Instrument Specification
The Thermo Fisher Scientific Tecnai T12 TEM microscope is used for imaging biological cells and tissues as well as for cryoTEM of biological macromolecules and soft materials. Cryo-blades provide contamination-free environment for observing cryo-preserved specimens. A high-sensitivity, high-speed, low-noise bottom-mount CMOS camera provides superb quality for all applications, and especially for low-dose imaging.nil
Characteristics & Accessories
- Accelerating voltage: 60-120 kV
- E-beam source, LaB6 thermal emission
- Bottom-mount Ultra High Dynamic Range TemCam-XF416 CMOS Camera
- Side-mounted high-speed lens-coupled camera: Gatan Erlangshen ES500W
- Cryo-blades and a variety of Gatan cryo-holders (Gatan 626-60, 626-70, 914)
- Tomography-grade compustage
Isaac Wolfson Building Room 018
Staff Contacts
Dr. Nili Dezorella
Staff Scientist -
Dr. Leilah Otikovs
Staff Scientist