Instrument Specification
Dual beam FIB-SEM is a multifunctional analytical instrument integrating both a focused ion beam (FIB) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) in a single system. This tool offers a number of key techniques and applications: FIB site specific cross sectioning and SEM inspection on a wide variety of samples (electronics, ceramics, metallurgic, biology…), TEM sample preparation, as well as STEM sub-nanoscale imaging, nano-machining and patterning, deposition of Pt, W and C both ion- or electron- assisted and 3D visualization of volumes. Actually, due to its high performance and accessories many other applications arise continuously, so do not hesitate to contact for your specific needs or application.
Characteristics & Accessories
- E-beam Schottky FEG, I-beam Ga LMIS
- Accelerating Voltage: E-beam 0.35 to 30 kV, I-beam 0.5-30 kV
- High resolution imaging: 1 nm resolution at 15 kV, 2.5 nm at 1 kV, WD 4 mm
- High resolution ion beam: 5 nm at 30 kV
- Probe current: E-beam <22 nA, I-beam 1.5 pA-21 nA
- High efficiency in-lens SE/BSE detector
- E-T SE/BSE chamber detector
- CDEM for SI and SE detection
- STEM detector
- Beam-assisted material deposition of Pt, W, C
- Omniprobe and Kleindiek micromanipulators
- Four point probe microscopic measurements
- Cryo-stage (BAl-Tec AG, Liechtenstein)
- EDS elemental analysis
Isaac Wolfson Building Room 009
Staff Contacts
Katya Rechav
Staff Scientist