Ben-Ishay Y., Barak Y., Feintuch A., Ouari O., Pierro A., Mileo E., Su X. C. & Goldfarb D. (2024) Protein Science. 33, 3, e4903
The combined effects of the cellular environment on proteins led to the definition of a fifth level of protein structural organization termed quinary structure. To explore the implication of potential quinary structure for globular proteins, we studied the dynamics and conformations of Escherichia coli (E. coli) peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase B (PpiB) in E. coli cells. PpiB plays a major role in maturation and regulation of folded proteins by catalyzing the cis/trans isomerization of the proline imidic peptide bond. We applied electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques, utilizing both Gadolinium (Gd(III)) and nitroxide spin labels. In addition to using standard spin labeling approaches with genetically engineered cysteines, we incorporated an unnatural amino acid to achieve Gd(III)-nitroxide orthogonal labeling. We probed PpiB's residue-specific dynamics by X-band continuous wave EPR at ambient temperatures and its structure by double electronelectron resonance (DEER) on frozen samples. PpiB was delivered to E. coli cells by electroporation. We report a significant decrease in the dynamics induced by the cellular environment for two chosen labeling positions. These changes could not be reproduced by adding crowding agents and cell extracts. Concomitantly, we report a broadening of the distance distribution in E. coli, determined by Gd(III)Gd(III) DEER measurements, as compared with solution and human HeLa cells. This suggests an increase in the number of PpiB conformations present in E. coli cells, possibly due to interactions with other cell components, which also contributes to the reduction in mobility and suggests the presence of a quinary structure.
Greiss F., Lardon N., Schütz L., Barak Y., Daube S. S., Weinhold E., Noireaux V. & Bar-Ziv R. (2024) Nature Communications. 15, 1, 883
Realizing genetic circuits on single DNA molecules as self-encoded dissipative nanodevices is a major step toward miniaturization of autonomous biological systems. A circuit operating on a single DNA implies that genetically encoded proteins localize during coupled transcription-translation to DNA, but a single-molecule measurement demonstrating this has remained a challenge. Here, we use a genetically encoded fluorescent reporter system with improved temporal resolution and observe the synthesis of individual proteins tethered to a DNA molecule by transient complexes of RNA polymerase, messenger RNA, and ribosome. Against expectations in dilute cell-free conditions where equilibrium considerations favor dispersion, these nascent proteins linger long enough to regulate cascaded reactions on the same DNA. We rationally design a pulsatile genetic circuit by encoding an activator and repressor in feedback on the same DNA molecule. Driven by the local synthesis of only several proteins per hour and gene, the circuit dynamics exhibit enhanced variability between individual DNA molecules, and fluctuations with a broad power spectrum. Our results demonstrate that co-expressional localization, as a nonequilibrium process, facilitates single-DNA genetic circuits as dissipative nanodevices, with implications for nanobiotechnology applications and artificial cell design.
Liebermann D. G., Jungwirth J., Riven I., Barak Y., Levy D., Horovitz A. & Haran G. (2023) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 14, 29, p. 6513-6521
The chaperonin GroEL is a multisubunit molecular machine that assists in protein folding in the Escherichia coli cytosol. Past studies have shown that GroEL undergoes large allosteric conformational changes during its reaction cycle. Here, we report single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer measurements that directly probe the conformational transitions of one subunit within GroEL and its single-ring variant under equilibrium conditions. We find that four microstates span the conformational manifold of the protein and interconvert on the submillisecond time scale. A unique set of relative populations of these microstates, termed a macrostate, is obtained by varying solution conditions, e.g., adding different nucleotides or the cochaperone GroES. Strikingly, ATP titration studies demonstrate that the partition between the apo and ATP-ligated conformational macrostates traces a sigmoidal response with a Hill coefficient similar to that obtained in bulk experiments of ATP hydrolysis. These coinciding results from bulk measurements for an entire ring and single-molecule measurements for a single subunit provide new evidence for the concerted allosteric transition of all seven subunits.
From Microstates to Macrostates in the Conformational Dynamics of GroEL: a Single-Molecule FRET Study
Liebermann D., Jungwirth J., Riven I., Barak Y., Levy D., Horovitz A. & Haran G. (2023) BioRxiv.
The chaperonin GroEL is a multi-subunit molecular machine that assists in protein folding in the E. coli cytosol. Past studies have shown that GroEL undergoes large allosteric conformational changes during its reaction cycle. However, a measurement of subunit dynamics and their relation to the allosteric cycle of GroEL has been missing. Here, we report single-molecule FRET measurements that directly probe the conformational transitions of one subunit within GroEL and its single-ring variant under equilibrium conditions. We find that four microstates span the conformational manifold of the protein and interconvert on the submillisecond time scale. A unique set of relative populations of these microstates, termed a macrostate, is obtained by varying solution conditions, e.g., adding different nucleotides or the co-chaperone GroES. Strikingly, ATP titration studies demonstrate that the partition between the apo and ATP-liganded conformational macrostates traces a sigmoidal response with a Hill coefficient similar to that obtained in bulk experiments of ATP hydrolysis, confirming the essential role of the observed dynamics in the function of GroEL.
Giannoulis A., Feintuch A., Barak Y., Mazal H., Albeck S., Unger T., Yang F., Su X. & Goldfarb D. (2020) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117, 1, p. 395-404
Hsp90 plays a central role in cell homeostasis by assisting folding and maturation of a large variety of clients. It is a homo-dimer, which functions via hydrolysis of ATP-coupled to conformational changes. Hsp90's conformational cycle in the absence of cochaperones is currently postulated as apo-Hsp90 being an ensemble of "open"/"closed" conformations. Upon ATP binding, Hsp90 adopts an active ATP-bound closed conformation where the N-terminal domains, which comprise the ATP binding site, are in close contact. However, there is no consensus regarding the conformation of the ADP-bound Hsp90, which is considered important for client release. In this work, we tracked the conformational states of yeast Hsp90 at various stages of ATP hydrolysis in frozen solutions employing electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques, particularly double electron-electron resonance (DEER) distance measurements. Using rigid Gd(III) spin labels, we found the C domains to be dimerized with same distance distribution at all hydrolysis states. Then, we substituted the ATPase Mg(II) cofactor with paramagnetic Mn(II) and followed the hydrolysis state using hyperfine spectroscopy and measured the inter-N-domain distance distributions via Mn(II)-Mn(II) DEER. The point character of the Mn(II) spin label allowed us resolve 2 different closed states: The ATP-bound (prehydrolysis) characterized by a distance distribution having a maximum of 4.3 nm, which broadened and shortened, shifting the mean to 3.8 nm at the ADP-bound state (posthydrolysis). This provides experimental evidence to a second closed conformational state of Hsp90 in solution, referred to as "compact" Finally, the so-called high-energy state, trapped by addition of vanadate, was found structurally similar to the posthydrolysis state.
Dalaloyan A., Martorana A., Barak Y., Gataulin D., Reuveny E., Howe A., Elbaum M., Albeck S., Unger T., Frydman V., Abdelkader E. H., Otting G. & Goldfarb D. (2019) ChemPhysChem. 20, 14, p. 1860-1868
It is an open question whether the conformations of proteins sampled in dilute solutions are the same as in the cellular environment. Here we address this question by double electron-electron resonance (DEER) distance measurements with Gd(III) spin labels to probe the conformations of calmodulin (CaM) in vitro, in cell extract, and in human HeLa cells. Using the CaM mutants N53C/T110C and T34C/T117C labeled with maleimide-DOTA-Gd(III) in the N- and C-terminal domains, we observed broad and varied interdomain distance distributions. The in vitro distance distributions of apo-CaM and holo-CaM in the presence and absence of the IQ target peptide can be described by combinations of closed, open, and collapsed conformations. In cell extract, apo- and holo-CaM bind to target proteins in a similar way as apo- and holo-CaM bind to IQ peptide in vitro. In HeLa cells, however, in the presence or absence of elevated in-cell Ca2+ levels CaM unexpectedly produced more open conformations and very broad distance distributions indicative of many different interactions with in-cell components. These results show-case the importance of in-cell analyses of protein structures.
Pardo M., Xu F., Shemesh M., Qiu X., Barak Y., Zhu T. & Rudich Y. (2019) Science of the Total Environment. 669, p. 303-313
Nrf2 is an important transcription factor implicated in the oxidative stress response, which has been reported to play an important role in the way by which air pollution particulate matter (PM<sub>2.5</sub>) induces adverse health effects. This study investigates the mechanism by which Nrf2 exerts its protective effect in PM<sub>2.5</sub> induced toxicity in lung cells. Lung cells silenced for Nrf2 (shNrf2) demonstrated diverse susceptibility to various PM extracts; water extracts containing high levels of dissolved metals exhibited higher capacity to generate mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) and hence increased oxidative stress levels. Organic extracts containing high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) increased mortality and reduced ROS production in the silenced cells. shNrf2 cells exhibited a higher basal mitochondrial respiration rate compared to the control cells. Following exposure to water extracts, the mitochondrial respiration increased, which was not observed with the organic extracts. shNrf2 cells exposed to the organic extracts showed lower mitochondrial membrane potential and lower mtDNA copy number. Nrf2 may act as a signaling mediator for the mitochondria function following PM<sub>2.5</sub> exposure.
Mazal H., Iljina M., Barak Y., Elad N., Rosenzweig R., Goloubinoff P., Riven I. & Haran G. (2019) Nature Communications. 10, 1, 1438
Large protein machines are tightly regulated through allosteric communication channels. Here we demonstrate the involvement of ultrafast conformational dynamics in allosteric regulation of CIpB, a hexameric AAA+ machine that rescues aggregated proteins. Each subunit of CIpB contains a unique coiled-coil structure, the middle domain (M domain), proposed as a control element that binds the co-chaperone DnaK. Using single-molecule FRET spectroscopy, we probe the M domain during the chaperone cycle and find it to jump on the microsecond time scale between two states, whose structures are determined. The M-domain jumps are much faster than the overall activity of CIpB, making it an effectively continuous, tunable switch. Indeed, a series of allosteric interactions are found to modulate the dynamics, including binding of nucleotides, DnaK and protein substrates. This mode of dynamic control enables fast cellular adaptation and may be a general mechanism for the regulation of cellular machineries.
Barth A., Hendrix J., Fried D., Barak Y., Bayer E. A. & Lamb D. C. (2018) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Physical Sciences. 115, 48, p. E11274-E11283
Efficient degradation of plant cell walls by selected anaerobic bacteria is performed by large extracellular multienzyme complexes termed cellulosomes. The spatial arrangement within the cellulosome is organized by a protein called scaffoldin, which recruits the cellulolytic subunits through interactions between cohesin modules on the scaffoldin and dockerin modules on the enzymes. Although many structural studies of the individual components of cellulosomal scaffoldins have been performed, the role of interactions between individual cohesin modules and the flexible linker regions between them are still not entirely understood. Here, we report single-molecule measurements using FRET to study the conformational dynamics of a bimodular cohesin segment of the scaffoldin protein CipA of Clostridium thermocellum. We observe compacted structures in solution that persist on the timescale of milliseconds. The compacted conformation is found to be in dynamic equilibrium with an extended state that shows distance fluctuations on the microsecond timescale. Shortening of the intercohesin linker does not destabilize the interactions but reduces the rate of contact formation. Upon addition of dockerin-containing enzymes, an extension of the flexible state is observed, but the cohesin-cohesin interactions persist. Using allatom molecular-dynamics simulations of the system, we further identify possible intercohesin binding modes. Beyond the view of scaffoldin as "beads on a string," we propose that cohesincohesin interactions are an important factor for the precise spatial arrangement of the enzymatic subunits in the cellulosome that leads to the high catalytic synergy in these assemblies and should be considered when designing cellulosomes for industrial applications.
Kantaev R., Riven I., Goldenzweig A., Barak Y., Dym O., Peleg Y., Albeck S., Fleishman S. J. & Haran G. (2018) Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 122, 49, p. 11030-11038
Folding of proteins to their functional conformation is paramount to life. Though 75% of the proteome consists of multi-domain proteins, our knowledge of folding has been based primarily on studies conducted on single-domain and fast-folding proteins. Nonetheless, the complexity of folding landscapes exhibited by multi-domain proteins has received increased scrutiny in recent years. We study the three-domain protein adenylate kinase from E. coli (AK), which has been shown to fold through a series of pathways involving several intermediate states. We use protein design method to manipulate the folding landscape of AK, and single-molecule FRET spectroscopy to study the effects on the folding process. Mutations introduced in the NMP binding (NMPbind) domain of the protein are found to have unexpected effects on the folding landscape. Thus, while stabilizing mutations in the core of the NMPbind domain retain the main folding pathways of wild-type AK, a destabilizing mutation at the interface between the NMPbind and the CORE domains causes a significant repartition of the flux between the folding pathways. Our results demonstrate the outstanding plasticity of the folding landscape of AK, and reveal how specific mutations in the primary structure are translated into changes in folding dynamics. The combination of methodologies introduced in this work should prove useful for deepening our understanding of the folding process of multi-domain proteins.
Aviram H. Y., Pirchi M., Mazal H., Barak Y., Riven I. & Haran G. (2018) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Biological Sciences. 115, 13, p. 3243-3248
The functional cycle of many proteins involves large-scale motions of domains and subunits. The relation between conformational dynamics and the chemical steps of enzymes remains under debate. Here we show that in the presence of substrates, domain motions of an enzyme can take place on the microsecond time scale, yet exert influence on the much-slower chemical step. We study the domain closure reaction of the enzyme adenylate kinase from Escherichia coli while in action (i.e., under turnover conditions), using single-molecule FRET spectroscopy. We find that substrate binding increases dramatically domain closing and opening times, making them as short as similar to 15 and similar to 45 mu s, respectively. These large-scale conformational dynamics are likely the fastest measured to date, and are similar to 100-200 times faster than the enzymatic turnover rate. Some active-site mutants are shown to fully or partially prevent the substrate-induced increase in domain closure times, while at the same time they also reduce enzymatic activity, establishing a clear connection between the two phenomena, despite their disparate time scales. Based on these surprising observations, we propose a paradigm for the mode of action of enzymes, in which numerous cycles of conformational rearrangement are required to find a mutual orientation of substrates that is optimal for the chemical reaction.
Aviram H. Y., Pirchi M., Barak Y., Riven I. & Haran G. (2018) Journal of Chemical Physics. 148, 12, 123303
Experimental tools of increasing sophistication have been employed in recent years to study protein folding and misfolding. Folding is considered a complex process, and one way to address it is by studying small proteins, which seemingly possess a simple energy landscape with essentially only two stable states, either folded or unfolded. The B1-IgG binding domain of protein L (PL) is considered a model two-state folder, based on measurements using a wide range of experimental techniques. We applied single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) spectroscopy in conjunction with a hidden Markov model analysis to fully characterize the energy landscape of PL and to extract the kinetic properties of individual molecules of the protein. Surprisingly, our studies revealed the existence of a third state, hidden under the two-state behavior of PL due to its small population, ∼7%. We propose that this minority intermediate involves partial unfolding of the two C-terminal β strands of PL. Our work demonstrates that single-molecule FRET spectroscopy can be a powerful tool for a comprehensive description of the folding dynamics of proteins, capable of detecting and characterizing relatively rare metastable states that are difficult to observe in ensemble studies.
Yaakov N., Barak Y., Pereman I., Christie P. J. & Elbaum M. (2017) PLoS ONE. 12, 4, e0175273
VirE2 is a ssDNA binding protein essential for virulence in Agrobacterium tumefaciens. A tetracysteine mutant (VirE2-TC) was prepared for in vitro and in vivo fluorescence imaging based on the ReAsH reagent. VirE2-TC was found to be biochemically active as it binds both ssDNA and the acidic secretion chaperone VirE1. It was also biologically functional in complementing virE2 null strains transforming Arabidopsis thaliana roots and Nicotiana tabacum leaves. In vitro experiments demonstrated a two-color fluorescent complex using VirE2-TC/ReAsH and Alexa Fluor 488 labeled ssDNA. In vivo, fluorescent VirE2-TC/ReAsH was detected in bacteria and in plant cells at time frames relevant to transformation.
Israeli-Ruimy V., Bule P., Jindou S., Dassa B., Morais S., Borovok I., Barak Y., Slutzki M., Hamberg Y., Cardoso V., Alves V. D., Najmudin S., White B. A., Flint H. J., Gilbert H. J., Lamed R., Fontes C. M. G. A. & Bayer E. (2017) Scientific Reports. 7, 42355
Protein-protein interactions play a vital role in cellular processes as exemplified by assembly of the intricate multi-enzyme cellulosome complex. Cellulosomes are assembled by selective high-affinity binding of enzyme-borne dockerin modules to repeated cohesin modules of structural proteins termed scaffoldins. Recent sequencing of the fiber-degrading Ruminococcus flavefaciens FD-1 genome revealed a particularly elaborate cellulosome system. In total, 223 dockerin-bearing ORFs potentially involved in cellulosome assembly and a variety of multi-modular scaffoldins were identified, and the dockerins were classified into six major groups. Here, extensive screening employing three complementary medium- to high-throughput platforms was used to characterize the different cohesin-dockerin specificities. The platforms included (i) cellulose-coated microarray assay, (ii) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and (iii) in-vivo co-expression and screening in Escherichia coli. The data revealed a collection of unique cohesin-dockerin interactions and support the functional relevance of dockerin classification into groups. In contrast to observations reported previously, a dual-binding mode is involved in cellulosome cell-surface attachment, whereas single-binding interactions operate for cellulosome integration of enzymes. This sui generis cellulosome model enhances our understanding of the mechanisms governing the remarkable ability of R. flavefaciens to degrade carbohydrates in the bovine rumen and provides a basis for constructing efficient nano-machines applied to biological processes.
Szczupak A., Aizik D., Morais S., Vazana Y., Barak Y., Bayer E. & Alfonta L. (2017) Nanomaterials. 7, 7, 153
The limitation of surface-display systems in biofuel cells to a single redox enzyme is a major drawback of hybrid biofuel cells, resulting in a low copy-number of enzymes per yeast cell and a limitation in displaying enzymatic cascades. Here we present the electrosome, a novel surface-display system based on the specific interaction between the cellulosomal scaffoldin protein and a cascade of redox enzymes that allows multiple electron-release by fuel oxidation. The electrosome is composed of two compartments: (i) a hybrid anode, which consists of dockerin-containing enzymes attached specifically to cohesin sites in the scaffoldin to assemble an ethanol oxidation cascade, and (ii) a hybrid cathode, which consists of a dockerin-containing oxygen-reducing enzyme attached in multiple copies to the cohesin-bearing scaffoldin. Each of the two compartments was designed, displayed, and tested separately. The new hybrid cell compartments displayed enhanced performance over traditional biofuel cells; in the anode, the cascade of ethanol oxidation demonstrated higher performance than a cell with just a single enzyme. In the cathode, a higher copy number per yeast cell of the oxygen-reducing enzyme copper oxidase has reduced the effect of competitive inhibition resulting from yeast oxygen consumption. This work paves the way for the assembly of more complex cascades using different enzymes and larger scaffoldins to further improve the performance of hybrid cells.
Yoav S., Barak Y., Shamshoum M., Borovok I., Lamed R., Dassa B., Hadar Y., Morag E. & Bayer E. (2017) Biotechnology for Biofuels. 10, 1, 222
Background: Bioethanol production processes involve enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated lignocellulosic biomass into fermentable sugars. Due to the relatively high cost of enzyme production, the development of potent and cost-effective cellulolytic cocktails is critical for increasing the cost-effectiveness of bioethanol production. In this context, the multi-protein cellulolytic complex of Clostridium (Ruminiclostridium) thermocellum, the cellulosome, was studied here. C. thermocellum is known to assemble cellulosomes of various subunit (enzyme) compositions, in response to the available carbon source. In the current study, different carbon sources were used, and their influence on both cellulosomal composition and the resultant activity was investigated. Results: Glucose, cellobiose, microcrystalline cellulose, alkaline-pretreated switchgrass, alkaline-pretreated corn stover, and dilute acid-pretreated corn stover were used as sole carbon sources in the growth media of C. thermocellum strain DSM 1313. The purified cellulosomes were compared for their activity on selected cellulosic substrates. Interestingly, cellulosomes derived from cells grown on lignocellulosic biomass showed no advantage in hydrolyzing the original carbon source used for their production. Instead, microcrystalline cellulose- and glucose-derived cellulosomes were equal or superior in their capacity to deconstruct lignocellulosic biomass. Mass spectrometry analysis revealed differential composition of catalytic and structural subunits (scaffoldins) in the different cellulosome samples. The most abundant catalytic subunits in all cellulosome types include Cel48S, Cel9K, Cel9Q, Cel9R, and Cel5G. Microcrystalline cellulose- and glucose-derived cellulosome samples showed higher endoglucanase-to-exoglucanase ratios and higher catalytic subunit-per-scaffoldin ratios compared to lignocellulose-derived cellulosome types. Conclusion: The results reported here highlight the finding that cellulosomes derived from cells grown on glucose and microcrystalline cellulose are more efficient in their action on cellulosic substrates than other cellulosome preparations. These results should be considered in the future development of C. thermocellum-based cellulolytic cocktails, designer cellulosomes, or engineering of improved strains for deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass.
Weinstein J. Y., Slutzki M., Karpol A., Barak Y., Gul O., Lamed R., Bayer E. & Fried D. B. (2015) Journal of Molecular Recognition. 28, 3, p. 148-154
Cellulosomes are large multicomponent cellulose-degrading assemblies found on the surfaces of cellulolytic microorganisms. Often containing hundreds of components, the self-assembly of cellulosomes is mediated by the ultra-high-affinity cohesin-dockerin interaction, which allows them to adopt the complex architectures necessary for degrading recalcitrant cellulose. Better understanding of how the cellulosome assembles and functions and what kinds of structures it adopts will further effort to develop industrial applications of cellulosome components, including their use in bioenergy production. Ruminococcus flavefaciens is a well-studied anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria found in the intestinal tracts of ruminants and other herbivores. Key to cellulosomal self-assembly in this bacterium is the dockerin ScaADoc, found on the non-catalytic structural subunit scaffoldin ScaA, which is responsible for assembling arrays of cellulose-degrading enzymes. This work expands on previous efforts by conducting a series of binding studies on ScaADoc constructs that contain mutations in their cohesin recognition interface, in order to identify which residues play important roles in binding. Molecular dynamics simulations were employed to gain insight into the structural basis for our findings. A specific residue pair in the first helix of ScaADoc, as well as a glutamate near the C-terminus, was identified to be essential for cohesin binding. By advancing our understanding of the cohesin binding of ScaADoc, this study serves as a foundation for future work to more fully understand the structural basis of cellulosome assembly in R. flavefaciens.
Slutzki M., Reshef D., Barak Y., Haimovitz R., Rotem-Bamberger S., Lamed R., Bayer E. & Schueler-Furman O. (2015) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 290, 22, p. 13654-13666
Interactions between cohesin and dockerin modules play a crucial role in the assembly of multienzyme cellulosome complexes. Although intraspecies cohesin and dockerin modules bind in general with high affinity but indiscriminately, crossspecies binding is rare. Here, we combined ELISA-based experiments with Rosetta-based computational design to evaluate the contribution of distinct residues at the Clostridium thermocellum cohesin-dockerin interface to binding affinity, specificity, and promiscuity. We found that single mutations can show distinct and significant effects on binding affinity and specificity. In particular, mutations at cohesin position Asn<sup>37</sup> show dramatic variability in their effect on dockerin binding affinity and specificity: the N37A mutant binds promiscuously both to cognate (C. thermocellum) as well as to non-cognate Clostridium cellulolyticum dockerin. N37L in turn switches binding specificity: compared with the wild-type C. thermocellum cohesin, this mutant shows significantly increased preference for C. cellulolyticum dockerin combined with strongly reduced binding to its cognate C. thermocellum dockerin. The observation that a single mutation can overcome the naturally observed specificity barrier provides insights into the evolutionary dynamics of this system that allows rapid modulation of binding specificity within a high affinity background.
Artzi L., Morag E., Barak Y., Lamed R. & Bayer E. (2015) mBio. 6, 3, p. 1-12, e00411-15
Clostridium clariflavum is an anaerobic, cellulosome-forming thermophile, containing in its genome genes for a large number of cellulosomal enzyme and a complex scaffoldin system. Previously, we described the major cohesin-dockerin interactions of the cellulosome components, and on this basis a model of diverse cellulosome assemblies was derived. In this work, we cultivated C. clariflavum on cellobiose-, microcrystalline cellulose-, and switchgrass-containing media and isolated cell-free cellulosome complexes from each culture. Gel filtration separation of the cellulosome samples revealed two major fractions, which were analyzed by label-free liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in order to identify the key players of the cellulosome assemblies therein. From the 13 scaffoldins present in the C. clariflavum genome, 11 were identified, and a variety of enzymes from different glycoside hydrolase and carbohydrate esterase families were identified, including the glycoside hydrolase families GH48, GH9, GH5, GH30, GH11, and GH10. The expression level of the cellulosomal proteins varied as a function of the carbon source used for cultivation of the bacterium. In addition, the catalytic activity of each cellulosome was examined on different cellulosic substrates, xylan and switchgrass. The cellulosome isolated from the microcrystalline cellulose-containing medium was the most active of all the cellulosomes that were tested. The results suggest that the expression of the cellulosome proteins is regulated by the type of substrate in the growth medium. Moreover, both cell-free and cell-bound cellulosome complexes were produced which together may degrade the substrate in a synergistic manner. These observations are compatible with our previously published model of cellulosome assemblies in this bacterium. IMPORTANCE Because the reservoir of unsustainable fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas, is overutilized and continues to contribute to environmental pollution and CO2 emission, the need for appropriate alternative energy sources becomes more crucial. Bioethanol produced from dedicated crops and cellulosic waste can provide a partial answer, yet a cost-effective production method must be developed. The cellulosome system of the anaerobic thermophile C. clariflavum comprises a large number of cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic enzymes, which self-assemble in a number of different cellulosome architectures for enhanced cellulosic biomass degradation. Identification of the major cellulosomal components expressed during growth of the bacterium and their influence on its catalytic capabilities provide insight into the performance of the remarkable cellulosome of this intriguing bacterium. The findings, together with the thermophilic characteristics of the proteins, render C. clariflavum of great interest for future use in industrial cellulose conversion processes.
Hamberg Y., Ruimy-Israeli V., Dassa B., Barak Y., Lamed R., Cameron K., Fontes C., Bayer E. & Fried D. (2014) PeerJ. 2014, 1, 636
Cellulosic waste represents a significant and underutilized carbon source for the biofuel industry. Owing to the recalcitrance of crystalline cellulose to enzymatic degradation, it is necessary to design economical methods of liberating the fermentable sugars required for bioethanol production. One route towards unlocking the potential of cellulosic waste lies in a highly complex class of molecular machines, the cellulosomes. Secreted mainly by anaerobic bacteria, cellulosomes are structurally diverse, cell surface-bound protein assemblies that can contain dozens of catalytic components. The key feature of the cellulosome is its modularity, facilitated by the ultra-high affinity cohesin-dockerin interaction. Due to the enormous number of cohesin and dockerin modules found in a typical cellulolytic organism, a major bottleneck in understanding the biology of cellulosomics is the purification of each cohesin- and dockerin-containing component, prior to analyses of their interaction. As opposed to previous approaches, the present study utilized proteins contained in unpurified whole-cell extracts. This strategy was made possible due to an experimental design that allowed for the relevant proteins to be "purified" via targeted affinity interactions as a function of the binding assay. The approach thus represents a new strategy, appropriate for future medium- to high-throughput screening of whole genomes, to determine the interactions between cohesins and dockerins.We have selected the cellulosome of Acetivibrio cellulolyticus for this work due to its exceptionally complex cellulosome systems and intriguing diversity of its cellulosomal modular components. Containing 41 cohesins and 143 dockerins, A. cellulolyticus has one of the largest number of potential cohesin-dockerin interactions of any organism, and contains unusual and novel cellulosomal features.We have surveyed a representative library of cohesin and dockerin modules spanning the cellulosome's total cohesin and dockerin sequence diversity, emphasizing the testing of unusual and previously-unknown protein modules. The screen revealed several novel cell-bound cellulosome architectures, thus expanding on those previously known, as well as soluble cellulose systems that are not bound to the bacterial cell surface. This study sets the stage for screening the entire complement of cellulosomal components from A. cellulolyticus and other organisms with large cellulosome systems. The knowledge gained by such efforts brings us closer to understanding the exceptional catalytic abilities of cellulosomes and will allow the use of novel cellulosomal components in artificial assemblies and in enzyme cocktails for sustainable energy-related research programs.
Slutzki M., Jobby M. K., Chitayat S., Karpol A., Dassa B., Barak Y., Lamed R., Smith S. P. & Bayer E. A. (2013) FEBS Open Bio. 3, p. 398-
The cellulosome is a large extracellular multi-enzyme complex that facilitates the efficient hydrolysis and degradation of crystalline cellulosic substrates. During the course of our studies on the cellulosome of the rumen bacterium Ruminococcus flavefaciens, we focused on the critical ScaA dockerin (ScaADoc), the unique dockerin that incorporates the primary enzyme-integrating ScaA scaffoldin into the cohesin-bearing ScaB adaptor scaffoldin. In the absence of a high-resolution structure of the ScaADoc module, we generated a computational model, and, upon its analysis, we were surprised to discover a putative stacking interaction between an N-terminal Trp and a C-terminal Pro, which we termed intramolecular clasp. In order to verify the existence of such an interaction, these residues were mutated to alanine. Circular dichroism spectroscopy, intrinsic tryptophan and ANS fluorescence, and NAIR spectroscopy indicated that mutation of these residues has a destabilizing effect on the functional integrity of the Ca2+-bound form of ScaADoc. Analysis of recently determined dockerin structures from other species revealed the presence of other well-defined intramolecular clasps, which consist of different types of interactions between selected residues at the dockerin termini. We propose that this thematic interaction may represent a major distinctive structural feature of the dockerin module.
Vazana Y., Barak Y., Unger T., Peleg Y., Shamshoum M., Ben-Yehezkel T., Mazor Y., Shapiro E., Lamed R. & Bayer E. (2013) Biotechnology for Biofuels. 6, 1, 182
Background: Select cellulolytic bacteria produce multi-enzymatic cellulosome complexes that bind to the plant cell wall and catalyze its efficient degradation. The multi-modular interconnecting cellulosomal subunits comprise dockerin-containing enzymes that bind cohesively to cohesin-containing scaffoldins. The organization of the modules into functional polypeptides is achieved by intermodular linkers of different lengths and composition, which provide flexibility to the complex and determine its overall architecture. Results: Using a synthetic biology approach, we systematically investigated the spatial organization of the scaffoldin subunit and its effect on cellulose hydrolysis by designing a combinatorial library of recombinant trivalent designer scaffoldins, which contain a carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) and 3 divergent cohesin modules. The positions of the individual modules were shuffled into 24 different arrangements of chimaeric scaffoldins. This basic set was further extended into three sub-sets for each arrangement with intermodular linkers ranging from zero (no linkers), 5 (short linkers) and native linkers of 27-35 amino acids (long linkers). Of the 72 possible scaffoldins, 56 were successfully cloned and 45 of them expressed, representing 14 full sets of chimaeric scaffoldins. The resultant 42-component scaffoldin library was used to assemble designer cellulosomes, comprising three model C. thermocellum cellulases. Activities were examined using Avicel as a pure microcrystalline cellulose substrate and pretreated cellulose-enriched wheat straw as a model substrate derived from a native source. All scaffoldin combinations yielded active trivalent designer cellulosome assemblies on both substrates that exceeded the levels of the free enzyme systems. A preferred modular arrangement for the trivalent designer scaffoldin was not observed for the three enzymes used in this study, indicating that they could be integrated at any position in the designer cellulosome without significant effect on cellulose-degrading activity. Designer cellulosomes assembled with the long-linker scaffoldins achieved higher levels of activity, compared to those assembled with short-and no-linker scaffoldins. Conclusions The results demonstrate the robustness of the cellulosome system. Long intermodular scaffoldin linkers are preferable, thus leading to enhanced degradation of cellulosic substrates, presumably due to the increased flexibility and spatial positioning of the attached enzymes in the complex. These findings provide a general basis for improved designer cellulosome systems as a platform for bioethanol production.
Bharat T. A. M., Zbaida D., Eisenstein M., Frankenstein Z., Mehlman T., Weiner L., Sorzano C. O. S., Barak Y., Albeck S., Briggs J. A. G., Wolf S. G. & Elbaum M. (2013) Structure. 21, 7, p. 1158-1167
Agrobacterium is known for gene transfer to plants. In addition to a linear ssDNA oligonucleotide, Agrobacterium tumefaciens secretes an abundant ssDNA-binding effector, VirE2. In many ways VirE2 adapts the conjugation mechanism to transform the eukaryotic host. The crystal structure of VirE2 shows two compact domains joined by a flexible linker. Bound to ssDNA, VirE2 forms an ordered solenoidal shell, or capsid known as the T-complex. Here, we present a three-dimensional reconstruction of the VirE2-ssDNA complex using cryo-electron microscopy and iterative helical real-space reconstruction. High-resolution refinement was not possible due to inherent heterogeneity in the protein structure. By a combination of computational modeling, chemical modifications, mass spectroscopy, and electron paramagnetic resonance, we found that the N-terminal domain is tightly constrained by both tangential and longitudinal links, while the C terminus is weakly constrained. The quaternary structure is thus rigidly assembled while remaining locally flexible. This flexibility may be important in accommodating substrates without sequence specificity.
Slutzki M., Barak Y., Reshef D., Schueler-Furman O., Lamed R. & Bayer E. A. (2012) . p. 417-428
The cellulosome is a large bacterial extracellular multienzyme complex able to degrade crystalline cellulosic substrates. The complex contains catalytic and noncatalytic subunits, interconnected by high-affinity cohesin-dockerin interactions. In this chapter, we introduce an optimized method for comparative binding among different cohesins or cohesin mutants to the dockerin partner. This assay offers advantages over other methods (such as ELISA, cELIA, SPR, and ITC) for particularly high-affinity binding interactions. In this approach, the high-affinity interaction of interest occurs in the liquid phase during the equilibrated binding step, whereas the interaction with the immobilized phase is used only for detection of the unbound dockerins that remain in the solution phase. Once equilibrium conditions are reached, the change in free energy of binding (ΔΔG <sub>binding</sub> ), as well as the affinity constant of mutants, can be estimated against the known affinity constant of the wild-type interaction. In light of the above, we propose this method as a preferred alternative for the relative quantification of high-affinity protein interactions.
Slutzki M., Ruimy V., Morag E., Barak Y., Haimovitz R., Lamed R. & Bayer E. (2012) . p. 453-463
The specificity of cohesin-dockerin interactions is critically important for the assembly of cellulosomal enzymes into the multienzyme cellulolytic complex (cellulosome). In order to investigate the origins of the observed specificity, a variety of selected amino acid positions at the cohesin-dockerin interface can be subjected to mutagenesis, and a library of mutants can be constructed. In this chapter, we describe a protein-protein microarray technique based on the high affinity of a carbohydrate-binding module (CBM), attached to mutant cohesins. Using cellulose-coated glass slides, libraries of mutants can be screened for binding to complementary partners. The advantages of this tool are that crude cell lysate can be used without additional purification, and the microarray can be used for screening both large libraries as initial scanning for "positive" plates, and for small libraries, wherein individual colonies are printed on the slide. Since the time-consuming step of purifying proteins can be circumvented, the approach is also appropriate for providing molecular insight into the multicomponent organization of complex cellulosomes.
Vazana Y., Moraïs S., Barak Y., Lamed R. & Bayer E. A. (2012) . p. 429-452
During the past several years, major progress has been accomplished in the production of "designer cellulosomes," artificial enzymatic complexes that were demonstrated to efficiently degrade crystalline cellulose. This progress is part of a global attempt to promote biomass waste solutions and biofuel production. In designer cellulosomes, each enzyme is equipped with a dockerin module that interacts specifically with one of the cohesin modules of the chimeric scaffoldin. Artificial scaffoldins serve as docking backbones and contain a cellulose-specific carbohydrate-binding module that directs the enzymatic complex to the cellulosic substrate, and one or more cohesin modules from different natural cellulosomal species, each exhibiting a different specificity, that allows the specific incorporation of the desired matching dockerin-bearing enzymes. With natural cellulosomal components, the insertion of the enzymes in the scaffold would presumably be random, and we would not be able to control the contents of the resulting artificial cellulosome. There are an increasing number of papers describing the production of designer cellulosomes either in vitro, ex vivo, or in vivo. These types of studies are particularly intricate, and a number of such publications are less meaningful in the final analysis, as important controls are frequently excluded. In this chapter, we hope to give a complete overview of the methodologies essential for designing and examining cellulosome complexes.
Radoul M., Barak Y., Rinaldo S., Cutruzzola F., Pecht I. & Goldfarb D. (2012) Biochemistry. 51, 45, p. 9192-9201
In nitrite reductase (cd(1) NIR), the c-heme mediates electron transfer to the catalytic d(1)-heme where nitrite (NO2-) is reduced to nitric oxide (NO). An interesting feature of this enzyme is the relative lability of the reaction product NO bound to the d(1)-heme. Marked differences in the c- to d(1)-heme electron-transfer rates were reported for cd(1) NIRs from different sources, such as Pseudomonas stutzeri (P. stutzeri) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa). The three-dimensional structure of the P. aeruginosa enzyme has been determined, but that of the P. stutzeri enzyme is still unknown. The difference in electron transfer rates prompted a comparison of the structural properties of the d(1)-heme pocket of P. stutzeri cell NIR with those of the P. aeruginosa wild type enzyme (WT) and its Y10F using their nitrosyl d(1)-heme complexes. We applied high field pulse electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques that detect nuclear spins in the close environment of the spin bearing Fe(II)-NO entity. We observed similarities in the rhombic g-tensor and detected a proximal histidine ligand with N-14 hyperfine and quadrupole interactions also similar to those of P. aeruginosa WT and Y10F mutant complexes. In contrast, we also observed significant differences in the H-bond network involving the NO ligand and a larger solvent accessibility for P. stutzeri attributed to the absence of this tyrosine residue. For P. aeruginosa, cd, NIR domain swapping allows Tyr(10) to become H-bonded to the bound NO substrate. These findings support a previous suggestion that the large difference in the c- to d(1)-heme electron transfer rates between the two enzymes is related to solvent accessibility of their d(1)-heme pockets.
Slutzki M., Barak Y., Reshef D., Schueler-Furman O., Lamed R. & Bayer E. A. (2012) Journal of Molecular Recognition. 25, 11, p. 616-622
The interaction between the cohesin and dockerin modules serves to attach cellulolytic enzymes (carrying dockerins) to non-catalytic scaffoldin units (carrying multiple cohesins) in cellulosome, a multienzyme plant cell-wall degrading complex. This interaction is species-specific, for example, the enzyme-borne dockerin from Clostridium thermocellum bacteria binds to scaffoldin cohesins from the same bacteria but not to cohesins from Clostridium cellulolyticum and vice versa. We studied the role of interface residues, contributing either to affinity or specificity, by mutating these residues on the cohesin counterpart from C. thermocellum. The high affinity of the cognate interactions makes it difficult to evaluate the effect of these mutations by common methods used for measuring protein-protein interactions, especially when subtle discrimination between the mutants is needed. We described in this article an approach based on indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that is able to detect differences in binding between the various cohesin mutants, whereas surface plasmon resonance and standard ELISA failed to distinguish between high-affinity interactions. To be able to calculate changes in energy of binding (ΔΔG) and dissociation constants (K <sub>d</sub>) of mutants relative to wild type, a pre-equilibrium step was added to the standard indirect ELISA procedure. Thus, the cohesin-dockerin interaction under investigation occurs in solution rather than between soluble and immobilized proteins. Unbound dockerins are then detected through their interaction with immobilized cohesins. Because our method allows us to assess the effect of mutations on particularly tenacious protein-protein interactions much more accurately than do other prevalent methods used to measure binding affinity, we therefore suggest this approach as a method of choice for comparing relative binding in high-affinity interactions.
Stahl S. W., Nash M. A., Fried D. B., Slutzki M., Barak Y., Bayer E. A. & Gaub H. E. (2012) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109, 50, p. 20431-20436
Cellulose-degrading enzyme systems are of significant interest from both a scientific and technological perspective due to the diversity of cellulase families, their unique assembly and substrate binding mechanisms, and their potential applications in several key industrial sectors, notably cellulose hydrolysis for second-generation biofuel production. Particularly fascinating are cellulosomes, the multimodular extracellular complexes produced by numerous anaerobic bacteria. Using single-molecule force spectroscopy, we analyzed the mechanical stability of the intermolecular interfaces between the cohesin and the dockerin modules responsible for self-assembly of the cellulosomal components into the multienzyme complex. The observed cohesin-dockerin rupture forces (>120 pN) are among the highest reported for a receptor-ligand system to date. Using an atomic force microscope protocol that quantified single-molecule binding activity, we observed force-induced dissociation of calcium ions from the duplicated loop-helix F-hand motif located within the dockerin module, which in the presence of EDTA resulted in loss of affinity to the cohesin partner. A cohesin amino acid mutation (D39A) that eliminated hydrogen bonding with the dockerin's critically conserved serine residues reduced the observed rupture forces. Consequently, no calcium loss occurred and dockerin activity was maintained throughout multiple forced dissociation events. These results offer insights at the single-molecule level into the stability and folding of an exquisite class of high-affinity protein-protein interactions that dictate fabrication and architecture of cellulose-degrading molecular machines.
Moraïs S., Barak Y., Lamed R., Wilson D. B., Xu Q., Himmel M. E. & Bayer E. A. (2012) Biotechnology for Biofuels. 5, 78
Background: Microorganisms employ a multiplicity of enzymes to efficiently degrade the composite structure of plant cell wall cellulosic polysaccharides. These remarkable enzyme systems include glycoside hydrolases (cellulases, hemicellulases), polysaccharide lyases, and the carbohydrate esterases. To accomplish this challenging task, several strategies are commonly observed either separately or in combination. These include free enzyme systems, multifunctional enzymes, and multi-enzyme self-assembled designer cellulosome complexes. Results: In order to compare these different paradigms, we employed a synthetic biology approach to convert two different cellulases from the free enzymatic system of the well-studied bacterium, Thermobifida fusca, into bifunctional enzymes with different modular architectures. We then examined their performance compared to those of the combined parental free-enzyme and equivalent designer-cellulosome systems. The results showed that the cellulolytic activity displayed by the different architectures of the bifunctional enzymes was somewhat inferior to that of the wild-type free enzyme system. Conclusions: The activity exhibited by the designer cellulosome system was equal or superior to that of the free system, presumably reflecting the combined proximity of the enzymes and high flexibility of the designer cellulosome components, thus enabling efficient enzymatic activity of the catalytic modules.
Moraïs S., Morag E., Barak Y., Goldman D., Hadar Y., Lamed R., Shoham Y., Wilson D. B. & Bayera E. A. (2012) mBio. 3, 6, e00508-12
Lignocellulosic biomass, the most abundant polymer on Earth, is typically composed of three major constituents: cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. The crystallinity of cellulose, hydrophobicity of lignin, and encapsulation of cellulose by the lignin-hemicellulose matrix are three major factors that contribute to the observed recalcitrance of lignocellulose. By means of designer cellulosome technology, we can overcome the recalcitrant properties of lignocellulosic substrates and thus increase the level of native enzymatic degradation. In this context, we have integrated six dockerin-bearing cellulases and xylanases from the highly cellulolytic bacterium, Thermobifida fusca, into a chimeric scaffoldin engineered to bear a cellulose-binding module and the appropriate matching cohesin modules. The resultant hexavalent designer cellulosome represents the most elaborate artificial enzyme composite yet constructed, and the fully functional complex achieved enhanced levels (up to 1.6-fold) of degradation of untreated wheat straw compared to those of the wild-type free enzymes. The action of these designer cellulosomes on wheat straw was 33 to 42% as efficient as the natural cellulosomes of Clostridium thermocellum. In contrast, the reduction of substrate complexity by chemical or biological pretreatment of the substrate removed the advantage of the designer cellulosomes, as the free enzymes displayed higher levels of activity, indicating that enzyme proximity between these selected enzymes was less significant on pretreated substrates. Pretreatment of the substrate caused an increase in activity for all the systems, and the native cellulosomecompletely converted the substrate into soluble saccharides.
Moraïs S., Salama-Alber O., Barak Y., Hadar Y., Wilson D. B., Lamed R., Shoham Y. & Bayer E. A. (2012) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287, 12, p. 9213-9221
β-Xylosidases are hemicellulases that hydrolyze short xylo-oligosaccharides into xylose units, thus complementing endoxylanase degradation of the hemicellulose component of lignocellulosic substrates. Here, we describe the cloning, characterization, and kinetic analysis of a glycoside hydrolase family 43 β-xylosidase (Xyl43A) from the aerobic cellulolytic bacterium, Thermobifida fusca. Temperature and pH optima of 55-60 °C and 5.5-6, respectively, were determined. The apparent K <sub>m</sub> value was 0.55 mM, using p-nitrophenyl xylopyranoside as substrate, and the catalytic constant (k <sub>cat</sub>) was 6.72 s <sup>-1</sup>. T. fusca Xyl43A contains a catalytic module at the N terminus and an ancillary module (termed herein as Module-A) of undefined function at the C terminus. We expressed the two recombinant modules independently in Escherichia coli and examined their remaining catalytic activity and binding properties. The separation of the two Xyl43A modules caused the complete loss of enzymatic activity, whereas potent binding to xylan was fully maintained in the catalytic module and partially in the ancillary Module-A. Nondenaturing gel electrophoresis revealed a specific noncovalent coupling of the two modules, thereby restoring enzymatic activity to 66.7% (relative to the wild-type enzyme). Module-A contributes a phenylalanine residue that functions as an essential part of the active site, and the two juxtaposed modules function as a single functional entity.
Pirchi M., Ziv G., Riven I., Cohen S. S., Zohar N., Barak Y. & Haran G. (2011) Nature Communications. 2, 1, 493
Proteins attain their function only after folding into a highly organized three-dimensional structure. Much remains to be learned about the mechanisms of folding of large multidomain proteins, which may populate metastable intermediate states on their energy landscapes. Here we introduce a novel method, based on high-throughput single-molecule fluorescence experiments, which is specifically geared towards tracing the dynamics of folding in the presence of a plethora of intermediates. We employ this method to characterize the folding reaction of a three-domain protein, adenylate kinase. Using thousands of single-molecule trajectories and hidden Markov modelling, we identify six metastable states on adenylate kinase's folding landscape. Remarkably, the connectivity of the intermediates depends on denaturant concentration; at low concentration, multiple intersecting folding pathways co-exist. We anticipate that the methodology introduced here will find broad applicability in the study of folding of large proteins, and will provide a more realistic scenario of their conformational dynamics.
Morais S., Barak Y., Hadar Y., Wilson D. B., Shoham Y., Lamed R. & Bayer E. (2011) mBio. 2, 6
In nature, the complex composition and structure of the plant cell wall pose a barrier to enzymatic degradation. Nevertheless, some anaerobic bacteria have evolved for this purpose an intriguing, highly efficient multienzyme complex, the cellulosome, which contains numerous cellulases and hemicellulases. The rod-like cellulose component of the plant cell wall is embedded in a colloidal blend of hemicelluloses, a major component of which is xylan. In order to enhance enzymatic degradation of the xylan component of a natural complex substrate (wheat straw) and to study the synergistic action among different xylanases, we have employed a variation of the designer cellulosome approach by fabricating a tetravalent complex that includes the three endoxylanases of Thermobifida fusca (Xyn10A, Xyn10B, and Xyn11A) and an Xy143A beta-xylosidase from the same bacterium. Here, we describe the conversion of Xyn10A and Xy143A to the cellulosomal mode. The incorporation of the Xy143A enzyme together with the three endoxylanases into a common designer cellulosome served to enhance the level of reducing sugars produced during wheat straw degradation. The enhanced synergistic action of the four xylanases reflected their immediate juxtaposition in the complex, and these tetravalent xylanolytic designer cellulosomes succeeded in degrading significant (similar to 25%) levels of the total xylan component of the wheat straw substrate. The results suggest that the incorporation of xylanases into cellulosome complexes is advantageous for efficient decomposition of recalcitrant cellulosic substrates-a distinction previously reserved for cellulose-degrading enzymes. IMPORTANCE Xylanases are important enzymes for our society, due to their variety of industrial applications. Together with cellulases and other glycoside hydrolases, xylanases may also provide cost-effective conversion of plant-derived cellulosic biomass into soluble sugars en route to biofuels as an alternative to fossil fuels.
Enhanced cellulose degradation by nano-complexed enzymes
Barak Y., Moraïs S., Heyman A., Shoseyov O. & Bayer E. A. (2010) European Cells and Materials. 20, SUPPL.3, p. 13
Caspi J., Barak Y., Haimovitz R., Gilary H., Irwin D. C., Lamed R., Wilson D. B. & Bayer E. A. (2010) Systems and Synthetic Biology. 4, 3, p. 193-201
Cellulosomes are efficient cellulose-degradation systems produced by selected anaerobic bacteria. This multi-enzyme complex is assembled from a group of cellulases attached to a protein scaffold termed scaffoldin, mediated by a high-affinity protein-protein interaction between the enzyme-borne dockerin module and the cohesin module of the scaffoldin. The enzymatic complex is attached as a whole to the cellulosic substrate via a cellulose-binding module (CBM) on the scaffoldin subunit. In previous works, we have employed a synthetic biology approach to convert several of the free cellulases of the aerobic bacterium, Thermobifida fusca, into the cellulosomal mode by replacing each of the enzymes' CBM with a dockerin. Here we show that although family six enzymes are not a part of any known cellulosomal system, the two family six enzymes of the T. fusca system (endoglucanase Cel6A and exoglucanase Cel6B) can be converted to work as cellulosomal enzymes. Indeed, the chimaeric dockerin-containing family six endoglucanase worked well as a cellulosomal enzyme, and proved to be more efficient than the parent enzyme when present in designer cellulosomes. In stark contrast, the chimaeric family six exoglucanase was markedly less efficient than the wild-type enzyme when mixed with other T. fusca cellulases, thus indicating its incompatibility with the cellulosomal mode of action.
Vazana Y., Moraïs S., Barak Y., Lamed R. & Bayer E. A. (2010) Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 76, 10, p. 3236-3243
The anaerobic, thermophilic cellulolytic bacterium Clostridium thermocellum is known for its elaborate cellulosome complex, but it also produces a separate free cellulase system. Among the free enzymes, the noncellulosomal enzyme Cel9I is a processive endoglucanase whose sequence and architecture are very similar to those of the cellulosomal enzyme Cel9R; likewise, the noncellulosomal exoglucanase Cel48Y is analogous to the principal cellulosomal enzyme Cel48S. In this study we used the designer cellulosome approach to examine the interplay of prominent cellulosomal and noncellulosomal cellulases from C. thermocellum. Toward this end, we converted the cellulosomal enzymes to noncellulosomal chimeras by swapping the dockerin module of the cellulosomal enzymes with a carbohydrate-binding module from the free enzyme analogues and vice versa. This enabled us to study the importance of the targeting effect of the free enzymes due to their carbohydrate-binding module and the proximity effect for cellulases on the designer cellulosome. C. thermocellum is the only cellulosome-producing bacterium known to express two different glycoside hydrolase family 48 enzymes and thus the only bacterial system that can currently be used for such studies. The different activities with crystalline cellulose were examined, and the results demonstrated that the individual chimeric cellulases were essentially equivalent to the corresponding wild-type analogues. The wild-type cellulases displayed a synergism of about 1.5-fold; the cellulosomal pair acted synergistically when they were converted into free enzymes, whereas the free enzymes acted synergistically mainly in the wild-type state. The targeting effect was found to be the major factor responsible for the elevated activity observed for these specific enzyme combinations, whereas the proximity effect appeared to play a negligible role.
Noach I., Barak Y., Frolow F., Lamed R. & Bayer E. A. (2010) Pure and Applied Chemistry. 82, 1, p. 193-204
The high-affinity cohesin-dockerin interaction dictates the suprastructural assembly of the multienzyme cellulosome complex. The interaction between these two complementary families of protein modules was found to be species-specific and type-dependent. The structure of the type II cohesin module possesses additional intrinsic secondary structural elements absent in the type I cohesin, i.e., an α-helix and two singular "β-flaps". The role of these extra secondary structures in dockerin recognition was studied in this work using gene swapping, in which corresponding homologous stretches of types I and II cohesins were interchanged. The specificity of binding of the resultant chimaeric cohesins was determined by enzyme-linked affinity assay. Several chimaeric cohesins retained dockerin recognition properties. Hence, these cohesins may undergo manipulations (insertion/deletion of peptide segments) without altering their affinity toward their counterpart dockerin, although type-dependent binding specificity cannot be converted by swapping of the additional secondary structural elements between the two cohesin types. The results further emphasize the strong affinity and plasticity between the cohesin and dockerin pair and are consistent with the known findings on specificity of the types I and II interactions. These studies provide insight into the structural and functional resilience of the cohesins and thus have direct bearing on their potential use in biotechnological applications.
Moraïs S., Barak Y., Caspi J., Hadar Y., Lamed R., Shoham Y., Wilson D. B. & Bayer E. A. (2010) mBio. 1, 5, e00285-10
Designer cellulosomes are precision-engineered multienzyme complexes in which the molecular architecture and enzyme content are exquisitely controlled. This system was used to examine enzyme cooperation for improved synergy among Thermobifida fusca glycoside hydrolases. Two T. fusca cellulases, Cel48A exoglucanase and Cel5A endoglucanase, and two T. fusca xylanases, endoxylanases Xyn10B and Xyn11A, were selected as enzymatic components of a mixed cellulase/xylanasecontaining designer cellulosome. The resultant mixed multienzyme complex was fabricated on a single scaffoldin subunit bearing all four enzymes. Conversion of T. fusca enzymes to the cellulosomal mode followed by their subsequent incorporation into a tetravalent cellulosome led to assemblies with enhanced activity (~2.4-fold) on wheat straw as a complex cellulosic substrate. The enhanced synergy was caused by the proximity of the enzymes on the complex compared to the free-enzyme systems. The hydrolytic properties of the tetravalent designer cellulosome were compared with the combined action of two separate divalent cellulase- and xylanase-containing cellulosomes. Significantly, the tetravalent designer cellulosome system exhibited an ~2-fold enhancement in enzymatic activity compared to the activity of the mixture of two distinct divalent scaffoldin-borne enzymes. These results provide additional evidence that close proximity between cellulases and xylanases is key to the observed concerted degradation of the complex cellulosic substrate in which the integrated enzymes complement each other by promoting access to the relevant polysaccharide components of the substrate. The data demonstrate that cooperation among xylanases and cellulases can be augmented by their integration into a single designer cellulosome. IMPORTANCE Global efforts towards alternative energy programs are highlighted by processes for converting plant-derived carbohydrates to biofuels. The major barrier in such processes is the inherent recalcitrance to enzymatic degradation of cellulose combined with related associated polysaccharides. The multienzyme cellulosome complexes, produced by anaerobic bacteria, are considered to be the most efficient systems for degradation of plant cell wall biomass. In the present work, we have employed a synthetic biology approach by producing artificial designer cellulosomes of predefined enzyme composition and architecture. The engineered tetravalent cellulosome complexes contain two different types of cellulases and two distinct xylanases. Using this approach, enhanced synergistic activity was observed on wheat straw, a natural recalcitrant substrate. The present work strives to gain insight into the combined action of cellulosomal enzyme components towards the development of advanced systems for improved degradation of cellulosic material.
Morais S., Barak Y., Caspi J., Hadar Y., Lamed R., Shoham Y., Wilson D. B. & Bayer E. (2010) Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 76, 12, p. 3787-3796
Conversion of components of the Thermobifida fusca free-enzyme system to the cellulosomal mode using the designer cellulosome approach can be employed to discover the properties and inherent advantages of the cellulosome system. In this article, we describe the conversion of the T. fusca xylanases Xyn11A and Xyn10B and their synergistic interaction in the free state or within designer cellulosome complexes in order to enhance specific degradation of hatched wheat straw as a model for a complex cellulosic substrate. Endoglucanase Cel5A from the same bacterium and its recombinant dockerin-containing chimera were also studied for their combined effect, together with the xylanases, on straw degradation. Synergism was demonstrated when Xyn11A was combined with Xyn10B and/or Cel5A, and similar to 1.5-fold activity enhancements were achieved by the designer cellulosome complexes compared to the free wild-type enzymes. These improvements in activity were due to both substrate-targeting and proximity effects among the enzymes contained in the designer cellulosome complexes. The intrinsic cellulose/xylan-binding module (XBM) of Xyn11A appeared to be essential for efficient substrate degradation. Indeed, only designer cellulosomes in which the XBM was maintained as a component of Xyn11A achieved marked enhancement in activity compared to the combination of wild-type enzymes. Moreover, integration of the XBM in designer cellulosomes via a dockerin module (separate from the Xyn11A catalytic module) failed to enhance activity, suggesting a role in orienting the parent xylanase toward its preferred polysaccharide component of the complex wheat straw substrate. The results provide novel mechanistic insight into the synergistic activity of designer cellulosome components on natural plant cell wall substrates.
Moraïs S., Heyman A., Barak Y., Caspi J., Wilson D. B., Lamed R., Shoseyov O. & Bayer E. A. (2010) Journal of Biotechnology. 147, 3-4, p. 205-211
Protein molecular scaffolds are attracting interest as natural candidates for the presentation of enzymes and acceleration of catalytic reactions. We have previously reported evidence that the stable protein 1 (SP1) from Populus tremula can be employed as a molecular scaffold for the presentation of either catalytic or structural binding (cellulosomal cohesin) modules. In the present work, we have displayed a potent exoglucanase (Cel6B) from the aerobic cellulolytic bacterium, Thermobifida fusca, on a cohesin-bearing SP1 scaffold. For this purpose, a chimaeric form of the enzyme, fused to a cellulosomal dockerin module, was prepared. Full incorporation of 12 dockerin-bearing exoglucanase molecules onto the cohesin-bearing scaffold was achieved. Cellulase activity was tested on two cellulosic substrates with different levels of crystallinity, and the activity of the scaffold-linked exoglucanase was significantly reduced, compared to the free dockerin-containing enzyme. However, addition of relatively low concentrations of a free wild-type endoglucanase (T. fusca Cel5A) that bears a cellulose-binding module, in combination with the complexed exoglucanase resulted in a marked rise in activity on both cellulosic substrates. The endoglucanase cleaves internal sites of the cellulose chains, and the new chain ends of the substrate were now readily accessible to the scaffold-borne exoglucanase, thereby resulting in highly effective, synergistic degradation of cellulosic substrates.
Demishtein A., Karpol A., Barak Y., Lamed R. & Bayer E. A. (2010) Journal of Molecular Recognition. 23, 6, p. 525-535
Cellulose, a major component of plant matter, is degraded by a cell surface multiprotein complex called the cellulosome produced by several anaerobic bacteria. This complex coordinates the assembly of different glycoside hydrolases, via a high-affinity Ca<sup>2+</sup>-dependent interaction between the enzyme-borne dockerin and the scaffoldin-borne cohesin modules. In this study, we characterized a new protein affinity tag, ΔDoc, a truncated version (48 residues) of the Clostridium thermocellum Cel48S dockerin. The truncated dockerin tag has a binding affinity (K<sub>A</sub>) of 7.7 × 10<sup>8</sup> M<sup>-1</sup>, calculated by a competitive enzyme-linked assay system. In order to examine whether the tag can be used for general application in affinity chromatography, it was fused to a range of target proteins, including Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein (GFP), C. thermocellum β-glucosidase, Escherichia coli thioesterase/protease I (TEP1), and the antibody-binding ZZ-domain from Staphylococcus aureus protein A. The results of this study significantly extend initial studies performed using the Geobacillus stearothermophilus xylanase T-6 as a model system. In addition, the enzymatic activity of a C. thermocellum β-glucosidase, purified using this approach, was tested and found to be similar to that of a β-glucosidase preparation (without the ΔDoc tag) purified using the standard His-tag. The truncated dockerin derivative functioned as an effective affinity tag through specific interaction with a cognate cohesin, and highly purified target proteins were obtained in a single step directly from crude cell extracts. The relatively inexpensive beaded cellulose-based affinity column was reusable and maintained high capacity after each cycle. This study demonstrates that deletion into the first Ca<sup>2+</sup>-binding loop of the dockerin module results in an efficient and robust affinity tag that can be generally applied for protein purification.
Karpol A., Kantorovich L., Demishten A., Barak Y., Morag E., Lamed R. & Bayer E. A. (2009) Journal of Molecular Recognition. 22, 2, p. 91-98
Efficient degradation of cellulose by the anaerobic thermophilic bacterium, Clostridium thermocellum, is carried out by the multi-enzyme cellulosome complex. The enzymes on the complex are attached in a calcium-dependent manner via their dockerin (Doc) module to a cohesin (Coh) module of the cellulosomal scaffoldin subunit. In this study, we have optimized the Coh-Doc interaction for the purpose of protein affinity purification, A C. thermocellum Coh module was thus fused to a carbohydrate-binding module, and the resultant fusion protein was applied directly onto beaded cellulose, thereby serving as a non-covalent "activation" procedure, A complementary Doc module was then fused to a model protein target: xylanase T-6 from Ceobacillus stearothermophilus. However, the binding to the immobilized Coh was only partially reversible upon treatment with EDTA, and only negligible amounts of the target protein were eluted from the affinity column. In order to improve protein elution, a series of truncated Docs were designed in which the calcium-coordinating function was impaired without appreciably affecting high-affinity binding to Coh. A shortened Doc of only 48 residues was sufficient to function as an effective affinity tag, and highly purified target protein was achieved directly from crude cell extracts in a single step with near-quantitative recovery of the target protein. Effective EDTA-mediated elution of the sequestered protein from the column was the key step of the procedure. The affinity column was reusable and maintained very high levels of capacity upon repeated rounds of loading and elution. Reusable Coh-Doc affinity columns thus provide an efficient and attractive approach for purifying proteins in high yield by modifying the calcium-binding loop of the Doc module.
Caspi J., Barak Y., Haimovitz R., Irwin D., Lamed R., Wilson D. B. & Bayer E. (2009) Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 75, 23, p. 7335-7342
We have been developing the cellulases of Thermobifida fusca as a model to explore the conversion from a free cellulase system to the cellulosomal mode. Three of the six T. fusca cellulases (endoglucanase Cel6A and exoglucanases Cel6B and Cel48A) have been converted in previous work by replacing their cellulose-binding modules (CBMs) with a dockerin, and the resultant recombinant "cellulosomized" enzymes were incorporated into chimeric scaffolding proteins that contained cohesin(s) together with a CBM. The activities of the resultant designer cellulosomes were compared with an equivalent mixture of wild-type enzymes. In the present work, a fourth T. fusca cellulase, Cel5A, was equipped with a dockerin and intervening linker segments of different lengths to assess their contribution to the overall activity of simple one- and two-enzyme designer cellulosome complexes. The results demonstrated that cellulose binding played a major role in the degradation of crystalline cellulosic substrates. The combination of the converted Cel5A endoglucanase with the converted Cel48A exoglucanase also exhibited a measurable proximity effect for the most recalcitrant cellulosic substrate (Avicel). The length of the linker between the catalytic module and the dockerin had little, if any, effect on the activity. However, positioning of the dockerin on the opposite (C-terminal) side of the enzyme, consistent with the usual position of dockerins on most cellulosomal enzymes, resulted in an enhanced synergistic response. These results promote the development of more complex multienzyme designer cellulosomes, which may eventually be applied for improved degradation of plant cell wall biomass.
Haimovitz R., Barak Y., Morag E., Voronov-Goldman M., Shoham Y., Lamed R. & Bayer E. (2008) Proteomics. 8, 5, p. 968-979
The cellulosome is an intricate multienzyme complex, designed for efficient degradation of plant cell wall polysaccharides, notably cellulose. The supramolecular cellulosome architecture in different bacteria is the consequence of the types and specificities of the interacting cohesin and dockerin modules, borne by the different cellulosomal subunits. In this study, we describe a microarray system for determining cohesin-dockerin specificity, which allows global comparison among the interactions between various members of these two complementary families of interacting protein modules. Matching recombinant fusion proteins were prepared that contained one of the interacting modules: cohesins were joined to an appropriate cellulose-binding module (CBM) and the dockerins were fused to a thermostable xylanase that served to enhance expression and proper folding. The CBM-fused cohesins were immobilized on cellulose-coated glass slides, to which xylanase-fused dockerin samples were applied. Knowledge of the specificity characteristics of native and mutated members of the cohesin and dockerin families provides insight into the architecture of the parent cellulosome and allows selection of suitable cohesin-dockein pairs for biotechnological and nanotechnological application. Using this approach, extensive cross-species interaction among type-II cohesins and dockerins is shown for the first time. Selective intraspecies binding of an archaeal dockerin to two complementary cohesins is also demonstrated.
Karpol A., Barak Y., Lamed R., Shoham Y. & Bayer E. A. (2008) Biochemical Journal. 410, 2, p. 331-338
The cellulosome is an intricate multi-enzyme complex, known for its efficient degradation of recalcitrant cellulosic substrates. Its supramolecular architecture is determined by the high-affinity intermodular cohesin-dockerin interaction. The dockerin module comprises a calcium-binding, duplicated 'F-hand' loop-helix motif that bears striking similarity to the EF-hand loop-helix-loop motif of eukaryotic calcium-binding proteins. In the present study, we demonstrate by progressive truncation and alanine scanning of a representative type-I dockerin module from Clostridium thermocellum, that only one of the repeated motifs is critical for high-affinity cohesin binding. The results suggest that the near-symmetry in sequence and structure of the repeated elements of the dockerin is not essential to cohesin binding. The first calcium-binding loop can be deleted entirely, with almost full retention of binding. Likewise, significant deletion of the second repeated segment can be achieved, provided that its calcium-binding loop remains intact. Essentially the same conclusion was verified by systematically mutating the highly conserved residues in the calcium-binding loop. Mutations in one of the calcium-binding loops failed to disrupt cohesin recognition and binding, whereas a single mutation in both loops served to reduce the affinity significantly. The results are mutually compatible with recent crystal structures of the type-I cohesin-dockerin heterodimer, which demonstrate that the dockerin can bind in an equivalent manner to its cohesin counterpart through either its first or second repeated motif. The observed plasticity in cohesin-dockerin binding may facilitate cellulosome assembly in vivo or, alternatively, provide a conformational switch that promotes access of the tethered cellulosomal enzymes to their polysaccharide substrates.
Heyman A., Barak Y., Caspi J., Wilson D. B., Altmana A., Bayer E. & Shoseyov O. (2007) Journal of Biotechnology. 131, 4, p. 433-439
Self assembly is a prerequisite for fabricating nanoscale structures. Here we present a new fusion protein based on the stress-responsive homo-oligomeric protein, SP1. This ring-shaped protein is a highly stable homododecamer, which can be potentially utilized to self-assemble different modules and enzymes in a predicted and oriented manner. For that purpose, a cohesin module (a component of the bacterial cellulosome) was selected, its gene fused in-frame to SP1, and the fusion protein was expressed in Escherichia coli. The cohesin module, specialized to incorporate different enzymes through specific recognition of a dockerin modular counterpart, is used to display new moieties on the SP1 scaffold. The SP1 scaffold displayed 12 active cohesin modules and specific binding to a dockerin-fused cellulase enzyme from Thermobifida fusca. Moreover, we found a significant increase in specific activity of the scaffold-displayed enzymes.
Rincon M. T., Cepeljnik T., Martin J. C., Barak Y., Lamed R., Bayer E. A. & Flint H. J. (2007) Journal of Bacteriology. 189, 13, p. 4774-4783
Ruminococcus flavefaciens produces a cellulosomal enzyme complex, based on the structural proteins ScaA, -B, and -C, that was recently shown to attach to the bacterial cell surface via the wall-anchored protein ScaE. ScaA, -B, -C, and -E are all cohesin-bearing proteins encoded by linked genes in the sea cluster. The product of an unknown open reading frame within the sea cluster, herein designated CttA, is similar in sequence at its C terminus to the corresponding region of ScaB, which contains an X module together with a dockerin sequence. The ScaB-XDoc dyad was shown previously to interact tenaciously with the cohesin of ScaE. Likewise, avid binding was confirmed between purified recombinant fragments of the CttA-XDoc dyad and the ScaE cohesin. In addition, the N-terminal regions of CttA were shown to bind to cellulose, thus suggesting that CttA is a cell wall-anchored, cellulose-binding protein. Proteomic analysis showed that the native CttA protein (∼130 kDa) corresponds to one of the three most abundant polypeptides binding tightly to insoluble cellulose in cellulose-grown R. flavefaciens 17 cultures. Interestingly, this protein was also detected among cellulose-bound proteins in the related strain R. flavefaciens 007C but not in a mutant derivative, 007S, that was previously shown to have lost the ability to grow on dewaxed cotton fibers. In R. flavefaciens, the presence of CttA on the cell surface is likely to provide an important mechanism for substrate binding, perhaps compensating for the absence of an identified cellulose-binding module in the major cellulosomal scaffolding proteins of this species.
Kang S., Barak Y., Lamed R., Bayer E. & Morrison M. (2006) Molecular Microbiology. 60, 6, p. 1344-1354
Many of the Firmicutes bacteria responsible for plant polysaccharide degradation in Nature produce a multiprotein complex called a cellulosome, which co-ordinates glycoside hydrolase assembly, bacterial adhesion to substrate and polysaccharide hydrolysis. Cellulosomal proteins possess a dockerin module, which mediates their attachment to the scaffoldin protein via its interaction with cohesin modules, and only glycoside hydrolases and other carbohydrate active enzymes were known to reside within the cellulosome. We show here with Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405 that members of the serpin superfamily of serine proteinase inhibitors, which are best recognized for their conformational flexibility and co-ordination of key regulatory functions in multicellular eukaryotes, also reside within the cellulosome. These studies are the first to expand the cellulosome paradigm of protein complex assembly beyond glycoside hydrolase and carbohydrate active enzymes, and to include a newly identified functionality in the Firmicutes.
Ding S. Y., Xu Q., Ali M. K., Baker J. O., Bayer E. A., Barak Y., Lamed R., Sugiyama J., Rumbles G. & Himmel M. E. (2006) BioTechniques. 41, 4, p. 435-443
The innate binding specificity of different carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs) offers a versatile approach for mapping the chemistry and structure of surfaces that contain complex carbohydrates. We have employed the distinct recognition properties of a double His-tagged recombinant CBM tagged with semiconductor quantum dots for direct imaging of crystalline cellulose at the molecular level of resolution, using transmission and scanning transmission electron microscopy. In addition, three different types of CBMs from families 3, 6, and 20 that exhibit different carbohydrate specificities were each fused with either green fluorescent protein (GFP) or red fluorescent protein (RFP) and employed for double-labeling fluorescence microscopy studies of primary cell walls and various mixtures of complex carbohydrate target molecules. CBM probes can be used for characterizing both native complex carbohydrates and engineered biomaterials.
Ofir K., Berdichevsky Y., Benhar I., Azriel-Rosenfeld R., Larned R., Barak Y., Bayer E. & Morag E. (2005) Proteomics. 5, 7, p. 1806-1814
Non-DNA microarrays, such as protein, peptide and small molecule microarrays, can potentially revolutionize the high-throughput screening tools currently used in basic and pharmaceutical research. However, fundamental obstacles remain that limit their rapid and widespread implementation as an alternative bioanalytical approach. These include the prerequisite for numerous proteins in active and purified form, ineffectual immobilization strategies and inadequate means for quality control of the considerable numbers of multiple reagents. This study describes a simple yet efficient strategy for the production of non-DNA microarrays, based on the tenacious affinity of a carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) for its three-dimensional substrate, i.e., cellulose. Various microarray formats are described, e.g., conventional and single-chain antibody microarrays and peptide microarrays for serodiagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus patients. CBM-based microarray technology overcomes many of the previous obstacles that have hindered fabrication of non-DNA microarrays and provides a technically simple but effective alternative to conventional microarray technology.
Rincon M., Cepeljnik T., Martin J., Lamed R., Barak Y., Bayer E. & Flint H. (2005) Journal of Bacteriology. 187, 22, p. 7569-7578
Sequence extension of the scaffoldin gene cluster from Ruminococcus flavefaciens revealed a new gene (scaE) that encodes a protein with an N-terminal cohesin domain and a C terminus with a typical gram-positive anchoring signal for sortase-mediated attachment to the bacterial cell wall. The recombinant cohesin of ScaE was recovered after expression in Escherichia coli and was shown to bind to the C-terminal domain of the cellulosomal structural protein ScaB, as well as to three unknown polypeptides derived from native cellulose-bound Ruminococcus flavefaciens protein extracts. The ScaB C terminus includes a cryptic dockerin domain that is unusual in its sequence, and considerably larger than conventional dockerins. The ScaB dockerin binds to ScaE, suggesting that this interaction occurs through a novel cohesin-dockerin pairing. The novel ScaB dockerin was expressed as a xylanase fusion protein, which was shown to bind tenaciously and selectively to a recombinant form of the ScaE cohesin. Thus, ScaE appears to play a role in anchoring the cellulosomal complex to the bacterial cell envelope via its interaction with ScaB. This sortase-mediated mechanism for covalent cell-wall anchoring of the cellulosome in R. flavefaciens differs from those reported thus far for any other cellulosome system.
Barak Y., Handelsman T., Nakar D., Mechaly A., Lamed R., Shoham Y. & Bayer E. (2005) Journal of Molecular Recognition. 18, 6, p. 491-501
Cellulosomes are multi-enzyme complexes that orchestrate the efficient degradation of cellulose and related plant cell wall polysaccharides. The complex is maintained by the high-affinity protein-protein interaction between two complementary modules: the cohesin and the dockerin. In order to characterize the interaction between different cohesins and dockerins, we have developed matching fusion-protein systems, which harbor either the cohesin or the dockerin component. For this purpose, corresponding plasmid cassettes were designed, which encoded for the following carrier proteins: (i) a thermostable xylanase with an appended His-tag; and (ii) a highly stable cellulose-binding module (CBM). The resultant xylanase-dockerin and CBM-cohesin fusion products exhibited high expression levels of soluble protein. The expressed, affinity-purified proteins were extremely stable, and the functionality of the cohesin or dockerin component was retained. The fusion protein system was used to establish a sensitive and reliable, semi-quantitative enzyme-linked affinity assay for determining multiple samples of cohesin-dockerin interactions in microtiter plates. A variety of cohesin-dockerin systems, which had been examined previously using other methodologies, were revisited applying the affinity-based enzyme assay, the results of which served to verify the validity of the approach.