katz of Geneva, this building was converted into the Ilse and Maurice Katz Magnetic Resonance Laboratory for Biomedical Research.


Mexico Building

Funded by a group of Mexican supporters of the Institute, houses the Laboratory for Development and Construction of Particle Detectors. In this building, Weizmann Institute experts are constructing high performance detectors for the CERN Atlas project.


Clore Garden of Science

A gift of Dame Vivien Clore Duffield DBE and the Clore Israel Foundation.

The award-winning Clore Garden of Science is a hands-on, activity-oriented outdoor museum that presents natural and scientific principles and phenomena in a very concrete and understandable way. The two-acre museum offers tours, classes, and workshops for elementary, junior high, and senior high school levels as well as for families and the general public. The Clore Garden of Science is a vital part of the Weizmann Institute's outreach efforts through the Davidson Institute of Science Education.

The Garden of Science embodies the vision of its founder and long-time (until 2009) director. Dr. Moshe Rishpon, a Weizmann-trained physicist and a brilliant educator. In realizing his vision, Dr. Rishpon was joined by designer Hanan De-Lange, landscape architect Dan Tsur, and Reuven Anati, former head of the Everett Technology Workshop, where many of the exhibits were developed.

The Clore Foundation was founded in 1964 by Sir Charles Clore (1904-1979), one of Britain's most successful post-war businessmen and one of the most generous philanthropists of his day. Clore was born in Whitechapel, the son of Jewish immigrants from Riga. In the 1950s, he was the pioneer of company takeovers, becoming a household name in Britain and beyond. He joined the Weizmann Institute’s Board in 1961, and received the Institute’s highest honor, an honorary Ph.D., in 1969.

After his death, his daughter, Vivien Duffield, assumed the chairmanship of the Foundation, and created her own foundation, in 1987, with the aim of continuing and consolidating her family's history of philanthropy. The two foundations were merged in 2000 to become the Clore Duffield Foundation. Vivien Duffield was awarded a CBE in 1989 and a DBE in 2000.

The Clore Israel Foundation concentrates its support on education, the arts, museum and gallery education, cultural leadership training, health and social care, and enhancing Jewish life, placing particular emphasis on supporting children, young people, and society's more vulnerable individuals.

Dame Vivien is a long-standing (since 1981), active member of the International Board of the Weizmann Institute of Science. She was first introduced to the Weizmann Institute when, at age 11, her father took her and her brother on their first trip to Israel and they met Meyer Weisgal, Dr. Weizmann's close associate and the driving force behind the Weizmann Institute's early development. She often spent vacations in the private family flat on the top floor of the Charles Clore International House (a flat since converted to student residences).

The family’s long association with the Weizmann Institute is felt particularly (though not exclusively) in its strong support of science education. It began (1964) with the construction of a residence for graduate students, the Sir Charles Clore International House (renovated in the 1990s), and continued in a string of fellowships and scholarships (1970s and ‘80s), culminating, most visibly, in the Clore Garden of Science. Dame Vivien received the Institute’s honorary Ph.D. degree in 1985.


Barbara and Morris Levinson Visitors Center

Located on the ground floor of the Wix Library Building, it is the Institute’s hospitality hub, a gift of the Morris L. Levinson Foundation, Inc. of Palm Beach, FL.


Nissim Pavilion in the Clore Garden of Science

A gift of Joseph and Jeanne Nissim of Geneva, Switzerland


Camelia Botnar Building

Established by Octav and Marcela Botnar of Switzerland, in memory of their only daughter, killed in a car accident. The building is dedicated to genetic research.


Raoul and Graziella de Picciotto Building

Part of a complex built in the 1940s, was converted to new uses, thanks to the gift of the couple for which it is named. The building currently houses the Construction & Physical Plant Maintenance Division. This function will eventually move, together with a number of other key campus services to the Raoul and Graziella de Picciotto Building for Scientific and Technical Support (under construction).