Group Members
Gali Arad-Haase, Postdoctoral Fellow [Patent Attorny, Reinhold Cohn Group].
Dana Charuvi, Ph.D. Student [Group Leader, Volcani Center].
Silvia G. Chuartzman, Ph.D. Student & Postdoctoral Fellow [Research Assistant, WIS].
Shlomi Dagan, Ph.D. Student.
Irina Grigoreva, Visiting Student.
David Kaftan, Postdoctoral Fellow [Senior Scientist, University of South Bohemia].
Ruti Kapon, Postdoctoral Fellow [Associate Staff Scientist, WIS].
Natalie Lehavi, M.Sc. Student.
Ron Littman, M.Sc. Student [Senior Consultant and Group Leader, FreeMind Group].
Peter Markiewicz, Postdoctoral Fellow [Program Consultant, Markiewicz & Associates].
Adi Mesika, Ph.D. Student [Buisiness Develpement Manager, Tagra Biotechnologies].
Shira Mintzer, M.Sc. Student [Barak Capital].
Bracha Naim, M.Sc. & Ph.D. Student [Chief Scientist, Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources].
Reinat Nevo, Ph.D. Student & Postdoctoral Student [Assistant Staff Scientist, WIS].
Yair Pilpel, M.Sc. Student [Project and Prodcution Manager, Procore Biomed].
Ophir Rav-Hon, Ph.D. Student [Private Vetrinary Practice].
Ilan Sagiv, M.Sc. Student [Elbit Electro-Optic Systems].
Saroj Shekhawat, Ph.D. Student [Chief Science Officer, Stemgenic Therapeutics].
Ariel Shemesh, M.Sc. Student [Elbit systems].
Anat Sperberg, Ph.D. Student.
Eyal Tamary, M.Sc. Student. [Ph.D. student at the Hebrew University].
Alon Topchik, Visiting Student [Founder, Agouti Environment].
Onie Tsabari, Ph.D. Student and Postdoctoral Fellow.
Geetha K. Varier, Postoctoral Fellow [Visiting Faculty, Birla Inst. of Technology & Science].