Ultra 55 (Zeiss)

Instrument Specification

The Zeiss Ultra 55 is a high resolution SEM. It is equipped with several detectors; the E-T detector collects all types of secondary electrons and provides topographical information, the in-lens detector collects mostly SE1 electrons and provides high-resolution surface information, the EsB (energy selective backscattered) detector collects BS electrons at low voltages thus provide composition contrast for all samples including nonconductive or beam sensitive samples. Furthermore, the Ultra 55 is equipped with a cryo stage for imaging of frozen biological samples and synthetic soft materials. The Ultra 55 has two EDS systems, the XFlash 60mm2 detector or the advanced FlatQUAD, four diodes retractable detector.

Characteristics & Accessories

  • Accelerating voltage: 0.2 to 30 kV
  • High efficiency in-lens SE detector
  • EsB detector with filtering grid for the detection of energy selective backscattered electrons
  • Cryo-stage - Leica (formerly BAL-Tec)
  • EDS Bruker XFlash/60mm2
  • EDS Bruker FlatQUAD