Leica Ultramicrotome EM UC7

Instrument Specification

The Ultramicrotome Leica EM UC7 provides easy preparation of semi- and ultrathin sections as well as smooth surfaces of biological and industrial samples for TEM, SEM, AFM and LM examination.

  • Sectioning at room temperature as well as cryogenic temperatures.
  • Eucentric movement of the stereomicroscope observation system for specimen approach, for glass and diamond knives.
  • In addition to the standard LED illumination for top light and backlight and transmitted light, the LED spot illumination offers a focused light beam to enhance observation, e.g., for cleaning the knife edge and during cryo-sectioning.
  • Automatic trimming: the combination of the fully motorized knife stage and AutoTrim function completes and then stops the trim automatically.
  • Data transfer for reporting user, specimen, knife and storage parameters provides an electronic, paper-free log file.
  • The operator recognition system makes it easy for multiple users to use the same instrument. Up to 100 different user/specimen/knife profiles can be set.


Isaac Wolfson Building Room 003

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