Roy D., Levi K., Kiss V., Nevo R. & Eisenbach M. (2020) Rhodopsin and melanopsin coexist in mammalian sperm cells and activate different signaling pathways for thermotaxis. Scientific Reports, 10(1):112
Sperm Publications
- Boryshpolets S., Perez Cerezales S. & Eisenbach M. (2015) Behavioral mechanism of human sperm in thermotaxis: A role for hyperactivation. Human Reproduction, 30(4):884-892
- Perez Cerezales C. S., Boryshpolets S., Afanzar O., Brandis A., Nevo R., Kiss V. & Eisenbach M. (2015) Involvement of opsins in mammalian sperm thermotaxis. Scientific Reports, 5:16146
- Armon L., Ben-Ami I., Ron-El R. & Eisenbach M. (2014) Human oocyte-derived sperm chemoattractant is a hydrophobic molecule associated with a carrier protein. Fertility and Sterility, 102(3):885-890
- Armon L., Caplan S. R., Eisenbach M. & Friedrich B. M. (2012) Testing human sperm chemotaxis: How to detect biased motion in population assays. PLoS ONE, 7(3):e32909
- Bahat A., Caplan S. R. & Eisenbach M. (2012) Thermotaxis of human sperm cells in extraordinarily shallow temperature gradients over a wide range. PLoS ONE, 7(7):e41915
- Armon L. & Eisenbach M. (2011) Behavioral mechanism during human sperm chemotaxis: Involvement of hyperactivation. PLoS ONE, 6(12):e28359
- Bahat A. & Eisenbach M. (2010) Human sperm thermotaxis is mediated by phospholipase C and inositol trisphosphate receptor Ca2+ channel. Biology of Reproduction, 82(3):606-616
- Gakamsky A., Armon L. & Eisenbach M. (2009) Behavioral response of human spermatozoa to a concentration jump of chemoattractants or intracellular cyclic nucleotides. Human Reproduction, 24(5):1152-1163
- Oren-Benaroya R., Orvieto R., Gakamsky A., Pinchasov M. & Eisenbach M. (2008) The sperm chemoattractant secreted from human cumulus cells is progesterone. Human Reproduction, 23(10):2339-2345
- Oren-Benaroya R., Kipnis J. & Eisenbach M. (2007) Phagocytosis of human post-capacitated spermatozoa by macrophages. Human Reproduction, 22(11):2947-2955
- Bahat A., Eisenbach M. & Tur-Kaspa I. (2005) Periovulatory increase in temperature difference within the rabbit oviduct. Human Reproduction, 20(8):2118-2121
- Sun F., Bahat A., Gakamsky A., Girsh E., Katz N., Giojalas L., Tur-Kaspa I. & Eisenbach M. (2005) Human sperm chemotaxis: Both the oocyte and its surrounding cumulus cells secrete sperm chemoattractants. Human Reproduction, 20(3):761-767
- Giojalas L., Rovasio R., Fabro G., Gakamsky A. & Eisenbach M. (2004) Timing of sperm capacitation appears to be programmed according to egg availability in the female genital tract. Fertility and Sterility, 82(1):247-249
- Eisenbach M. (2003) Why are sperm cells phagocytosed by leukocytes in the female genital tract?. Medical Hypotheses, 60(4):590-592
- Bahat A., Tur-Kaspa I., Gakamsky A., Giojalas L., Breitbart H. & Eisenbach M. (2003) Thermotaxis of mammalian sperm cells: A potential navigation mechanism in the female genital tract [1]. Nature Medicine, 9(2):149-150
- Sun F., Giojalas L., Rovasio R., Tur-Kaspa I., Sanchez R. & Eisenbach M. (2003) Lack of species-specificity in mammalian sperm chemotaxis. Developmental Biology, 255(2):423-427
- Fabro G., Rovasio R., Civalero S., Frenkel A., Caplan S., Eisenbach M. & Giojalas L. (2002) Chemotaxis of capacitated rabbit spermatozoa to follicular fluid revealed by a novel directionality-based assay. Biology of Reproduction, 67(5):1565-1571
- Jaiswal B., Tur-Kaspa I., Dor J., Mashiach S. & Eisenbach M. (1999) Human sperm chemotaxis: Is progesterone a chemoattractant?. Biology of Reproduction, 60(6):1314-1319
- Jaiswal B., Eisenbach M. & Tur-Kaspa I. (1999) Detection of partial and complete acrosome reaction in human spermatozoa: which inducers and probes to use?. Molecular Human Reproduction, 5(3):214-219
- Jaiswal B., Cohen-Dayag A., Tur-Kaspa I. & Eisenbach M. (1998) Sperm capacitation is, after all, a prerequisite for both partial and complete acrosome reaction. FEBS Letters, 427(2):309-313
- Ralt D., Manor M., Cohendayag A., Turkaspa I., Benshlomo I., Makler A., Yuli I., Dor J., Blumberg S., Mashiach S. & Eisenbach M. (1994) Chemotaxis and chemokinesis of human spermatozoa to follicular factors. Biology of Reproduction, 50(4):774-785
- Zamir N., Rivenkreitman R., Manor M., Makler A., Blumberg S., Ralt D. & Eisenbach M. (1993) Atrial natriuretic peptide attracts human spermatozoa in vitro. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 197(1):116-122
- Ralt D., Goldenberg M., Fetterolf P., Thompson D., Dor J., Mashiach S., Garbers D. & Eisenbach M. (1991) Sperm attraction to a follicular factor(s) correlates with human egg fertilizability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 88(7):2840-2844