Duration: 5 y
Understanding how the transcription and translation processes control the cellular response to extra-cellular stimuli in health and disease
Regulation of gene expression at the transcriptional and translational levels is fundamental to all biological activities and is frequently altered in disease states. Our broad research interests are (i) to elucidate how the transcription and translation processes control the cellular response to environmental stimuli, (ii) to reveal the connections between the transcription and translation processes, and (iii) to develop tools to manipulate these processes for the potential treatment of cancer, chronic inflammation, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Duration: 3 y
Understanding how the transcription and translation processes control the cellular response to extra-cellular stimuli in health and disease
Regulation of gene expression at the transcriptional and translational levels is fundamental to all biological activities and is frequently altered in disease states. Our broad research interests are (i) to elucidate how the transcription and translation processes control the cellular response to environmental stimuli, (ii) to reveal the connections between the transcription and translation processes, and (iii) to develop tools to manipulate these processes for the potential treatment of cancer, chronic inflammation, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Available Rotations: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Understanding how the transcription and translation processes control the cellular response to extra-cellular stimuli
Regulation of gene expression at the transcriptional and translational levels is fundamental to all biological activities and is frequently altered in disease states. Our broad research interests are (i) to elucidate how the transcription and translation processes control the cellular response to enviromental stimuli; (ii) to reveal the connections between the transcription and translation processes and (iii) to develop tools to manipulate these processes for potential treatment of cancer, chronic inflammation and neurodegenrative diseases.