Computational chemistry Publications

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  1. A multistate memory cell based on electrochromic metallo-organic assemblies

    Hamo Y., Narevicius J., Gaver E., Iron M. A., Lahav M. & van der Boom M. E. (2024) Chem. 10, 8, p. 2408-2417
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  3. Extending the Range of Distances Accessible by <sup>19</sup>F Electron-Nuclear Double Resonance in Proteins Using High-Spin Gd(III) Labels

    Bogdanov A., Frydman V., Seal M., Rapatskiy L., Schnegg A., Zhu W., Iron M., Gronenborn A. M. & Goldfarb D. (2024) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 146, 9, p. 6157-6167
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  5. Highly Conductive Robust Carbon Nanotube Networks for Strong Buckypapers and Transparent Electrodes

    Snarski L., Biran I., Bendikov T., Pinkas I., Iron M. A., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Weissman H. & Rybtchinski B. (2024) Advanced Functional Materials. 34, 7, 2309742
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  7. NMR exchange dynamics studies of metal-capped cyclodextrins reveal multiple populations of host-guest complexes in solution

    Goren E., Iron M. A., Diskin-Posner Y., Falkovich A., Avram L. & Bar-Shir A. (2023) Chemical Science. 14, 41, p. 11351-11358
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  9. Measurement of Water Saturation in Soybean Oil

    Galmidi B. S., Iron M. A., Zurgil N. & Deutsch M. (2023) ACS Omega. 8, 22, p. 19385-19390
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  11. Iron-catalysed ring-opening metathesis polymerization of olefins and mechanistic studies

    Takebayashi S., Iron M. A., Feller M., Rivada-Wheelaghan O., Leitus G., Diskin-Posner Y., Shimon L. J. W., Avram L., Carmieli R., Wolf S. G., Cohen-Ofri I., Sanguramath R. A., Shenhar R., Eisen M. & Milstein D. (2022) Nature Catalysis. 5, 6, p. 494-502
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  13. Fluorophore spectroscopy in aqueous glycerol solution: the interactions of glycerol with the fluorophore

    Feldman H., Iron M. A., Fixler D., Moshkov S., Zurgil N., Afrimzon E. & Deutsch M. (2021) Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences. 20, 11, p. 1397-1418
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  15. Noncovalent Bonding Caught in Action: From Amorphous to Cocrystalline Molecular Thin Films

    Chovnik O., Cohen S. R., Pinkas I., Houben L., Gorelik T. E., Feldman Y., Shimon L. J. W., Iron M. A., Lahav M. & van der Boom M. E. (2021) ACS Nano. 15, 9, p. 14643-14652
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  17. Theoretical estimates of equilibrium carbon and hydrogen isotope effects in microbial methane production and anaerobic oxidation of methane

    Gropp J., Iron M. A. & Halevy I. (2020) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 295, p. 237-264
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  19. The formyloxyl radical: Electrophilicity, C-H bond activation and anti-Markovnikov selectivity in the oxidation of aliphatic alkenes

    Somekh M., Iron M. A., Khenkin A. M. & Neumann R. (2020) Chemical Science. 11, 42, p. 11584-11591
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  21. A Nanoscopic View of Photoinduced Charge Transfer in Organic Nanocrystalline Heterojunctions

    Zhang Q., Cohen S. R., Rosenhek-Goldian I., Amgar D., Bar-Elli O., Tsarfati Y., Bendikov T., Shimon L. J. W., Feldman Y., Iron M. A., Weissman H., Levine I., Oron D. & Rybtchinski B. (2019) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123, 41, p. 25031-25041
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  23. Manganese Catalyzed Hydrogenation of Carbamates and Urea Derivatives

    Das U. K., Kumar A., Ben-David Y., Iron M. A. & Milstein D. (2019) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 141, 33, p. 12962-12966
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  25. Cost-effective density functional theory (DFT) calculations of equilibrium isotopic fractionation in large organic molecules

    Iron M. A. & Gropp J. (2019) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 21, 32, p. 17555-17570
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  27. Dynamic Interactions in Synthetic Receptors: A Guest Exchange Saturation Transfer Study

    Avram L., Havel V., Shusterman-Krush R., Iron M. A., Zaiss M., Sindelar V. & Bar-Shir A. (2019) Chemistry-A European Journal. 25, 7, p. 1687-1690
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  29. Evaluating Transition Metal Barrier Heights with the Latest Density Functional Theory Exchange-Correlation Functionals: The MOBH35 Benchmark Database

    Iron M. A. & Janes T. (2019) Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 123, 17, p. 3761-3781
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  31. Organic phototransistors based on perylene diimide nanocrystals lacking pi-pi interactions

    Bronshtein I., Iron M. A. & Rybtchinski B. (2018) Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 6, 39, p. 10597-10602
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  33. The cationic dye basic orange 21 (BO21) as a potential fluorescent sensor

    Bar-On Z. E., Iron M. A., Kasdan H. L., Amir D., Afrimzon E., Zurgil N., Moshkov S. & Deutsch M. (2018) Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences. 17, 10, p. 1417-1428
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  35. Ultraslow isomerization in photoexcited gas-phase carbon cluster <sup>-</sup> <sub>10</sub>

    Saha K., Chandrasekaran V., Heber O., Iron M. A., Rappaport M. L. & Zajfman D. (2018) Nature Communications. 9, 912
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  37. Self-Assembled Hybrid Materials Based on Organic Nanocrystals and Carbon Nanotubes

    Niazov-Elkan A., Weissman H., Dutta S., Cohen S. R., Iron M. A., Pinkas I., Bendikov T. & Rybtchinski B. (2018) Advanced Materials. 30, 2, 1705027
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  39. Enolonium Species-Umpoled Enolates

    Arava S., Kumar J. N., Maksymenko S., Iron M. A., Parida K. N., Fristrup P. & Szpilman A. M. (2017) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 56, 10, p. 2599-2603
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  41. Evaluation of the Factors Impacting the Accuracy of C-13 NMR Chemical Shift Predictions using Density Functional Theory-The Advantage of Long-Range Corrected Functionals

    Iron M. A. (2017) Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 13, 11, p. 5798-5819
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  43. Mechanism of the Copper/TEMPO-Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols

    Iron M. A. & Szpilman A. M. (2017) Chemistry - A European Journal. 23, 6, p. 1368-1378
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  45. Amplifying undetectable NMR signals to study host-guest interactions and exchange

    Avram L., Iron M. & Bar-Shir A. (2016) Chemical Science. 7, 12, p. 6905-6909
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  47. Overcoming artificial broadening in Gd<sup>3+</sup>-Gd<sup>3+</sup> distance distributions arising from dipolar pseudo-secular terms in DEER experiments

    Cohen M. R., Frydman V., Milko P., Iron M. A., Abdelkader E. H., Lee M. D., Swarbrick J. D., Raitsimring A., Otting G., Graham B., Feintuch A. & Goldfarb D. (2016) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 18, 18, p. 12847-12859
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  49. Synthesis and stability of cyclic α-hydrogen nitroxides

    Toledo H., Amar M., Bar S., Iron M. A., Fridman N., Tumanskii B., Shimon L. J., Botoshansky M. & Szpilman A. M. (2015) Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 13, 43, p. 10726-10733
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  51. Mechanistic Aspects of Aryl-Halide Oxidative Addition, Coordination Chemistry, and Ring-Walking by Palladium

    Zenkina O. V., Gidron O., Shimon L. J. W., Iron M. A. & van der Boom M. E. (2015) Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany). 21, 45, p. 16113-16125
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  53. A novel liquid organic hydrogen carrier system based on catalytic peptide formation and hydrogenation

    Hu P., Fogler E., Diskin Posner Y., Iron M. A. & Milstein D. (2015) Nature Communications. 6, 6859
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  55. Design concept for α -hydrogen-substituted nitroxides

    Amar M., Bar S., Iron M. A., Toledo H., Tumanskii B., Shimon L. J., Botoshansky M., Fridman N. & Szpilman A. M. (2015) Nature Communications. 6, 6070
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  57. Iron dicarbonyl complexes featuring bipyridine-based PNN pincer ligands with short interpyridine C-C bond lengths: Innocent or non-innocent ligand?

    Zell T., Milko P., Fillman K. L., Diskin Posner Y., Bendikov T., Iron M. A., Leitus G., Ben-David Y., Neidig M. L. & Milstein D. (2014) Chemistry - A European Journal. 20, 15, p. 4403-4413
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  59. On the innocence of bipyridine ligands: How well do DFT functionals fare for these challenging spin systems?

    Milko P. & Iron M. A. (2014) Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 10, 1, p. 220-235
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  61. Activation of Nitriles by Metal Ligand Cooperation: Reversible Formation of Ketimido- and Enamido-Rhenium PNP Pincer Complexes and Relevance to Catalytic Design

    Vogt M., Nerush A., Iron M. A., Leitus G., Diskin Posner Y., Shimon L. J. W., Ben-David Y. & Milstein D. (2013) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 135, 45, p. 17004-17018
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  63. Anionic nickel(II) complexes with doubly deprotonated PNP pincer-type ligands and their reactivity toward CO<sub>2</sub>

    Vogt M., Rivada Wheelaghan O., Iron M. A., Leitus G., Diskin Posner Y., Shimon L. J. W., Ben-David Y. & Milstein D. (2013) Organometallics. 32, 1, p. 300-308
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  65. Synthesis, structures, and dearomatization by deprotonation of iron complexes featuring bipyridine-based PNN pincer ligands

    Zell T., Langer R., Iron M. A., Konstantinovski L., Shimon L. J. W., Diskin Posner Y., Leitus G., Balaraman E., Ben-David Y. & Milstein D. (2013) Inorganic Chemistry. 52, 16, p. 9636-9649
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  67. Ru(0) and Ru(II) nitrosyl pincer complexes: Structure, reactivity, and catalytic activity

    Fogler E., Iron M. A., Zhang J., Ben-David Y., Diskin Posner Y., Leitus G., Shimon L. J. W. & Milstein D. (2013) Inorganic Chemistry. 52, 19, p. 11469-11479
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  69. A phosphine-accelerated Ar<sub>F</sub>-chloride bond activation process by palladium

    Orbach M., Zenkina O. V., Diskin Posner Y., Iron M. A. & van der Boom M. E. (2013) Organometallics. 32, 10, p. 3074-3082
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  71. Authorizing Multiple Chemical Passwords by a Combinatorial Molecular Keypad Lock

    Rout B., Milko P., Iron M. A., Motiei L. & Margulies D. (2013) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 135, 41, p. 15330-15333
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  73. Platinum complexes of cationic ligands for the aerobic oxidation of \u201cinert\u201d perfluoro-substituted alcohols

    Ben-David H., Iron M. A. & Neumann R. (2013) Chemical Communications. 49, 17, p. 1720-1722
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  75. A New Mode of Activation of CO2 by Metal-Ligand Cooperation with Reversible C-C and M-O Bond Formation at Ambient Temperature

    Vogt M., Gargir M., Iron M. A., Diskin Posner Y., Ben-David Y. & Milstein D. (2012) Chemistry - A European Journal. 18, 30, p. 9194-9197
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  77. Iron Borohydride Pincer Complexes for the Efficient Hydrogenation of Ketones under Mild, Base-Free Conditions: Synthesis and Mechanistic Insight

    Langer R., Iron M. A., Konstantinovski L., Diskin Posner Y., Leitus G., Ben-David Y. & Milstein D. (2012) Chemistry - A European Journal. 18, 23, p. 7196-7209
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  79. Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions with fluorinated substrates: Mechanistic insights into the undesired hydrodehalogenation of aryl halides

    Orbach M., Choudhury J., Lahav M., Zenkina O. V., Diskin Posner Y., Leitus G., Iron M. A. & van der Boom M. E. (2012) Organometallics. 31, 4, p. 1271-1274
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  81. Medication Detection by a Combinatorial Fluorescent Molecular Sensor

    Rout B., Unger L., Armony G., Iron M. A. & Margulies D. (2012) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 51, 50, p. 12477-12481
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  83. Nitrenium ions as ligands for transition metals

    Tulchinsky Y., Iron M. A., Botoshansky M. & Gandelman M. (2011) Nature Chemistry. 3, 7, p. 525-531
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  85. Photoinduced singlet charge transfer in a ruthenium(II) perylene-3,4:9,10-bis(dicarboximide) complex

    Gunderson V. L., Krieg E., Vagnini M. T., Iron M. A., Rybtchinski B. & Wasielewski M. R. (2011) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 115, 23, p. 7533-7540
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  87. On the unexpected stability of the dianion of perylene diimide in water - A computational study

    Iron M. A., Cohen R. & Rybtchinski B. (2011) Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 115, 10, p. 2047-2056
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  89. Synergism in multicomponent self-propagating molecular assemblies

    Motiei L., Sassi M., Kaminker R., Evmenenko G., Dutta P., Iron M. A. & van der Boom M. E. (2011) Langmuir. 27, 4, p. 1319-1325
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  91. A dearomatized anionic PNP pincer rhodium complex: C-H and H-H bond activation by metal-ligand cooperation and inhibition by dinitrogen

    Schwartsburd L., Iron M. A., Konstantinovski L., Ben-Ari E. & Milstein D. (2011) Organometallics. 30, 10, p. 2721-2729
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  93. "Long-range" metel-ligand cooperation in h<sub>2</sub> activation and ammonia-promoted hydride transfer with a ruthenium-acridine pincer complex

    Gunanathan C., Gnanaprakasam B., Iron M. A., Shimon L. J. W. & Milstein D. (2010) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132, 42, p. 14763-14765
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  95. A monolayer-based setup for optical amplification

    Gupta T., Tartakovsky E., Iron M. A. & van der Boom M. E. (2010) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2, 1, p. 7-10
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  97. Activation of molecular oxygen by a dioxygenase pathway by a ruthenium bis-bipyridine compound with a proximal selenium site

    Laskavy A., Shimon L. J., Konstantinovski L., Iron M. A. & Neumann R. (2010) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132, 2, p. 517-523
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  99. Anionic d<sup>8</sup> alkyl hydrides - Selective formation and reactivity of anionic cisPt<sup>II</sup> methyl hydride

    Poverenov E., Iron M. A., Gandelman M., Ben-David Y. & Milstein D. (2010) European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 13, p. 1991-1999
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  101. Synthesis and Reactivity of an Iridium(I) Acetonyl PNP Complex: Experimental and Computational Study of Metal-Ligand Cooperation in H-H and C-H Bond Activation via Reversible Ligand Dearomatization

    Schwartsburd L., Iron M. A., Konstantinovski L., Diskin Posner Y., Leitus G., Shimon L. J. W. & Milstein D. (2010) Organometallics. 29, 17, p. 3817-3827
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  103. Molecular structure-function relations of the optical properties and dimensions of gold nanoparticle assemblie

    Kaminker R., Lahav M., Motiei L., Vartanian M., Popovitz-Biro R., Iron M. A. & van der Boom M. E. (2010) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 49, 7, p. 1218-1221
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  105. Stepwise assembly of coordination-based metal-organic networks

    Kaminker R., Motiei L., Gulino A., Fragala I., Shimon L. J. W., Evmenenko G., Dutta P., Iron M. A. & van der Boom M. E. (2010) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132, 41, p. 14554-14561
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  107. N-H Activation of Amines and Ammonia by Ru via Metal-Ligand Cooperation

    Khaskin E., Iron M. A., Shimon L. J. W., Zhang J. & Milstein D. (2010) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132, 25, p. 8542-8543
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  109. Electrochemical characteristics of a self-propagating molecular-based assembly

    Motiei L., Lahav M., Gulino A., Iron M. A. & van der Boom M. E. (2010) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 114, 45, p. 14283-14286
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  111. Designing surface-confined coordination oligomers

    Altman M., Rachamim M., Ichiki T., Iron M. A., Evmenenko G., Dutta P. & van der Boom M. E. (2010) Chemistry-A European Journal. 16, 23, p. 6744-6747
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  113. Cationic, neutral, and anionic PNP Pd<sup>II</sup> and Pt<sup>II</sup> complexes: Dearomatization by deprotonation and double-deprotonation of pincer systems

    Feller M., Ben-Ari E., Iron M. A., Diskin Posner Y., Leitus G., Shimon L. J. W., Konstantinovski L. & Milstein D. (2010) Inorganic Chemistry. 49, 4, p. 1615-1625
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  115. Valence-bond order (VBO): A new approach to modeling reactive potential energy surfaces for complex systems, materials, and nanoparticles

    Zhao M., Iron M. A., Staszewski P., Schultz N. E., Valero R. & Truhlar D. G. (2009) Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 5, 3, p. 594-604
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  117. Long-range through-bond heteronuclear communication in platinum complexes

    Zenkina O. V., Konstantinovski L. E., Shimon L. J. W., Diskin Posner Y., Iron M. A. & van der Boom M. E. (2009) Inorganic Chemistry. 48, 9, p. 4021-4030
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  119. Metal-ligand cooperation in the trans addition of dihydrogen to a pincer Ir(i) complex: A DFT study

    Iron M. A., Ben-Ari E., Cohen R. & Milstein D. (2009) Dalton Transactions. 43, p. 9433-9439
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  121. Consecutive thermal H<sub>2</sub> and light-induced O<sub>2</sub> evolution from water promoted by a metal complex

    Kohl S. W., Weiner L., Schwartsburd L., Konstantinovski L., Shimon L. J. W., Ben-David Y., Iron M. A. & Milstein D. (2009) Science. 324, 5923, p. 74-77
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  123. Positive constructs: Charges localized on surface-confined organometallic oligomers

    Altman M., Zenkina O. V., Ichiki T., Iron M. A., Evmenenko G., Dutta P. & van der Boom M. E. (2009) Chemistry of Materials. 21, 19, p. 4676-4684
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  125. Tight-binding configuration interaction (TBCI): A noniterative approach to incorporating electrostatics into tight binding

    Iron M. A., Heyden A., Staszewska G. & Truhlar D. G. (2008) Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 4, 5, p. 804-818
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  127. Stable aromatic dianion in water

    Shirman E., Ustinov A., Ben-Shitrit N., Weissman H., Iron M. A., Cohen R. & Rybtchinski B. (2008) Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 112, 30, p. 8855-8858
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  129. Competitive C-1 versus C-CN Reductive Elimination from a Rh-III Complex: Selectivity is Controlled by the Solvent

    Feller M., Iron M. A., Shimon L. J. W., Diskin Posner Y., Leitus G. & Milstein D. (2008) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 130, 44, p. 14374-14375
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  131. Proton walk in the aqueous platinum complex [TpPtMeCO] via a sticky σ-methane ligand

    Lo H. C., Iron M. A., Martin J. M. L. & Keinan E. (2007) Chemistry-A European Journal. 13, 10, p. 2812-2823